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Religious Engagement in Peace Building - Essay Example

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This study will be guided by the following research question: What are the strengths and weaknesses of religious engagement in peace building in conflict zones? This essay also explores the role of religion in creating conflict amongst people…
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Religious Engagement in Peace Building
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Religious Engagement in Peace Building Table of Contents Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Role of Religion in Creating Conflict amongst People 5 Strengths of Religious Engagement in Peace Building 9 Weaknesses of Religious Engagement in Peace Building 16 Conclusion 18 References 21 Introduction The world is a heterogeneous collection of religions. Every religion teaches humanity certain lessons that guide the individuals in numerous aspects of their lives including domestic, social, financial, political, peace building and many more. Religious values and teachings have a gigantic impact on shaping up a society’s cultural and intellectual principals and practices (Nye, 2008, pp. 1-3). One’s sovereignty, independence, and liberty are dependent on religious directions. It is the faith that educates the followers about the differences between the acceptable actions and immoral deeds, prevention from several problems, uncertainty that man confronts in every facet of his life and the comparison between the holy and sacrilegious matters (Nye, 2008, pp. 1-3). The world history has brought this appalling truth into limelight that majority of the fierce and ferocious events of the past come under connection with religion. The similar fact applies to the current global situation as well where most of the riots and violence have come under linkage with faith. On the other hand, it cannot come under ignorance that religion has played a commendable and phenomenal role in peace building, resolving conflicts and settling down volatile issues (Vries, 2007, pp.1-2). As religion actually outlines all the important and substantial affairs of one’s life, it intensely and genuinely comes under involvement in influencing the followers’ notion and idea of conflict and peace building and its maintenance with respect to religion. Religion is of paramount importance because it can leave an indelible imprint on one’s perspectives and viewpoints in relation to any sort of conflict, clash, opposition, or sadism. It can also create problems for the followers all around the world (Pollack, 2008, pp. 5-6). In order to resolve conflicts it is imperative to figure out there causes of initiation and the elements that have advanced them so that religious teachings can come under appropriate usage and implementation. This can come under performance through a detailed study of relationship between religious ideas and peace building actions (Bellamy, Williams and Griffin, 2009, pp.12-15). The crucial cause of religious based conflicts is that the followers have incomplete knowledge of their faith and thus due to misconceptions they consider aggression, violence and hostility as an inevitable move offered by religion. Furthermore, in a region where denizens are not under proper and adequate security and are suffering from frustration due to terrible social or political scenario consider violence as a possible solution and think that this will make them heard by the government (Kaplan, 2007, pp. 123-126). However, this is not right but lack of religious understanding and violent streak in a hot-blooded lot begets to conflicts that would have come under refrain if people had correctly comprehended the religious guidance or the suggestions of religious teachers and representatives. Instead, they choose a destructive option of violence on cost of the respect and reputation of their religion and fall short in noticing the possible peaceful alternatives provided by their religion itself (Kaplan, 2007, pp. 123-126). People of diverse religious backgrounds residing in either a common or a defined place and practicing their religious rituals and ceremonies can be a cause of violence and discrepancies. However, one cannot shut his eyes to the reality that religions have gargantuan and mammoth potential for solving these intensified issues. Peace building mission can come under execution successfully by following the religious teachings in this context (Helmick, 2002, pp. 80-82). Religions teach the humankind to work in friendly collaboration and union to trace out solutions of the enormities and hazards faced by the global community. Therefore, all the individuals having sound religious understanding irrespective of their religion, class and race should work in association to abate and alleviate the conflict and give their backing to accomplish peace-building task (Smock, 2002, pp. 47-48). The conflicts are not specific in nature. They can arise and prevail within the same as well as different religious groups. Therefore, a correct understanding of all the religions existing on the face of this globe is essential and compulsory for the purpose of spreading harmony and tranquility otherwise outcomes can be atrocious and horrendous (Bellamy, Williams and Griffin, 2009, pp.12-15). Another