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Communicating Philosophy
In the future, I am thinking of working for the Coca-Cola Company. The website created by Coca-Cola Company has more details about the company’s operation and organizational structures. The website is great and communicates the company’s philosophy adequately since the visitors can get enough information about the policies and operations. The website is well-designed and an individual can access information with ease. At the top of the website, there are different tabs that contain more information, and an individual can access the company’s information by clicking the tabs. On the website, details about the company policy and measures taken to succeed are included. Workplace policies together with human rights and respect in the company are available on the website. The visitors can get access to all policies and company operations. The information found on the website communicates the Coca-Cola philosophy adequately (The Coca-Cola Company 1).
Available Policies of Work/Life Programs
The company has policies that govern employee contact with the company. The formulated policies by the company consider work, private life, and employee welfare. The policies are designed to ensure employees safety and certification as well as company progress. Employees are entitled to a leave of one month annually and a maternity leave of three months for pregnant mothers. The policies also require the company to grant off days for individuals with personal issues. The company policies do not limit the hiring of spouses and a husband and wife can be hired in different company departments. The company complies with the States pension and retirement policies. It contributes to pension schemes for all employees to ensure that each person will be entitled to a pension after retirement. The company also allows employees to save in Sacco in order to take loans for personal development and education. The company policies do not consider same-sex partners and there are no benefits attached to such relationship. All those policies aim to ensure employees' safety and productivity (The Coca-Cola Company 3).
Reasoning for Working with the Company
After reviewing the company’s policies, I have found out that Coca-Cola is the right company for me to work. I will be willing to work for the company due to the policies which respect human rights and progress. The company allows personal development and growth. It does not limit people to work with their spouses meaning that I can work with my wife in the company in the future. The company encourages people to advance in life, and I will be able to get an education loan and advance in education while working with the company. I will be able to get off days to settle my personal affairs. I will also enjoy one month's leave each year and address family and personal issues (The Coca-Cola Company 4).
Additional Policies/ Practice
Other policies which I would like to see in the organization include health compensations plan, promotion strategies, and family compensation plans. The organization should put down the health insurance plan to make sure that all employees and their families are covered and get access to free healthcare services. The organization should also lay down policies for compensating the families of an employee who dies while working with the company. The organization should also define the qualification or skills needed for an individual to be promoted to higher company positions.
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