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The Spleen and Stomach Regulation for Fatty Liver - Case Study Example

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The paper "The Spleen and Stomach Regulation for Fatty Liver" describes that several organs and tissues are associated with the spleen and the metabolic process. The spleen in coordination with other organs like the heart and kidney controls the process of metabolism…
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The Spleen/Stomach Regulation for Fatty liver Name Institution Course Date Abstract The organ spleen is found in the upper part of the body abdomen to the far left of the stomach. Spleen varies in shape and size between people. Normally, the spleen is aproximately the size of human fit that even a doctor cannot feel it during an exam. However, some diseases and conditions cause it to swell and even become many times its initial size. This article reports on all the issues associated with the spleen. It gives a general introduction of the spleen, the tissues and organ involved. Besides, the article defines the metabolism process; it states the tissues and the organs that are involved in the process. Furthermore, the article gives the evidence explaining the efficiency of the spleen in controlling therapies on the metabolic abnormalities. Finally, the article states a brief conclusion and gives the reference sources used. Introduction Does sleep play any role in the regulation of fatty liver? In medicine, fatty liver refers to a collection of the excess amount of triglycerides among other fats inside the liver cell (, 2015). The condition is not harmful itself but if left untreated, can result in other problems and even illness. The condition is normally reversible once the source of the problem is corrected. The liver is the organ in the body that is responsible for the body metabolism process. It converts the food eaten to a type of fat that the body can store. An example of these fats is the triglycerides, which is stored by the body for the formation of new cells and used for energy (Whitlocke, 2010). The metabolic process can be disrupted by malnutrition, alcoholism, poisoning or the pregnancy. The fatty liver condition is non-harmful but in severe cases, it can increase the size of the liver and may be tender and painful (Shibahara & Inagaki, 2014). Therefore, the condition can be controlled by the metabolic activities of the spleen. Spleen/Stomach The organ Spleen is situeted in the upper left part of the body abdomen to the far left of the stomach. They vary in shape and size between people. Normally, the spleen is aproximatly the size of human fit. The spleen plays numerous supportive roles in the human body (Feliciano, Mattox & Moore, 2008). The spleen acts as the filter for the blood as the part of immune system. The spleen produces white blood cell that engulf bacteria, foreign matter, dead tissue thus eliminating them from the blood as the blood flows through it. Also, the spleen helps to maintain healthy white and red blood cells and the platelets by filtering the blood and eliminating abnormal blood cells. The platelets assist in the blood clotting. Tissues and Organs that are Associated with the Spleen Several organs and tissues are associated with the spleen and coordinates to enable the metabolic process (Shibahara & Inagaki, 2014). Some of these organs and tissues include: • Liver • Muscle • Adipose tissues • Heart • Kidney Metabolism The metabolism is the process that is used by the body to make or get energy from the diet food eaten. The food is typically composed of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats (Vaudry, 2009). Through the metabolic process, the chemicals in the digestive systems break this food contend down into acid and sugar. The body then uses the fuel right away, or it can be stored for later use. Organs, Hormones and Tissues involved in metabolism The process of metabolism involves various body organs, tissues and hormones each playing a particular role in coordination with other. Some of the organs and tissues involved include the stomach, liver, intestine, skeletal muscles and the adipose tissue. They aid in the regulation of the lipid and glucose metabolism (, 2015). Insulin acts in the adipose tissue to inhibit the lipolysis (, 2015). Also, it stimulates the process of the glucose uptake. The adipose tissue is the fundamental source of the synthesis of the free fatty acids for the hepatic triglyceride. The adipose tissue release excess free fatty acids thus playing a critical role in the creation of the hepatic “lipotoxicity” in the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (Shibahara & Inagaki, 2014). The Regulation of Metabolic Abnormalities by the Spleen/Stomach Metabolic abnormalities refer to a condition where there are low or high metabolic rates (BMR). The abnormalities occur when some abnormal chemicals reactions within the body disrupt the metabolic process. When this occurs, you can develop some metabolic