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Health Promotion Package for Diabetes - Case Study Example

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The health promotion designed in the paper addresses the health condition of Edna, a 74-year-old woman who suffers from type 2 diabetes, asthma and short-term memory loss. Edna’s problem can remain addressed by following different constructs of health and well-being…
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Health Promotion Package for Diabetes
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Health Promotion Package for Diabetes Introduction Health promotion entails creating environment that leads to healthy living and wellbeing. Well-being is the state of experiencing a fulfilling social, psychological, economical and spiritual success. It’s the state of experiencing a fulfilling life by achievement of various set goals in life. Health defines to the universal condition of the body and the mind. The health promotion designed in the paper addresses the health condition of Edna, a 74-year-old woman who suffers from Type 2 Diabetes, asthma and short-term memory loss. Edna’s problem can remain addressed by following different constructs of health and well-being. Health promotion can take varied forms, depending on the concerned groups or individuals. Competing Constructs of Health and Well-being Different constructs of health and well-being exist. In the context of Edna, various constructs are applicable in enhancing her well-being and health status. The constructs are multi-perspective and addresses various health concerns highlighted in the case study. Most relevant constructs includes; Social Model Theory Social model theory of health promotion remains addressed from different perspective. It does not focus on medical profession domain alone. The social model does not entirely rely on the medical model on addressing various health issues. A multi-perspective approach that includes all the individual experiences and defined places are taken into consideration in this approach. Principally, there is a correlation dynamic interaction between the social structures and the concerned human agency. In addressing the medical conditions of Edna, a multi-perspective social model can find use in efficiently remedying her health concerns. Psychological Model Psychological model differs from medical model from the test that confirms and qualify an individual as sick. While the medical model may require an independent test to determine a medical condition, psychological model relies mostly on the psychological examinations that do not involve medical tests. For the case of Edna, psychological therapy may help relieve conditions such as stress due to death of the husband. Psychological model relies more on the subjective manifestation of the condition rather than the objective determinants of a given condition. Medical Model Medical model of disease management utilizes the scientific theories and doctor patient relationship in managing a disease condition. Independent objective test are carried to determine specific condition affecting an individual. The medical models rely on the use of medicine in the management of health. For the case of Edna, medical model can be used to effectively manage diabetes, which can be treated through drugs intervention. Health Believe Model Health believe model correlates the ability and willingness of people to undertake a particular physical activity and the perceived detrimental effects and severity of a condition and barrier to undertaking such activity (Tones, Tilford, and Tones, 2001, p. 89). The basis of the model is enhancing people perception and mindset towards physical activities that can aid in improving their lives. The perception of severity of a condition and perception to its susceptibility together with the perception to benefits of engaging in a physical activity acts as driving force to overcome the barrier. In accordance to this model, Edna is experiencing serious health failure that can act as barrier to engaging in life improving quality of her life. The perception about the severity of type 2 diabetes and susceptibility to other related conditions implied for hypoglycemia should act as an incentive to overcome the barrier to the physical activities. Such activities may include engaging in physical exercise, physiotherapy such as yoga among others that can improve her mental and physical health and well-being. Health believe model tends to create a transformed mind that enables people focus more on the possible benefits of a physical activity to create a good health and well-beings (Barnard, 2007. p. 111). Trans theoretical Model The Trans theoretical model defines the five stages that one undertakes when adopting healthy practices such as exercise or dropping unhealthy behaviors such as smoking. In this, good health realizable by adopting practices such as regular practice, healthy eating habit, responsible drinking and avoiding smoking. There are five steps to observe when carrying out the Trans theoretical model. The steps includes; pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance of the process. Diverse strategies help keep on tract the model at each stage of its application. In The case of Edna and focusing on the type 2 diabetes, the pre-contemplation stage will involve activities such as identification of her cause of poor health. Some factors implied for poor health may include loneliness; grieve about loss of her husband and the old age. The model creates a highlight on how to contemplate this issue in a manner resolution and transform her live. Preparations to undertake Tran’s theoretical model is of great significance. Edna can prepare both psychologically and physically to adopt the new preferred lifestyle or quit unhealthy behaviors. Edna has emotional and physical stress about the death of the husband. Her only daughter is far away and she is left lonely. In overcoming the challenge of emotional stress, several actions can remain undertaken such as discussing her problems with friends and accepting her situation. Edna is also suffering from type 2 diabetes. Several solutions can be contemplated, prepared for and appropriate action taken to overcome the condition or manage it appropriately. Diabetes can be manageable by monitoring diet and quitting activities such as smoking. Generally, Trans theoretical approach enables people develop good health through undergoing a predetermined set of procedure. It enhances quality of life and well-being. Trans theoretical model is applicable to individual health promotion plan and not for a community health promotion. Relapse Prevention Model Relapse is the re-occurrence of a condition priory solved by certain measures