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Training and Mentoring Program - Report Example

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This report "Training and Mentoring Program" presents the Merger between “Interclean” and “EnviroTech” that has given the new entity a strategic look. The combined force of this new entity sells products and services related to Environmental Management, Assessment, and Remediation Services…
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Training and Mentoring Program
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Introduction: The Merger between “Interclean” and “EnviroTech” has given the new entity a strategic look. The combined force of this new entity will not only sell cleaning products but will also sell products and services related to Environmental management, Assessment and remediation Services. The new expanded portfolio of products and services of this new entity will not only help it to retain old customers but will also help it establish a new customer base. In the wake of this merger, the company needs restructuring. The Sales department which is actually the engine driving the sales and the corresponding revenue also needs an overhaul. It was found that the existing sales force of “Inerclean” is aggressive in nature that emphasizes more in closing the deal than anything else. However, unlike “Interclean”, the “Envirotech” sales forces are more customers centric, constantly looking for better relation with customers. After, few brainstorming session it was decided that the company needs four additional outside sales representative and one sales manager, in addition to the existing combined sales workforce. This additional sales force will not only bolster the existing sales workforce but will also bring the freshness (which is very important) to the existing workforce. This new sales force needs fresh training and mentoring to understand the company and its work culture. Thus, a “Training Program” has to be created for the new sales force recruits. However, the first thing that needs to be done is - Job Analysis and Job Description” so as to help the company selects the best-fit sales force. Job Analysis & Job Description: Before any planning is done on the “Training and Mentoring program”, the first thing that should be kept in mind is - What is the Job all about, and who are the trainees? Thus, to explain these questions Job Analysis and Job Description is necessary. Job Analysis can be referred to a written document of the said job/ position and the corresponding duties it includes. Job description generally consists of various elements as Job Title, Job Details and Job Criteria. (Bohlander and Snell, n.d ). Job Analysis also helps an organization to determine the key knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (also known as KSAOs) needed for a particular position. (Ivancevich.2007) Thus, Job analysis and description would help the company to select the best-fit personnel for it. The “Job Description” concluded after a thorough “Job Analysis” was done is given hereafter. Job Title: “Outside Sales Representative (4)” and “Sales Manager (1)”. Job Details: It includes creating new clients/ customers for the expanded portfolio, Maintain the Existing clientele and creating a lasting relationship with them, Maintain periodical MIS reports, Reviewing periodical goals and achievements, Managing the Sales Executives and Maintain goals and strategies for the sales team (Only Sales Manager). Job Criteria for the new recruits: It includes criteria like excellent communication and Persuasion skills, 2-5 years experience in similar industry, Analytical skills, Team Player, Leadership skills. Now, after the selections of the desired candidates’ [viz. “Outside Sales Representative (4)” and “Sales Manager (1)”] are done, a “training and mentoring program” becomes necessary. Training and Mentoring program: The new training and mentoring Needs Training and Development of new recruits is a costly affair, but companies around the world have been continuously putting their resources on the same. The most important reason is that it helps them improve the productivity of their personnel, which in turn increases the company revenue. Moreover, the training program also fulfills the need to impart the new recruits with knowledge regarding the company and its product/service lineup, customers, suppliers and competitors, in addition of imparting skills like sales technique, customer and their rebuttal handling, effective negotiation. The mentoring program is needed, so that the new recruit gets enough support and backup in their initial phase. Objectives of training and mentoring program The “Training and Mentoring Program” would essentially be of two types. The first type of Program will be for the new recruits and second one for the old recruits. However, the training period of the old recruits would be for lesser time, compared to the new recruits. The basic objective of the program is to fulfill the needs of training and mentoring the new recruits. The objectives of the training and mentoring program are to familiarize the new recruits with the company, its mission, vision, short-term goals and its work culture. Other objectives also include a need to inculcate a sense of responsibility for their work. In case of the Training program for the old recruits, it would purely be based on familiarizing them with the new extended product/ service lineups. However, the Training and mentoring program that will be discussed here is for the