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The Importance of the Knowledge of Pre-1500 History for Global Citizenship Today - Essay Example

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The paper "The Importance of the Knowledge of Pre-1500 History for Global Citizenship Today" states that the strategy of tolerating different cultures in the Empire enabled Constantine to remain powerful and convert them to Christianity which was the human future…
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The Importance of the Knowledge of Pre-1500 History for Global Citizenship Today
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PRE-1500 AND POST 1500 HISTORY HISTORY Essay One The importance of the knowledge of pre-1500 history for global citizenship today The knowledge gained from the pre-1500 history is useful and much important for the global citizenship in our modern life. Global citizenship means a person who identifies him or her with the world community and his acts contribute to the welfare and building of the community’s practices and values (Ronald, 2012). The explanation of the value of pre-1500 history to the global citizenship will be examined using various issues (history, migration, Eastern and Western Europe, Paleolithic and Neolithic) as explained below: History History is paramount in learning about our obligation and responsibilities as global citizens. The people who lived in the pre-1500 possess the same humanness we have today and thus their hopes, egos, as well as dreams we still have them today. Therefore, through the study of those who lived before us enable us gain understanding and know their mistakes and how to rectify them for our own good? It is because people remain the same, although technology may change. The memory of the past is the key to our identity. For example, in 1492, Columbus led the invasion of America where he found a new land (Tignor, 2011). This history gives us an account of how America was founded and makes the citizens develop a sense of identity. This is a historical event that has significance in our today global citizenship. The knowledge acquired helps us establish a clear understanding of the American history and the changes that has been realized in today’s America. Moreover, the global history has enabled us gain knowledge that help in shaping the present. Migration Migration is another aspect of understanding global citizenship reflecting on migration that took place before 1500 especially in Europe. For example, the knowledge of the Europe invasion starting 800 BC to 400 BC is useful in our modern world as global citizens. This migration brought up different cultures in Europe that were important especially in the agricultural sector as new farming tools were introduced. This knowledge of advancement in farming as a result of migration enables people to understand the importance of migration to the welfare of the people and nation building. This brings the importance of tolerance especially of other cultures in the nation building. The people who came to Europe had their different cultures and expertise that was crucial for the building of Europe economy. This is one of the roles of a global citizen to contribute in the welfare of the community. Western Europe and Eastern Europe The history of Europe is a good reflection of how a global citizen should be based on the characteristics of the powerful leaders and empires of that time such as the Roman Empire. A global citizen should be able to work with the elected leaders and lead campaign for the change in the community. During the period before 1500, Europe was governed by different empires such as the Roman and Mongol empires among others (Tignor, 2011). This history offers an explanation of why these empires remained powerful across Europe and also their fall. Therefore, reflecting on the experiences of the leadership of these empires, we can understand global citizenship in a better way. For example, the Roman Empire dominated because of their tolerance and promotion of trade with other communities. This shows that we need to embrace unity as global citizens and establish collaborations that will lead to the building of the world. The Roman Empire highly integrated other cultures in their administration and collaborated to build a strong Empire. Therefore, unity is of paramount for a global citizen since we gain success through working together towards a common interest. However, the fall of these Empires should be a lesson to the modern leaders to learn from the mistakes of the ancient leaders and preach unity to all the people for a nation cannot stand without collaborative approach. Paleolithic and Neolithic period The Paleolithic era is that period in which human cultures was shaped by the invention of tools. In this period, people were fishers, hunters, and gatherers. However, they learned to make and use tools from materials such as wood and stone. This knowledge in the Paleolithic era is useful especially in understanding the world economically as well as the social aspect of life. A global Citizen should make the world become the most sustainable place to live and utilize the resources for community welfare. The people in Paleolithic era invented tools to earn a living by hunting animals and also catching fish. In today society, creativity and hard work is important for global citizenship as people understand their roles in the society and how they should act towards the betterment of the whole world through invention of technology that will lead to the global sustainment. The Neolithic era was characterized by the agricultural revolution whereby people shifted from the hunter-gatherer life to the agricultural way of life. People started domesticating plants and animals for food production hence inventing pottery. This period was crucial especially for the human civilization that is paramount in the global citizenship. The understanding of the human advancement from Paleolithic to Neolithic shapes our understanding of the human history. All these efforts made by man through art were mainly useful for economic sustainment. It is through this history we can gain knowledge of our global citizenship should take place in our society through our own acts that should have impacts on the rest of the world. References Tignor, R. L. (2011). Worlds together, worlds apart: A history of the world from the beginnings of humankind to the present. