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Exploring Parent Knowledge and Understanding of Healthy Eating and Weight of Childhood Ages 5-10 Years Old - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Exploring Parent Knowledge and Understanding of Healthy Eating and Weight of Childhood Ages 5-10 Years Old" states that the study will employ an in-depth one on one interview technique that will be conducted preferably in the participant’s natural setting at home or at their workplace…
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Exploring Parent Knowledge and Understanding of Healthy Eating and Weight of Childhood Ages 5-10 Years Old
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EXPLORING PARENT KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF HEALTHY EATING AND WEIGHT OF CHILDHOOD AGES 5-10 YEARS OLD By Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 2.0 Introduction 3 3.0 Literature Review 4 3.1 Nutrition 5 3.2 Effects 6 4.0 Aim of the Study 8 5.0 Research Design 9 6.0 References 12 7.0 Appendixes 15 1.0 Title: Exploring parent knowledge and understanding of healthy eating and weight of childhood ages 5-10 years old 2.0 Introduction This study sets out to find out how much parents in the UK know about and understand healthy eating and weight of their children particularly those between 5 and 10 years. The purpose of this study is to therefore shed light on this area so as to in turn create a platform for the exploration of various interventions that can be used to combat or even better prevent this epidemic; enlightening parents so that they are at the fore-front of it all. Venturing into this research will be quite beneficial to first the family; both nuclear and extended as they are in constant contact with their children and if anything have the greatest influence pertaining to what their children feed on; hence can uphold sustainable health measures in the family that are then adopted by the children. Additionally this study will also be useful to the larger community especially organizations that are concerned with the manufacturing and processing of food, nutritionists and the members of the National Health Service. Obesity in children is one of the greatest public health challenges in the 21st century. Contextually, in the UK there has been a great concern pertaining to childhood obesity that has led the government into applying stricter nutrient standards especially with respect to foods supplied in schools (Voon, 2014). This makes this study quite relevant showing how unhealthy eating has posed a great challenge to children’s health in the country; “ marketing of unhealthy foods was banned on other channels during, before and after programs aimed at children aged between 4 and 15” (p. 172). This is an attempt to reduce the exposure of children to unhealthy foods; as the prevalence of obesity in the UK is said to have tripled in the last two decades pushing it to epidemic proportions (Branca et. Al, 2007). The statistics show the high rate at which health has been deteriorating and weight increasing among young children in the UK; making healthy eating and weight among young children an area of great concern to date in the country. It is for this reason that the government has taken it upon itself to implement strict policies that are meant to secure the health of the children in the long run; the government is only trying to combat this epidemic as it is. 3.0 Literature Review Obesity is viewed as a major health alarm as once a child becomes obese in his or her prime years then there is a chance that this child will remain obese even in adulthood (Branca et. Al, 2007). With obesity both short-term and long-term conditions become a probability to such an individual as it is a condition wherein one has excess fat in the body; for instance, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure or even cancer (Boseley, 2014). Being overweight is considered to be the imminent cause of diseases in the UK.As children grow up, their height and weight tends to change a lot varying in both boys and girls; this variation often makes it difficult to use a standard rate to diagnose obesity in children. Nonetheless, Special charts known as BMI (Body Mass Index) centile charts have been developed to show if children are either overweight or underweight. Obese children undoubtedly do face extensive stigma from the society at large, hence the need to understand how to go about combating unhealthy eating among children. Parents being the main custodians of the children need to understand what health eating is all about so as to be in a better position to protect their children from the challenges that come with being unhealthy. It is said that childhood care in the family setting is one way of actually dealing with obesity in society (Waters, 2010). The literature review in this study will be conducted on the basis of one of the major cause’s nutrition and effects of obesity so as to shed light on how they can be avoided or worked on for improvement to uphold healthy habits. 