viewpoint that comes into highlight is that the policies designed for peace building should be practical and effective in all parts of the world as the cultural norms of each nation is dissimilar to others’ and what has brought fine results in one corner may not work in other. Religion can serve as an important and substantial stepping-stone in minimizing and eradicating the conflicts and giving rise to peace, however, with the package of good comes weaknesses and in some circumstances religion do not emerge completely victorious in attaining the peace making objective (Kim, Kollontai and Hoyland, 2008, pp. 63-65). Role of Religion in Creating Conflict amongst People An individual comes under identification through multiple aspects including social, political, economical, and cultural. However, one of the fundamental facets that cannot come under ignorance is a person’s religious background. Religion explains the purpose of birth to the people and is most importantly the code of life (Larkin, 2001, pp. 5-6). A conflict initiates when people belonging to the same religion begin to feel that they come under unfair treatment by others and abhor the situation to an extent that they come together to form a strong union to oppose the ones who treated them unjustly. They retaliate vigorously to achieve their objective of changing the existing situation according to their will and desire. Most of the time, the reaction takes the face of conflict between the followers of different religions (Ludwig, 2000, pp. 25-27). As religion is a foundation of one’s status, character, and identification, it divides the global community into factions. For instance, the followers of a particular faith will consider that other people who are practicing a different religion are non-believers and are not part of them. This perspective advances discrimination between majority and minority religious groups in a specific region, which can cause tension and strain amongst the individuals and is conducive to riots and violence (Goldstein, 2008, pp.164-165). Another area that comes under consideration is that different religions give their followers distinct teachings and the beliefs related to divine authority, the commands, right and wrong that are not same. Practices and behaviors that are acceptable by one religion may not be tolerable by the other. Therefore, the thoughts and strategies involved by a disciple in reacting to a situation or an event may be diverse for each faith (Goldstein, 2008, pp.164-166). Some schools of thought suppose that religions’ involvement in appraising conflicts is actually a result of social tensions and economic enormities. For instance, in a country where majority of the population practices a particular religion, the higher officials at a workplace or in a society will favor the devotees of that religion. This is because the officials and the co-workers belong to the same religion. This action gives rise to discrimination and leads to frustration in the follower of the religion that comes under practice by the minority. Consequently, this prejudice and inequality will result in resentment and conflicts in the name of religion (Ansari, 2004, pp. 200-203). Additionally, the world history reveals the fact that religious diversity has characterized numerous battles and mass destructions. Religious differences have not only caused internal or civil uncertainties but also sow the seeds for inter nation conflicts. Many historical events such as fighting wars, launching movements for the formation of new states or striving for independence have occurred in the name of religion in both the eastern and the western wing of the world (Fox, 2002, pp. 1-3). Since last few years, the incidents of violence that have come under recording show an accelerating pattern of occurrence. It is a dismal observation of enormous proportion of masses that the culprit for most of these events was religious differences. Therefore, the world has started to consider religious factor as a cause of conflicts and aggression in general (Fox, 2002, pp. 1-3). Every individual has sincerity and fervor for his religion. No matter where the individual is residing, he comes into associated emotionally to his faith; therefore, anything against it would be intolerable for him. In an area when an individual declares his religion finer and superior to others, it can trigger irritation and rage in the devotees of other religions that would beget to disintegration amongst population and disturb the ethnic and social mosaic. It can also hinder and obstruct the development of an unprejudiced community (Larkin, 2001, pp. 5-6). The universal examination brings a piece of information to the forefront that non-religious entities come under involvement in persuading the disciples to perform activities that do not originally come in linkage to religion. As an outcome, it comes into display as the visage of religion, sacrilegious activities become righteous deeds for the brain washed follower, and his fierce reaction to a situation becomes part of the religious rites and ceremonies (Healy, 2010, pp. 41). A look around the globe draws the attention to the fact that social conflicts usually comes under growth and promotion through the improper and inappropriate actions of religious representatives and leaders. These people tend to legalize the