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9-11 - Commission, Omission, and Distortion - Book Report/Review Example

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The paper "9-11 - Commission, Omission, and Distortion" presents 115 facts distorted by the commission. D. Griffin - a retired Professor of Philosophy of Theology and Religion at the Claremont School of Theology - exposed the facts of the 9/11 incident, based on which he wrote several books…
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9-11 - Commission, Omission, and Distortion
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?9/11 Report: Commission, Omission & Distortion Contents Introduction 3 Facts & Findings 3 Conclusion 9 Works Cited 11 Introduction The analysis of the 9/11 report by Dr. David Ray, presents 115 facts that were omitted & distorted by the commission. David Ray Griffin is a retired Professor of Philosophy of Theology and Religion at the Claremont School of Theology. He had been teaching there for the last 30 years. He devoted himself towards the path of exposing the facts of the 9/11 incident, based on which he wrote several books like The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: 9/11, The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 is Unscientific and False, Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee’s plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory, 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, among others, and Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory. In his book “9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions”, he shows a report which is referred to as a “571-page lie” which is neither unbiased nor thorough. It’s just an illogical attempt to cover-up a crime. This book criticizes the made-up stories spread about the 9/11 incidence by the media and the U.S government. The information provided in the report is contrary and misleading. The commission was charged of putting the facts ambiguously. Truth was never unearthed; rather a tale was created which deliberately concealed the facts. At some portions of the report, The Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld has presented separate stories stating about his whereabouts on the day of the incident. (Burks & Fletcher) Facts & Findings According to Griffin, the book contains two types of lies, namely explicit and implicit. The explicit lie is exposed when the commission’s report states that the centre of the Twin Towers comprised of a vacant steel pipe and when it stated that Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney didn’t order for the shoot-down action until the time was 10:10 on the 9/11 morning. But there is an implicit lie regarding the mishap, which says the Commission, while describing about the 19 suspected suicide hijackers, skipped the truth that almost six of those hijackers were reported to be alive(. Griffin has collected all such omissions from the 9/11 Report and prepared a list which demonstrates- 1. Omitting the fact that Mohamed Atta (one of the alleged) had preference for alcohol and pork. He was rather tensed by the Commission’s claim about his being extremely religious. 2. The covering up of the fact about another alleged Hani Hanjour who was very poor to become a pilot and fly into the Pentagon.  3. Omitting the information that the flight manifest which was released publicly includes no Arabian name. 4. Omitting the truth that after or before 9/11, the steel-framed buildings never got collapsed due to catching fire. 5. Omitting the fact that the Twin Towers caught fire which was not at all very intense and not extremely hot too. Even it was not long-lasting in comparison to the flames that caught many other steel-framed buildings and fortunately those didn’t collapse. 6. Omitting the truth that, even if we accept that the collapses of the towers took place due to breaking out of fire, how did the South Tower collapse first which got struck later than the North Tower. 7. Omitting the information that the World Trade Centre collapsed even after not getting hit by an airplane and just by catching some insignificant amount of fire. FEMA admitted this situation could not be explained by them. 8. Omitting the truth of the statement by Larry Silverstein that the commander of fire department & he himself chose to “Pull” the building. 9. Omitting the fact that, steel that was present in the foundation of the WTC building got instantly removed from the scene of the mishap so that further analysis for the presence of any kind of explosive could be prevented. 10. Omitting the truth of the statement by Mayor Giuliani where he admitted that he was aware long before the incident took place that the WTC would collapse. 11. Omitting the information that George Bush’s cousin Walker and Brother Marvin, both worked as in charge of the security firm that was appointed for the security of WTC. 12. Omitting the truth that the Pentagon’s west wing would have never been the target of Al-Qaeda group for variety of reasons. 13. Omitting any discussion regarding the damage occurred to the Pentagon. Was it consistent that a Boeing 757 moving at a huge speed can cause such impacts? 14. Photos are available as the evidence that the pentagon’s west wing didn’t face any collapse even after 30 minutes of getting struck. This information was omitted in the report. 