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Social Work Practice- Alcohol Misuse in Young People of Ages of 16-19 Years - Essay Example

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  This essay critically evaluates and discuss the influence of theories and concepts drawn from Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy on social work practice on young people of ages of 16-19 years with alcohol abuse problems. Social work practice plays a crucial role in assessing behavioral issues…
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Social Work Practice- Alcohol Misuse in Young People of Ages of 16-19 Years
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Social Work Practice- Alcohol Misuse in Young People of Ages of 16-19 Years Social work practice plays a crucial role in assessing behavioural, cognitive and psychological issues touching on individuals. The case with alcohol abuse and misuse has a central role in social work practice. This relates to the fact that through the use of social work practice, it is possible that the key issues that touch on alcohol abuse and misuse will be explained, interventions will be found as well as linkage to the issues at hand to other problems all in an attempt to come up with the best solutions to the problems at hand. This essay will critically evaluate and discuss the influence of theories and concepts drawn from Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy on social work practice on young people of ages of 16-19 years with alcohol abuse problems. Psychological theories play a very important role in the social work practice on alcohol abuse among the young people. According to the Social Learning theory by Albert Bandura, people are not born with specific types of behaviour (Monti, 2002; pp. 3-6). This is to mean that people learn behaviours from different contexts such as the environment in which the individuals live in. The theorist continues to indicate that the response patterns that individuals acquire are either acquire through direct experience or through observation of concepts they see in their environment (Monti, 2002; pp. 3-6). On the grounds of this theory, it is validated to indicate that the environment is the major source of learning and the main source of observable behaviour. In the context of the young adults aged 16-19 years, the theory explains that they learn new behaviours through modelling. Additionally, Bandura argues that the social behaviours are learnt through watching as well as performing the actions learnt. For instance, a young teenager who sees his/her peers using alcohol as a form of recreation, they are likely to learn this behaviour and even adopt the same as part of their lifestyle (Monti, 2002; pp. 3-6). Despite numerous criticisms that the social learning theory simply takes the individuals as mere unreceptive recipients of the stimuli in the environment as Bingham & Conner argue (2010; pp.10), this theory is relevant in the study of alcohol misuse, as the misuse of alcohol can be termed as a social practice as the misusers of the alcohol simply learn the habit as a result of mere interactions with the various actors in the environment. The biopsychosocial model of addiction explains that alcohol misuse has a link with the psychological and social factors (Miller, 2011; pp.12). Biologically, individuals may have genetic inheritance of alcohol syndrome while psychosocially, the environment may influence an individual to alcohol misuse. Through this theory, integrating the diverse causes of alcohol abuse is workable. Through communication between professionals such as social workers and psychologists that work to prevent alcohol abuse, the biopsychosocial approach may help them in strengthening risk evaluation for prevention programs as improves the diagnosis and handling of alcohol dependent individuals (Miller, 2011; pp.12-13). In the UK, excessive consumption of alcohol has been the major cause of death. The Royal College of Nursing (2012, pp.1) indicates that the costs used in dealing with hospital admissions of alcohol abuse case as well as the admission numbers are increasing by the day. The author quotes a 12% increase of alcohol admission cases, while the NHS cost rose to £2.7 billion (Royal College of Nursing, 2012, pp.1). With this in mind, the UK government has sought to make sure that they come up with policies as well as mechanisms that will see to the reduction of the misuse of alcohol. The current alcohol policy calls for the reduction of the persons taking alcohol with the aim of reducing alcohol related deaths (Social Work, Alcohol & Drugs, 2014; pp. 1). The policy also calls for a reduction of the persons aged 11-15 who consume alcohol. In relation with the psychology models, the social policy on alcohol misuses can apply the Models of Care for Alcohol Misuse (MoCAM). Through this policy, the UK Department of Health (2006; pp. 1) requires for local treatment of alcohol through care planning, integrating the care pathways, therefore describing the patterns that shape alcohol consumption. The social workers must provide proper advice on the interventions that may lead to the reduction of alcohol consumption. The social service workers may partner with other professionals such as Psychologists that may offer help on understanding the alcohol issues. For instance, from the psychologists, the social workers may get the knowledge that here are various influencers on an individual that may lead to alcohol misuse such as their parents, teachers, and even the peers especially for the young adults of ages 16-19 years. The young adolescents of ages 16-19 years may have influence from the environment as far as misuse of alcohol is concerned. In the event that their peers, teachers and even parents use alcohol and other drugs and set the wrong example to such young people, there is a high likelihood that the young