new Recruits. (Ivancevich, 2007. Sims, 1998) Performance standards: It can be referred as few predetermined sets of desired goals and activities, which are to be achieved. Performance standards are created to compare and evaluate the extent to which an employee has achieved his/her job objectives. Performance standards of a salesman can be determined through various dimensions such as Volume of sales achieved, Customer relationship, Leadership and managerial skills, sense of social responsibility, cordial relationship with coworkers and others, extent of knowledge of products/services offered. (Charan, Drotter and Noel. 2001.) Delivery Methods: The Delivery method would include various delivery techniques such as – Classroom lectures through audio visual media, interactive sessions with existing experienced sales people, vestibule training, on the field training and so on. The Delivery method would include a mix of different training modules. The training modules included are – Job related training, Customer Service training, Communications training, Leadership training, computer/ software training, general training. Content for training and mentoring: The content for training and mentoring would include the following subjects discussed hereafter. Job related training consists of various subjects like selling approaches and techniques in addition to Company Overview and Policies, Product/Service lineups, Customer, Supplier and Competitor profiles. Customer Service training includes the ways of convincing customers, proving rebuttals and even handling financial and credit issues. Communication training imparts knowledge of effective communication. Computer/ software training includes needful computer knowledge. General training includes various topics such as personality development, time and territory management and various general needful topics. Compliance and regulatory, Contract related training and Leadership Training (Only for Sales Manager). ( Sandhusen, 2000) Time Frame The total time frame for the whole training program including the Test day would be of 12 days. The time frame for each of the training modules is different, distributed according to the needs and priority. The time frame includes 20 hours of Job related training, 6 hours of general training, 4 hours each for customer service and communication training, 3 hours each for Compliance and regulatory, and Contract related training and lastly 2 hours for computer training. In addition to that the new recruit would also have to undergo a total of 8 hours of on the field exposure and training spread in two days. The 11th day of the training period is kept solely for reviewing and discussing the crux of the whole training program. The program will conclude on day 12 with a test. DAY I DAY II DAY III DAY IV DAY V DAY VI WEEK I Job Related, 4 Hrs. Job Related, 4 Hrs. Customer service and Communication training. 2+2 Hrs. Job Related, 4 Hrs. General and Computer Training. 2+2 Hrs. General and Customer service Training. 2+2 Hrs. WEEK II Job Related, 4 Hrs. Compliance and regulatory, and Contract related training. 3+3 Hrs. General Training and On the Field Exposure. 2+4 Hrs. Communication training and On the Field Exposure. 2+4 Hrs. Review. 4 Hrs. Test. 6 Hrs. Evaluation Methods: Each of the new recruit would be evaluated based on the test in each of the seven training module administered to them on the 12th day of the training period. They will then be appraised based on the percentile they receive. Various percentile grading includes- Grade A (75 and above), Grade B (50 - 75), Grade C (35 - 50), Grade D (20 - 35) and Grade F (20 or below). Anyone receiving Grade F will be considered as failed and will henceforth be discontinued from the company services after one warning. Feed Back: After the evaluation and performance appraisal is completed a feedback process is conducted to discuss and analyze the performance of each of the recruits. It is used to communicate the area of weakness each recruit have and discuss the ways to improve them. Anyone lagging behind is encouraged and mentored properly by the senior member to improve the performance. In certain cases counseling is done for the underachievers so as to help them improve their productivity. The feedback system discussed herein is related only to the “training and mentoring” program being undergone by the new recruits. (Mayo, 1998) Alternate Avenues for those who need further development: As great care is taken while selecting the best-fit candidate during the recruitment and selection process, it is not expected that anyone needs further training after the “training and mentoring” program is undergone. However, if such case arises necessary actions will be taken only after analyzing the matter. References: 1. Ivancevich, J M (2008). Human Resource Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. 2. Sims, R R. (1998). Reinventing Training and Development. USA: Quorum Books. 3. Mayo, A. (1998). Creating a Training and Development Strategy. India: Universities Press (India) Limited. 4. Sandhusen, R. (2000). Marketing. New York: Barron’s Educational Service. 5. Charan, R. Drotter, S.J. Noel, J.L. (2001) The Leadership pipeline – How to build the leadership powered company. USA: John Wiley & Sons. 6. Bohlander, S. (n.d) Managing Human Resources. Canada: South Western Cengage Learning. Read More
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Training and Mentoring Program Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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