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DB2 - Diversity in the Workplace - Research Paper Example

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Through the combined efforts of globalization and increased employee and interracial relations, biracial individuals and the factors affecting their existence have increasingly become a dominant issue within the workplace. The issues of nationality, place of origin and…
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DB2 - Diversity in the Workplace
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Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the Workplace Through the combined efforts of globalization and increased employee and interracial relations, biracial individuals and the factors affecting their existence have increasingly become a dominant issue within the workplace. The issues of nationality, place of origin and preferences for biracial employees is very sensitive within the workplace. However, even more pressing is the process of recruitment and affirmative action (Korgen, 1999). As a minority and newly formed groups, biracial employees should be considered a qualified group for affirmative action initiatives.

This is because having two races in their heritage makes them the most vulnerable group during hiring sessions. Conventionally, African Americans were the main targets of affirmative action because of the inequalities that existed in the United States. Similarly, biracial individuals face discrimination in interview panels and selection agencies due to their mixed race status. Employers should understand that within the concept of diversity lies the principles of tolerance and consideration of different ethnic groups (Korgen, 1999).

However, diversity is not based on law but is categorized as a strategic business effort. Therefore, the success of implementing authentic diversity standards for biracial employees will largely depend on the type of organization and the working environment. In conclusion, biracial employees face similar, if more severe conditions in the corporate environment when compared to their African Americans and Caucasian counterparts (Korgen, 1999). Therefore, in the selection of candidates that qualify for affirmative action, this newly formed ethnic group should be considered as they would otherwise suffer a similar plight to other minority groups.

This would be detrimental to the organization especially if the section of biracial employees possesses excellent skills and experience that would benefit the company.ReferencesKorgen, K.O. (1999). From black to biracial: Transforming racial identity among Americans. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.

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