undesirable actions in the name of their religion, which are originally not the part of the elements taught by it. These actions may include injustice with lower social class, gender inequity, violation of human, civil, and constitutional rights and privileges and many more (Gort, Jansen and Vroom, 2002, pp. 4-6). Another provoking factor related to the role of religion in creating conflicts is that the origin of most of the religions that come under practice by the world populace dates back to several centuries. Therefore, it comes into believe by many historians and religious personnel that followers have either amended the guidance over the period or have accepted only those teachings that they thought would favor them (Ludwig, 2000, pp. 25-27). The religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism who follow the text that came under writing in their holy books can declare their superiority over one another. Though the text in these books are similar yet the differences in religious ceremonies and the way of practicing faith divides them. As the followers of all three faiths strongly believe that, their religion is correct and right, they can affirm themselves as honorable and virtuous of all. Consequently, inconsistency and conflicts can arise amongst them (Ceric, 2004, pp. 43-45). Many parts of the world are facing the failure of political leadership so the persons in authority are gravely looking for possible solutions to achieve their goals. The officials and institutions have found out that religion can provide them tough backing to attain their targets. This misuse of religion imposes an immense threat on the integrity of the religions as these money-minded people can alter its sacred characteristic for their own good will. As a result, there is a high probability that conflict will arise between those having sound religious knowledge and ones who lack the understanding (Eckstein, 2008, pp. 164-165). The world is transforming into a global village. The boundaries are becoming meaningless that has allowed the flow and exchange of knowledge of all sorts. The influence of the new awareness and acquaintance can be positive, however, adverse impacts can also over shadow the goodness brought in by it. Detailed understanding and recognition of different faiths and the views of the devotees with regard to other religions can broaden the gaps between disciples of different religions (Wilber, 2007, pp. 1-2). According to sources, it comes under perception that influential entities from different facets of society in numerous regions of the world come under inclination to adopt western ideas, thoughts, and lifestyle. However, one cannot avoid the fact that cultural and traditional activities in relation to religious values and principles of the world are poles apart regardless of eastern and western parts of the world and mass resistance will come under study by loyal and religious individuals who would not accept the foreign actions and beliefs. This can set off rage amongst the followers of the primary religion followed in that region that opposes the new lifestyle and conflict can build up (Souza, Durka, Engebretson, Jackson and Mcgrady, 2007, pp.415-417). Strengths of Religious Engagement in Peace Building The role of religion in peace building is of gargantuan significance. Although religion contributes in creating conflicts amongst people as discussed above, religion is undeniably a fundamental aspect that can come under proposition when conflict resolution is under discussion. Religion is the only form of identity that crosses national borders and emerges as a unifying feature that brings together the people from every corner of the world and joins them in harmony (Bercovitch and Zartman, 2009, pp. 266-267). Many activists from various religious backgrounds are working extensively towards multiple objectives in context of peace building and maintenance. It includes halting conflicts and encouraging settlement and peace thereafter in the conflict-suffering zone. This practice exists since past several years but had remained unpopular; however, it has gained exceptional and extraordinary importance in recent times. No religion teaches violence to its followers. All determinedly instruct and guide its people to adopt a peaceful way of living. They suggest that negotiation between rival sides is the most suitable alternative to violence and can bring phenomenal results in putting an end to volatile conflicts (Smock, 2002, pp.44-46). When a detailed and careful study comes under performance related to the causes of a specific conflict or tension, the course of its effects and the possible resolutions to spread peace it comes to forefront that religion has key to all problems. It is one of the appropriate means to resolve intra religious problems as well as inter faith conflicts. Moreover, proper understanding and practice of religious customs and conventions can bring effective outcomes with regard to peace making (Jeynes, 2003, pp. 236-238). Furthermore, the function of religion in the mentioned domain is essential and vital as it can make the world a better place to live. The newly emerged phenomenon of the past decade that is globalization will get correct direction of growth and more improvements will come under accomplishment for humanity if religious guidance comes under proper