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The Business Strategy of Rozalo Health Spa - Research Paper Example

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The paper "The Business Strategy of Rozalo Health Spa" begins with the statement that Rozalo health spa is set to be the premier outlet in the Princeton metropolis of British Columbia by offering cutting-edge products and services to customers through a team of qualified and dedicated staff. …
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The Business Strategy of Rozalo Health Spa
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College Introduction Rozalo health spa and salon is set to be the premier outlet in Princeton metropolis of British Columbia by offering cutting edge products and services to customers through a team of qualified and dedicated staff. Rozalo health spa will establish itself as a joint that provides its clients with a relaxing environment where they will be able to cool down and rejuvenate their minds after the daily hustles as they are been handed distinguished services (Hall, 1982). I settled for Princeton town because of its strategic location along the coastline thus, an ideal position to tap both local and foreign clients who come for vacations in the area. The metropolis has a business enabling environment and is often frequented by visitors all year round thus, a good business destination. Since this nature of business is more of a luxury, Princeton was ideal since most of its inhabitants are affluent according to a research conducted by Forbes in 2011. That notwithstanding, the town is a major tourist destination along the Canadian coastline hence likely to be frequented by foreigners who may be likely to be interested with the services that we offer (Sims, 2007). Competitive edge The competitive edge of Rozalo health spa and salon is centred among the following; team of dedicated staff, services that we offer, our strategic location and finally our client centred business strategy. The twenty highly qualified men and women who form the workforce for Rozalo health spa have the pre-requisite skills and expertise to perform their duties effectively to guarantee high degree of customer satisfaction, thus branding our firm as a premier outlet in giving quality and distinguished services in Princeton. The services that we offer are also another element in our competitive edge, after conducting a dull feasibility study in Princeton and its environs we realized all the existing health spas in the area literally offered similar services with minimal specialization. Having identified that market niche our firm decided to venture into a few specialized services which would be customer made to fit individual client needs and preferences. Thus, any customer visiting our premises will leave clients satisfied that all their expectations have been accomplished. That notwithstanding our business premise is strategical with proximity to beach hotels hence providing easy access to clients on vacation to pop in for specialized services while they are relaxing. Finally, the business strategy of Rozalo health spa as a firm is client centred. This means all the organizational policies and decisions made by the firm’s management are aimed at fostering excellent relationship with consumers at the same time ensuring the needs of the customers are always paramount to the business (Armstrong, 2007). Objective Rozalo health spa will establish itself as a preferred destination in proving its customers with a relaxing atmosphere through provision of services ranging from beauty therapy, body massage as well as energy and body massage. The above services will be accomplished through three main keys to success that the organization has stipulated. Through the pool of the skilled workforce that have relevant expertise in this field oriented to customer satisfaction. The organization will seek to establish links with the community by ensuring their needs are always fully satisfied whenever they visit our premises. Engaging in objectives and effective advertising practices to ensure that the public is aware of the services we offer (Armstrong, 2007). Business concept Rozalo health spa and salon is the new joint in Princeton town that has initiated delivery of specialized services to its clients. The products & services are customized in nature that provides the customers with a breath-taking experience while at the premise. Rozalo will specialize in a range of products and services to its clients which include; spa, sauna, pedicure, manicure, nail polishing, facial massage, body massage, energy works, beauty therapy among other premium services that will be offered at the request of customers to suit their needs (Armstrong, 2007). The firm is targeting to establish its first outlet in British Columbia district of Princeton off Sea crest road. There is an entertainment arena in the area that has vacant space totalling to 3700 square feet ideal for setting up a health spa. Products and services Rozalo health spa and saloon is going to venture to explicitly all services related to these disciplines to give customers all services under one roof for convenience purposes at the same time to maximize sales returns. Some of the products & services offered will involve training to interested clients as well as students who desire to join the profession to enhance a mentorship programme. Beauty therapy will be the premier service to be offered by Rozalo; this involves hair styling for both men and women. It may involve services such as; weaving, perm curly kit, hair conditioning, colour, retouch, waxing, etc. Hair & beauty products including; face towels, ointment oils, hair foods, shampoos, hair brushes and braids will be sold at the premise. Energy works are the flagship service for the health spa section of Rozalo. These are services that are offered to strengthen the mind, soul and body of human beings after tiresome or hectic job obligations. They serve as a means of revitalizing and cleansing the energy fields in the body to give clients a relaxed and healing experience. This package includes Reiki a service that is of Japanese origin, therapeutic touch and finally energy revitalization (Armstrong, 2007). Consultancy services will also be offered by our team of dedicated specialist. The topics