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Unit 1 Seminar Human Services and policies - Research Paper Example

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As such, they influence the wellbeing of the society as well as their behavior towards one another. This paper implores the relevance of the social…
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Unit 1 Seminar Human Services and policies
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Human Services and policies Human services and policies Social policies refers to the principles and rules that regulate and maintain a conducive environment for the people in a society. As such, they influence the wellbeing of the society as well as their behavior towards one another. This paper implores the relevance of the social policy issues and general concepts to the students of such a subject, as well the society at large. The content of this course is very relevant to my life as a student as well as to future professionals.

This is because the course fosters the capacity of a professional to understand the major issues that affect the human wellbeing. It also uses evidences pulled from different social discipline fields such as economics, history and even sociology (Titmuss, 1974). This enhances their profession and gives them a foundation of participating in formulation of government regulations. Thus, govern the living conditions of human beings as well as their behavior. Social policies deal with a number of concepts that directly affect the human services.

One of the major issues is social security. Security is a priority because it determines their co-existence with one another, their entrepreneurship and even their choice on where to live. Another significant issue is education. The government regulates this social amenity through its laws as well as its budget(DiNitto, 2011).Other issues include the health, housing, wages, and social behavior such as marriage that surround the people’s day-to-day’s life(Spicker, n.d). All these issues will be reflected in the development of any particular region.

In conclusion, social policy is a very important field that requires proper understanding and implementation. This is because it has a direct influence on the people’s wellbeing as well as their behavior towards one another.ReferencesTitmuss, R. (1974). What is social policy? Retrieved from: DiNitto, M. (2011). Social Welfare: Politics and Public Policy. Allyn & Bacon.ISBN 1-256-81455-5.Spicker, P. (n.d). An introduction to Social Policy; Welfare and Society. Retrieved from :

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