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Ronald C. Israel. (2012). “What does it mean to be a Global Citizen?” Retrieved from Essay Two The implications of cross-cultural interactions in history for the future of humanity The idea of cross-cultural interactions has significant impacts on the future of the humanity. It is true that our interaction determines our future as we share different ideas through interaction. During 600CE to 1550 CE people from diverse cultures interacted with one another in various fronts. The issues selected involve trade, religion, Central Asia, Sub-Sahara, Silk Road, and Jesus, Sermon on the Mount. Therefore, the implications of the cross-cultural interactions to the future of humanity are presented as shown below: Trade During 600CE-1550 CE, the interactions of different people from diverse cultures had significant implications for the future of the humanity. Moreover, people interacted during trade whereby they exchanged various goods leading to technological advancement that is vital for a better future. For example, the Indian Ocean Trade connected people from different races such as China, Arabia and East Africa where trade was promoted (Tignor, 2011). However, these cross-cultural interactions led to the exchange of technology such as the magnetic compass from China that increased exploration. Therefore, this was a better step in advancing human future in technology. However, the interaction strengthened trade leading to the establishment of market centers that led to the trade expansion through the continent. Trade in a globalized world is a key to the development and thus brings together people from different cultures sharing their innovative ideas for a better life. Religion The period 600- 1450 was important for the spread of religion hence setting human future. The improved communication, as well as trade, led to the rapid spread of religion. For example, Islam spread across Arabia by 632 CE when Muhammad died. In addition, Buddhism also advanced to the Southeast Asia as well as Central Asia through cross-cultural interaction. Christianity also spread in 1054 when western church facilitated missionary campaigns in Western Europe. Therefore, the spread of religion was as a result of cross-cultural interaction among different cultures and thus contributed to the welfare of the people, especially in social life. Religion is a part of our social life and thus it gives people hope for their future. For example, Christians believe that there is a better life after death. This help to guide the believers in their life to live holy life to get heavenly rewards. Central Asia and Sub-Sahara The cross-cultural interactions had significant impacts that stressed beyond the ancient civilizations. The main crucial process of this period (600-1550 CE) was the advancement in cultivation (Tignor, 2011). During this time, agriculture spread in Central Asia and sub-Sahara and other parts of the world. The expansion of agriculture had effects to the world population as the population increased dramatically. The interactions during trade and migration led to the introduction of farming tools that was important for the agriculture in these areas. Different countries such as Ghana benefited from this advancement that emerged from the interaction with other cultures from Europe. In this sense, human future was established through interaction that led to the exchange of technologies and civilization. Silk Road Silk Road was a great step towards advancement of trade routes before 1550CE. This period promoted trade as different people from diverse cultures could access new trade routes. However, the interaction during trading was vital as it spread technology and new ideas. The Silk Road linked Europe with Asia and was the only route for the luxury goods. It reached its peak during Mongol Peace period (1260-1368 CE), and this was due to the rule of nomadic Mongols. This road eased cross-cultural interaction between Asia and Europe setting a foundation for future economic sustainment. Constantine Constantine was a popular leader of the Roman Empire. He embraced Christianity in its kingdom converting people from other cultures to Christianity after the interaction. However, for the future of the empire, Constantine carried out administrative, social and military reforms in order to make the Empire strong. Moreover, to establish the future for the humanity, he converted to Christianity and tolerated the expansion of Christianity in the Empire. He carried out campaigns for different tribes such as Franks and Goths to establish stable Empire. The other aspect in which Constantine demonstrated the future for humanity was through building churches in the Empire such as Holy church of Sepulchre. The strategy of tolerating different cultures in the Empire enabled Constantine remain powerful and convert them to Christianity that was the human future. References Tignor, R. L. (2011). Worlds together, worlds apart: A history of the world from the beginnings of humankind to the present. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Read More
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