15. The removal of all evidences that were used for solving the doubts regarding the remains of Boeing 757 which could be seen either outside or inside the Pentagon. 16. Whether Pentagon had a defense system that’s anti-missile. Questions were raised regarding why the Al-Qaeda group didn’t target a nuclear power plant and instead they chose the Pentagon. These things were omitted from the commission report. 17. Omitting the fact which was referred to by Secretary of Defense where he stated “the missile used to damage Pentagon” 18. When the commission was questioned regarding why the agents of the secret service department allowed the President to stay at Sarasota school even when there were chances of crashing of the airplanes on the school premises, the answers received were very much unsatisfactory. 19. The fact that many planes got hijacked was unknown to most of the people when the President reached the school. 20. Attorney general Ashcroft got alerted in order to restrict the usage of commercial aircrafts just before 9/11. This part was omitted as well. 21. David Schipper claimed that based on the news provided by the FBI agents, he tried to convey the message regarding the possibility of attack to Attorney General Ashcroft, about six weeks before 9/11. But he was unsuccessful in his attempt. 22. Omitting the fact where it’s mentioned that the FBI knew well in advance about the dates and places of the planned attack. 23. Mayor Willie Brown received alerts regarding flying on that particular day. Some other officials of the Pentagon also claimed to get the warning. These were again omitted from the report. 24. In July 2001 USA’s most wanted terrorist Bin Laden was provided treatment in an American Hospital and also The CIA agent visited him. These facts got omitted from the report. 25. News showcasing that post 9/11 incident, the military in Afghanistan intentionally let Bin Laden to escape. This news was omitted as well. 26. Omitting the truth that included the evidence of Saudi Intelligence’s visit to Bin Laden at Dubai. It was reported that the Saudi intelligence was tensed as it was officially portrayed that Laden’s family has disowned him. 27. The evidence by Abu Zubaydah’s report states that Saudi Royal family’s 3 members used to help Al Qaeda financially and they knew in advance about the 9/11 attacks. Within eight days of the 9/11 attack, all the 3 associated members expired mysteriously (9/11 Visibility Project). 28. Commission denied the fact that Saudis were related to the funding of Al Qaeda. 29. The commission denied the fact that the Saudis left USA shortly after the tragedy of 9/11 and they were allowed to leave without sufficient investigation. 30. The Chicago agent of FBI charged the headquarters for forcing him to close his case on a cell and later on restricting him to publish a report which would include his experiences. 31. The FBI headquarters interrupted the endeavor by the Minneapolis agents and Coleen Rowley to get a search warrant for investigating Zacarias Moussaoui’s pc. 32. Former FBI translator submitted reports related to serious issues regarding the 9/11 incident which got omitted. 33. Just one week before 9/11, the chief of ISI of Pakistan, General Mahmoud Ahmad visited Washington where he had a meeting with the US officials and the chief of CIA George Tenet. This information was omitted too. 34. Omitting the proof that an amount of $100000 was be sent to Mohamed Atta, as ordered by Ahmad before 9/11. 35. Omitting the fact that Bush put pressure on Pakistan so that Ahmad gets dismissed from the position of ISI chief when the fact of sending money to Atta was revealed. 36. There was a tacit support of ISI behind the assassination of Ahmed Shah Masood, who was head of the Northern Alliance of Afghanistan, as it happened immediately after a meeting between ISI and CIA. This fact was deliberately omitted. 37. The ISI had a role in the murder plan of Mr. Daniel Pearl, the Wall Street reporter. The report concealed this data too. 38. Omitting the fact that Mushaf Ali Mir, a Pakistani Military Officer had close connections with Al Qaida and he was well aware of the plan of 9/11 attack. 39. Omitting the fact that Raja Ghulam Abbas, an ISI agent had predicted as early as in 1999 that Twin Tower would get demolished. 40. Omitting the fact that 9/11 attack was demonstrated by President Bush and his administration as ‘opportunity’. 41. Omitting the fact that in a document it was published by the members of ‘The project for the New American Century ‘, which hinted that a new Pearl Harbor tragedy may support the cause for additional funding to US Military Services for advancement in technology. Incidentally, the members of ‘The project for the New American Century’ were important persons in US administration during 9/11. 42. Omitting the fact that in similar note Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, head of the commission, urged for increased funding for US Space command on that very evening of 9/11 attack. 43. Omitting the fact that General Richard Myers and General Ralph Eberhart, the other two members of the committee which probed the failure to prevent 9/11 attack, also advocated for increased funding for US space command in the same line of Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the secretary. 