adults will automatically emulate their behaviours. Sociological theories also have a very crucial role in the social work practice on alcohol abuse among the young people. As seen in the work conducted by Lowinson (2005; pp.525), the psychodynamic model of addiction works on the premise that the users and abusers of alcohol and other substances are doing so for the purposes of self-medication. This results from the fact the alcohol users and abusers have issues that include social and even psychological issues that lead to their use of alcohol as a way of seeking comfort from alcohol and other substances. From an analysis of this aspect, it is evident that the abuse and misuse of alcohol can be termed as a socially unacceptable behaviour. Specifically, in the event that the individuals in question are completely unable to deal with the conflicts that shape their lives, they tend to misuse dugs in a way that, in their thoughts, helps them deal with their issues and even compete with the general society that is seemingly against them (Lowinson, 2006; pp. 525-7). In the course of studying and analysing alcohol abuse and misuse, the social-psychological theory is relevant. As seen in the research compiled by Leonard & Blane (1999; pp. 90, 136, 190), alcohol abuse and misuse is a behavior that slowly develops among the youth. The authors continue to indicate that this kind of behavior is deviant that results from the individuals not being able to adhere to the set societal expectation (Leonard & Blane, 1999; pp. 190). In the theory, Leonard & Blane (1999; pp. 136-190) focuses on the concept of an individual’s personality, the environment and behavior. These three concepts interlink in the quest to come up with a forceful state that leads to proneness or justification of some issues such as misuse of alcohol and other substances. If the individuals cannot handle their issues effective, there are high chances that there will be prone to alcohol misuse. The personalities in the individuals as well as their environments differ to a great extent; thus, different responses to social issues that may led to their abuse on substances and drugs notably, alcohol. From the Policy on Reducing drugs misuse and dependence by the Govt. UK. (2013; pp.1), about 19.3% of the young persons aged used an illegal substance. The policy also indicates that the illegal substances such as alcohol drain the government about UK £13.3 billion each year (Govt. UK., 2013; pp.1). Using this policy and the sociological theories, social workers can come up with actions that would help reduce alcohol misuse such as providing accurate information on alcohol use. In relation to the case study of young adults aged 13-16 years, the social workers may apply this theory in dealing with alcohol abuse as the theory focuses on the personality of the individual, their environment and how they react to social issues. If they cannot handle their issues effectively, they will ultimately result to problematic behaviours that Leonard & Blane (1999; pp. 85-86) refer to as deviant behaviour that involves the misuse of alcohol. It is arguable that the youth misuse alcohol as a way of dealing with issues that affect them in the society. Such persons may be of low self-esteem and may have been completely unable to conform to the requirements of the society; thus, tend to resolve their inner conflicts through alcohol abuse and misuse. In simple terms such individuals use alcohol as a form of coping mechanism to the existing societal pressures and hope that they will seek lasting solutions on their issues. Such young adults may also be said to have adopted maladaptive strategies that they use to react against the norms and expectations of the society. The social workers may help the alcohol misusers become free from alcohol misuse as the Policy on Reducing drugs misuse and dependence through educating the youth appropriately; thus, improve their general welfare. Various social policy theories and concepts are useful in the study of young people between the ages of 16-19 years with issues of alcohol misuse. As seen in the work of Higgins (2009; pp. 2-11) the concept of social control is useful in the explanation of social policies and their implications. The social control theory explains that the process of socialization as well as social learning help build social control as well as reduce the chances that individuals will indulge in antisocial and unacceptable behaviours. Higgins (2009; pp.2-11) writes that in the event that unacceptable behaviours are threatened, there is a high likelihood that they may not occur. The persons in question must also be trained to refrain from delinquent behaviours through reshaping their conscience. The theory also explains that if individuals identify indirectly with the behavior influencers such as close family members, peers or even friends some form of behavior may be eliminated (Higgins, 2009; pp.12-22). Lastly, the theory argues that through control is only successful if the needs of an individual are satisfied. If their needs are satisfied, such individuals will not engage in activities that are unacceptable to the society (Higgins, 2009; pp. 1-23). According to the social construction theory, Pierce, et al (2014; pp. 1-3) indicate that the theory focuses on the aspect that individuals do not have the required information to make decisions on various aspects of human life. In the course of making decisions, individuals end making wrong decisions as they rely on their mental capacities to decide on which is the best information to retain. In the case where individuals already have pre-existing beliefs and information, they are likely to reject information that may be useful to them. In this context, it is arguable that individuals use social constructions in a subjective way (Pierce, et al, 2014; pp. 5). Social reality is, therefore, relative especially where