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Question 1By theyear 1890, the US hadbecomethemostproductiveeconomy in theworld. Theindustries within America produceddoubletheamount of output that UK produced. However, the US had not empowered itself securitywise, neitherwasit a greatdiplomaticpower. Ithadless than 40,000 militarymen, with 10,000 of them serving in theNavy (Sexton 265). Conversely, Britain hadalmost five timesthenumber of Army thatthe US had. Part of thereasonthe US did not empower itself in thatsector is becauseitfacednodirectmilitarythreat from theneighboringstates.
In thelate 19th century, thenotionthatthe US had a uniquemission to support "backward" nations around theglobecommandedrisingsupport. Theconventional Protestant spiritualgroupsset up religiousbases in Asia and Africa, as well as over 450 missions in China by theyear 1900.The 20th centurystarted with the US entangled in a severeandbloodywar. However, thatwar is no longerremembered, a war that cost millions of dollars, thousands of livesand displacement of millions. ThePhilippine-American War that wasfought between1899 to 1902 resulted in approximately 265,000 humandeaths.
Thewarassistedthe US establish itself as a militarypowerhouse in thePacificregions. Whilethe European powerswereengaging themselves in the First World War (WWI), thethenpresident of the US Wilson Woodrow wasapprehensivethat Germany might take up Haiti and destabilize the pathway leading to the Panama Canal. In order to assertandprotect its interest, Wilson sent a few hundred US Marinesand Navy men to Haiti. In 1898 and 1899, The US took over Hawaii andobtainedthe Philippines, Puerto Rico, andsomeparts of the Pacific Islands, including Samoa between 1898 and 1899 (Sexton 270-271).
Theexpansionraisedthesignificantquery of iftherecentlyannexedstates would be giventhe American citizenscivilrights. HavingwonboththeSpanish-American War and Philippines War symbolized both an additiontoearlier expansionist desiresand a quickdeparture from suppositions that hadsteered American foreignstrategybefore. Fortheveryfirsttime, the US madesignificantstrategicdedications in the Far East; acquiringregions that hadneverbeenplannedfor statehood, anddedicated itself to lawenforcementactions.
Works CitedSexton, Jay. 'The Global View of the United States.'The Historical Journal 48.1 (1999): 261-276. Web.
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