3.1 Nutrition This study attempts to see to what extent parents understand healthy eating in the UK; healthy eating has everything to do with nutrition, which encompasses food choices as well as food portions (quantity). Children between 5 and 10 years are dependent on their parents for most things diet included; thus when they practice unhealthy eating habits that make them obese they cannot be entirely blamed for it considering the important role parents should play in food choices (Davies and Fitzgerald, 2008). The family’s eating habits do rub off on the child’s eating habits also; for instance, if the family often snacks in between meals; the child will pick this up and also start to have snacks such as biscuits or crisps. Biscuits and crisps are but an example of sugary foods and high fat foods respectively; foods when consumed excessively could rapidly cause obesity. If for example, the child is always snacking on biscuits which are unhealthy then weight struggles, overweight and ultimately obesity are not too far off. It is important to also note that a child’s eating patterns are highly influenced by parental guidance (Keller, 2008). This is to mean that a child when guided on what to eat or what not to eat by the parent is likely to avoid unhealthy eating; by all means there is not a parent who would want to have it otherwise. This guidance could be availed by having the parent present during meals so as to gauge what the child is eating; the parent being present will see to it that the child eats more fruits and vegetables as opposed to junk and less nutritional foods. To guide the eating habits of young children then the parent besides being present could also avail healthy foodstuffs to the children (Keller, 2008). Children between ages 5 and 10 eat what is available as they are unable to fend for themselves in terms of cooking a healthy meal; therefore, if parents ensure that the food in the house is of nutritional value. In the long run, healthy eating will be secured and parents will be in a better position to monitor their children’s weight so as to keep obesity at bay. If at all the parents are less concerned with the food choices that their children make obesity will be the order of the day in the home. Consistent exposure to healthy foods increases the likeability to these foods by children (Keller, 2008). This consistent exposure to healthy foods touches on the need to monitor the intake of fast foods; eating outside the home has become more popular today than it was in the past. Parents need to reduce the rate at which and frequency at which their children end up eating a high- fat food diet (Davies and Fitzgerald, 2008).It is important for parents to implement home cooking more often than not as then they regulate the amount of fats and oils in the food their children end up eating. When it comes to food portions, it is clear to see that they have greatly increased with time yet they need to reduce. Yet, large food portions of energy- dense foods only increase the levels of energy in the body; if this is upheld then an increase in body weight becomes a probability. Large food portions result in obesity mostly because they encompass more calories (Davies and Fitzgerald, 2008); the higher the calories, the greater the risk for obesity in children. Most times the portion sizes are often uncontrolled meaning they are unbalanced; meaning that a larger portion is even more unbalanced in terms of nutrients and will only pre-dispose the child to unnecessary weight gain which if unmonitored could result in obesity. 3.2 Effects Obesity has various effects on children in the age group of this study as discussed below. These effects can be classified into two categories: psychological effects and health effects. To begin with psychological effects encompass the following: low self-esteem, which is caused by bullying; overweight children are likely to be victims of bullying (Harding, 2015). Other children pick on them and start to push them around based on how they look; which is very detrimental on how these children end up perceiving themselves. Eventually, a negative body image becomes the end result of bullying as these children start to hate their bodies after all it is the reason why they get bullied. Depression could also be experienced if at all parents are not keen enough to note that their child is suffering psychologically. The health effects on the other hand, are inclusive of: high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or even cancer (Keller, 2008). Unlike in the past, blood pressure is now affecting even young children as a result of obesity. This is extremely sad thus a need to intervene before obesity starts to kill young children before they live a fulfilled life. Besides blood pressure there is also shortness of breath that is related to cardiovascular diseases. This in turn affects the child’s ability to engage in physical activity hence a sedentary lifestyle (Harding, 2015). This child who is obese and suffering from shortness of breath is then unable to be active physically in terms of playing games, carrying out body exercises and also running around to play with other children. This places the child at a further risk considering how important exercising is; worse still the child’s social life is almost good as dead. Reducing obesity and improving diet and nutrition has been the UK government’s mission for a long time now (Cawley, 2011).This came about after the government realized that the rapid increase in childhood obesity is only storing up serious health problems in future for the country. Effective actions on diet have been emphasized so as to do away with cardiovascular diseases and other health effects of obesity. For instance, the meals served in schools in England must meet the school food standards to ensure balanced and healthy diets. Obesity control requires social solutions and political action such that through help from the government and parents, the community could establish stores that sell healthy foods to substitute the numerous fast food joints (Spector, 2009). This means that the UK government is only on the right track so far. It is however; clear to see that parents have a huge role to play when it comes to monitoring their children’s diet, so as to promote healthy eating in an effort to do away with obesity. Further research, is however important on the area as parents have not been playing their actual role; this is to bring into perspective the need for parents to actualize what they ought to do to see to it that the children they rare between age 5 to 10 only end up healthy and free from health issues so that their future is secured and they in turn bring up their children in the same way in an effort to combat obesity. 