individuals have generalized patterns of social constructions. In relation to alcohol abuse, and social work the youth aged 16-19 years may be users of alcohol as a result of actions that are regulated by their brains. The individuals may opt to retain the information that the use of alcohol is useful for them. It is possible that the individuals have already constructed information that alcohol offers proper solutions to their issues. In course of coming with the best therapy, their behavior may be directly threatened through punishment, trained on the negatives of alcohol misuse indirectly and through control by satisfying their needs such as eliminating their life stressors and giving them comfort that they mostly seek from the alcohol abuse and misuse. As seen above, working with youth of ages of 16-19 who misuse alcohol must focus on Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy theories and concepts. This aspect focuses on therapy that would be best applied so as to alleviate the alcohol abuse and misuse issues. Psychological theories form a great part of social work practice. Psychological therapy helps raise the client’s awareness on their functionality in the environment. Through the therapy, the young adults with issues on substance abuse will be made conversant on their activities and how they can change their behaviours. Through a step to step approach the youth in this context the social workers will sensitize the youth and give them a chance to assess their present statuses. The manner in which the individual interact in their society as the social learning theory goes, is explained, and the individuals are made to make adjustments through forming new figures that slowly manipulate their environment towards avoiding use of alcohol. Through guided visualization and self-awareness in the social practice, the youth can easily overcome their addiction issues. In the course of social work practice, sociology theories are best placed to explain alcohol abuse. For instance the psychodynamic and social-psychological therapies to addiction helps deal with the abuse by taking the client through their past experiences, thoughts and circumstances that have forced the clients to go through addiction problems. During therapy, the client is taken through experiences that may have contributed to their being addicts. The therapist then takes the individual through treatment programs that leads to the individual analysing their experiences, the conflicts they have undergone and ultimately coming up a treatment program that would help them come out from their addiction problem. Lastly, for the period of therapy, the social worker may apply the social policy theory by assessing the socialization process of the youth of 16-19 years with alcohol abuse and misuse issues. Through this, the therapist is able to take the clients through a process of social control that will help them avoid alcohol abuse and misuse. The therapist may manipulate the conscience of these youth in an endeavour to allow them assess if the use of alcohol is beneficial or not. Through the social construction theory, the therapist may help the clients through manipulating their brains so that they can retain the information that alcohol abuse is destructive. Conclusion Conclusively, in line with the set policies and legislations that seek to eliminate the rising cases of alcohol misuse especially to persons of ages 16-18 years, the social workers have a major role to meet the targets set by the government. It is evident that sociological, psychological and Social Policy theories and concepts are greatly linked with the study and analysis of the youth aged 16-19 years that have alcohol abuse and misuse issues. The psychological theories explain that the youth react based on the psychological aspect that shape behavior such as the environment, and the stimuli that shape behavior such as the nerve impulses that govern an individual’s brain functionality. The sociological approaches focus on the social aspects that determine individual behavior while the social policy theories explain how social realities are relative and are resultant from the mental heuristics that filter realities in a subjective way. Social workers apply these basics in an attempt to offer the best therapy to their clients, in this context, the youth of ages 16-19 with alcohol abuse and misuse issues. References Bingham, T. & Conner, M., 2010. The New Social Learning: A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media. San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. GOV.UK, 2013. Policy-Reducing drugs misuse and dependence. London: Department of Health, Home Office, Ellison, J, and The Rt Hon Lynne Featherstone MP. Higgins, J., 2009. Social Control Theories of Social Policy. Journal of Social Policy, 9 (1), 1-23. Leonard, K. E. & Blane, H. T., 1999. Psychological Theories of Drinking and Alcoholism. London: Guilford Press. Lowinson, J. H., 2005. Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook. Philadelphia PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Miller, G., 2011. Learning the Language of Addiction Counseling. NY: John Wiley & Sons. Monti, P. M., 2002.Treating Alcohol Dependence: A Coping Skills Training Guide. London: Guilford Press. Pierce, J.J., Siddiki, S., Jones, M. D., Schumacher, K., Pattison, A. & Peterson, H., (2014)Social Construction and Policy Design: A Review of Past Applications. The Policy Studies Journal, 42. (1), 1-29. Royal College of Nursing, 2012. Alcohol: policies to reduce alcohol related harm in England. Policy & International RCN. Retrieved from Social Work, Alcohol & Drugs, 2014. Alcohol Policy. Retrieved from United Kingdom. Department of Health, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse., 2006. Models of care for alcohol misusers (MoCAM). London: Department of Health.  Read More
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