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Stem Cell - Research Paper Example

"Stem Cell Research" paper focuses on Stem Cell Research which is the ability to reproduce more Embryonic Stem Cells in basic research by making properties of tetracarcinoma, tumors, and also those having the basic tissues for teeth, hair, and also guts…
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Stem Cell Research
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Stem Cell Research The stem cells of an embryo are fascinating biological phenomena which can reproduce as well as give birth to all the types of cell in the body. The capability to form all these types of cells is known as ‘pluripotency’ which is only given to cells in earlier period before a beginning plan comes up. These can give a consistent supply of the specialized cells which are used for disease modeling, basic research, and future cell replacement therapies and also just for basic research. The Stem Cell Research is this ability to reproduce more Embryonic Stem Cells in a basic research by making properties of tetracarcinoma, tumor and also those having the basic tissues for teeth, hair and also gut. These teratocarcinomas also have the unspecialized cells which were called as ‘cancer cells’ in the 1970s. They alone can give birth to all specialized cells of tumor. That is why they are known as pluripotent. These cells can be reproduced in a laboratory environment as well. During the same era, it was discovered that early mouse embryos can be extracted from uterus and used for other tissues as they give birth to teratocarcinomas. These observations were the foundations which gave rise to make pluripotent stem cells from the embryos themselves (Evans). In 1981, the first time this analysis was successful. The experimental group involved human beings as well. These Embryonic stem cells which were made from the early embryos were known as blastocyts. The stage before the implantation is blastocysts which were inserted into uterus; they also formed the specialized tissues. These blastocysts are made up 34of 100 of these unspecialized cells that were first pluripotent and also were the pioneers of whole body if embryo ever implants. The pluripotent cells of embryo can never hold themselves once hey are implanted but can change into specialized cells. This can be established after a procedure known as differentiation. However, things are pretty different in the laboratory. In lab, the state of self renewal can be established in which cells can multiply without using the process of differentiation. The embryonic stem cells self renewal is highly dependent on precise signals known as ‘growth factors’. Hence, an artificial condition is created; if the mouse Embryonic Stem cells are then put back into the blastocysts, then the procedure of self renewal stops. They then enter the phase of normal development, thus the cue is differentiated into all types of cells. This gives birth to foetus. Consequential animals can make a properly functional Embyonic Stem cell which can be taken down from progency all across their tissues. These are called chimaeras. But, even though the embryonic stem cells can to the organs and tissues of the developing mouse, it is not possible without a hand from the cells (Huntly, and Gilliland) Stem Cell Research is known for helping in the high-quality manuscripts which focus mainly on applications and anatomy of stem cell research. Stem cell research gives an exclusive insight into stem cells which comprises of tissue-specific stem cells, embryonic stem cells, developmental studies, cancer stem cells, translational research, and stem cell genomes. The procedure of DNA transcription, which is also responsible for production of messenger RNA (also called mRNA) templates is the process which goes in the opposite direction with DNA to make equivalent big noncoding IncRNAs (RNAs). These RNAs are used to produce protein. Furthermore, the IncRNAs and mRNAs are transliterated together as the stem cells distinguished into other types of cell. Our whole vision can be changed and redefined by this astounding finding of our comprehension of the regulation and organization of gene (Elsevier). Researchers believe that much more could be expected to be accomplished through stem cell research that cannot be accomplished in other ways such as the realization that genes appear in pairs as said by Richard Young, a biology professor at MIT. Any of the two thousand protein coding genes which exist in human stem cells all the time and an upstream of IncRNA are also transliterated. Many studies have taken place in the field of protein-coding genes also for pairs (Huntly, and Gilliland). The findings of Young are printed in (PNAS) The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences which say that through transliteration of machinery, DNA is attached at several areas known as ‘promoters’. These promoters go in one direction only to make mRNAs from the protein-coding genes. These RNAs are not only protein templates, but also are elongated by the transliteration. Regardless of the significant role in instructing disease, development, gene expression, the scientists know not much about the initiation of IncRNA transliteration while IncRNA genes live in genome ("Stem Cell Institute: Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies") A detailed study into the mouse and human embryonic cells, Young lab researchers found out that most astounding IncRNA genes are situated near the mRNA genes. The dictation of almost sixty five percent of these IncRNAs comes from the active promoters linked with mRNAs’ genes and goes ‘upstream’ in an entirely different direction from promoter ("Stem Cell Institute: Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies") Once the transliteration machinery gets attached to promoter, likely it seems that you can move it in one specific direction and also dictate the mRNAs as they go in completely different direction and dictate all the neighboring IncRNA. It also came into the notice of researchers that embryonic stem cells start to differentiate into many other types of cell. These mRNA and IncRNA pair in the same way to each other. This transliteration of these paired IncRNAs and mRNAs is either unregulated or not regulated properly together. This tells a lot about the relationship between the transliteration of IncRNAs and mRNAs (Prusa, and Marton) A