4.0 Aim of the Study A hypothesis attempts to show the relationship between variables, means or groups (Bell and Waters, 2014). For this study, the hypothesis is therefore; parents do not have sufficient knowledge or understand healthy eating and weight of childhood ages 5 -10 years old in the UK. This is because if at all they understand what healthy eating is about then the rapid increase in obesity among children in this age bracket in the UK would not be on the upsurge as it is. From this very study, there will be a need to focus on the following objectives so as to attain significance: i. To find out what foods are considered healthy by Middlesex parents in University ii. To identify what types and quantity of food children were exposed to before they became obese iii. To find out what parents in the UK are doing to prevent obesity among their children iv. To find out at what age between 5 and 10 do most children in the UK start to practice unhealthy eating habits The research questions that should be answered by this study entail: i. What types of food are considered healthy by Middlesex parents in the UK$1 ii. Which foods and in what quantities are children exposed to before they became obese in the UK$2 iii. What are the parents doing to prevent obesity among their children$3 iv. At what age between 5 and 10 do children in the UK start to practice unhealthy eating habits$4 5.0 Research Design This study will apply the qualitative research design; this kind of research is concerned with detailed self-expression of the participants, that then allows for the proper understanding of the true thoughts, ideas and emotions of the focus group (Polgar and Thomas, 2013). The interest of this study is to find out how much knowledge the focus group has on matters pertaining to healthy eating and weight; therefore, getting to understand their real thoughts is of essence. The target population to which the findings of the study will be generalized is none other but all existing parents in the UK; however, the focus group of the study is that of middle sex university students who are however parents. The sample for this study will be large so as to attain proper representativeness of the population of interest (Bowling, 2014); the sampling method to be used will be purposive sampling as it allows for the use of participants who have a particular characteristic of interest and in this case it is children. The respondents are often selected using this form of sampling as they have with them information that will be beneficial to the researcher; it is for this purpose that the focus group entails students who are parents as they will give information that is relevant and significant for the study. Given that the research is qualitative the data has to be descriptive in nature as it is meant to adequately relay information that has comprehensive meaning. An important aspect in qualitative research is to see to it that adequate field-notes are collected; nonetheless, data collection in this study will be on the basis of interviews and Questionnaires. To begin with interviews entail an interaction in conversation form between the participant and interviewer; the study will employ an in-depth one on one interview technique that will be conducted preferably in the participant’s natural setting either at home or at their work place. The Interview will be unstructured so as to gather information that is specific to the participant being interviewed making the interviewer as non-directive as possible which is quite advantageous. Another major advantage of interviews is that they could be recorded with the participants consent and reviewed later by the researcher for proper data collection. Interviews could however be limiting as a form of data collection method as they could be too costly in terms of travelling far and wide to interview participants and also the participants could time and again keep rescheduling the interviews due to other commitments. With references to validity, interviews are prone to being invalid as they are based on what people say other than what they do; therefore, chances are that what they say and what they do may not tally (Bell and Waters, 2014). Additionally, the same questions could be asked by a different interviewer but attract different answers from the same participant. Questionnaires will be effective for the study as they elicits the thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes of the sample population pertaining to the study; in application of both open ended and close ended questions. This relevance is a huge advantage in the data collected via questionnaires as research is made quite easy. Nonetheless, questionnaires limit the participants to only those who are literate and understand the English language adequately; additionally it is hard to know whether the respondents were truthful when answering the questions. Thus, the reliability of questionnaires is wanting especially if the questions asked could give different answers on different occasions when asked. The reliability of the questionnaire could be tested through a test-reset where the questions are administered again sometime later to check how reliable the questionnaire is (Bell and Waters, 2014). Data collection could be inhibited or complicated