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Greek Mythology and Society of Illuminati - Article Example

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The paper “Greek Mythology and Society of Illuminati” will discuss Illuminati, a Greek word that means submission to Christian baptism. The followers who agreed to baptize were called Illuminati. The existence of the society of Illuminati is unsolved mystery…
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Greek Mythology and Society of Illuminati
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Greek Mythology and Society of Illuminati Summary Illuminati is a Greek word and means submission to Christian baptism. The followers who agreed to baptize were called Illuminati. The existence of the society of Illuminati is unsolved mystery. The historians have found substantial evidence which has regarded this society as political force with religious cover to seek support of the local population. The main objective of this society was to promote rationalism, and the notion of power of democracy. The society of Illuminati has agenda to motivate and inspire people towards rational approach to decide their worldly and religious issues. It is important to realise that severity existed between the churches and the monarchs, and therefore was period when both the groups were involved in intense efforts to seek power and control. The Roman Catholic have been actively engaged in the European politics, and have substantial control on the will of the masses, and the constitution of these republics. The civil society was extremely disturbed and annoyed by the continuous involvement and interference of the religious groups in the political and administrative issues of the state. It is this spirit which resulted in rebellious approach by the civil society; the establishment of the society of Illuminati was in actual an attempt to mobilise the masses against monarch. It is important to realise that no association or linkages exist between famous scientists and society of Illuminati. All the linkages described in the history are "part of mythical genealogies with no historical basis". The members of the society of Illuminati were professional lawyers, public officers and liberal clergyman. The teachings of Weishaupt at the forum of Illuminati strongly focused upon version of the Enlightenment philosophy proposed by Immanuel Kant; "Weishaupt ostensibly claimed to be against the continuing reactionary influence of the Jesuits, but not against Roman Catholicism". Mr. Weishaupt shared strong sentiments against "anti-clericalism and anti-Catholicism, and promoted secular humanism and atheism". The destruction of Vatican is myth, and no evidence or document exists to support such claim by the Illuminati. The society of Illuminati was involved in political struggle with religious fervour. The society expressed their deepest concern against the inhumane policy and approach under monarchy. The rule of law, the rule of people was the actual ambition of the society of Illuminati. The members of the society intentionally added religious element in this politically motivated propaganda against the monarch to seek and develop trust and support of the local population. The society fabricated, and revealed its affiliation with the certain chapters of history; the society intentionally orchestrated its history to convince people about its long history and secret mission. is misconception that the society of Illuminati struggled and supported French Revolution. It is important to identify the actual forces behind French Revolution, "this revolution was the result of a Masonic conspiracy, and that the Illuminati were suspected to be the secret leaders of the French Freemasonry". The Order of Illuminati was conceived after 1780s; therefore practically the society of Illuminati shared no responsibility or role in the French Revolution. It is further important to restate that "French Freemasons were quite hostile to the Illuminati, and certainly not prepared to accept the leadership of a German order". Illuminati: Myth or Reality The Order of the Illuminati is a reality; it was established in 1776 at University of Ingolstadt, Germany. The Illuminati was established by Adam Weishaupt, professor of Law. The society evolved and firmly practiced rituals of religious significance; the society focused towards esoteric rituals with certain political desires. The political ambition of the Illuminati was based upon the philosophy of Enlightenment. This school of thought was strongly against Roman Catholic, and desired to overthrow their influence over the Christianity. This school was strongly against the Kingdom of Bavaria. The Kingdom of Bavaria is integral unit of Germany; this society sought the dismissal of the monarchy with liberal republic. The Illuminati was suspected to be part of Freemasonry. The professor Weishaupt was strongly against Freemasonry. The Illuminati desired the establishment of distinct order, and wanted to provide set of differentia rituals. It was failure on the behalf of Weishaupt and Illuminati to attract the local population as followers through such rituals. It was then in 1777, the society decided to establish Freemason. This unit was established in Munich Masonic lodge, and was titled Zur Behutsamkeit: The Prudence. Since 1780 onwards, several German Freemason including Baron Adolf Franz Friedrich Ludwig von Knigge were affiliated the society. This German Freemason had significant contribution towards this society, and struggled to achieve its religious objectives. The German Freemason edited the rituals, and presented these in Masonic form. It is true that the rituals evolved and practiced by the society of Illuminati was essentially Masonic, but such affiliation was only due to the contribution of the Freemason towards this society. The society of Illuminati was however not the essential part of the Freemasonry; and this society shared its own vision and rituals. The society of Illuminati is considered to have partially succeeded in attainment of its objectives. The rituals evolved by the society were well received by the local population, and the society was able to recruit more than 