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Chinas Access to Globalization after Tiananmen Incident - Essay Example

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The author of this essay "Chinas Access to Globalization after Tiananmen Incident" evaluates China's significance in the modern world. It is stated that arguably, Tiananmen Incident is one of the most impactful events in modern China of the past several decades. …
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Chinas Access to Globalization after Tiananmen Incident
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The underlying rationale for choosing 1989 as a point of historical significance for the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is contingent upon the fact that this was the year in which the Tiananmen Square Incident took place; arguably, one of the most impactful events within modern China of the past several decades. Since the events of Tiananmen Square, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has faced an ever increasing challenge of representing legitimacy and relevance with regard to the population it serves. Certain theories, such as the structure – centred theory proposed by Kenneth Waltz, are criticised by many due to the fact that many scholars believe that the fundamental weakness of such an approach is concentric upon the fact that Waltz does not consider internal factors of as much relevance as the external factors. Accordingly, many scholars have proposed that examples such as territorial disputes have independently shown the impact of internal factions/factors have with respect to authority of the People’s Republic of China within the modern era. With all of this in mind, it is essential to analyze the domestic situation within China since 1989 as a means of providing a seamless level of logic with regards to explicating the way in which China has engaged with the world and has engaged with a level of globalization. Since 1989, the CCP has promoted its fundamental goal as ensuring its continued survival and preservation within the People’s Republic of China. As such, leadership within the CCP have viewed the “China model” and specific economic developments, as an interval complement of how this goal can be realized and affected. In such a manner, the corresponding thread of similarity that connects the China model, Chinese foreign policy, and the historical background that is been reference is the legitimacy crisis and the means through which this political entity can continue to stay relevant. As can clearly be noted, the legitimacy of any political group, and its right to power, is predicated partially upon economic growth and the overall well-being, or sense of well-being, that exists within the society that it directs/oversees. The balancing act that the CCP has found itself engaged in is one in which the development of the economy and incremental reforms does not create an untenable situation; or one that would ultimately result in the dissolution or illegitimacy of the party. Accordingly, this particular dissertation will be presented in four unique sections. The first of these will focus upon the legitimacy crisis that the CCP is facing. Therefore, this particular section will form the backbone for the remainder of the dissertation. Further, it will give an overview and understanding of the way in which the social base of the CCP, China’s population, helps to shift its expectations and legitimacy. The second section will be contingent upon domestic economic factors which affect Chinese foreign-policy. Within such a line of discussion, the open door policy, engagement and integration with the WTO, and other economic issues will be analyzed and discussed. Further, a discussion of logic and rubric behind neo-Marxism, and its relation to communist China, will be discussed within the third and fourth sections of this dissertation. In such a manner, a discussion and analysis of China’s dependency upon the remainder of the world will be utilized alongside an understanding and integration with the communist model of revolution; casting the dichotomy of growth and development within business seriously divorced from the illusion of a neo-Marxist integration with the world. Ultimately, the goal of the dissertation will be to illustrate and define the and self fulfilling legitimacy crisis that the People’s Republic of China, and by extension the ruling CCP, aces with regards to the runaway level of globalization, modernization, and economic growth that have been affected the past two decades. As a means of developing the nation and providing its base with a better quality of life, further level of integration with the outside world has been necessitated (globalization). However, the insular nature of Marxism and the methodology through which the People’s Republic of China attempts to constrain and define political ideology are irreconcilable norms that threatened to further undermine the legitimacy of the CPP. As a direct result of this legitimacy crisis, Chinese society is expected to encounter a great deal of social crises as the result of the issues and concerns which have been briefly referenced previously. The potential for domestic unrest and the international pressure of democratizing nation is but one relevant impact that a greater level of globalization has impacted. As a more resilient and thoughtful middle class develops, the overall legitimacy through which the CCP can continue to assert power over a burgeoning population necessarily comes into question. From a discussion and consideration of the above factors, there are ultimately three implications for the future logic of the CCP. The first of these has to do with the understanding that if the current social pressures continue at the rate they have in the past, the CCP will no longer be able to provide a revisionist power with regards to the way in which the system as a whole develops. Secondly, another implication is with respect to the fact that China’s economic rise is predicated entirely upon a global interdependence; indicating the fact that any strategy will be impractical and ultimately ineffective. Thirdly, as a result of the information that is been discussed, another potential applications with regards to the fact that the instability China’s society will impact upon its foreign-policy and render a situation in which both of these remain uncertain and ill-defined. As a function of analyzing these eventualities and seeking to draw inference upon the impact of globalization within the People’s Republic of China, this particular dissertation will be concentric upon attempting to provide a further level of understanding with regards to the motivation and constraining structure of foreign-policy and the means through which these factors impact upon the legitimacy and potential for longevity that the CCP is able to project. Read More
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