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Pasadena City Hall Website Analysis - Essay Example

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The essay "Pasadena City Hall Website Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the website of Pasadena City Hall. The website of the Council Chamber, Pasadena City Hall is highly informative. The most relevant issues for the discussion during Council’s meetings are discussed…
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Pasadena City Hall Website Analysis
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The website of the Council Chamber, Pasadena City Hall is highly informative. First, the most relevant issues for the discussion during Council’s meetings are discussed. Different types of conferences and collective round tables and many other arrangements and their brief plans are introduced next to every section on the website. Moreover, in the left corner of the website, there is a multimedia player where the meeting of the City Council can be viewed.

The second part of the information concerns the technical affairs of the Council. For example, when the Monk Hill treatment system was purchased, the amendment to review this purchase under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was acclaimed.

In another example, it is also clearly seen that environmental issues are of high importance for the City of Pasadena. When the purchase of a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer was discussed, its environmental safety and compliance with environmental regulations were discussed in the first section of the section Recommendation. So we see that every question is considered through the prism of its safety for the environment. Consequently, an environmentally friendly policy of the Council of the City of Pasadena is evident. In case when the Council deals with economic or financial issues, the following essential points are evident: strict control and direct regulation by the City Managers of real estate transfer by the interests of the City of Pasadena and all other parties involved.

Moreover, financial issues are solved by the Financial Committee. Despite regulating issues that are directly connected with the financial operations, the former concern presented in the case of the compressed natural gas 25-foot bus purchase is the compliance of the purchase with the environmental issues. Moreover, the Financial Committee appeals for help received from Finance/Audit Committee and assigns contracts for obtaining audit services for (the 2011-2013 fiscal years) (The City of Pasadena Council).

Such issues, such as file claims against the city of Pasadena, public hearing sets, reports and comments from Council committees are provided further on. The essential part of the abovementioned subsequent events in the Council is filled with evident attention paid to the public. A public interest is highly respected by the Council and it is evident because of the presence and functioning of public committees, availability of public hearings and so on. The conclusion can be made that public opinion plays a great role in Council’s work, the decisions made and the laws signed. People can express their interest, inform others about their problems and take a significant part in the lawmaking process.

Another important section is Recommendations from Officers and Departments (The City of Pasadena Council). This option establishes an interaction between the Council and the citizens of the City of Pasadena. Nevertheless, it would be more effective to remove this section closer to the top of the page. Further on, such sections as ordinances, adjournment and future meeting dates are provided.

Thus, during Council’s meetings, they discussed the most important issues for the discussion. Different types of conferences and collective round tables as well as many other preparations and their brief tactics are introduced next to every section on the website. Generally speaking, the website of the Council of the City of Pasadena underlines its focus on environmental and public interest issues. We can’t deny that environmental issues are of high importance for the City of Pasadena as when the purchase of a gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer was discussed, its environmental safety and compliance with environmental regulations were discussed in the first section of the section Recommendation. People have a great opportunity to take part in the city lawmaking process by expressing their interests.

Nevertheless, for more effective cooperation between the citizens and the council, it is desirable to create a more convenient interface for the website and develop more hyperlinks. In such a way, it would be easier for the citizens to look at the issues they are interested in on the website. Moreover, technical issues and financial or economic activities of the Council should be located in three exact and clear sections. Currently, at first glance, a lot of complexities for users occur.

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