for consultation include; health, body wellness and beauty therapy. The services will be offered at a cost, but they will be free for registered members of our health spa. This will encourage customer loyalty and with that we can attract and retain customers to be constantly enjoying our services (Sims, 2007). Market analysis In the Princeton area, our business faces almost no direct competition for the products and services that we offer. The existing businesses are either offering unspecialized services that cannot match our services, or they are offering single service that cannot compete with the range that we offer. Most of the health spas in the areas operate on part time basis specifically because the practitioners are engaged elsewhere. Again a number of them are private spas whereby only registered members can access their services. The only health spa is directly competing to our business in the health spa that is located on Rockingham Street however it also faces its shortfalls. To begin with the owner is not fully certified by the regulatory body and thus he is only legalized to offer a selected number of services (Sims, 2007).It also opens for only three days in a week thus limiting the number of clients that can visit it. Bearing that it is an advantage for Rozalo to set up in such environment as it is going to fill a business niche that had existed for long. It is an ideal situation as Rozalo health and spa will be offering all the specialized services related to this discipline all under one roof with our teal of qualified practitioners who are duly certified to perform their professional duties (Hall, 1982). Our target market is mainly segmented into two namely; health spa and saloon. Since they both exist under one roof, they will be in a prime position influencing each other in terms of clients. Since the area is mainly habited by wealthy individuals again, it is predominantly a tourist town, the targeted clients will be ready to pay premium prices to enjoy our distinguished services at both the spa and salon as well. The fact that the two sections exist going to maximize sales as clients will prefer to compliment one with the other as they readily blend. The target market for our business will be people of all genders of the age of thirty and above earning incomes exceeding forty thousand dollars. These are clients who are ready to pay premium prices to obtain quality customized products and services. According to a recent research conducted by CNN it preferably ranked Princeton as one of the best places to conduct business in Canada. With that good will and steady numbers of tourist that are visiting the area all year long the area provides a conducive business environment both economically and demographically thus will foster the business to grow steadily (Hall, 1982). In terms of competition analysis, the area provides a welcoming environment for entry of new firms as the established ones do not engage in stiff competition. Most of the similar businesses running in the Princeton metropolis are far flung from our prospective area with the exception of De Clique spa that is located half a mile from our premise. This particular firm proves to be the main competitor to our business in this locality. Having been in business/operation for the past two years the firm has enjoyed considerable brand recognition in the area and its environs. That notwithstanding it has specialized in offering similar services as those of our business and on top of that it is strategically located close to a residential complex thus ideal to serve the residents of the complex (Sims, 2007). Business strategies To maintain a competitive advantage over our business rivals the firm seeks to implement a number of strategies that will enable it always stay ahead of the rest. Some of the strategies that are to be implemented to ensure a competitive advantage is maintained are as follows (Hall, 1982). To begin with the firm should always insist on providing the best quality services based on its concepts and innovations. This serves to limit our services being similar to those of other firms thus being distinguished market leaders in the provision of quality premium products and services not being provided by anyone else. Thus once the clients experience our product and services they are forced to come back again and again hence building customer loyalty (Sims, 2007). The physical set up and architectural design of our spa and salon will be done in a manner that gives customers a relaxing ambience that enhances total relaxation as they enjoy our services. It will create an experience of a home away from home, which will make them feel at peace whenever they are at our premises. Lastly, we will partner with local businesses such as the art and sculpture businesses by marketing and selling their artworks at our premises. This will be in a bid to strengthen local ties with other business players as they are vital for our existence and growth in the area (Hall, 1982). Marketing strategy For any organization to prosper, it must effectively conduct its marketing process unless it is operating in a monopoly business environment. Rozalo health spa and saloon has identified three facets to mark its market strategy. First the firm will concentrate in building and popularising its brand name through provision of premium, distinguished and quality products and services to the consumers. Because of superior quality products offered, consumers, will not only like the products and services but also will want to be associated with the brand always (Hall, 1982). The business premise is conveniently located at a strategic position to readily serve the demand needs of clients in its environs as well as visitors on vacation at the town. Finally by partnering with local business in the locality we will be familiarising our brand to the people and thus draw in more customers. That notwithstanding the positive corporate responsibility of promoting local business will be received well by locals who will in turn like to be associated with our brand and thus more clients (Hall, 1982). Pricing strategies Rozalo will implement a premium pricing strategy where we will charge substantially higher prices than our competitors do for their products and services. This will be ensuring that our consumers get to enjoy