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Direct Social Work Practice - Assignment Example

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The paper “Direct Social Work Practice” seeks to evaluate the client evaluation process, which is extremely important in the work of a social worker. It provides information regarding the client, his/her problem and settings. This information is central to the process of providing viable solutions…
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Direct Social Work Practice
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 Direct Social Work Practice 1.0 Introduction 1.2 Introduction One The client evaluation process is extremely important in the work of a social worker. It provides information regarding the client, his/her problem and settings. This information is central in the process of providing viable solutions to problems. Consequently, the assessment deserves extreme keenness. Establishing an amiable rapport with the client permits the worker to extract as much information as needed. A good relationship creates a relaxed atmosphere where clients feel free to express themselves in earnest and truthfully. The dialog should include what is true, and a worker should not provide false information. Empathy is important, but it should not extend to areas that are unsolicited. The information obtained should remain private, and allusion to the information, in the course of duty, should not contain client identity unless it is necessary. Though unfounded, I believe that clients from minority groups spend more time without seeking professional help. Additionally, Afro-Americans are least likely to reveal all their problems during assessment. 1.2 Introduction Two Client Identification The client is a woman named Amy Johnson aged 38 years. She resides in 123 Main Street South, phone (403) 123-4567). She is a widowed mother of three children. She had been married until few years back when she became widowed after a horrible car crash. The marriage had lasted for 15 years. The eldest child is 17 years while the youngest is 7 years. The client is an Afro American. Other Agencies/Programs with Client The client was involved with various counselors. She attended de-briefing sessions with a counselor. During these sessions, she attended with her children. The sessions were aimed at aiding the family to cope successfully with the demise of their father. After the sessions, she slipped further into the habit. In her account, however, she asserts that she still wishes that her husband were around and that she misses him a lot. Currently, the client is involved in a women empowerment program. The program comprises of women experiencing economic, social and emotional problems. The key motive of the program is to enhance women’s self-concept and empower them to take greater control of their emotional, social and economic lives. An NGO runs the program. Her life has improved significantly due to the teachings in the program and the activities. She is greater control of her affairs and her self-concept has improved tremendously. 1.3 Contact Dates The assessment included two interviews on different days, since the time after work is shared between her women empowerment program and her children. The interviews occurred on 21st and 23rd March, 2012. Prior to the meeting, I had contacted the client through her phone. During the conversation, I expressed by interests in seeing her and the issue I hoped we would discuss in a place and time of her choice. During the phone call, she agreed to meet me on 21 March 2012 for two hours and then another day that she would confirm to me. 1.4 Referral Information A third party recommended me to the client. The client had expressed a desire to pursue professional assistance to the friend who had introduced her to the women empowerment group. Her friend introduced her to a social worker who already knew the client. The worker declined because she thought that the acquaintance had compromised her professionalism. Consequently, the worker recommended the client to me. 2.0 Current Situation The client lives is 35 Woodville Avenue. She lives with her two sons and one daughter. However, her sister in law visits her often and sometimes spends several days with the family. The eldest child is a boy named James Madison aged 17 years. The second born is a girl named Janet aged 13 years while the last born is a boy named griffins aged 10 years. The eldest son is in high school while others are in elementary school. They all live with their mother in 35 Woodville Avenue. The client has been a widow for two years after her husband died in a car accident. The death ended her 15 years of matrimony. She has only lived with her children and visiting relatives. The client works as a retail store attendant; however, her tenure is part-time. She has a high school diploma and is currently pursuing certification in pastry. After the course, she intends to join with several women and put their skills to good use by starting a cake shop. 2.1 Problem Identification The predicaments began few years back after the demise of her husband. Previously, she only drank wine and alcohol only on rare occasions. A week after the demise of her spouse, she drank the few bottles that her husband kept in the fridge. She indicated that drinking helped her sleep and forget her problems. As she progressed in alcoholism, her relationship with her son deteriorated. Her son joined a rock band and soon became truant. When she questioned her, it became a bitter argument. However, after several weeks, he started missing school. Furthermore, the client has been alarmed by the composition of the group, which she fears will ruin the character and life of her son. She consulted a counselor who recommended that she attend debriefing sessions. After the sessions, she continued drinking and did not report to the counselor. After her drinking escalated in the first year, she became unusually harsh to the children. Her disciplinary actions to the children became erratic. Additionally, she seemed irritated easily while she was drunk. This ruined the connection amid the client and her children. The sister in law noted this and threatened to report her to the authorities. Apart from making her promise to change, she started visiting often to ensure the safety of the children. The children are closer to their aunt than they are to their mother. The client’s drinking problem does not happen throughout; it escalates whenever she is having problems with her eldest son. Her eldest son misses school some times to spend time training with a rock band. When his parent discovers that Madison has missed school, they argue a lot, and the son ends up walking away from her. During such times, Madison locks his door, turns his music up and stays indoors until the next door. After such confrontations, the mother reverts to drinking, which she does until she passes out. Madison did not have the said behaviors before the death of his father. The sister in law to the client is extremely concerned about the welfare of the younger children. The only reason she cites for not having involved child welfare authorities is the fact that she fears that if her sister losses the custody of the children it might completely dishevel her life, and possibly throw her in a deeper quagmire. 