3,000 members from Bavaria and other European regions. The rituals relevant to the standard of esoteric were not well received by the followers. The political ambition of the society to install liberal system and replace the monarchy failed to materialise. The members of the society were vigilantly monitored by the security officials, and in later stages the police officers arrested the members of the society on the charges of treason. The police officers were able to gather substantial evidence which proved the political ambitions of the society against the kingdom. The government of Bavaria adopted stern approach towards the affiliates of this society, and their members were put behind bars and were heavily fined. Some members of the society were able to flee successfully including Weishaupt. The society of Illuminati remained active after the crackdown by the government of Bavaria was over; the society continued its struggle outside Bavaria. The veteran member of the society Mr. Johann Joachim Christophe Bode continued and propagated the rituals and faith of the society in other European countries. The political struggle of the society of Illuminati strongly violated the constitution of the country. The course of action undertaken by the members of the Illuminati strongly defied the rule of law. The members of this society was repeated accused of treason, and substantial evidence were gathered which indicated plots of killing several political foes. The police officers arrested the prominent affiliate of the Illuminati in 1786, and accused Mr. Franz Xavier von Zwack of designing murder plots of the European political leadership. Mr. Adam Weishaupt, the founder of The Order of Illuminati claimed that Illuminati was established in 651d.C, and evolved with the last King of Persian Empire. This claim was regarded as lie, and was self-confessed by Weishaupt. The genealogy debated by Weishaupt was "an innocent lie"; this lie was used as an opportunity to challenge the writ of law in kingdom of Bavaria. Weishaupt confessed to his colleagues that the Order of Illuminati was fabricated with religious vigour, to attract the local population in the political struggle against kingdom of Bavaria. The affiliates of Weishaupt seconded the approach of "innocent lie" to bring about political revolution within Bavaria. The Order of Illuminati fabricated the entire history to justify and support the existence of Illuminati, and the existence of Illuminati was linked with Noah; and its revival was associated with St John the Evangelist. Knights of Templar never shared actual affiliation with the Illuminati. The society of Illuminati has been against monarchy, and has opposed the kingdom, and its firm supporters the Catholic Churches. The Knights of Templar shared their concerns against the Catholics, and therefore their struggle against the common enemy is linked with their support or affiliation with the Illuminati. It is important to confirm that as the existence of the society of Illuminati before 18th century was "an innocent lie", therefore Knights of Templar were never the part of Illuminati, as this society never existed in that period. It The symbol for the Illuminati is fake; "the pyramid and eye symbol is never found among the Illuminati". The symbol for Illuminati is in actual the representation of the events of 18th century. The pyramid which is speculated as the symbol of Illuminati was "used in the Great Seal was derived from Pyramidographia, a book published in 1646 in London by John Greaves", and the explanation of eye is linked with event of 1792, when Congress Secretary Charles Thomson presided eye symbol as representation of providence. The justification against the use of these symbols in churches is the affiliation of these symbols with Masonic rituals. The theory of Illuminati was not common among the masses before 1975. It was in 1975, when three novels related to Illuminati were published. A trilogy, titled Illuminatus was published by Robert Joseph Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. According to these novels, the independence and governance of the United States were initiated and controlled by the society of Illuminati. In later stages, these concepts were revised and re-phrased in the novels of Umberto Eco titled Foucault’s Pendulum. Such projection was traced by the Protestant fundamentalists; "the leading proponent of the Protestants Mr. Milton William Cooper refused to pay taxes to the United States government, and alleged that it was under the control of Illuminati. It is misconception that the Alumina of Yale University was the part of Illuminati society. The Skull and Bones was established in the middle of 19th century; which is almost a century after the crackdown was held in Europe against the society of Illuminati. The tales of Skull and Bones are simply tales, having no reality. The existence of Illuminati in 20th century is a fact, but the influence and role of this society was extremely insignificant. Mr. Leopold Engel formed the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati in 1901, and was supported by Theodor Reuss. The revival of this order was fabrication lie, the founders tried to establish and justify its traces with the old and a legitimate Bavarian Illuminati, and stressed upon the continuation of this society and its struggle. The theory was not well-received by the masses. The case and history of Illuminati was further distorted, and "it was claimed that the Illuminati originated in India and Egypt, were behind the Italian Renaissance and post-Renaissance art and science". The links and affiliation between Illuminati and notables including Galileo, Ulysses and Aristotle were established to seek public attention and credibility. In later years, the founder Engel confessed that "this genealogy was mythical and symbolic, and should not be taken at face value; and that it was a figment of Reuss’ imagination". The members of the society of Illuminati were persecuted in Germany; however few were able to escape to other parts of Europe. The European economist Mr. Felix Lazerus Pinkus arranged escaped for the members of the Order of Illuminati. Mr. Hermann Joseph Metzger is considered to be the