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Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation - Essay Example

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In the paper “Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation,” the author discusses workplace policies, which provide employees with more autonomy and flexibility in matters such as where and when they work, time off to deal with family concerns, and assistance with child care…
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Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation
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Empirical evidence for an effect of workplace psychological control on an individual is sometimes not visible but studies have shown that negative parenting behaviors such as lack of responsiveness and coercion are linked to one's ego (Perloff R, 2003). People who have socially aggressive friends tend to be aggressive themselves (Perloff R, 2003). This contributes to much social stratification where people tend to group themselves in terms of character and behavior. This makes them share a habit in common.

For workers today, the stress associated with trying to blend the responsibilities of paid work with responsibilities of family and personal life has become an increasingly visible issue (Perloff R, 2003). This is because more and more workers continue reporting on how their lives have become frenzy as they struggle with the unrelenting demands of work and personality (Perloff R, 2003). The significance of being free of bias brings about independence freedom of thought and democracy, where one is not intimidated (Kenny D, 1994).

It creates integrative minds, where a person acts without being told and thinks that he is right (Kenny D, 1994). There is an increasing demand for those who practice initiative because the reward is twofold, it helps one improve his financial status and also develops strength in his/her personal attributes. In conclusion, social psychology principles play a critical component in enabling individuals to interact, as well as in a personal relationship. It creates the spirit of the mutual interrelationship between people whereby, the participants share information, therefore enhancing a clear understanding of our surroundings.


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Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words.
(Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words)
Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
“Preprofessional Socialization and Identity Transformation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words”.
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