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Benefits of Fruits for the Maintenance of a Healthy Body - Essay Example

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This paper "Benefits of Fruits for the Maintenance of a Healthy Body" tells that the plasma levels of antioxidant nutrients that are very active in having the essence of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and ß-carotene may be the reasons after the memory performance in elderly human beings…
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BENEFITS OF FRUITS By [Name of the author] [Department name and section number of course] [Name of the supervisor and date] INTRODUCTION The understanding about phytonutrients and traditional nutrients has enlarged the possibility of getting cured of many diseases. There is also the emphasis over the role of diet in the prevention of diseases. There are many experiments that have come under prolific focus about the benefits that are related to the consumption of fruits. AGING AND COGNITION In the initial research works, it has been considered that the plasma levels of antioxidant nutrients that are very active in having the essence of ascorbic acid, vitamin E, and ß-carotene may be the reasons after the memory performance in elderly human beings (Perrig WJ, Perrig P, Stahelin HB)1. As per Perkins AJ, it was also a part of analytical survey that determined the memory performance of the elderly people2. ARTHRITIS There are many researches that are done over the severe vegetarian dietary regime. The results were very strong. The benefits of fruits are declared by many researches. The experiments are done over the patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This was done in an exclusive controlled clinical trial of 53 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There is a great difference found by Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Haugen M, Borchgrevink CF, et al. (1991) who came up for all those who were under lacto vegetarian diet as compared to the controls at a one-year follow-up3 . There is this high dropout rate to of about 35% that were the cause of the arthritic symptoms. After a span of two years, as found by Kjeldsen-Kragh J, Haugen M, Borchgrevink CF, Forre O (1994); a group of these same patients continued to benefit from adhering to the lacto vegetarian diet. This was an absolutely uncooked, lactobacilli-rich, vegan diet4 . The changes that came under notice were in the intestinal flora. The reasons as has been discovered by Nenonen MT, Helve TA, Rauma AL, Hanninen (1998); are due to these dietary regimes. The assumption was that it may play a role in rheumatoid arthritis5 . BONE HEALTH There is a research made over 62 healthy women; between the age group of 45-55 years; in the United Kingdom. The demonstration was regarding the prediction of bone mineral density and construction of bone metabolism in them (New SA, Robins SP, Campbell MK, et al. 2000). It has been found that the women who are in the highest quartile of potassium and magnesium intake; have got lower excretion of pyridinoline and deoxypyridino-line6. The demonstration also showed that women who had high fruits intakes during childhood tended to have higher femoral neck bone mineral density. The declarations are also made over the fact that a diet favoring alkaline ash decreases the rate of bone attrition 7. This is in a way a great help to the standards that have been made over the consumption of fruits. CANCER The consumption of citrus fruits is highly recommended to prevent lung cancer risk. It has been declared by Voorips LE, Goldbohm RA, Verhoeven DT, van Poppel G, Sturmans F, Hermus RJJ (2000) in a study in the Netherlands8 . A great research of 25-year over the European men, headed by Jansen MC, Bueno-de-Mesquita HB, Rasanen L, et al. (2001); declares that with the absolute intake of fruit can reduce risk of lung cancer, with limitations for heavy smokers9. The declarations are also in favour of reducing the risk of colorectal cancer10. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Vitamin C-rich fruits are of great use. It has been discovered by Liu S, Lee I, Ajani U, Cole S, Buring J, Manson J.; that the intake of it reduces the density of cardio vascular attacks by 43 percent (2000)11 . This stands much protective with a body mass index over 25. The effects are also relevant to current smokers12 . The researches have found that dietary folate from fruits indefinitely reduces plasma homocysteine levels13 1415. All sorts of clinical trial have been done in this context and as such the inspections are done over the healthy men and women in the Netherlands. This research shows that 4 weeks of consuming dietary folate provided by citrus fruit gives a huge reduction to the presence of plasma homocysteine levels in premenopausal women. This experiment is a very important section of analysis towards the Cardio Vascular Diseases. CATARACTS Cataracts are found to be a dangerous trouble found mostly among the elderly16. There are all valuable sources to activate the defence systems for the protection of the initial oxidative stress for the cause of Cataracts. As per Klerk M, Jansen MC, Van't Veer P, Kok FJ (1998); this is due to the lack of antioxidants such as vitamin C and carotenoids. These two elements are found in fruits and are thus are very useful17. Cataractshas been declared as world’s major causes of blindness, with an estimation of 50 million people (Taylor A, Jacques PF, Epstein EM 1995). This is a huge estimation and go to be checked18. CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE AND FUNCTIONALITY OF