last official survivor of the league of Illuminati; he established "Illuminati centre in the Swiss village of Stein, in the Canton of Outer Appenzell". The society of Illuminati has almost eliminated, and this society is no longer strong. The establishment of this society had political ambition, "Weishaupt and his close associates, unbeknownst to these princes and luminaries, were able to use the Illuminati for a very real political conspiracy, aimed at seizing power in Bavaria, which came close to succeed". The role and influence of this society outside Germany was insignificant, "Illuminati cabal did lead the world from the Renaissance to the 19th century" is nothing but an innocent lie. Greek Mythology and Society of Illuminati: Fantasy Approach The traces of the existence of the common idea of service and responsibility of the community towards the respective objectives of Odysseus and the society of Illuminati have been visible. The focus of the Odysseus was mainly towards the worldly services, whereas the society of Illuminati claimed that spiritual and physical services shall be sacrificed by his community towards him and his cause. Odyssey stressed over the need to follow and adopt the responsibilities i.e. 'service', one of the kind of services has been obligatory i.e. the Law of Hospitality, which stressed over the utilization of the expertise and support services towards an individual or community, which has experienced critical and crucial time, similarly, the services and obligations between the master and servant towards each other has been the focused of his teachings and practices (Steven, 2006). The Odyssey attempted several times to return to his kingdom in Ithaca, whereas the exiled the society of Illuminati never planned any political or military outrage against the ruling authority to ensure his return. The major difference in both the epics has been the deep involvement and influence of the society of Illuminati. The war of the society of Illuminati has been against evil i.e. the forces of darkness, whereas the expeditions of the Odyssey were against any particular legend i.e. capable military or political authority. The concept of military and politics have been of no major significance in the case of the society of Illuminati, who led consecutive battles against the forces of evil, and sacrificed his family and friends for the survival of the Truth. The difference of objective has been demonstrated, the objective of the society of Illuminati was to combat the forces of evil, and however the Odyssey planned physical assault against the Greek Emperors (Steven, 2006). The religion has played significant role in this regard, the sacrifices of the society of Illuminati eventually resulted in the declaration of his personality as Spiritual Commander, whereas the Odyssey has been the commander of the capable and potential army which threatened the forces of the Troy. The society of Illuminati is considered to be the god, by the Hindu community, therefore the personality of the society of Illuminati has been much beyond physical and worldly description, and has been accounted as a force which has the supremacy of command in every aspect of life. The followers of the society of Illuminati have been large, and his acceptance as mighty authority has been common, whereas the Odyssey has been myth without any spiritual designation. The expedition of the Odyssey was marked by his confrontation with several gods and goddesses; however none of such confrontation ever resulted in the reclamation of the spiritual authority by the Odyssey (Kirk, 1973). The Odyssey experienced difficulties and favours which were developed by the spiritual forces, and such forces were not under the command of the Odyssey, however the Illuminati has been the political force, who had the potential to instruct and guide the political aspirants. The coherence between the Illuminati and the Odyssey has been over the fact that both the schools were committed to honour, truth, great deeds and honesty of the society. The action of both the schools has been in accordance with the moral and ethical approach and understanding of the human society. Implications and Positives on Political Front: Society of Illuminati According to the historians, the members of society of Illuminati were initially not in the favour of taking the employment opportunities by other communities, and were to deprive ant other community on the sole pretext of providing comfort and pleasure to themselves. The members of society of Illuminati therefore tried to develop a strategy which focused upon their demand of political rights, and were careful enough not to press the government against the increase of employment opportunities for the members of society of Illuminati community. The political influence of the members of society of Illuminati community is strong in Midwest, therefore initially the community was able to secure political fortune for itself, and once the regional political authority was in their account, the members of society of Illuminati community tried to ensure that employment privileges are offered to members of society of Illuminati. The author has examined the model of collective solidarity of the members of society of Illuminati in the labour market, which was aimed at the mobilization of the entire community instead of an individual. The members of society of Illuminati were able to achieve their objective through such strategy, however the strategy was successful only where the members of society of Illuminati community shared majority of less than thirty percent, and the same technique was dysfunctional where the community was in a majority. Such an approach adopted by the members of society of Illuminati community was responsible for the declination of entrepreneurship, and encouraged government sponsored public operations. The concept of collective solidarity proposed by the members of society of Illuminati community was unsuccessful after the advent of world War II, the entire infrastructure sponsored by the public administration was destroyed, the performance and activities of the unions retarded steadily, and the Catholic educational system was well-received widely