Work-Life Balance of Beauty Therapist Dissertation. Retrieved from
Work-Life Balance of Beauty Therapist Dissertation.
try’s lone mothers”, Taylor submits, “are now in some form of paid work, although only one in five of them is in full-time employment, a much lower proportion than in the United States or even France.” (2002: p 7)The present dissertation aims at discovering if there exists or not any relationship between the work-life balance of a professional beauty therapist and development in her personal and professional life. “Work-life balance is an important area of human resource management that is receiving increasing attention from government, researchers, management and employee representatives and the popular media.
” (Pocock, van Wanrooy, Strazzari and Bridge, 2001; Russell & Bowman, 2000) The alteration in the career opportunities has influenced the age-old routine of women folk, accelerating their responsibilities outside the home without mitigating their domestic responsibilities.Since the topic contains vastness in its fold, it has been supported with two relevant theories i.e. Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory (1943) and Erikson’s Socio-Emotional Model of Human Development has been applied.
The following hypothesis has been developed:The interview schedule was applied as a tool for data collection. Eighteen beauty therapists belonging to different age-groups and areas of the city were selected on the basis of quota sampling. After the research process, the hypothesis was upheld.Balance in life is always an imperative thing in one’s career and personal life. The professional workers, employees and self-employed seek such type of schedule that may support them in exercising the best possible equilibrium between job and home.
“Employees view the benefits or working conditions that they provide to help employees balance the family and work domains as work-life benefits.” (Bardoel, Tharenou & Moss, 1998).
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