in the past. For instance, Edna can adopt lifestyle and activities that relieves her of the diabetes and memory loss. In case of reluctance or cessation of such measures, that limits the severity of her conditions, it may relapse. A relapse-prevention model basis is that the benefits of carrying out a particular activity and the barrier thereof overweigh the effects of the relapse of the condition. In the context of Edna, the relapse of asthma, for instance, may be more severe than the prior attack. The model therefore leads to continuous management of health issues that affects people at individual level (Elmadfa, 2005, p. 40). Theory of Information Processing Paradigm Health promotion can also remain carried out by efficient and appropriate communication. Information is conveyable through three distinct processes. These includes, creation of attention to the information, understanding the content and accepting the content of the information. Availing relevant and specific campaign against asthma and diabetes can improve the health and well-being of Edna. Timely and relevant information on diabetes can help retard the progression of the disease into a detrimental condition (Elmadfa, 2005). Positive and Negative Influence on Health and Well-being Several factors may affect positively or negatively on an individual health and well-being. These factors categorized as social, economic or psychological factors. Some of the individual factors influencing health and well-being include; Exercise Exercise impacts positively on health and well-being. Physical exercise such as running can enhance the body fluid circulations, respiration and other physiological processes in the body. An increase in body activity not only leads to physical fitness but also reduces susceptibility to lifestyle disease such as type 2 diabetes. Exercise induces the release of endorphins. An endogenous central nervous system stimulators bring induces good moods. Exercise also improves brain circulation and generally leads to increased alertness and accurate cognitive perceptions. Exercise can therefore provide a reliable remedy for diabetes, asthma and memory problems seen in Edna’s case. Diet Several lifestyles related poor health conditions such as diabetes mainly are implicated for poor diet. Diet entails the vital macromolecules consumption, such as vitamins, carbohydrate, amino acids and minerals in a proportionate and rational quantity. Good diet boosts the immune system, leading to immune competent individuals. Diet also enhances our mental health and fitness. The brain consumes at least 60 percent of the total body glucose (Dixey, 2012, p. 169). Adequate intake of glucose can ultimately result to an improved mental health that may lessen the severity of mental conditions such as memory loss. Vitamins are required for a fully developed immune system. Vitamins facilitate the development of immune cells required in primary and secondary immune system. Proteins and amino acids are important for growth and development of the body. Diet can influence the development of some mental and physical conditions, their management and enhance their prevention measures. In the case of Edna, a well-balanced diet should remain adopted to manage the diabetic condition. Precipitants of asthma should also remain avoided. Smoking Smoking possesses negative influence on both the mental and physical health. Particularly on the mental health, nicotine produced from cigarette smokes affects dopamine concentrations in central nervous system. Such effects cause a transient increase in the concentration of dopamine in the central nervous system. Chronic exposure to nicotine henceforth results to a diminished biosynthesis of dopamine in the central nervous system. Dopamine is a nervous system stimulator and depletion of its biosynthesis results to depression. The subject of the case study is predisposed to nicotine from her neighbor who is he regular and only companion. From passive smoking, the symptoms of asthma can be gravitated. Her mental problems may grow worse and further complicate her prognosis. Smoking can also result other health problems such as cancer of the mouth, throat cancer, larynx cancer and other forms of cancer of the respiratory system. Alcoholism Alcoholism also has a negative influence on health and well-being. Essentially, alcoholism often leads into addiction and poor health. Alcoholism leads to low quality of health and lack of physical and mental well-being. Alcoholism results to retarded mental development and development and weaken of body immune system. It can also result to other related problems such as loss of precise cognitive capabilities and low appetite. Alcoholism worsens the already existing health concerns and issues. Alcohol consumed to relieve some conditions may worsen such conditions eventually as a result of the mental and physical deterioration that are alcohol induced (Fertman and Allensworth, 2010, p. 376). Impacts of Competing Models of Health and Care Different models exhibit different impact at the individual, family, communal and societal level. The commonly applied are models are subjectable to controversy but most models have affected positively on the sound welfare and health of the whole society. Impacts of Trans theoretical Models Tran’s theoretical models have led to recognition that most potential subjects for health-related conduct change are not at all motivated to adopt the required changes. The proposed changes therefore are mostly in the contemplation and pre-contemplation stages. As a result, more motivating models are under research as the motivation for change is required for behavioral change to materialize effectively. The Trans theoretical model therefore has influenced the development of research on the motivation and its role on the behavior change. The key principle underlying the Trans theoretical model is the reward for adopting a behavioral change. The anticipated reward acts as a motivating factor for change, but in absence of such motivation, behavioral change progress (Gottwald and Goodman-Brown, 2012. p. 55). Impact of the Social Action Theory Social action theory has also had great impact on health promotion both at the individual and family level. This theory relates the structure of an organization to the individual health. Social action theory focuses on the mechanisms of behavioral change and maintenance strategy of behavior change. The application of this model has resulted into a significant behavioral change and therefore effective approach to health promotion (Laverack, 2007, p. 3) The social-action theory has also resulted to interdisciplinary collaborations by incorporating various disciplines such as epidemiology, social factors among other disciplines, hence