which generated well-equipped graduates who were able to take the challenges “with minimal need for group support” (Richard, 2004). The author has revealed that the members of society of Illuminati community were welcomed whole-heartedly upon its arrival in the North America, and created job opportunities specifically oriented for the unskilled members of society of Illuminati workers. The author has revealed that North American never had any serious reservations against the participant and role of the members of society of Illuminati community in the American politics, no political and reputed figure ever arose against the members of society of Illuminati in political elections, therefore the members of society of Illuminati were never confronted heavily, “the members of society of Illuminati were fully accepted politically and economically”. However, the community did experience the political quest signs, and experienced worst discrimination which forced them to resign, retire or demote to sub-standard mode of earning, this unexpected retaliation came from arrogant Protestant Yankees who were seeking humiliation of members of society of Illuminati community. The community was warned against seeking jobs outside the members of society of Illuminati community, which was responsible for their lower individual rates of upward social mobility. During this period the systematic violent incidents took place, which supported the members of society of Illuminati to secure their communal goals, however the retaliation was expected from the Americans, who believed shall the members of society of Illuminati community shall not develop any differences with the American republicanism. The author has discussed the myth which revealed that political quest signs were “deliberately marginalized” (Richard, 2004) and were intended to humiliate the job applicants from members of society of Illuminati community, however “the overwhelming evidence is that such signs never existed” (Richard, 2004). The society of Illuminati realised that it has to undertake the consent from religious scholars before forwarding its ideological difference with the existing setup. The support of the religious scholars further added credibility to the proposal and agenda of the society of Illuminati. The packages of “innocent lies” were presented in manner so as to attract and convince the masses. The society realised that it has to carry forward the research once the consent from the participants is received, and the consent is voluntary, any element of force and reference was avoided. The historians are of the opinion that such flexible and soft approach of the society was the major factor behind its popularity among the masses; the society declared that “a research protocol should be drawn up and signed by each participant, who shall be clearly explained to avoid ambiguity”. The society of Illuminati released signed, approved and attested protocols to add further credibility to their approach. The members of Illuminati were vigilant about undertaking policy so as to keep their concept confidential among the selected class, it was the ethical and moral responsibility of the followers to store the contents of the teachings in a secure position, and such teachings shall be recorded and stored in format that the identities of the participants remain concealed. The society of Illuminati adopted soft approach towards differences within the society, and followers, it was urged to respect he sanctity of the differences if any between the social outfit of the participant and self, “the cultural, linguistic, religious, gendered and other significant differences, such as the power relationship between follower and”. The ethical responsibility of the members of the society compelled them to focus towards the manner in which the people are represented, and the nature of situation shall be well perceived, “the members of the society of Illuminati remained conscious of the existence and practice of the unexamined assumptions and perceptions”. The society of Illuminati encouraged open communication, the relationship between the follower and practitioner shall be perfect and elastic, 'the relationship should be one of partnership and trust'. It was the ethical responsibility of the society of Illuminati to provide possible assistance and the relevant interpretation to the followers in clear and accessible manner. The members of the society were warned to avoid erroneous conclusions, and were instructed to “safeguard their practices against accusations of untruthfulness”. The society of Illuminati performed in an organised manner, but the bundle of lies have to be released sooner, the society therefore lost its credibility among the masses and democratic forces in particular. References 1. Richard Jensen. A Myth of Victimization. Journal of Social History 36.2. 2004. pp. 405-429. 2. Catherine Clément. Theo's Odyssey. 1999. pp. 32-34. Arcade Publishing. 3. Arthur Charles Clarke, Gentry Lee. Rama Revealed. 1994. pp. 154-167. Bantam Books. 4. Steven J. Rosen. Essential Hinduism. 2006. pp. 54-67. Greenwood Press. 5. George William Cox. The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2004. pp. 213-222. Adamant Media Corporation. 6. G. S. Kirk. Myth: It’s Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures. 1973. pp. 98-107. University of California Press. 7. Stanley J. Grenz. Beyond Foundationalism: Is a Nonfoundationalist Evangelical Theology Possible? Regent College Publication. 2000. 8. John E. Thiel. Tradition and Authoritative Reasoning: A Nonfoundationalist Perspective. Theological Studies. Volume: 56. 2002. 9. Blake Morrison. Ian Hamilton. The Guardian. December, 2001. 10. Ian Hamilton. Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry. Oxford University Press. 1996. pp. 219 11. Jeremy Treglown, Bridget Bennett. Grub Street and the Ivory Tower: Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship. Oxford University Press. 1998. pp. 184 12. Olga S. Weber, Stephen J. Calvert. Literary and Library Prizes. R. R. Bowker LLC Publication. 1980. pp. 72 13. Thwaite Anthony. Poetry Today. 1973. Longman Publication. pp. 53 Read More
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