implementation. Religion has a mammoth strength to improve social, political, and economical sections of men’s life (Jeynes, 2003, pp. 236-238). Religion allows a platform for the opponents to discuss their issues of conflict face to face and use the power of dialogue to alleviate their differences and misconceptions on the subject of each other’s faith. It also provides a chance to converse meticulously about the similarities that exist between the different religions and understanding the peaceful teachings taught by all of them. It will beget to the development of a universal perception that no religion is superior to other and that all human beings are equal on religious grounds. Thus, an enduring and long-term peace building process will come under initiation. This is one of the preeminent methods of settling down the conflicts and building peace (Bercovitch and Jackson, 2009, pp. 145-146). When a conflict arises in any part of the world, involvement of religion can control the worsening of situation and can act out wonders to minimize the likelihood of the occurrence of violent and outrageous activities. This is because religion gives an individual his identity and adds significance to his life and presence. It allows people to fight against immoral things in a decent, respectable, and intellectual way rather than using a vicious and aggressive means. It gives rise to flexibility and acceptability in the people to handle the sensitive issues logically than emotionally and assist the process of peace building with great fervor and commitment (Selmier, Hiatt, Ridley, Blumenfeld, Davis, Polis Center and Creative Street (Firm), 2003, pp. 3-4). All the religions that come under practice around the globe guide the devotees to work and act with thoughtfulness and benevolence. Every religion abhors hostile and offensive behavior towards other people of the world community so that they do not confront difficulties, harm, and loss. This is the one of the basic principles of all faiths so the followers accept it as mandatory discipline of their faith. Therefore, conflict resolution can become a peaceful and serene course of action (Cortright, 2008, pp. 18-20). Religious actors often have good and unique relationships with the public, as they are also part of them. It can come under usage as one of the essential forces that can reduce the possibility of beginning of any conflict. In addition, it can also facilitate in peace making operation to settle down the discord matter (Paulson, 2011, pp. 11-13). Religious representatives hold a prestigious reputation and status amongst the common people as they have vast religious education and awareness. They come under consideration as reliable, honorable, and respectable characters. This is because they are responsible for imparting religious knowledge to people that comes under the image as a praiseworthy duty. People hold high regard for them so they can aid in making people understand the foundations and role of religions in conflict mitigation (Cromartie, 2005, pp.32-34). All religions and holy books teach its believers certain attitudes and principles amongst which understanding, unity, compromise, and forgiveness are few to name. When religious leaders who have profound religious awareness attempt to impart these values to the disciples sincerely, it can alter their thoughts, mind-set, outlook, and actions and can make them better. When efforts become successful at the grass root level, it will ultimately beget to enhanced understanding related to benefits of religious diversity. It also assists in abridging gaps between the followers of different religions, thus elevating global peace (Vroom, 2006, pp. 58-60). People come under emotional association with their religion; therefore, any measure involving religion must come under handling very carefully and vigilantly. However, religious leaders have an influential role in convincing people that governments and non-religious institutions cannot match. Spiritual leaders can persuade and encourage the members of its community to loathe conflict building and hatred through religious proofs and facts. In this way, the proportion of population who will support the universal peace movement will augment (Paulson, 2011, pp. 11-13). The religious representatives who work untiringly for conflict resolution and peace building have a thorough insight of the social, economic, and political scenario of that particular region where they are working. This helps them in deciding an appropriate religious approach for convincing people to support the cause. Moreover, religious actors can work in collaboration with other numerous religious and non-religious organizations on local, regional, national, and international fronts to achieve positive outcomes all over the world (Jordan, 2006, pp. 205-208). Since the world came into existence, religions have guided people about the difference between right and wrong. The solution of every problem lays in the religious lessons. Therefore, the universal conflicts can come under resolution by the support of spiritual advices and enlightenment. Events from the past decades justify that religions have contributed extensively in building peace as they have helped in making people calm and composed whenever they turn out to be outrageous in response to a deplorable and objectionable