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Challenges and Recommendations for Cross Cultural Working - Essay Example

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The paper 'Challenges and Recommendations for Cross-Cultural Working' presents a literature review of research that forms a very theoretical base for the research work. It is very important to give the present research a specific direction and also enrich it with valuable inputs obtained from the observation and analysis…
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Challenges and Recommendations for Cross Cultural Working
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?Challenges and Recommendations for Cross Cultural Working By [Presented to] of PART ONE: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1: Introduction The literature review of a research forms a very theoretical base for the research work. It is very important to give the present research a specific direction and also enrich it with valuable inputs obtained from the observation and analysis of the previously performed research works. The literature review also helps in exploring the new theories formulated during the previous research activities by different researchers in this regard. Being the Management Consultant for the telecommunications company which is planning to take its business to the international level and market; it becomes very important to make a thorough study about the available literatures on the different challenges that a company faces on a foreign soil and make recommendations accordingly. During the initial study, the team has found a number of possible challenges that could pose a threat to the smooth internationalisation of the company. Among the several challenges “culture shock and poor adjustment” seems to have the greater potential for disturbing the smooth internationalisation of the company. The first part or Part One of this research paper discusses the different available literatures and their observations. 1.2: Definition of “Culture” According to Adler (2008) culture can be defined as an integrated system of behavior among the human beings which takes into consideration the thoughts, beliefs, languages, communications, customs and values, mannerisms of ethnic, religious, racial or social groups of people and the ability of those very people in conveying the same attitude their succeeding generations. Thus, a lot of elements joins together to form a specific culture for a group of people. From the very elements, it could be understood that culture is not a day’s process or a matter of a few months but instead culmination of habits and attitudes over a prolonged period of time and as result of multiple behavioral elements or factors (Bartlett and Ghoshal, 1998). 1.3: Relation between Culture and Working Attitude According to the study and observations made by Berry, et al (2002) a human being is highly influenced by the culture to which he or she has been raised up in. As observed by Browaeys and Price (2008), culture is a system of behavior consisting of varied elements that shapes up their life and other activities associated with their lives. The culture of an individual affects the psychology, that is, the thought process. The psychology in turn decides the behavior, attitude and goal of an individual’s life, the likes and dislikes, and even most importantly, their working attitude. The findings of Buchanan and Huczynski (2004) in their study indicate this very fact. An individual is highly influenced by the culture to which he or she belongs. It is so because it impacts an individual from a very tender age, during the very basic years of an individual when one’s beliefs, emotions, outlook and attitude is at the nascent stage. Culture moulds the attitude of an individual at every stage, when an individual forms their attitudes towards their family, education and institutional life, their personal circles, and their attitude towards work. Culture has a greater role to play in shaping the attitude towards work of an individual. Burnes (2000) observe that different cultural factors have been influencing the communication skills and practices of the individuals in the workplace and working atmosphere for a long time. The perception of work and work pressure is also dependent on an individual’s attitude towards work. For instance, one who has been surrounded by a strong working culture will be highly motivated to work hard, turn the most impossible task into reality, the individual will not give up in any case. On the other hand an individual who has been experiencing a lethargic working culture will feel les motivated, and search for more reasons for working. While individuals who have been witnessing commanding others and making them work will inculcate that habit and culture of expecting work from others instead of putting one’s own effort. Thus, the culture of an individual influences one’s working attitude. 1.4: Defining the challenge – culture shock and poor adjustment Change causes general disturbances in the regularity of the working process. According to Burnes (2004) when a particular business venture extends its operation to other unexplored areas or when a company expands internationally, it faces a lot of challenges. In the later case, when the company expands internationally, the company has to operate in an entirely new environment, with different people belonging from different regions with different cultural identity. The varying difference of culture between the regions is one of the most important challenges that affect an organisation or company. The company which has been operating only in the United Kingdom’s shores when expanding internationally is most likely to have a culture shock because the working culture that prevails in the UK is considered as one of the best across the world. A company expanding its business to other parts of the world could not have such a working culture but is sure not to have such a marvelous working culture. According to Dicken (2003), culture shock and poor adjustment is the toughest challenge owing to the psychological toll it takes in an individual. Adjusting with the culture difference is one of the toughest things to do because that is assumed to be an integral part of an individual’s character. Moreover, in a working environment it is expected to have a pre-readied ground for the professional activities. Besides, UK follows a very dignified, digital, balanced and professional working culture where work is given immense priority. As a consequence, there seemed no need to make “adjustments” and seemed a negative term for the working culture in the UK. When the same UK Company navigates to international lands, they face the shock out of the great difference in not only ethnic culture but also in the work culture which is highly related to one’s personal culture. Adjusting to the sub-professional work culture is an adjustment and same is the case with the host country people. Restoring to one’s work after surviving the cultural shock and poor adjustment is a very tough challenge says Francesco and Gold (2005). 