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Historical Changes That Led to the Civil War - Essay Example

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From the paper "Historical Changes That Led to the Civil War" it is clear that because the ordinary Americans referred to them as a superior race, there was they broke out of civil war because the ordinary Americans resented any change and wanted to uphold the status quo…
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Historical Changes That Led to the Civil War
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? Historical Changes That Led To the Civil War Task: Historical Changes That Led To the Civil War Research by Tocqueville reveals that between 1840 and 1850 as dominated by imperial ambitions, expansion of the nation, tension at sectional level, and eventually the emergency civil war in the US. However, it is certainly noting that, monumental changes could not be noticed as well as the increased tension in the surrounding regions. Nonetheless, no single individual would fore see a civil war as the end. Significantly, people were living in the present uncertainties and they hardly lived in future inevitability. Consequently, they never knew in the contemporary uncertainties without having the knowledge of all its turn out (Tocqueville 30). Studies by journalists postulated that the American founded themselves in the peaceful possession of the earth’s fairest portion with regard to territory extension, soil fertility and climate celebrity. Public writers added that, the Americans found themselves under political institutions system of government. Moreover, regarding to the existence stage, journalists held that the Americans found themselves legally right to inherit such blessings. It is worthwhile noting that, they postulated that such blessings were a legacy that was bequeathed to them by their brave and patriotic ancestors. This implies that, the Americans were aware that, they never toiled both in acquisition and in establishment of the above fundamental blessings. In his influential article, David Walker postulated that the ordinary Americans, especially the elites were often unjust and unmerciful. In addition, he regarded the ordinary Americans as a set of beings dominated by Jealous, avaricious as well as blood- thirsty beings. Consequently, they always worked to seek power and an upper hand in authority. Walker added that, journalists and authors viewed the ordinary Americans as over the Greece confederacy, where they were initially regarded as anything. In addition, in education consequence, the ordinary Americans were regarded as people who were there to cut their friends throats. This implies that, they worked to ensure that they subject one other to wretchedness and despair. Consequently, they engaged in deceitful and unmerciful activities in their efforts to lead one another in wretchedness. Significantly, public writers compared the ordinary Americans to the Romans who exercised extreme tyranny and deceitful deeds. Moreover, Walker compared the ordinary Americans to people of Gaul, the Spaniards, the British and the general Europeans. Walker added that, ordinary Americans could be compared to the scattered heathens in Asia and Africa. In response, Walker argued that, the ordinary Americans acted as devils and they had no element of being regarded as accountable men (Bayly 50). While regarding to Christianity, Walker and other private correspondents regarded the ordinary Americans as cruel beings. Christianity enlightened the ordinary Americans and it sensitized them to become completely ready for the above hellish cruelties. It is worthwhile stressing that, Walker produced an article revealing the wretchedness of the ordinary Americans in consequence of the plan of colonization. Consequently, it was evident that numerous ordinary Americans especially in the south, held the Americans in chains of slavery. Significantly, they targeted at keeping the Americans sunk in an immense ignorance coupled with stupidity, in order to make the Americans work without receiving any remunerations for their services. Concisely, it is significant stressing that, David Walker, as a public writer was crucial in channeling historical change in numerous perspectives. For instance, he concluded his article by urging the world’s candid and the unprejudiced to research diligently whether there is any other community including the Antediluvians, Babylonians, Jews and devils, could treat their fellow beings the same way the ordinary American Christians treated blacks from Africa, especially the poor segment. Additionally, he significantly drew the attention of the humankind world to the declaration of the ordinary Americans in the US. Walker embarked on the 1776 declaration, which stated that, whenever it deems necessary in their activities, human beings separate the political aspects that connect them. In addition, to assume among the earth’s powers, the separate as well as equal station to which nature laws and God’s nature entitlement; there is the need for the decent respect for humankind opinion that requires that humans should declare that fuel their separation. Consequently, such truths are self-evident because the creator created all human beings equally; hence endowed with unalienable rights. Significantly, life and liberty are a special guarantee in these rights; hence, for the rights to be secured, governments must embrace the concept of the people in their governance. Therefore, whenever a government engages in exploitation of such rights, it is the obligation of the citizens to alter the government and even abolish it. Eventually, they can institute a government founded on the above principles. In response, the new government would organize it powers in a way that deems likely in effecting people’s safety and affection. Another significant declaration was convened in December 1833 in Philadelphia. The convention targeted at organizing a society for national Anti- slavery. The society would then promptly seize the promulgation opportunity following the Sentiments declaration. Significantly, people cherished the declaration due to the one- sixth segment to the American who had been enslaved. Notably, after the 1833 declaration, other declarations and policies emerged including the 1845 declaration and the Whitney’s policy to defend Americans. Whitney’s policy championed human equality, the taxation problem and representation of people (Lankford 86). The 1845 declaration was a convention of the ordinary Americans principles, in which Delegates assembled at Philadelphia. They targeted at devising a political action concerted plan to defend institutions from the influence of foreign encroachment and make them open as well as concealed. In addition, the declaration emphasized on the suffrage rights. Consequently, one can conclude that, the American mechanisms, have heretofore taken a society position, which has hardly been occupied by their class in whichever other country globally (Armitage 272). It is significant highlighting that, the above chronological events, attempts enligtened the blacks, and catalyzed the blacks to agitate for their rights. Concisely, one can conclude that, the numerous public writers such as journalists had a profound contribution in plight of the immigrants especially the blacks. Consequently, because the ordinary American referred them as a superior race, there was the broke out of a civil war because the ordinary Americans resented any change and wanted to uphold the status quo. In conclusion, scholars have attributed the civil war to the public writers such and private correspondents such as David Walker, Fredrick Douglas and Robert Owen. Concisely, these key individuals were inclusively responsible for the historical change from the slavery and dehumanization through the civil war. Accordingly, historians and political scientists have given such individual a significant credit for their transformation role. Works cited Armitage, David. The Declaration of independence: A global History. New York, NY: Harvard University Press, 2008. Print. Bayly, C. The Birth of the Modern World: 1780- 1914. Newark, DE: Wiley & Sons, 2003. Print. Lankford, Nelson. Cry Havoc! The Crooked Road to Civil War, 1861. Wellington, FL: Penguin, 2007. Print. Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America (Volume 2, Unabridged). Dallas, TX: Publishing, 2007. Print. Read More
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