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Systems Thinking and Obesity - Essay Example

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The paper "Systems Thinking and Obesity" is a great example of health sciences and medicine essay. There is a high increase in the rates of obesity globally, and even though the problem is depicted as one of the major health challenges by the World Health Organization in the 21st century, no well-defined resolution exists. It is a significant challenge to reduce obesity…
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Systems Thinking and Obesity Name Course Tutor Institution Date Introduction There is a high increase in the rates of obesity globally, and even though the problem is depicted as one of the major health challenges by the World Health Organization in the 21st century, no well-defined resolution exists. It is a significant challenge to reduce obesity because of the complexity of the problem as it has many interrelated variables. Practitioners are of the view that various sector need to come together and provide an integrated, holistic response to be in a position to influence the complex network of inter-reliant variables. The health care industry has the capacity to take up a vital role in this approach. However, the health care practices in use in the present day do not normally take up the issue of obesity as a difficult issue therefore leaving practitioners with minute resources to take care of the devastating problem. This paper will discuss the challenges presented by obesity to the health care industry, as well as methods in which the sector is changing in reaction. Using illustrations of how systems thinking and complexity can change the health care practices in taking care of obesity, the paper will show that admitting this sophistication can assist the health care industry go beyond the usual reactions to complex challenges and work in the direction of more effective resolution. Obesity as a composite Challenge There exist numerous simulation of obesity’s causality, and they differ in their description of convolution. The research on obesity mainly pays attention to biomedical simulation in a move to separate exact biological casual tools at an individual’s level (Stokols 1996). As per the biomedical viewpoint, obesity is caused by the imbalance in energy which is because of the behavior of an individual in which energy expenditure is lower than the energy intake over time (Greener, Douglas & van Teijlingen 2010; 2015). This method has had substantial consequences for the prevention and treatment of obesity, influencing government policy and clinical practice despite the proof against its efficiency at the populace level. In the last few years, there has been a shift in relation to the socio-ecological perception of obesity, wherein the behavior of an individual is situated in a wider social perspective. The socio-ecological ideal takes political, cultural and economic factors into contemplation and shows individual obesity to be somehow influenced by the individual’s external factors (Lake & Townshend 2006). This model shows obesity as a complicated issue but does not account for the characteristics involvedness demonstrated by obesity (Kumanyika et al. 2002). Comprehending obesity as a result of complex relations between numerous variables has been an imperative breakthrough for research on obesity. According to Abdel-Hamid (2009), the complexity of the system is motivated by the number of elements as well as the nature and level of interactions amongst them. A model has been developed by the foresight group that efficiently shows these as well as additional characteristics of intricacy, enclosing obesity as a stuff developing from more than 300 interrelations and 100 variables (McPherson, Marsh & Brown 2007). The multiplicity within numerous features, which can go from the variability of the genetic makeup of an individual, to a person psychology to the quality of the food preparation, shows the heterogeneity characteristics for multifaceted frameworks. Likewise, the model portrays various response loops, the vicinity of which exhibits association and non-direct connections between framework modules (Cawley 2011). Similar to the socio-ecological framework, the foresight plan shows the broad range and diversity of effects on the behavior of an individual. For instance, the choice of food of an individual can be determined by food availability, price, culture understanding of the food and the biological reactions to the food value reward (Huang et al. 2009). In addition, frameworks basically have uncertain limits, such that forcing a part of the framework can result in unplanned consequences in other systems or parts. The Foresight delineate imparts these interdependencies and the genuine trouble of managing complex social issues. Connections are moreover hard to anticipate in complex frameworks because of time deferrals in the middle of activities and results. This is genuine seeing individual weight pick up and also populace level weight reduction. The period of time needed to see huge results along these lines entangles counteractive action endeavors. Biomedical, socio-environmental and complex models all add to our comprehension of stoutness and are expected to advise our endeavors to mediate. The varieties among them, be that as it may, highlight the requirement for distinctive ways to deal with issues with regards to some degree of their multifaceted nature (McPherson, Marsh & Brown 2007). Practices used currently to prevent and treat obesity Notwithstanding the development of our comprehension of obesity as a mind-boggling issue, the most well-known way to deal with obesity treatment is to view it as a basic issue and endeavor to change the behavior of an individual through changing energy equilibrium, fundamentally through education on health matters (Abdel-Hamid 2009). Clinical treatment alternatives incorporate behavioral, psychological, pharmaceutical and surgical treatments. Bariatric surgery has demonstrated noteworthy achievement in obesity treatment although access to patients is restricted for a mixed bag of reasons, with the intrusive nature of surgery and long waits lists part of them (Buchwald et al. 2004). Pharmacotherapy has been connected with uncertain weight reduction, but more research is needed in regards to long term safety and health. Interventions in lifestyle are still the establishment of obesity treatment because they are the minimum obtrusive alternative. Be that as it may, there is poor adherence to projects and patients encounter an absence of long-term achievement (Lau et al. 2007). In spite of the fact that lifestyle intercession is a foundation of clinical medicines for obesity, there are numerous hindrances to its far-reaching usage. Doctors may be inadequately prepared in that they need preparing in weight reduction procedures and management of obesity, and they lack the suitable techniques to bolster suggestions to move more and eat less. Mold and Forbes (2011) proposed that the shame related with obesity provides complication to the interactions of the health care, affecting patient encounters and the nature of care received. Basic hindrances to viable care