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Positive Benefits of Wearing Seat Belts - Movie Review Example

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The paper "Positive Benefits of Wearing Seat Belts" states that hard-hitting videos were released during a time when it was not compulsory to wear a seatbelt. The videos were more effective at the time since they displayed a reality that was not highly publicized at the time…
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Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Health Promotion A) Usage of seat belts is a health promotional issue since the belts have been designed to retain car occupants in their seat in case of a crash. The belts tend to minimize the movement of people and manage the energy that is transmitted to the individual thus reducing the seriousness of an accident ( Modern cars have been designed to function as part of general restraint of the car occupant in terms of airbags, head restraints, seats, and the structure of the vehicle. Early research studies have shown that seat belts have the ability of reducing the risk of injury by 48% at higher speeds and 57% at lower speeds. b) The law that required drivers and passengers seating at the front in light vans and cars was introduced January 31, 1983. Before this law was introduced, 40 percent of drivers and passengers seating at the front wore seat belts ( The rate increased to 95% after the law was introduced. Another change brought by the social policy is the 25% immediate reduction in driver fatalities as well as 29% reduction in fatalities among passengers seating at the front. Experts estimate that the new law saved the lives of 147 front passengers and 241 drivers in 1983 and 181 from passengers and 270 drivers in 1984. c) Seatbelt law enforcements that are highly visible lead to increased risks of being penalized. There are different kinds of penalties which drivers and other car occupants are subjected to in case they are found to having failed to wear a seat belt ( They include fines or points on a driving license and these negative sanctions are used to encourage compliance with this social policy. These sanctions also play a key role in helping to promote increased level of wearing seatbelts and safe driving. d) Promotion of the positive benefits of wearing seatbelts tend to be more effective compared to negative risks of failing to use a seatbelt. This is one of the positive educational messages that is advocated by the Observatory to encourage compliance. Second, non-users are often advised to develop habit-forming strategies that will encourage each person to be more resilient when it comes to wearing seatbelts ( Seat belt reminder (SBR) systems also play a key role in increasing the rates of wearing seatbelts. A cross-sectional study carried out in Europe found that wearing rates is more than 97.5% in cars that are fitted by BBR systems and 85.5% in cars that are not fitted. e) The degradation is in terms of affordability, accessibility and efficiency of healthcare facilities to address pediatric diseases. Compared to the past generations, children today have limited access to health facilities. In some instances, managed healthcare programs offer affordable services to children and families. Nonetheless, this is not the case when dealing with children suffering from complex pediatric healthcare issues. Health practitioners seem to offer limited help to such patients hence compromising on the quality of services offered to children with mental ailments. f) Young people between the age of 16 and 29, particularly men, blacks and respondent from ethnic minority groups were less likely than other social groups to agree completely with 16 driving behaviors that had are considered as dangerous ( 5). This also includes single people and those living in London were found to adopt dangerous driving behavior. One in eight motorists said that they have driven while not wearing a seatbelt while 4% said that they have driven while knowing that they are over the speed limit. Men below the age of 30 years as well as single people acknowledge that that have failed o use a seatbelt. g) Most people who fail to see the importance of a seatbelt since they believe in their driving skills. Moreover, most individuals fail to wear a seatbelt while driving in the neighborhood and routes that are not busy. Other plausible reasons include driving while tired, under the influence of alcohol, and driving in routes that do not have police surveillance. Most young people are the ones who mostly fail to see the importance of wearing a seatbelt especially when driving in the absence of an adult. Section 2 h) In order for children and family to have a collaborative relationship with the systems that provide healthcare services, families must be involved. As the community systems strive to avail healthcare to children and families, in return families must also take the initiative to learn how the systems interact with each other. In pediatric healthcare, the most effective form of care is the Family Centered Care. Family’s involvement in healthcare enhances the possibility for successful outcomes. i) Social groups that are mostly influenced by action films to use seatbelts include parents and married people, especially women. Studies have also shown that these are the groups that are most likely to promote safe driving habits, including wearing of seatbelts (Evans). Popular media, especially the film industry has over the years been motivated to be of good influence when it comes to influencing drivers to adopt safe driving. Young people are the main social groups who use risky driving habits, especially when it comes to racing and watching racing movies. j) The social groups that have been targeted by the Embrace Life video are mainly the parents. The video shows a man driving while talking to his wife and child. Despite the fact that they appear to be having a good time, the importance