disorders. Primarily, this diseases when some of the body organs like the pancreas or the liver fail to function normally or becomes diseased (Feliciano, Mattox & Moore, 2008). In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the spleen/stomach plays a vital role in the regulation of metabolic abnormalities. The Functions of the Spleen/Stomach in TCM 1. Governs the Transformation/Transportation The spleen is the central organ in the production of Qi (Feliciano, Mattox & Moore, 2008). Stomach “ripens and ingested” drinks and food and makes the way for spleen separating and extracting the GU Qi and the refined essence from the digestive. Besides, the spleen separates unusable from usable fluid ingested. The clear fluid goes to the lungs to be distributed to the skin while turbid goes for further separation in the intestines. 2. Control of the blood. If the spleen is Qi (healthy) allows normal blood circulation that stays in the vessels. However, deficient spleen yang or Qi, the blood may spills from the vessels resulting in subcutaneous bleeding, haemorrhage among others. 3. The spleen controls four limbs and the muscles. The Qi food goes to nourish body tissues, transported throughout the body by the spleen particularly directed to muscles (Shibahara & Inagaki, 2014). 4. Controls the Qi raising. It has a lifting effect that ensures that the organs are in proper place. 5. Houses thoughts. It acts as the residence of 1(Yi) influencing the thinking capacity, memories and concentration. Fatty liver This refers to the accumulation of the triglycerides and other types of fats within the liver cells. The level of fatty acids accumulated depends on the balances between the removal and delivery processes. The primary causes of the fatty liver include obesity, eating excess calories, diabetes, high triglycerides, alcohol abuse, rapid weight loss and malnutrition among others (, 2015). Fatty liver can also be as a result of hepatic inflammation or death of liver cells. The main mechanism of the fatty liver include • Improved endogenous fatty acid amalgamation or greater supply of fatty acid to the liver • Reduced mitochondrial beta-oxidation of the fatty acid • Lacking combination or distribute of the triglyceride as precise low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) Fatty Liver in Traditional Chines Medicine (TCM) New therapies have been developed in Chinese herbal medicine for the non-alcoholic fatty liver disorders, basing on unique substantial herb remedies and the theory system. The non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) refer to the accumulations of excessive fat in the hepatocytes (Shibahara & Inagaki, 2014). This spectrum of liver disorder ranges from the unpretentious hepatic steatosis to the non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and extends to the cirrhosis. So far, the proper pathogenesis of this liver disease has not yet been bitterly understood. The traditional Chinese medicine is one of the excellent complementary and alternative medicines in the treatment of these illnesses. The TCM refers to NAFLD as Gan-PI disease, which is a result of overtaking of a sedentary lifestyle, greasy food, and emotional upset (Salah Debes, 2015). The TCM pathogenesis of the NAFLD is an internal retention of dampness and phlegm, liver qi stagnation, blood stasis and the deficiency of kidney (shen) or spleen (pi). The strategy in the NAFLD treatment focuses on consolidation of the function of the kidney and spleen, eliminating blood stasis, relieving qi stagnancy in liver and evacuating dampness and phlegm from the body (Bridges, 2012). Several Chinese active components and herbs were tested for NAFLD treatment. However, the efficiency of the TCM therapies in the treatment of the fatty liver still needs to be further evaluated. This is because, the experimental studies evaluated majority of the treatments and only a few were established by multicentre clinical trials (, 2015). Moreover, most of the studies just showed therapeutic activities but did not intensively investigate on the action mechanism. Many Chinese herbs have identified some useful components that have a simple chemical structure that have the potential to treat NAFLD. These monomers include Berberine This is an alkaloid isolated coptis Chinensis a Chinese herb. It has been widely used as a drug for the treatment of gastrointestinal infections like diarrhoea and bacteria. The alkaloid contains 5.2-7.7% Rhizoma coptidis. The effect of the alkaloid in the treatment of diabetes was related with stimulating insulin secretion and the improvement of insulin resistant (IR). But since IR contributes to NAFLD, berberine way said to be potentially effective in the treatment of NAFLD. The berberine alkaloid activates Adenosine Monophosphate-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK) that regulates cellular metabolism and the energy balance (Bridges, 2012). The AMPK activation inhibits cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) synthesis and fastens fatty acid oxidation. Modulation