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Josph Listr guru of surgry - Essay Example

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Thе history of surgеry cаn bе bеst dеscribеd by thе discovеry аnd еvolution of mеdicаl tеchnology,systеms,аnd concеpts,which аrе dаting bаck thousаnds of yеаrs.In this pаpеr I аm going to givе you а smаll tour into surgicаl history,thаt аctuаlly involvеd littlе chаngе for mаny cеnturiеs. …
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Josph Listr guru of surgry
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Mrch 18, 2006 Josph Listr - Guru of Surgry Th history of surgry cn b bst dscribd by th discovry nd volution of mdicl tchnology, systms, nd concpts, which r dting bck thousnds of yrs. In this ppr I m going to giv you smll tour into surgicl history, tht ctully involvd littl chng for mny cnturis, bsids th significnt dvlopmnts in sptic tchniqu for surgicl strility, mthods of nsthtic dministrtion, th instrumnts nd computrizd tchnology usd in surgry, nd th surgicl mthods thmslvs hv bn provn to b vry innovtiv nd provid th bst solutions for ptints' trtmnt, mnwhil optimizing sfty nd control. I m going to provid som fcts on how fr mdicin in surgry dvncd wht furthr possibilitis futur holds for nxt gnrtion. Josph Listr ws born t Upton, nglnd, in 1827, whr h hd rcivd his gnrl duction t th Univrsity of London. ftr studying in London nd dinburgh h bcm fmous lcturr in surgry t th Univrsity. fw yrs ltr h ws profssor of surgry t Glsgow, t dinburgh, nd t King's Collg Hospitl, London, nd surgon to Qun Victori. During thos tims mny importnt chngs wr tking plc nd to som xtnt Listr ws lucky to hv mdicl diplom. vn though, studnts wr forbiddn to dissct humn bodis, th mthods by which thy lrnd wr modrnizd nd up-to-dt. Of cours prcption of surgons ws chnging ovr tim, nd s lt s th rly to mid-1800's surgons wr not considrd worthy of th rspct of physicins, nd wr not prmittd by lw to prctic mdicin, only ftr fw tchnologicl chngs, such s nsthtic llowd surgons to focus mor on dtils, not just spd s it ws bfor. Th mortlity rt t tht tim ws round 50% nd this mnt for Listr tht thr is som room for substntil improvmnt in chnging th ccptd form surgry. His min contribution to th prsnt dy surgry is th principl of ntispsis, n outgrowth of Pstur's thory tht bctri cus infction. In 1865 Listr found modrn ntisptic surgry by proving th ffctivnss of his mthods h usd crbolic cid s th ntisptic gnt, h invntd tchniqus of pplying it tht, whn usd in conjunction with his ht striliztion of instrumnts, brought bout drmtic dcrss in postoprtiv ftlity. Th bsorbbl ligturs nd th dring tub wr lso dvlopd by Listr, which r usd for wounds nd incisions. Minly Listr ws inspird by th works of Pstur nd h hd bn prsudd by th importnc of scrupulous clnlinss nd th usfulnss of dodornts in th oprting room. Only ftr nlyzing Pstur's rsrch, Listr cm to th conclusion tht th formtion of pus ws du to bctri; Listr nvr stoppd dvloping his ntisptic surgicl mthods. Ltr on this invntion ws rnkd s on of th grt discovris of th g, bcus du to immdit succss of th nw trtmnt, it ws doptd vrywhr. In 1865 Listr introducd his ntisptic systm in such wy, tht h did not nd much tim to convinc th rst of th world to ccpt it. Of cours, ltr on, mny scintists will sy tht on of th mjor fctors tht ld to such succssful invntion ws th dvlopmnt of th grm thory of diss nd bctriology in th priod 1857-1885 by Pstur, Koch, nd othr scintists, which, in this cs, lrdy ws rvolution tht ld to th rvolution in surgry. This intrict combintion of thory nd prctic somtims is xtrmly complictd, but onc succssful cn ld to rvolution in nturl scincs. Listr's first ppr on th ntisptic mthod, publishd in th Lnct in rly 1867, dlt with trils of th mthod in ptints with compound frcturs, nd includd prliminry rport on its prvntion of scondry infction whn drining tubrculr bscsss (Listr,1867). Th rsults turnd out to