1.5: The Effect of the Challenges on the organisation According to French (2007) managing organisations with cultural differences is one of the most difficult task because teams with different culture will have different cultural attitudes and this increases the possibility of problems, chaos and conflict resulting out of misunderstandings. The problems gain new height and tremendous momentum when the multicultural individuals working for the same company are dispersed into different geographical locations and across different time zones of the world. On the other hand when the challenges are tackled in a positive way they add to the success of the company. In a way it comes to the working attitude of the company which has to choose between being mowed down by the pressing challenges or cut through them with their sharp working cultures. According to the observations of Gannon and Pillai (2010), when a UK company expands internationally, it accepts diversity in the company. He further states that the primary problem with diversity in workplace is when the employees or the colleagues fail to understand each other personally and emotionally. Such a case leads to unnecessary misunderstandings and non-cooperation in the company that ultimately have an adverse effect on the performance of the company. The other problem due to the cultural difference is the non-compatibility in the working culture of the company which largely slows down the functioning of the company and affects the overall performance of the company. On the other hand, the challenges if met successfully could cause positive effect to the company. According to French (2007), the diversity could be well utilized by the company to achieve dynamic growth and progress of the company. The diverse culture of a company attracts business from the global scale; people tend to accept it as a company that addresses the concerns and preferences of people. Moreover, hiring employees from different cultures gives room for diverse talents that ultimately benefits the company (French, 2007). 1.6: Summary The study of different available literatures on the mentioned subject revealed a wide understanding of the subject that was only an idea before delving into the study of the literatures. The concept of culture though is simple enough with general view and understanding yet it has a wider meaning and importance in the very existence of the mankind and its means of livelihood. When a company expands internationally, it has to depend on various unknown people with diverse culture and most importantly working cultures. The diversified culture can have an adverse effect on the performance of the company and even could largely benefit the organisation. It depends on managing the affairs of the company by the manager. PART TWO: RECOMMENDATION S The above studied literatures gave a much crystalised account of the concept of culture, its relationship with working attitude, the challenges that a foreign company is very likely to face and its impact on the performance of the company. The studied literatures have also very clearly observed that, there are both positive as well as negative consequences of the shift from one place to different regions of the world, especially in terms of its effect on the performance of the company. Being a part of the management consultant team and according to the preliminary findings from the field report it would be important to make some recommendations. Recommendation 1: Practice of uniform working standards in the company and evaluating the employees on the basis of their individual performance While studying the literatures, the huge gap in the working culture between the people of the UK and the people of the host country, was found to be the major challenge for the telecommunications company of the UK to expand internationally. So, the first recommendation suggested is to formulate a uniform working standard for the all employees of the telecommunications company irrespective of their cultural affiliations. The uniform working standard can be formulated keeping in view and giving utmost priority to the aims and standards of the company and the working standard have to be followed by all of the employees in all the branches of the company. Prevalence of such a working standard would ensure that even the employees in the foreign shores comply with the same working standard as followed by the home units of the company. It will also ensure that the performance of the company is not affected by the different working cultures in different parts of the world. The uniform working standards would be firstly, the office code ethics and etiquettes which would help the company to form and maintain a uniform working attitude throughout all the branches of the company unaffected by the practiced culture of the host nation. Secondly, the parameters of judging the work quality of the employees would have to be same in all branches of the company all over the world. It would place the employees on equal radar and the inter-branch competition among the employees would be more competitive. Thirdly, the rules and regulations for appraisal and penalties would have to be the same in the domestic as well as in the branches of the foreign countries. Such scenario would create an even ground for the employees to perform with more focused sincerity. Discouraging working culture in the host countries should never be allowed to limit the expanding plans of the company in different parts of the world. Instead alternatives should be looked out for reducing the impact of the discouraging factors. Such an endeavor would boost up the confidence for overcoming the limitations (Gooderham and Nordhaug, 2005). Recommendation 2: Practice of non-biasness When a company is expanding internationally, it is going to make its presence among the foreign market players, among the domestic market of other country/countries. Such a situation is very favorable in giving rise to various prejudices and assumptions in the mind of the residents of the host country and even in the mind of the employees who will be working for the company on the foreign shores. The initial assumption that the employees on the foreign shore make or fear is of, being treated in a biased way by the employers. It is because people tend to believe that being a foreign company, the employers would favor their domestic employees and they would be treated in a biased way. In such a scenario, it would be the responsibility of the company to deal with the prejudice with a proper and well sketched employee policy that would ensure the employees hired from the host country that they are not treated in a biased manner. Such an endeavor would help the company in gaining trust and faith of the employees who would work sincerely in such an employee friendly company. The feeling of being treated in an unbiased manner would make the employees more comfortable and easy with the company. In