situation. Likewise, they have often facilitated in halting governments from taking those moves and decisions that pose threat to the harmony and stability of nations (Bride’s (Conde Nast Publications Inc.), 2003, pp. 16-18). Religions endorse equality, which can serve as an important strength in unifying people within the communities as well as between groups of different religions as they eradicate the disparity between them. This can lessen the conflicts related to injustice and unfairness by historic proportions. Violence with respect to traditional, emotional, intellectual, constitutional and racial differences also come under disagreement by all the faiths (Goldewijk, 2007, pp. 146-147). Many incidents across the world have come under recording where religions have frequently emerged as a dominant entity in restricting the worsening of conflict situations. For instance, religious actors have provided shelter and protection to weak, poor, and helpless people in riot stricken area. This not only assuaged the agony of needy people but also discouraged the rebellions in continuing their sadistic activities (Durward and Marsden, 2009, pp. 176-177). It has come under witness that the process of peace building elevates when diverse people of different ethnic backgrounds particularly the religions meet on a single platform to work in cooperation with each other. This union provides an opportunity for improving the social and peace situations after the conflict. This practice is applicable for regional as well as global state of affairs (Durward and Marsden, 2009, pp. 176-177). It has come under notice that multiple religious institutions are working industriously to bridge the gap between the opponents of different beliefs. In order to carry out peaceful discussions and negotiations to initiate a relationship of reliance and confidence between opposing parties, members of different age groups from faiths that do not meet on common grounds come under confrontation for peaceful talk. These scheme leads to strengthening of inter religious relationships (Bercovitch and Jackson, 2009, pp. 145-146). The faith-based institutions have widespread set of connections with different peace building organizations and agencies. This allows rapid and far-reaching communication between all nations of the world even the remote ones. This provides a possibility for the religious leaders to fulfill their task and obligation of peacemaking on a major scale with ease (Appleby and Carneige Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict series, 2000, pp.280-282).  People unite under the name of their religion, which instructs its believers to serve humankind unconditionally and whole-heartedly. Whenever a conflict occurs, in which humans suffer a great deal, religions display tremendous strength to bring communities together to serve for the improvement and prosperity of the victims. Consequently, building and maintaining peace in the region becomes uncomplicated and unproblematic. Volunteerism exhibited by the people is not for the sake of rewards or praises but for helping humanity and hindering destabilization process (Bercovitch and Zartman, 2009, pp. 266-267). Peace building procedure brings all the aspects of conflicts into limelight including the religious features associated with them. Religious teachings can come under appropriate execution to resolve the spiritual enormities and aspects that come under connection with the conflicts. This assists the victims to recover from their sufferings and agony that they experienced during the conflict. Religion tells the people to learn from their experience instead of reacting to it in an aggressive manner. This soothes the pain of the sufferers and offers them valuable moral support (Selmier, Hiatt, Ridley, Blumenfeld, Davis, Polis Center and Creative Street (Firm), 2003, pp. 3-4). A detailed study discloses the reality that a major faction of population especially the common people tends to remain immune to peace building activities. They do not consider themselves a part of this peacemaking process. They fail to reflect upon their role and importance in it. However, religion is a chief influential source that can explain and validate the responsibility of all human beings in promoting peace to the complacent and undaunted people. Hence, these people comprehend the need of their involvement in attaining peace and become productive participants (Paloutzian and Park, 2005, pp. 537-539). Religion holds a substantial position in preventing the rise of a conflict. For instance, when a country decides to attack or capture another nation for a needless cause or with an intention of destruction, people can raise their voices against it. Religious peace building and the prominent figures associated with it can facilitate them in taking this massive step against the government to stop the occurrence of war/conflict (Goldewijk, 2007, pp. 146-149). Weaknesses of Religious Engagement in Peace Building Where religious engagement proves to be a strong tool in peace building, some weaknesses also lay in this line of action. The first aspect to consider is that although religious leaders have connections with other authorities who could facilitate them in peace building mission, few non-religious organizations may disagree to work in collaboration with them. This is because