services that have been designed to satisfy their needs to perfection. On top of that, we will offer value added services to clients that visit our premises frequently to encourage customer loyalty and retention. The remuneration packages for our staff members are also set to be higher as compared to those offered by our competitors to ensure our staffs remain committed to providing quality services, in a bid to retain our talents and avoid them from being lured by better peaks from competitors (Sims, 2007). Organizational structure Our team of employees will initially comprise of twenty work persons including top management personnel who may also be involved in the routine running and operations of the business. The employees will be grouped into two groups. One will be stationed in the health spa section while the next will be the one responsible with salon operations. Since the saloon is expected to handle a large pool of customers at any given time, it will be allocated a total of thirteen employees comprising of three receptionists and ten hair stylists. On the other hand the spa will have seven employees among them one receptionist, one specialist for manicure & pedicure, two energy practitioners and three body massage therapist (Hall, 1982). The staff members are expected to work closely as a group to ensure the organizations objectives are collectively achieved. Communication among the employees will be executed via a chain of command that will be two ways that are both vertical and horizontal chain of command. (Sims, 2007).The reason for implementing both modes of command because senior management officer that is the manager, and his assistant will also be involved in the routine jobs of therapist & stylist in the organization. Whenever the top officer are making official communication or stipulating organizational policies the chain of command should be vertical to enhance the authority, however while doing routine jobs they should embrace horizontal communication to ensure coordination and teamwork is achieved (Sims, 2007). Employment standards act This is laws that are set under the employment standards act of 2000 (EST) which stipulates the minimum standards the employees and employers should adhere to. In general, they are all about ensuring that all workplace dealings are above board and no party will be intimidated. They ensure the rights of all parties are safeguarded (Berkowitz, MüLler-Bonanni & Reitz, 2008). This particular legislation is very vital in the societies as it seeks to regulate how employees and employers relate to each other, their roles, responsibilities and also their moral obligations ensuring the rights of all parties are safeguarded and also wages are allocated fairly for services rendered (Berkowitz, MüLler-Bonanni & Reitz, 2008). The act will impact positively on Rozalo health spa and saloon in the sense that it will ensure employees are bound by the provisions of the act to dutifully work for their employee at the same time safeguarding them from exploitation. In addition, it will promote good working relationships between the employees & employers (Berkowitz et al. 2008). Breaking this act would not only attract legal punishment but also, it will dent the good working relationships between the employers & employees. The main consequence that will culminate from non-compliance with the act will lead to misunderstanding between the two parties. The misunderstanding may be caused by employees’ wages not been set according to accepted standards or if the employees fail to honour their work agreements with their employers (Hall, 1982). The legislation is a good modality that ensures effective working relationships between human resource practitioners. Thus, it should be upheld as its mandate seeks to regulate human resource practice by ensuring all the parties therein are safeguarded (Berkowitz, MüLler-Bonanni & Reitz, 2008). BC Human rights code The Human Rights Code of British Columbia is a set of law mainly concerned on fourteen major grounds that ensure all people enjoy equal rights and opportunities free from any form of discrimination. Some of the grounds that this code touches on include; sexual orientation, origin or ancestry, religion, race, marital and family status, colour, etc. (Braha, 2007). The code is imperative in society as it ensures that all people regardless of their background, colour, of whatever differentiates one from each other have access to equal opportunities without any form of discrimination. This ensures integration and people can conduct business at any place within the province because resources are accessed equally despite your background or whatever (Braha, 2007). The code will boost my bid to set up business in the province. Given the fact that am not a resident of the place the codes cushions me against any form of discrimination at the same time allowing us free access to resources that will ensure our business succeeds. The consequences of breaking the provisions of this code is a division among people as individuals will be judged according to their ethnicity, ancestry or colour and thus limited to accessing resources. The rule of equality that the code promotes is lost and discrimination sets in thus some people tend to be unfairly treated over their colleagues. The code is indeed noble and should be upheld as it ensures people embrace each other by allowing equitable access to resources (Braha, 2007). References Armstrong, M. (2007). A handbook of human resource management practice. London [u.a.], Kogan Page. Berkowitz, P. M., MüLler-Bonanni, T., & Reitz, A. E. (2008). International labor and employment law. vol. 2 vol. 2. Chicago, Ill, Section of International Law, American Bar Association. Braha, W. A. (2007). Annotated British Columbia human rights code: being the publishers unofficial consolidation of the British Columbia Human Rights Code, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.21, in force April 27, 1997, current as of August 28, 2007. Aurora, Ont, Canada Law Book. Hall, R. H. (1982). Organizations: structure and process. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall. Sims, R. R. (2007). Human resource management: contemporary issues, challenges and opportunities. Greenwich, Conn, Information Age Publ. Read More
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