order to ensure that the employees are not treated in a biased manner, the employer is suggested to offer designations in the company strictly based on the merit and qualifications of the candidates who have applied for a particular post in the company. Utmost level of transparency has to be maintained in the process of selecting individuals for the relevant posts. In terms of fixing the salary for the employee, it should give much importance to the designation of the employees in fixing their salaries. The employees should also never be judged on their performance in their respective working responsibilities on the basis of their cultural background and other belongings (Goodman and Cohen, 2004). The above recommended measures would ensure to assure employees that there is no biasness at play. It is also very important to offer different opportunities of training to every individual without making any differentiation based on their origin or based on their cultural affiliation. The scope of training is important for individuals because that would serve them the learning opportunity to excel or improve their existing knowledge, performing ability, and level of competency. For instance, Google has made an extensive use of the diversity and created great business out of it. The challenges are means to improve by overcoming them. While in the case of Johnson & Johnson, a major part of its operations, which was an impressing 58 per cent were carried over from outside the United States (US) (Guirdham, 2002). According to an online data Johnson & Johnson has an equally diverse Board of Directors, which includes three African-American, three women and one Hispanic. The diversity can be a boon rather than a bane when properly utilized taking care of the interest of the employees and even the interest of the company at the same time. The practice of biasness is what the employees are very wary of, so the company should maintain extreme cautiousness while formulating policies and especially the policies affecting the employees to a large extent. By utilizing the diversities many companies have been largely benefitted (Jackson, 2002). Recommendation 3: Maintaining smooth communication channels For the proper functioning of a company it is very important to have a smooth channel of communication along the different departments of the company. The flow of communication needs to be in the form of horizontal communication as well as in the form of vertical communication. Horizontal communication is the flow of messages from one individual to another, or form one division of the company to the other division, or from one department of a company to the other department, of the same company within the equal level of the organisational hierarchy (French, 2007). Through the process of horizontal communication, the messages clear out the air of misunderstandings, coordinate, motivate each other, and even empower the employees. In the due process, the individual is carrying messages that satisfy the very purpose of the communication process. Horizontal communication is very beneficial in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the company. Similarly, the flow of information is maintained along the vertical line of communication (Gannon and Pillai, 2010). The flow of information between different departments including the one between the employers and employees is very important. Vertical communication is the communication between the management of the organisation with its personnel with regard to giving directives, and sending information in the downward direction of the organisational hierarchy (Lucas, et al, 2007). Vertical communication is a two way communication process through which even the immediate subordinates of the authorities communicate with their bosses for giving the periodic feedbacks on the directives and working towards the successful completion of the common goal. The vertical communication channel helps the organisation to keep in touch with the working of their employees. A proper channel of management is needed for maintaining and transmitting the information, ideas, and instruction to the employees as the message does not jump from top to bottom or the other way round (Hofstede, 2001). Instead they follow a specific path which needs a proper communication channel. The employees also provide the feedback of the transmitted information, ideas and instruction to the management through upward form of communication. The vertical and horizontal channels of communication among the different departments enables smooth sharing of information in the form of updates, orders and instructions, suggestions and even feedbacks. This enables the employees to communicate among themselves, derive information, get encouragement, be motivated and influenced to offer the best performance resulting in the improved performance of the company (Hofstede, 2001). On the other hand the management gets to know the activities and needs and requirements of the employees. Smooth communication channels between the employers and employees help to establish the impression that, employers are accessible, and this in turn motivates and encourages the employees to work for the betterment of the company. References Adler, N. (2008) International Dimensions of Organizational Behaviour, Thomson South-Western. Bartlett, C. &Ghoshal S. (1998). Managing across Borders: the Transnational Solution, (2nd Ed), Harvard Business School Press. Berry, J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Segall, M.H., Dasen, P.R. (2002) Cross Cultural Psychology: Research and Applications, (2nd Ed), Cambridge University Press Bochner, S. (ed.) (1982) Cultures in Contact: Studies in Cross-Cultural Interaction, Pergamon Press. Browaeys, M.J. and Price, R. (2008).Understanding Cross cultural Management. Pearson. Buchanan, D. and Huczynski, A. (2004) Organizational Behaviour: an Introductory Text, (5th Ed), Pearson. Burnes, B. (2000) Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics, (3rd Ed), Pearson. Burnes, B. (2004) Managing Change: a strategic approach to organisational dynamics (4th Ed), Pearson. Dicken, P. (2003) Global Shift: Reshaping the Global Economic Map in the 21st Century, (4th Ed), Sage. Francesco, A.M. & Gold, B.A. (2005) International Organizational Behaviour, (2nd Ed), Pearson French, R. (2007). Cross Cultural Management in Work Organisations. CIPD Gannon, M.J. & Pillai, R. (2010) Understanding Global Cultures, (4th Ed), Sage. Gooderham, P.N. &Nordhaug, O. (2003) International Management: Cross-Boundary Challenges, Blackwell. Goodman, D. & Cohen, M. (2004) Consumer Culture, Sage. Guirdham, M. (2002) Interpersonal Behaviour at Work, (3nd Ed), Pearson Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations across Nations. (2nd Ed). Sage. Jackson, T. (2002). International HRM: A Cross-Cultural Approach. Sage. Lucas, R, Lupton, B and Mathieson, H (eds.) (2007) Human Resource Management in an International Context. CIPD Read More
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