religious actors often tend to become oversensitive when dealing with some concerns. Usually non-religious organizations prefer to work in collaboration with other secular organizations rather than religious institutions since their policies and strategies of work are different (Ramsbotham, Woodhouse and Miall, 2011, pp. 335-337). Although religious leaders can take exceptional measures using their vast spiritual knowledge to resolve conflicts and build peace in a region, however, at times they do not react towards a conflict situation and remain inactive and complacent. A terrible practice that has come under witness in recent times is that some people who state themselves to be religiously sound engage themselves in the conflict building activities (Magnani, 2011, pp. 258-259). Another weakness of religious involvement in peace building is that the religious representatives do not emerge successful in catering directly to the conflict resolution. Nevertheless, they work arduously and enthusiastically in assuaging and alleviating the pain of the sufferers. Furthermore, numerous religious peacemakers prefer to work in isolation rather than in alliance or coalition with each other. Thus, peace-building attempts either become futile or come under accomplishment at an extremely sluggish pace (Hansen, 2011, pp. 89-92). One of the chief challenges of religious engagement in peace building is that some forces within the community weakens the progress of peace making and abysmally few religious leaders show hesitance and indifference to look into this enormity with gravity. Moreover, these issues are likely to cause impairment and interruption in the state of tranquility in a zone. They can also lead to the growth of turmoil within a community (Hansen, 2011, pp. 89-92). In order to carry out peace development projects, adequate and current understanding and comprehension with respect to universal peace building come under requirement. Those religious ambassadors who fulfill this criterion of having up-to-date information and aptitude in this specific domain can efficiently perform their responsibility to convince and gain public support in restricting the augmentation of violence. However, the vulnerability comes under elucidation when the religious leaders lack specialize training in the defined area. Whenever any social or political groups approach these leaders and request them to join the cause, they do so. As an outcome, they are less probable of applying their religious knowledge whenever needed; therefore, they are not much capable of contributing effectively to peace building (Shore and South Africa. Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 2009, pp. 22-25). Religious peace building is not an easy task. Sometimes when leaders of a particular religion come under complete preparation to initiate useful and effectual peace building activities in cooperation with other religions, the leaders of other religions do not respond in positive way. This creates difficulties to begin peace movement, as support of all the religions are of prime need (Hertog, 2010, pp. 214-215). All religions endorse equality, whether it be gender or racial. However, despite of categorizing itself as religious, few institutions do not include women in their policy of peace building activity. This causes a bemused image of these faith-based institutions and questions the integrity of all religious representatives with respect to their contributions to the support and promotion of human rights. This unreligious action is conducive to non-coalition of these bodies with other peace building enterprises that work widely and determinedly for combating atrocities like human right violations (Haynes, 2008, pp.382-383). Conclusion Religions grant valuable identity to the individuals, without which they come under deprivation of the meaning and significance of their lives. Numerous faiths come under practice across the world and their teachings and guidance provide a right direction to the devotees that should come under strict implementation. Since time immemorial, religions have played dual role. They can stimulate and provoke conflicts among the people with same belief as well as between the disciples of different religions. Secondly, they can also come under supreme usage as a link to build peace. The fact that religions provide identity to the people can leave an adverse impact on the world community by dividing the individuals and discriminating between them based on their faiths. Such differences have potential to initiate conflicts and perturb peace situation. According to evidences, it has come under highlight that conflicts cannot come under exact classification as religious, social, political, or economical. Actually, an amalgamation of all the global factors begins a conflict and determines its nature. However, history is full of examples of the events when religious differences and grounds have started conflicts and violence, thus reflecting the engagement of religion and the horrific effects it can bring in conflict zones (Coward and Smith, 2004, pp. 279-280). Religious conflicts usually occur due to incomplete or incorrect understanding of religious teachings. Studying the principles and doctrines presented by all the religions reveals that they all come under inclination to promote peace and serenity. A