THE LUNG Recent studies over this issue show that there is a very close relation between the fruit consumption and lung health. It has been more particularised among middle-aged men . The study was made over the men in Finland, Italy, and the Netherlands19. The results show that consuming higher amounts of undoubtedly higher forced expiratory volume (FEV)20. However the specifications are made over the fact that this intake has to be above median of 117-150 grams per day. This is also very helpful for the measure of pulmonary function21 . DIABETES The increase in fruit intake proves to be to give an accurate glucose levels. This statement had been studied over 6,000 non-diabetic men and women in the United Kingdom in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer [EPIC-Norfolk] . As a matter of fact it has been assessed that the Glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C) levels, is the most effective indicator of long-term blood glucose control. The statements declare that it is more likely to get higher in subjects with the lowest consumption of fruit. The importance of plasma vitamin C is equally of great purpose to prevent Diabetes. DIVERTICULOSIS Diverticulosis is found in industrialized nations. The solution is high fibre diets that are obtained from fruit intake. It is the best way to increase stool bulk and moisture in the body. It is the best ever component that gets created through the consumption of fruit reduce travel time through the gastrointestinal tract this is the reasons that they are now known to provide the best defence against the development of diverticulosis 22. The consumption of fruits after 30 is not that dominant as a continuation of it towards the later age is more effective (Roberts PL, Veiidenheimn MC 1990)23. HYPERTENSION According to Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), there is a trial that declares that it is very important to consume 8.5 servings of fruits per day. Added t this is the combination with low-fat dairy products. The statements were made by Appel LJ, Moore TJ, Obarzanek E, et al, (1997). The relief from hypertension is done through maximum consumption of fruit that lowers blood pressure24 . The data from the DASH are meant to state that the fruits are the best agents for reducing blood pressure in subgroups of various hypertension patients25. The purpose is to check the systematic acceptance of the nutrients that are the determining cause for the reduction in blood pressure26. It shows that potassium is the most likely element that accounts for the effects observed with fruit intake. In reality it is the flavonoids in fruits that is highly protective for stroke, that can lead to hypertension27. LONGEVITY There are many experiments and researches done over the benefits of fruit for longevity. According to the scholars, Osler et al. the link between diet and longevity gets stated in as per the investigations done over a random group of nearly 6,000 men and women living in Denmark . This has been extended to an age limit of followed for 15 years (Osler M, Heitmann BL, Gerdes LU, Jorgensen LM, Schroll M, 2001). There is this exclusive 26-year prospective study of men in Sweden regarding this particular topic. As per the conclusion, the fruit intake may be associated with greater longevity28. NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES Neurodegenerative diseases are like those of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia share in the specific stage that crosses the middle age in an adult. The risk factors for CVD, has got oxidative stress that is high in all these aspects29. The solution is with antioxidants, like that of the elements like polyphenols present in fruits. The assumptions are made that it is highly useful and has got the protective effect on vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s. There are many kinds of studies; including the vitro studies; many solutions are found that are more or less fruit centric30. The consequences show that the flavonoids, found in fruits protect Neurodegenerative diseases in almost under every circumstance. The observational criteria has been applied on a rat and given positive results31. OBESITY As per the research headed by McCrory et al. the major cause in the diminishing stage of weight gaining process is due to the diets associated with a greater variety of sweets, snacks, etc. the experiment states that people who consume a high variety of sweets, snacks, condiments, entrées, carbohydrates, and a low variety of fruits are sure to have the tendency relatively fat and comparatively fat32. The excessive consumption of fruits maintains the balance of fat in the body and make the person away from the dangers that leads to the various disease headed by obesity. It is the means of taking out the unnecessary fats out of the body. CONCLUSION All these researches thus show that the benefits of fruits are many and are the most important aspect for the maintenance of a healthy body. Fruits are the best means of making the body resistance to lots of diseases. In a way a regular consumption of fruits right from the childhood definitely is of great value in the development of the immune system. It is thus very much important for a future healthy life. The consumption of fruit intake from childhood gives a better and proper adulthood. It is the essence towards all those diseases that are beyond cure. As for the fact the regular consumption of fruit is the best possible way to at least prevent many dreadful diseases and gives a healthier life to a human being. REFERENCES 1. 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