providing a more rational approach to behavioral change. Due to the integrated approach to behavioral change, there has been a significant health related behavioral change that has enhanced health promotion goals (Shumaker, Ockene and Riekert, 2009, p. 402). Difference and Similarities of Various Health Promotion Initiatives Health promotion initiatives have shown significant similarities and differences in their models and outcome. The similarity may have relation to the intention of use of a particular model whereas the differences lies on the rationales behind the models used. Some of the similarities of these models include; In most of the models the drivers in achievement of the behavioral change is motivation. Motivation is a key element in ensuring success of change in behavior. The barrier to applying and complying with a theoretical model is overridden with the resultant benefits from the model applied (Kazarian and Evans, 2001, p. 86). Several differences occur between the health promotion models. Comparison between the Tran’s theoretical model and relapse theory explains such differences in rationale applied. In relapse, the severity of relapse serves as motivational factor in stimulating behavioral change. On the contrary, in Tran’s theoretical theory, behavioral change results from undertaking particular actions and maintenance of such action over a substantial amount of time. Health believes models also differ in that the effectiveness of the behavioral change depends on different perception adopted by the behavioral change candidates. The perception of severity, benefits among other perception plays a significant role in ensuring the success of the model (Barthlomew, 2011 p. 56). The individual and the societal health model also exhibits marked difference. The societal model integrates diverse methods to keep the society well-being and involves implementation of different public polies. Individual health model is devised to address various health concerns of at the individual level. The model such as psychological model is an example of individual model that addresses behavioral manifestation of a condition. Societal inequality results to behavioral inequality. Individuals exposed to societal inequality are more likely to experience health inequality. Rationality and Significance of the Health Package Different health packages are based on diverse rationality. For the case of Edna, the two most effective models, that is the medical and psychological models are discussed. In the medical model, the rationale is administration of different therapies based on the observed diagnosis profile. Edna suffers from Diabetes, asthma and memory loss. The differential objective symptoms observed though carrying out specific test forms the rationale behind the medical package (Kazarian and Evans, 2001, p. 89). For the psychological package, the rationale is the observation of the subjective manifestation of the different disorders Edna is undergoing. The cause of her health concern is partly the death of the husband and the other conditions such as diabetes. These issues might not be met substantially by application of only a single health model. The psychological model addresses the behavioral aspects of health concern such as depression and loneliness. The package is of significance to Edna, the family and the whole society. By application of the psychological model, it will address the behavioral concerns that affect the individual, the daughter and the whole society. The psychological model will enhance the quality of life of life by relieving the depression and other concerns that the Edna’s health condition. On the other hand, the social model will address the various social factors that will exuberate her health concerns. The social aspects such as loneliness and such conditions tend to worsen her condition. The quality of life and well-being is enhanced by such model. Its addresses the societal impact of the condition to the whole society. The health package for Edna can form basis for handling such cases in the future. It integrates diverse models that work in cohesion to achieve specific outcome. Conclusion Different Health Promotion Models are applicable in the case of Edna. The applied models can be interdisciplinary such as social-action model that incorporate several disciplines in achieving behavioral change. Other applicable models are essential mainly in incorporating motivation as a key driver of behavioral change. Health and well-being are influenced by a lifestyle and other individual behaviors. Some of the factors include diet, smoking, alcoholism and diet. Behavioral change can be achievable by enhancing the good behaviors that leads to good health and well-being and limiting the detrimental behavior. An evaluation of the case study shows that the individual health package can entail different models. The social inequality for the case of Edna can result to health inequality. The condition may require different health models to fully address. In relation to the drivers, motivation towards achieving specific health status has been the key driver in the entire health model. There is also need to address social inequality which leads to health inequality. Bibliography Barnard, N. D. (2007). Dr. Neal Barnard's program for reversing diabetes: the scientifically proven system for reversing diabetes without drugs. New York: Rodale. Bartholomew, Kay., Parcel, Guy S., Nell H, Gerjo Kok., Fernández, Maria E (2011). Planning health promotion programs an intervention mapping approach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Dixey, R. (2012). Health promotion: global principles and practice. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, CABI. Elmadfa, I. (2005). Diet diversification and health promotion: European Academy of Nutritional Sciences (EANS) Conference, Vienna, May 14 -15, 2004 : 45 tables. Basel: Karger. Fertman, C. I., & Allensworth, D. D. (2010). Health promotion programs from theory to practice. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Gottwald, M., & Goodman-Brown, J. (2012). A guide to practical health promotion. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill: Open University Press. Kazarian, Shahe S and Evans, David R.. 2001. Handbook of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Boston, MA: Springer. Laverack, G. (2007). Health promotion practice: building empowered communities. Maidenhead: Open University Press. Shumaker, S. A., Ockene, J. K., & Riekert, K. A. (2009). The handbook of health behavior change. New York, Springer Pub. Co. Tones, K., Tilford, S., & Tones, K. (2001). Health promotion: effectiveness, efficiency, and equity. Cheltenham, UK, Nelson Thorne’s Read More
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