by lack of finances as costs of printing and moving about could be too much; this could however be resolved by asking the government for funding. Additionally is the time that is needed for data collection; it needs an extensive time-frame thus it could be a challenge to have sufficient time for movements here and there especially due to other commitments. This could be resolved by asking for some time off of work when the research needs to be carried out. Data needs to be analyzed so as to make meaning out of the data collected hence to come up with comprehensive findings; since it is qualitative research statistical test are not required. However, measures of central tendency are applicable here, e.g. calculating the mean, the mode and range so as to derive meaning form the data values. Coding will also be useful in data analysis as it helps in the organization of data such that related and key issues from the data are clustered together; coding also gives room for the possible computerization of data in software where the clusters are in numerical form (Bells and Waters, 2014). In the long run, the data inferences could then be represented in charts or histograms to infer the detailed meaning. In research ethics cannot be dispended; the possible ethical issues in this study are as follows: Not even one participant should suffer harm due to the research be it emotionally, physically or mentally (Cunningham, 2013). Therefore, when collecting data there is a need to see to it that participants are fully aware of what the research entails hence an informed consent should be secured. Confidentiality should be assured so as to protect participant participation thus during the dissemination of findings the participants’ personal identification information should not be disclosed by all means. 6.0 References Barry M.,Linda S., and Wen S., 2012.Now and Then: The global Nutrition Transition: The pandemic of Obesity in Developing Countries. PubMed Central Bell, J and Waters, S., 2014. Doing your research project: a guide for first time researchers. 6th ed. USA: Open University Press Bellisari, A., 2008. Evolutionary origins of obesity, Obesity Reviews, Vol. 9, pp. 165-180 Bowling, A., 2014. Research Methods in Health: Investigating health and health services. 4th ed. England: Open University Press Branca, F, Nikogosian, H and Lobstein, T., 2007. The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response. Denmark: WHO office for Europe Cawely, J., 2011. The Oxford Handbook of the social science of obesity. USA: Oxford University Press Consumer International., 2008. the Junk Food Trap- Marketing Unhealthy Food to Children in Asia Pacific, London: Consumer International. Cunningham, C., Weathington, B and Pittenger, D., 2013. Undersatnding and conducting research in health sciences. USA: John Wiley & Sons Davies, H and Fitzgerald, H. 2008. Obesity in childhood and adolescence: medical, biological and social issues. USA: Praeger Publishers Glasper, A., Aylott, M. and Battrick C., 2010, Developing Practical Skills for Nursing Children and Young People. London: Hodder Arnold. Harding M., 2015. Obesity and Overweight in Children. UK: British Nutrition Foundation Hooker H and Li J., 2010.Childhood obesity and schools: Evidence from the National Survey Of Children’s Health.vol. 80, no.2, pp. 96-103. Keller, K. 2008. Encyclopedia of obesity. USA: SAGE publications Inc Obesity Working Group, 2011. Obesity in the UK.A psychological perspective. UK. The British Psychological Society. Polgar, S and Thomas, S., 2013. Introduction to research in health sciences. 5th ed. China: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier Rudolf M., 2009. Tackling Obesity through the Healthy Child Programme.[Online] Available from [accessed April 15, 2015] Spector H., 2009. All society has a role in taming the obesity epidemic : a medical Checkup Forum. The Plain Dealer. [Online] Available from [Accessed April 18, 2015] Voon, T., Mitchelle, A and Liberman, J., 2014. Regulating Tobacco, Alcohol and Unhealthy Foods. Abingdon: Routledge Waters, E., Swinburn, B., Seidell, J and Vavy, R., 2010. Preventing childhood obesity: evidence, policy and practice. Australia: Wiley- Blackwell 7.0 Appendixes Appendix 1: Interview Schedule First is to appreciate your consent to participate in this study as an interviewee; this research is on finding out how much parents in the Country understand healthy eating and weight among their children. This information is being collected so as to enlighten the parents on the role they need to play in fostering healthy eating habits in their children so as to combat children obesity in the Country. The interview should last about 20 minutes; I will be writing down your responses as we proceed. With that said and done, are you still willing to be interviewed$5 i. Tell me, which types of food do you consider healthy or nutritious$6 ........................... ………………………………………………………………………………………… ii. Do you think a child between age 5 and 10 is able to make healthy choices pertaining to the food they eat$7 ................................................................