postdoctoral researcher of Young Lab, Alla Sigova, thinks that it is a breakthrough of technology as stem cell research is concerned. She is also the co-author of paper in PNAS. A unifying principle of IncRNAs and mRNAs production may pave the way to novel imminent into the miss regulation of IncRNA of disease. For instance, some of the mRNAs are also not regulated in cancer. The partners of IncRNA can also lead to cancer (Prusa, and Marton) The Supreme Court came up with a destructive and bizarre lawsuit to avert the government from giving finance to the embryonic stem cell research. Supreme Court refused to hear the case as the court put a stop to 3 years of commotion that prevented many scientists from such an area of uncertainty research about the legality of such research. There are many questions raised regarding the federal funding of Stem Cell research (The Opinion Pages). Scientists and researchers study the stem cells to examine and investigate development of cell to find out ways that stem cells can be repaired and replaced so that damaged tissues are rebuilt. This development can prevent diseases such as injuries of spinal cord, Parkinson and diabetes. Some of the stem cells which are extensively used in this research have been found to come up from olden days when human embryos were destroyed. It strongly condemns social and religious conservatives (The Opinion Pages). Even though federal law since the year 1996 has forbidden the federal financing of such research which will destroy the embryo. The administration of Obama, just like Clinton completed the research that stem cells are taken from the destruction of embryo with state money, private money, or also federal money that can bolster the previous research. The administration of Obama was challenged by the two researchers in the court who will work on the adult stem cells. They will be happy that no research can get the money from taxpayer if they dependent on embryo which was devastated at certain point (The Opinion Pages). After contradicting with the rulings of lower court, the federal appeals court send away the case, pertaining that the reading of administration of law was permeable. Supreme Court has rejected to hear such an appeal. Recent years, scientists have progressively turned the stem cell form which can be taken without harming or destroying the embryos. This trend was mostly sped up by proceedings over the embryonic stem cells. Still they require the cells of embryo for several reasons. The policies of stem cell were placed by President Obama on the executive order and can always be taken aback by the executive order in any of the following administration. Minimally, the Congress has the right to codify the guidelines of administration into a form of law. Yet better, the Congress should take up all of the restrictions placed in this area of research obviously (The Opinion Pages). Many critics of the embryo research ban said that week-old blastocysts are not part of human beings, and by devastating these embryos, it does not lead to killing of living beings. In a week’s time, embryos are just a cluster made up of cells that do not deserve the right protection which should be given to others. When these embryos are conceived naturally, the implantation of blastocyst in uterus has not started yet. Some scientists and researchers bear the idea that embryo, as perceived by law agencies, is not a person until it is at least two weeks alive, when it becomes a primitive streak which is the very first sign of development of nervous system. Many religious groups bolster the stem cell research of embryos; whereas many Jewish, Protestant and Islamic theologians do not believe an embryo as young as a human being (News) Many critics of this embryo research ban points to the notion that this funding is already given to research more advanced than this, such as aborted fetuses. Supporters of this embryo research bring the notion that the possible medical advantages of this research are more than the embryo related moral values. These critics worry that this ban might give a halt to the scientific activities and innovations and advances in stem cell for better disease treatment will be restricted. Furthermore, the advocates of this research also say that the governmental involvement in this issue will enhance the number of brilliant scientists and researchers who can study embryonic cells, and therefore augment research pace (News) If the ban is lifted from stem cell research, it will permit the federal government to get a better overview of this embryonic research. Proponents also say that according to the studies by the federal government including ethical oversight and peer review, the private research is alright except following these standards. Therefore, the oversight leads to restraining the research which the law makers might find questionable, as in the studies that try to manufacture human clones, even though many proponents are in favor of cloning research. The funding by the federal government is known to continue without the funding of government as per the advocates. Supporters also believe that information should be transported to general public (News). However, the opponents of this research on cells of embryo, pertaining to many anti-abortion and religious groups, say that embryos are human beings who have the same rights as human beings and also bear the same protection against abuse etc as anybody else would have. The antagonists say that life begins at the time of conception and when an egg is fertilized by a sperm as a new organism came into existence. Therefore, the obliteration of an embryo is killing of human kind. The anti-abortion groups also say that stem cell research is an advanced form of aborted fetuses. They condemn the idea that as abortion is legal in itself, women can have abortion. Stem cell research can be used by aborted fetuses because they can be devastated (News) Pope John Paul II gave an argument to discuss the questions when he said that experience is previously forecasting how a terrible coarsening of the consciences which goes along the assault on childlike human life in womb, pertaining to housing and acquiescence in accordance to related evils, such as infanticide, euthanasia, and most lately, the proposals for manufacture of research aims of the human embryos, pertained to devastation procedures. A virtuous and free society, which America