thorough learning and comprehension of religious lessons can assist greatly in looking for possible solutions for settling down conflicts and providing appropriate substitute for violence and sadism, thus resulting in attaining peace. Religion possesses enormous strength in building peace in a region. Religious engagement in peace building is a reincarnated idea. Several benefits can come under achievement with regard to peacemaking if religious resources come under proper utilization. Planning of peace building tasks and mission can integrate religious teachings effectively as they are multifaceted and versatile, thus they can help in targeting larger area and audience successfully. They can also facilitate in achieving long lasting outcomes. Undoubtedly, religion has a potential to unite people and religious representatives often hold prestigious image amongst the public. These can come under operation as valuable assets in conveying the importance of peace building to the common people through religious teachings imparted by religious leaders. Non-religious peace building workers find it difficult to carry out their activities across international borders; however, religious involvement can make it simple. Another end of the spectrum unveils a perspective that even though religious engagement in peacemaking has ushered in benefits, nonetheless, a number of challenges/weaknesses has also come under cognizance. Religion has often come under a viewpoint as an oversensitive issue; therefore, it comes under a reputation of supporting violent protests and non-religious peace building institutions do not prefer to work in collaboration with religious organizations. 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Religion in State Politics: Explaining Incorporation

A building on a custom constructed during the leadership of Margaret Thatcher in the 70s, the pamphlet in 1996 October of the Catholic Church's 13,000-word booklet, The Common Good and the Catholic Church's Social Teaching, was a significant involvement in the political deliberate between the Labour and conformist parties.... Spiritual organizations different types seem to openly refuse the secular principles leading many state policies, who look like champions of other religious options....
11 Pages (2750 words) Essay

Factors That Lead to Religious Terrorism

In my opinion there is only one main factor behind every religious violence, i.... hellip; Today, most of the brainwashing is done this way not only by several cults but also by different political parties. The most common resort to violence occurs when a religious group feels threatened and thinks of itself as the people choose it.... Religions also spawn sects, cults, alternative religions and religious terrorism likewise tends to spawn offshoots and factions....
10 Pages (2500 words) Essay

Juergensmeyers Holy Orders: Opposition to the Modern States

However, the US military engagement in the months following September 11 was primarily a secular commitment to a definable goal and largely restricted to objectives in which civil liberties and moral rules of engagement still applied.... In the article of Mark Juergensmeyer (2004) entitled "Holy Orders: Opposition to Modern States", he mentioned that religious warfare is difficult to address because, in almost every recent case of religious violence, concepts of cosmic war have been accompanied by claims of moral justification....
10 Pages (2500 words) Essay

Religious Opposition to Modern States

However, the US military engagement in the months following September 11 was primarily a secular commitment to a definable goal and largely restricted to objectives in which civil liberties and moral rules of engagement still applied.... The author analyzes the article "Holy Orders: Opposition to the Modern States" by Juergensmeyer which states that religious warfare is difficult to address because, in almost every recent case of religious violence, concepts of cosmic war have been accompanied by claims of moral justification....
10 Pages (2500 words) Assignment

Dying Religions of the World

This assists with identification which causes social cohesion but which has also been known to cause friction between groups that does not believe in the same religious practices.... As the report declares The great numbers of religious beliefs found among the people living in the contemporary world testify of the divergence of religious views found in the world today.... The believers of the various religious beliefs have organized themselves into different religious groups hence the emergence of denominations, sects, and sub sects among others which originate from the mainstream religious beliefs....
10 Pages (2500 words) Research Paper

Methods of Engagement in Afghanistan

Real changes that bring an end to the war must be implemented so that peace and stability in Afghanistan prevails.... The local community must also be involved in the peace process.... peace solution will not be achieved without the local community participating in the peacemaking process.... hellip; It is evidently clear from the discussion that the Afghans embracing religious practices of not killing Christians will greatly improve the relationship between Christians and Islam....
8 Pages (2000 words) Research Paper
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