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China feared that the USA would help the South conquer the North and acquire its territory. Chinese also wanted to safeguard the Chinese-Korean border, as well as support for the North to win a glorious battle and reclaim its status as the Central Kingdom. By helping the North resist the South, China considered it as repaying the North for the soldiers they provided during the civil war in China. Above all, China had a long-standing towards the USA and they saw this as the perfect opportunity to inflict pain and suffering on the USA.
Evidently, the Chinese were not prepared to enter the Korean War, but the entry of the US prompted them to rethink their decision and join the war. They entered the war to protect their border and to repay the debt they owed North Korea, and most importantly to disapprove of the US as the war provided a chance to maintain its status and pride as the world power.
Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support
Civil Operation and Revolutionary Development Support was an organization formed in May 1967. The program aimed at coordinating the U.S. public and pacification programs by pulling together all U.S. military and civilian agencies engaged in the pacification efforts. The U.S. aimed at promoting pacification of the countryside through the development of rural areas coordinated with the army operation. CORDS efforts worked well to integrate military and civil efforts as exemplified by the United States Military experience in Vietnam.
According to White, Komer, the head of CORD’s operation in Vietnam, successfully integrated the civilian and military personnel into a single efficient unit. Furthermore, Komer successfully placed soldiers under the command of civilians. This merger helped eliminate much of the home loyalty that had led to the ineffective working of civilians under the previous Office of Civil system. Komer also consolidated civilian and pacification into distinct and useful CORD programs. It was for the purpose of creating a powerful and effective counterinsurgency, which helped the US reduce and remove the influence Viet Cong from southern Vietnam.
Though CORD was successful, it had various interagency challenges such as disunity and disagreement among the agencies during the operation. American leaders of different organizations were divided on how to win the war. The military wing believed in aggressive military tactics to win and conquered the war while other groups preferred other moderate ways. In addition, there was disunity that appeared in the battle to control the agencies where the heads of civilians were reluctant to surrender and allow Komer to take control over their personnel.
Evidently, the program brought much success to America. Some of their objectives were met due to the smooth operation and proper and efficient leadership by Komer. Though the program was successful, it was faced with interagency problems that reduced its effectiveness of the program.
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