incorporate an absence of fittingly measured equipment, obesity not being covered by insurance schemes as well as absence of access to interdisciplinary consideration groups whose multifaceted mastery coordinates the many-sided quality of the issue (Mold & Forbes 2011). The intricacy of obesity difficulties customary essential care rehearses that have been organized to address ordinarily intense and less entangled conditions. For experts, tending to obesity as a basic issue has delivered demoralizing results with clinicians frequently reporting obesity treatment as being destined to disappointment, baffling and incapable (Mold & Forbes 2011). Systems thinking and its application in obesity Regardless of the difficulties postured by obesity, evidence proposes that essential care doctors have a vital part to play in conveying preventive administrations, as their directing can be viable when offered. However, doctors are frequently hesitant to exhort their patients on weight reduction. Using a multifaceted frameworks lens to the counteractive action and treatment for obesity could end up being a promising method for enhancing obesity treatment (Rodondi et al. 2006). Huge numbers of the frameworks based techniques for tending to obesity identify with the center rule of capacity building. Strategies on health education are established in the thought of building self-viability to advance change of behavior, and confirmation proposes that furnishing doctors with the right devices for the job can enhance results (Melin & Rössner, 2003). Better understanding of weight reduction diets among health care practitioners, for instance, is connected with less aversion of talking about weight reduction with patients, less dissatisfaction and less conviction that treatment is incapable. Generally, be that as it may, education on health has demonstrated to be unsuccessful in making a change of behavior in the long term. This proposes that training may just build capacity imperceptibly, or that different elements may be excessively persuasive on behavior, making it impossible to make instruction a productive focus for making a change (Finegood 2012). Systems scholars note that when the limit of an individual is confounded with the multifaceted nature of the current workload, the individual is more inclined to be unsuccessful (Melin & Rössner 2003). In a perfect world, different activities ought to be considered in pair with wellbeing instruction that would look after the correlation between environment and individuals. Practically, there are points of confinement to the degree of medication a doctor can give to a patient exploring the complexities they could call their own individual surroundings. One system for essential consideration would be to lessen the unpredictability of the current workload by concentrating on the procedure, instead of the coveted result. This methodology adjusts to fundamental standards of conduct change endeavors to separate objectives into littler, frequently achievable activities, instead of going after overpowering changes (De Savigny & Adam 2009). A clinician could put this into practice this by urging a patient to go for a specific number of steps walked every day, instead of concentrating singularly on the wanted measure of weight reduction over a certain time period. Numerous patients show the lack of information of their medicinal conditions and ignorant patients are less inclined to utilize preventive measures (Abdel-Hamid 2009). Tending to patient engagement and advancing shared choice making in health care gives an illustration of utilizing Systems thinking to enhance the knowledge of the patient and eventually enhance their wellbeing results (De Savigny & Adam 2009). The information flow holds influential impact over the functioning of a system. Prospects to acquire feedback, start dialog and influence a differing qualities of points of view can possibly altogether change framework conduct by enhancing data streams and forming connections between framework individuals (Norman 2009). Trochim et al. (2006) proposed that connections are the heart of a system introduction; expanding on those connections to build coordinated effort among systems individuals is key and can be further enhanced with effective exchange of information. Social insurance associations would be served by recognizing powerful pioneers who esteem coordinated effort as they can have a key part in setting up compelling systems (Norman 2009), in this way upgrading the exchange of knowledge. Persuasive pioneers ought to show the openness, taking risks and reflection needed for learning, and convey a convincing vision of the obliged authoritative change, giving the support and individual promotion expected to lead others toward it. A response is likewise a fundamental piece of a system’s working, and is comprehended to be key for a fruitful change of behavior (Stubbs et al. 2011). Response drives the process of learning; through receiving a response about the impacts of move made, people are furnished with the data with which to keep up that activity or change course (Abdel-Hamid 2009). A portion of the shortcoming of conventional wellbeing training methodologies can be credited to the lack of an implicit procedure for producing response (Abdel-Hamid 2009)and response loops as well as postponements have a tendency to be overlooked or inadequately comprehended in the matter of making mediations, strategies or clinical treatment. Delays specifically can have an effective impact on gaining from intercessions and adding to a confirmation base. In the issue of obesity, the time allotment needed to lose a certain measure of weight will differ enormously from individual to individual and effective weight reduction may not be equivalent to attaining one's optimal weight (Stubbs et al. 2011). Conclusion The writing considered in this essay recommends that a reductionist methodology toward the treatment of obesity as a basic issue has had little impact in lessening obesity patterns. Admitting obesity as a multifaceted issue is a vital stride in progressing in the direction of resolutions that will address the various interconnections and components that add to obesity. Systems thinking provides a leeway to determining health difficulties in intricate, true settings. Moving our ideal models around the reasons for obesity is fundamental for making a medicinal services framework that advances inventive and synergistic practice for health care experts and people managing obesity. The writing recommends that while behavior change by an individual is at the focal point of obesity administration, a successful heath care group is fundamental to guaranteeing people get the bolster, counsel and direction they have to enhance their wellbeing status. References Abdel-Hamid, T. 2009. 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Obesity Reviews, Trochim, W., Cabrera, D., Milstein, B., Gallagher, R. and Leischow, S. 2006. Practical Challenges of Systems Thinking and Modeling in Public Health. Am J Public Health, Vol.96, No.3, pp.538-546., 2015. World Obesity Federation | About Obesity. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Aug. 2015]. Read More
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