44. Omitting the fact that the ‘Unocal’ was worried about inadequacy of proper security maintenance by Taliban of their existing pipe line of Oil and Natural Gas from Caspian Region, this passes through Pakistan and Afghanistan. 45. Omitting the fact that US representatives were keen on taking Taliban’s to task by declaring a war against them sometime in October, on their refusal to US proposal for advancement of their pipeline project of Oil and Natural gas. 46. Omitting the fact that Zbigniew Brzezinski had written a book in 1997 where it was mentioned that a new Pearl Harbor will be a blessing in disguise for the US administration to earn public sympathy and to ensure their effort in establishing US hegemony in Central Asia, and take effective control of its huge petroleum reserve. 47. Omitting the fact that Mr.Donald Rumsfeld and Mr. Paul Wolfowitz, two key persons of Bush Administration were vocal in initiating war against Iraq since long. 48. Omitting the fact that there was evidence in the form of notes written by Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, which indicated that a war against Iraq was masterminded by US administration with some excuse or other. 49. Omitting the fact that the members of ‘The project for the New American Century ‘, were keen on increasing US military power in gulf to end the Saddam Regime at any cost. 50. The report highlighted existence of several alert systems at various air force bases and the perpetrator’s ingenuity to defy that alert which was not correct as such alert systems were not at all in vogue. 51. It was claimed that the US military was unaware regarding the Flight 175 getting hijacked, until 9:03a.m. Then the plane was crashing into the south tower. 52. An agent of FAA, Laura Brown, reported a teleconference which took place at around 8.50. It included the reference of the hijacking of Flight 175. This fact was omitted from the commission’s report. 53. The deviation of the fact that the flight 77 didn’t change its route till 8:54 a.m. which was earlier mentioned as 8:46 a.m. 54. Flight 77 was claimed to fly for nearly 40 minutes in the USA sky progressing towards Washington which remained undetected by the military radar. Conclusion From the very beginning of ‘cold war’ USA was trying to establish their military supremacy in the whole world. But after Vietnam War the public opinion in USA were against ‘war-mongers’. Any attempt of war in the pretext of establishment of democracy or restoration of human rights was vehemently opposed by the civil societies at large. But US administration was highly dependent on the multinationals and they used to take administrative measures to make such multinationals happy. The multinational were searching for new pastures and new market for their new ventures. Since the European Market was slowly getting stagnated, the USA was eyeing to vast oil-reserve of Central Asia, and the huge unexplored markets of developing countries like China and India. Any normal venture for such expansion through usual political/diplomatic avenues would take huge time. So, there were always some political force ,which was internally active in US administration who were trying to make issues and get those issued solved by military power just to camouflage their actual motive. In his book, David Griffin attempted to bring out those motives in front of the people of America. He tried to present that the attack of 9/11 was mostly preplanned and the administration was well aware of it many days before the actual occurrence. Common people lost their lives, their near and dear ones just to become a part of success of the USA politics. Since long time, the USA has been trying to become the greatest power of the world in respect of weapons, military forces, resources and wealth (Ray Griffin). For this purpose, they have always tried to dominate the other countries and they kept on creating complicated issues at those countries, so that they remain engaged with their own problems and the ultimate gainer of their fights will be USA. Similar thing happened in the 9/11 incidence. Somehow USA wanted funds for their overall and technological improvement and they were looking for a genuine cause. Therefore they took the help of “Terrorism” which ultimately helped them to acquire fair money for covering up the losses and damages. But while planning these strategies, they forgot that many innocent lives, who are not at all aware of the political motives of the Government, suffered due to the tragic incident. David Griffin’s book is an eye-opener for the people of the world and for the citizens of USA. The flaws in the reports always indicated that the Government is least interested about the welfare of the people. The Government is selfish and busy in planning tactics to deal with other nations. It’s only in the hands of the people to change this so-called democracy where the leaders elected by the public throw long speeches about human rights and then after returning home they get involved in planning a life-taking strategy, just for some monetary and political gain. Works Cited Burks Fred & Tod Fletcher, David ray Griffin Reveals major 9/11 Cover up on C-SPAN and in Washington Post.n.d. 9/11 Visibility Project, The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie. N.d Ray Griffin David, 9/11: The Myth and the Reality. 9/11 Truth.Org. 2006. Read More
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