of seatbelt is emphasized when all of a sudden the man is distracted ( As the clip is nearing the end, the man is saved by the fact that his wife and daughter acted as his seatbelt. Generally, the video is intended for all social groups since it illustrates the importance of wearing a seatbelt not only for the driver but also for other car occupants. k) This target group primarily focuses on parents and the reason why it is important to wear a seat belt especially while in the company of other family group. The national groups that were identified earlier as least likely to wear seatbelts include young people, especially males and people from minority ethnic groups. However, this clip has focused on family members and the importance of all adults to wear seatbelts. The clip shows that mishaps can happen suddenly when the driver least expects and thus the importance of wearing a seatbelt. l) The social group that regularly uses the social media is the young people. Social media is often as a mean of interacting, connecting, and hooking up with friends, a factor that is mostly done by students and young adults. However, social media is currently becoming a popular means of advertisement where different agents and organizations can market their products and services. Moreover, organizations are also relying on social media to promote different messages and ideologies such as safe driving. Government agencies are also relying on social media to reach out to young people since the internet is the fastest means of spreading information. m) The video has gone viral due to the importance of the message that is being passed. The video shows that a driver cannot know when a crash is going to happen. Second, it is not possible to wear a seatbelt when a crash is about to happen implying that it is always important to wear a belt every time a person is driving. The fact that children a family has been used in the advert indicates that seatbelts not only protects the driver but also other car occupants. Essentially, seatbelts are of huge significance since they tend to reduce the fatality of individuals involved in the car accident. n) The social groups that have been targeted by the Embrace Life video are mainly the young people. The video shows a man driving while talking to his wife and child. Despite the fact that they appear to be having a good time, the importance of seatbelt is emphasized when all of a sudden the man is distracted ( As the clip is nearing the end, the man is saved by the fact that his wife and daughter acted as his seatbelt. Generally, the video is intended for all social groups since it illustrates the importance of wearing a seatbelt not only for the driver but also for other car occupants. o) In several ways, the difference between the two adverts are part of health promoters influence for people to change their social attitudes when it comes to safe driving. The two adverts were intended to raise awareness on the significance of wearing seatbelts thus paving the way for the legislation to be changed. The main influence of Clunk Click is that it raises the horrors that can occur in case an individual fails to buckle up. The effect is the fact that sometimes it can appear to be nostalgic but the main intension of the film is to is to promote road safety. Section 3: p) Embrace Life campaign combines the five approaches to health promotion by going beyond healthcare and putting health as the main agenda of policy makers. Health is also promoted in all sectors and all levels of policy makers and directs them to take note of health impacts of their decisions (Five Approaches To Health Promotion). The advert also combines complementary and diverse approaches that include organizational change, income, health and social policies that will eventually foster greater equity. The advert is aimed at ensuring that people adopt a healthier and safer driving behavior to ensure that people operate in a safer environment. q) The ‘hard hitting’ videos differ from the Embrace Life advert because they openly tell people that they are more likely to die in case they fail to wear a seat belt. Moreover, the message expressed in the videos show that several lives are more likely to be saved in case people adopt a behavior of always wearing as seatbelt (Evans)t. The videos represent some of the hardest hitting adverts that warn all car occupants to remember wearing seatbelts. Graphic impacts of failing to wear a seat belt are clearly shown in the videos. r) The hard-hitting videos were released during a time when it was not compulsory to wear a seatbelt. The videos were more effective at the time since they displayed the reality that was not highly publicized at the time. The reason why Embrace Life approach is more relevant today is that it uses a tone that is friendlier and which people can relate to. Moreover, the approach used by the current advert can be displayed in different kinds of setting such as the social media, in schools and at home. This is because the advert passes the important message without having to portray the graphic and horrific message. Moreover, in the past, most adverts tended to directly tell people the truth irrespective of the nature of adverts, and little significance was put on the marketability of the information. The current approach that has been used in the Embrace Life is more friendly even among young children and information has clearly been pointed out on the importance of wearing a seatbelt. Work Cited: Think Annual Report 2010. Evans, Natalie. Belt up! The hardest-hitting seat belt safety adverts from the last 30 years. 31 January 2013. 11 February 2015. Embrace Life - always wear your seat belt. 29 January 2010. 11 February 2015. Five Approaches to Health Promotion. Health Promotion: Does It Work? 24 June 2013. 11 January 2015. 11 Statistical Year Book. 2011. 11 February 2015. Seatbelts. 03 Apr 2012. 11 February 2015. Read More
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