of downstream signaling components achieves this appearance and activities thus leading to alleviation of the hepatosteatosis (Salah Debes, 2015). The process also involves the neural signalling from the central nervous system. Besides, the alkaloid includes other activities that reduces liver fat storage but improves liver histology hence aiding in the treatment of the NAFLD (, 2015). Resveratrol This is a polyphenolic compound existing in Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati, red grapes, veratrum nigrum and catsia tora linn. It has been employed in the therapy of diseases diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and obesity. The compound constraints the expressions of numerous lipogenic genes like ACC. SREBP-1 and FAS in the liver (Liu, 2009). On the contrary, the compound elevates the expression of the essential oxidation genes like PGC-1α of fat acids without modifying the mitochondrial and mitochondriogenesis activities. Along that, resveratrol also performs other activities like the activations of the AMPK, activation of sirtuin, ameliorates the inflammentory status and also the oxidative stress among other (, 2015). The possibility of this compound to do this is applied in the treatment of the NAFLD in the Chinese medicine. Other several effective Chinese herbal like theaflavin, emodin, puerarin, bifendate and schisandrin B, have been demonstrated to treat the NAFLD. However, further investigation is still awaiting the action mechanism (Farrell, McCullough & Day, 2013). Beside the NAFLD, there is also fatty liver diseases referred to the Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD). The disease is as a result of long-term alcoholic exposure (Pocock, Richards & Richards, 2013). The exposure results in fatty liver (hepatic steatosis). This is characterized by the accumulation of the triglyceride (TG). Increasing studies reveals that hepatic steatosis is a potential pathologic condition. Continued alcohol consumption advances the hepatic steatosis to a vulnerable stage of ALD, such as fibrosis, steatohepatitis, hepatocellular carcinoma and cirrhosis among others (, 2015). Little progress has been done in the treatment of this condition, because of the insufficient understanding of the molecular mechanism that underlies the ALD. Among the treatments that have been undertaken is the use of Chinese herbal medicines. Herbal medicines with less toxic and multi-targeted features are used in for the prevention of ALD. The herbal medicine manages the underlying mechanisms of the herbal medicines against the ALD targets molecule that are involved in the pathogenesis of the ALD and (, 2015). The mechanisms targeted are associated with anti-inflammation, anti-oxidation, enhancement of the mitochondrial fatty acid (β-oxidation in the liver) and the suppression of the de novo lipid synthesis (, 2015). Chinese Herbal Formula The herbal prescriptions formula are formulated grounded on the patient’s primary symptoms. These herbal formulae are majorly composed of the herbs that can eliminate dampness, regulate blood and qi and remove stagnation (, 2015). The Chinese herbal formula can treat fatty livers. The formula analysis is determined in several clinical studies on the patient predominant symptoms. The following are some of the herbs that are possible and promising effective in the therapy of the NAFLD Yinchenhao Decoction (YCHD) This is a Chinese formula collected of the Artemisia capillaries thumb, Rheum and Gardenia jasminoides Ellis (Bridges, 2012). The prescription has been used for centuries to treat gall bladder and liver disease. Recent studies show the efficiency of the YCHD on decreasing the hepatic fat accumulation. Enhanced the progenitor and adiponectin cells and upregulation of the PPAR-y are among the responsible aspects of the therapeutic effects of the YCHD in treating of the NAFLD (, 2015). Besides, the anti-oxidative stress effect of the YCHD can also be associated with the inhabitation of the hepatic free fatty acid (FFA) attentions and the advancement of the glutathione level in the hepatics. Among other property, the YCHD might increase senescence marker protein-30 metabolism, which increases the resistence to the hepatic oxidative stress (Pocock, Richards & Richards, 2013). Qushi Huayu Decoction (QSHYD) The formula is composed of Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati, Artemisia, hypericum Thunb, Gardenia jasminoides Ellis and Rhizoma Curcumae Longae. The QSHYD effectively reverse elevated TG and FFA contents of the liver tissue. Its effects on the inhibition of the fat inflammation and deposition of the liver is related to the inhibition of the FFA-Cathepsin B-phospho-inhibitor pathway of the lipotoxicity; affecting the adiponectin-FFA pathway through raising the content of the liver adiponectin receptor2 (AdipoR2) among others (, 2015). Danning Tablet Danning tablet is a Chinese herbal formula comprising of griant knotweed, rhubarb, dried green orange peel, and the dried old orange peel. The formula is