usually inspires to be, must condemn the practices that violate and devalue human life at any phase from the conception until the demise (News) Other critics of the stem cell embryo research advocate research on the aborted fetuses; even though those fetuses died long ago. The opposition via devastation of embryos because they consider these embryos to be living being or can became a human being. Most groups that do not resist abortion are not easy because of studying these tissues which come from discarded embryos or aborted fetuses. For instance, the United Methodist church advocates abortion rights. On the same time it is against the embryo demands in the research industry. Many scientists and researchers also combat stem cell research. In 1999, legal scholars, bioethics, and scientists rejected the idea of embryonic stem cell research on reason that this kind of research is both needless and immoral (News) Some of critics quarrel that recent researches show that these mature stem cells are versatile than you would have formerly thought as scientists and researchers may gain stem cells from mature individuals. People who are against stem cell research also get an idea that tax dollars cannot go for these research despite of whether this research is allowed or not (News). President Obama lifted the restriction on Stem Cell Research which was imposed for eight years by President George W. Bush. The decision of government controls and affects the stem cell research in many ways. The executive order in this way will provide the scientists and researchers of United States same latitude and flexibility as they do to other investigators and researchers abroad for the development and research of such stem cell therapies and also many treatments for such severe ailments. Definitely, considering the potential of this research it is both correct as well as ethical to come up with therapies as such which will provide cure with the assistance of frozen embryos in vitro fertilization clinics that cannot be made redundant anyhow. When the government is not doing this embryonic stem cell research and is not funding it as well in the country that only we are delaying the innovation of new and modern technology which can be vital for improving human life as said by Drew Sanyei, who is the managing director of Enterprise Partners Venture Capital (Bigelow). The Chief executive of San Diego Connect, Duane Roth said that it is the correct notion to differentiate state and science as we did with religion in the past. Our society is a pluralistic society and has to regard all practical viewpoints with also protecting our own humanity. Stem Cell research is one way to show that State is doing its best to limit scientific discovery and innovation. The data should be our guide in this scenario (Bigelow) The Chief Executive and President of Biocom, Joe Panetta viewed President’s orders on this embryonic stem cell research a vital step in permitting this exciting and new technology to prosper and establish. There are several new ventures for this technology which goes from curing some of the lethal diseases to gene therapy and also regeneration of tissues. Innovations in this field are beyond one’s expectations and all the work which was first done in California under this voter-approved Proposition 71 has taken California scientists and researchers at forefront worldwide. The Sanford Consortium for the Regenerative Medicine will soon start a new construction on new state of this art building to keep the local experts in the stem cell research and science from Salk, Burnham, UC San Diego and Scripps. They are balanced leaders in innovative technology and they will be in best position to influence additional funding by the federal government via the National Institutes of Health (Bigelow). The decision of President Obama to life this ban on the federal funding of stem cell research is the blessings for the industry. This industry can now go on vastly when Congress and President have been selected to enhance the NIH budget on research by a further ten million dollars over the time span of two years. This is a great opportunity to guide a good area of this all money to innovation and research with the embryonic stem cells. This idea will make the industry much more competitive than it already is with the countries abroad and will also give a chance to American researchers and scientists to be in United States to encourage new researchers and scientists to enter the work field and broaden their horizons. It will make new embryonic stem cell research technologies in research universities and institutes and will gauge the creation of new enterprises for extension of research and growth. This decision by President will improve the industry so that it will reach its zenith. Especially it is true when he declared his ad vocation and sustainability to scientific entrepreneurship and innovation in his joint session of congress (MNT). References Bigelow, Bruce V.. "What Lifting The Federal Ban on Stem Cell Research Means: Our Xconomists Offer Some Thoughts ." Xconomy. Xconomy, 10 Mar 2009. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . Elsevier, Stem Cell Research. Open Access Options, n.d. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . Evans, Martin. "Stem Cell Research." Embo. N.p.. Web. 6 Feb 2013. . Huntly, Brian., and D. Gilliland. "Leukaemia stem cells and the evolution of cancer-stem-cell research." PERSPECTIVES. Nature Publishing Group, n.d. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . MNT, . "New Light Shed On Gene Organization And Regulation By Paired Genes In Stem Cells." Medical News Today. MNT, 06 Feb 2013. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . News, Fox. " The Cases For and Against Stem Cell Research." Fox News, 09 Aug 2001. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . Prusa, Andrea-Romana, and Erika Marton. "Oct‐4‐expressing cells in human amniotic fluid: a new source for stem cell research?." Human Reproduction. Oford Journals, 18 march 2003. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . . "Stem Cell Treatments." Stem Cell Institute: Regenerative Stem Cell Therapies. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Feb 2013. . The Opinion Pages, . "Stem Cell Research Gets a Reprieve." The NewYork Times. The NewYork Times, 20 Jan 2013. Web. 7 Feb 2013. Read More


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