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… iii. Do you think children need their parent’s guidance on what to eat$8 …………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… iv. What kinds of food would you want to see a 7 year old eating$9 ………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………… v. Tell me; at what age do you think children between 5 and 10 start to eat unhealthy foods and for what reason$10 ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… vi. According to you what causes obesity among children$11 …………………………………. ............................................................................................................................................... vii. Do you think a child constantly eating fruits and vegetables and less sugar and fats is likely to turn out obese$12 ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… viii. Do you think and in what ways are parents contributing to unhealthy eating habits and rapid weight gain among their children$13 ………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ix. What do you think needs to be done to combat unhealthy eating among children$14 ……… ……………………………………………………………………………….,……………. Thank You for your Time and Participation Appendix two: Participant Information Sheet Project Exploring parent knowledge and understanding of healthy eating and weight of children ages 5-10 years old Invitation This is to request your participation on this study that aims at exploring parent knowledge and understanding of healthy eating and weight of children ages 5-10 years old. I am a University Student and this is part of my education requirements. The reasons as to why this study is important and hence needs your participation is because; first, it wants to find out what foods are considered healthy by Middlesex parents in University. Secondly, too identify what types and quantity of food children are exposed to before they became obese. Thirdly to find out what parents in the UK are doing to prevent obesity among their children and lastly to find out at what age between 5 and 10 do most children in the UK start to practice unhealthy eating habits. Expectations In this study you will be asked to fill in a questionnaire that will require you to put down answers that are related to the questions asked with relation to the study. Additionally you will also be required to avail some time when you can be interviewed on your thoughts pertaining to the study: Exploring parent knowledge and understanding of healthy eating and weight of children ages 5-10 years old. The questions asked will be open ended thus requiring your personal input with relation to the study. Time commitment The study will run from September to June this year; therefore your participation could be in any of the months .This study requiring the filling in of a questionnaire and a one on one interview will also require that you set aside some time. The filling in of the questionnaire could take a maximum of 15 minutes but is mostly dependent on how fast you can write; the interview on the other hand is scheduled to take 20 minutes but could take an extra or less 5 minutes depending on the speed as well. The questionnaire and interview will only require a single session thus a total of 40 minutes from your side on a day most suitable for you between September and May. Participant’s rights As a participant you are entitled to all of the following: i. To withdraw one’s participation from the study at any given point without giving an explanation as to why; while also to demand access to the data that you had given towards the study ii. To ask as many questions as possible pertaining to the study and the processes to be applied iii. To refuse to answer any questions that you find offensive or make you uncomfortable. Benefits and Risks As at now there are no outright benefits or risks for you in this study. Cost or Compensation This study to begin with is voluntary but there will be a small token of appreciation. Confidentiality The data to be collected in the study does not have any personal information (name) that could be linked back to you (address or residence) in any possible way. Nonetheless, the findings of the study will be used in conferences and initiatives meant to raise necessary awareness pertaining to healthy eating. Informed Consent By signing this sheet you are agreeing that: you have read and understood the participant information sheet, you have been answered satisfactorily about the study and your participation is voluntary. Partcicpant’s Name ..................................................................................................... Participant’s Signature...................................................... Date............................................ Person obtaining Consent ..................................................... Signature................................. Appendix 3: Letter Request for Ethical Approval To Whom It May Concern: Re: Letter Request for Ethical Approval I am writing with regard to getting ethical approval to take part in an international survey entitled “Exploring Parent Knowledge and Understanding of Healthy Eating and Weight of Childhood Ages 5-10 Years Old”. In conducting this research, data collection will be conducted as a routine care. However, no participants identifiers will be entered on any web, as the entering of data will not be through web-based data collection system. This thus confirms the fact that participants confidentiality will not at any time be breached. I believe that this study carries major ethical concern and there is not much risk that come with participation for all the key stakeholders. If following review of this data, the committee feels that an ethics submission should be forwarded to the committee for further consideration, it highly advocate that you contact me for the provision of the necessary forms and documents. I appreciate in advance for the consideration. I look forward to a personal interview as we discuss the same. Yours sincerely Appendix 4: Time-table from September to June Appendix 5: cost estimation ACTIVITY COST in Pounds POPULATION SAMPLING 66 DATA COLLECTION (Interviews) (Questionnaires) 198 330 DATA ANALYSIS 462 TOTAL 1056 \ Read More
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