designed to evaluate the safety and the efficiency of the short term treatment of patients with the NAFLD (, 2015). The Danning Tablet is an effective drug in the treatment of patients with the NAFLD of the damp-heat syndrome type. Besides, there is also another formula like the Ganzhixiao Decotion, Sini Powder, Tangzhiqing Decoction and the Cigu Xiaozhi Pill, which are effective for treatment of the NAFLD (, 2015). Herbal Extracts Unlike the single herbs that are rarely used individually, the multiple herbs are frequently prescribed to get a particular formula for the individual condition. The bioactivities of most Chinese herbs have been recognised in chemistry and pharmacology through the application of the modern technology. The scientists have purified the standard extract of the Chinese herbs with high quality control to improve the NAFLD therapeutic activities (, 2015). Some of these extracts include Extract of the Polygonum Hypoeucum Ohwi (EP) EP is a Chinese herb. It is used for treating arthritis, tumor, and the nephritis. EP is reported to contain cotechin, emodin, epicatechin, procyanidin B2 and the epicatechin-3-0. The EP inhibits ACC activities which play a significant role in the fatty acid metabolism (Liu, 2009). In addition to other roles EP plays, it is suggested that it is potentially effective in the treatement of the NAFLD. The Extract of Artemisia Sacrorum Ledeb (ASL) ASL is a traditional Chinese medicine that is used for the treatment of several hepatic diseases. ASL contains ethanol eluate (EE). The active part of the ASLattenuate the hepatic lipid build-up in the human HepG2 cellthrough activation of the AMPK (Farrell, McCullough & Day, 2013). Besides, ASL raises the AMPK and ACC phosphorylation, among other activities. The EE attenuation of the hepatic lipid accumulation through the activation of AMPK aids in the prevention of the fatty liver (, 2015). The similarities between the Traditional Chinese Medicine and the modern medicine The consensus on the different conceptions and theories of the TCM. For example, the importance of the kidney. The study by Shen reports that “kidney deficiency syndrome” is equal to the aging in the modern medicine, irrespective of its external functioning and the internal change (Luo, 2012). The study shows “heart qi deficiency” to be related to the cardiac insufficiency in the modern medicine The therapeutic examination states that the TCM and the modern medicine have attained a consensus on methods of the purging, diaphoresis, warming, vomiting, neutralizing reinforcing and eliminating (which are the commonly treatment used in the TCM) (Farrell, McCullough & Day, 2013). Some of these methods like diaphoresis can reduce inflammation among other functions thus has been adopted by the modern medicine. The majority of disorders that are treated by the traditional Chinese medicines are similar to some diseases that are treated in the modern medicine. There are several Chinese herbs that are either given as a single drug of as the formulation, which have been actual treatments for specific illness over thousands of years. With the creation of the modern medicine, the mechanism and the pharmacology of the action of most of these Chinese herbs have been estimated so that the traditional Chinese medicine has progressively formed a consensus with the modern medicine (Yang, 2010). The study of the Chinese medicine is determined in part by the creation of the modern pharmacology. For instance, the Artemisia annua was recorded by the TCM as a drug for treating malaria. The modern research has shown Artemisia contains an active antimalarial ingredient that consists of the hydrogen, carbon and oxygen element. Conclusion The spleen/stomach is essential in the regulation of the fatty liver that is a condition of metabolism abnormalities. Several organs and tissues are associated with the spleen and the metabolic process. The spleen in coordination with other organs like the heart and kidney controls the process of metabolism. The traditional Chinese medicine is an essential therapy that is used in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. The TCM involves several herbs that are applied in the treatment of the NAFLD (Luo, 2012). The herbs also involve some herbal formula that are applied in the treatment. With the application of the new technology in the modern medicine, these Chinese herbal formulae have been extracted with fine control to improve on the treatment of the NAFLD (Yoneda, 2010). Finally, clear similarities have been established between the traditional Chinese medicine and the modern medicine. References,. (2015). Ageless Herbs - Chinese Herbal Supplements - Organic - USA. Retrieved 21 September 2015, from,. (2015). Alcohol and Alcoholism. Retrieved 21 September 2015, from,. (2015). Australian Traditional Medicine Society, ATMS, A.T.M.S. Retrieved 21 September 2015, from,. (2015). BioMed Central | The Open Access Publisher. Retrieved 21 September 2015, from Bridges, L. 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