b vry striking: complictions occur mor frquntly in css of inflmmtion nd bscss nithr in th wound nor from gnrl spsis. On th 21 of Sptmbr 1867 scond ppr on th ntisptic mthod pprd in both th British Mdicl Journl nd th Lnct. Listr's work ws th first convincing ppliction of th grm thory to th control of humn diss, nd s such it spurrd grt progrss in surgry nd othr filds. Thr is no instnc in th history of surgry, nd indd fw in th history of scinc, in which dduction hs bn so compltly vrifid whn put to th tst (Listr, 1909). Ltr on h dscribs th mthod tht h usd. I hv so ltly givn lswhr dtild ccount of th mthod by which this is ffctd (Lnct, 1867), tht I shll not ntr into it t prsnt furthr thn to sy tht th mns mployd r th sm s thos dscribd bov for th suprficil drssing of compound frcturs; viz., pic of rg dippd into th solution of crbolic cid in oil to srv s n ntisptic curtin, undr covr of which th bscss is vcutd by fr incision, nd th ntisptic pst to gurd ginst dcomposition occurring in th strm of pus tht flows out bnth it; th drssing bing chngd dily until th sinus is closd. By dvloping th grm thory, th work of Listr ntrd into th Goldn r of Microbiology which bcm of crucil importnc now dys. Ltr on, colscing forcs with Pstur nd Koch, mor thn 20 pthognic( th on tht cus spcific humn disss) bctri wr idntifid. Josph Listr focusd lot on th works of othr prominnt scintists to find proof tht infctions wr not cusd by chmicl rction, or n oxidtion, tht took plc vry tim th oxygn ws rcting with th ir. "Hospitlism", s th disss spticmi, rysipls, nd pymi bgn to collctivly b known ws th root of th ovrwhlming mortlity rt in th hospitl stting (Wbr, 2000). Th qustion tht ws on Listr mind ws bout th spsis tht following compound frcturs, frctur in which th skin is brokn nd th bon xposd tht rsultd into high mortlity rt, spcilly whn th individul ftr th surgry styd in th hospitl. Somhow Listr knw tht h hd to kp th wound fr of th microbs tht wr cusing th infctions, nd h ws wr of Crbolic cid, which ws minly usd to gt rid of odors ftr swg. Not long ftr, Crbolic cid ws usd on smll boy with compound frctur of his lg, whr th wound did not suppurt following surgry nd th only pin ws tht th cid ws burning th boy's skin. In "On Nw Mthod of Trting Compound Frctur, bscss, tc." Listr xplins th cs nd xcls his mthods in his ssy, whr h lso dscribs th possibility of th rmovl of bscsss, surgry considrd n unncssry risk during thos dys. Listr md such hug progrss tht his survivl rt could not b unnoticd by othr profssionl surgons. To sum vrything tht ws mntiond bov, I would lik just to point out tht in th 19th cntury prson tht hd to undrgo surgicl oprtion, fcd doubtful futur. Only du to nsthsi, th possibility to diminish th pin hs risn, but vn comprtivly pinlss nd succssful surgry posd srious dngr to th ptint, bcus vry singl wound could b sily infctd nd ntisptic surgry would b impossibl without Listr's invntion. His influnc of this mod of trtmnt upon th gnrl hlthinss of n hospitl is trmndous nd cn not b vn msurd. Listr nvr wrot ny books, ll informtion tht h lft is in rticls but without ny doubt h cn b considrd th most significnt surgons nd scintists of th nintnth cntury. Bibliogrphy: 1. .J. Hrding Rins, Josph Listr nd ntispsis. Priory Prss, 1977 2. Louis Pstur nd Josph Listr, "Grm Thory nd its pplictions to Mdicin & On th ntisptic Principl of th Prctic of Surgry". Grt Minds Sris, Promthus Books, 1996. 3. Josph Listr, "On th ntisptic Principl in th Prctic of Surgry."Nintnth Cntury Scinc: Slction of Originl Txts.d. .S. Wbr.Orchrd Prk, NY:Brodviw, 2000. 4. Josph Listr, "On nw mthod of trting compound frcturs, bscss, tc. with obsrvtions on th conditions of suppurtion," Lnct 1867 Mr 16; 1: 326-29; Mr 23; 1: 357-59; Mr 30; 1: 387-89; pr 27; 1: 507-09. 5. Josph Listr, "Th Collctd Pprs of Josph, Bron Listr", vol. 1, Oxford: Clrndon Prss, 1909. Read More
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