2.2 Identified Strengths and Hopes The client’s strengths The client has several strengths. One the client is willing to confront the problem. She accepted the suggestion from her friend to pursue specialized aid. Additionally, the client is involved with other programs to enhance her reorient her life, changer her dispositions and enhance her character. She has indicted that she drinks less often than before. The client has people who are supporting her. This includes her sister in law and her close friend. This people have been instrumental in her progress to her present state. The client’s hopes The client hopes that she will overcome her drinking problem and mend her relationship with her eldest son madison. She wants to solve any problems between them and help her son attain university education. She hopes that her son will quit the band and concentrate on his studies to attain a quality high school diploma. Furthermore, she hopes that she will compensate for the time she has denied her younger children Janet and Griffins. Finally, she hopes that the family will unite and be close together, as it was before the death of her husband. The client’s social supports and resources The client belongs to a women empowerment program. This program has helped her improve numerous aspects of her life. It has concentrated on the cultivating her self-concept and financial empowerment. Through the group, the client finds support and encouragement. Other support resources include her sister in-law and her close friend. 3.0 Family History The client’s family is in Canada. She moved to the US as a young girl after her high school education. She met her husband who was working in an American company, which then consolidated its operations to America after the appreciation of the Canadian currency. She opted to move with him rather than loose the relationship. She eventually settled and started her life in the US. She used to visit her family on yearly basis until she got her second born. From then she only visits occasionally. However, her father has since passed on, but her mother still lives in Canada. She calls her mother often, especially after the death of her husband. However, they do not communicate as often with her younger brother who also is in Canada. Her husband came from Massachusetts. He was born in a farming community with her only sibling Beth. They developed a very close relationship that persisted even after the he moved from home. After his return from Canada, she used to visit him often and played an important role in her wedding. The client’s family used to make a social call to the husband’s family annually, but the parents rarely visited. However, her sister in-law became a part of their family. The client is quite close with her sister in-law. She communicates at least twice a month with her mother and rarely with her husband’s parents. These communications involve telephone calls and occasional post cards from Canada. The client has had only one romantic relationship, with her late husband. 4.0 Psychosocial Functioning Physical health The client has in excellent physical health. She suffered an arm fracture from a fall at work about four years ago, but she has since healed. She has no chronic health illnesses or health problems. Intellectual and emotional health: She does not have any mental health problems. However, during her second pregnancy, her marriage was experiencing problems. She lived temporarily with her husband’s sister after a bitter raw. After several prenatal clinic attendances, she was advised that her emotional state would affect the baby and at worst, she would lose the baby. Her husband’s sister made a point of informing her husband. He was alarmed, and this helped resolve the marital problem. Since then, she has never experienced any unusual emotional problems. Cognitive functioning The client claims that after the demise of her spouse, things became hazy, and she could not make straight decisions. This was worsened by the drinking habit she adopted. Whenever she was faced with a difficult decision to make, she opted to drink and forget about it rather than face it. However, she has considerably improved after she joined the women support group. She drinks less often and making decisions and judgment has become easier. Developmental The client is going through a significant alteration in life. She adapting to life without her partner who she has known for almost 20 years. Apart from that, she has become the sole breadwinner, disciplinarian, and decision maker. She is adapting to attending to all these tasks soberly on her own. She has to provide for her children’s education without the help of her husband. Initially, these tasks overwhelmed her making her revert to alcoholism. She almost lost her job and lost custody of her children. However, currently she is making great strides in adapting to the roles. Relationships The client is experiencing problematic relationships with her children. The chief one is her relationship with her son Madison. They rarely talk, and when they talk, it ends up being a bitter quarrel. Madison became reclusive subsequent to his father’s demise while his mother started taking alcohol. By the time, the mother realized what was happening, their relationship had deteriorated so much that they rarely talked. Currently, they frequently argue due to Madison’s engagement with a rock band, which makes him miss school. The client’s relationship with Janet and Griffins is also strained, though to a lesser degree. The children seem fear their mother. Her relations with her sister in-law has also been affected. She remains her strongest support, but she was wary of the client’s ability to take care of the children. Spirituality The client has never been serious about divine matters, and the current situation has made spirituality drift further from her daily reality. She was not a member of the local church; consequently, after the burial of her husband, the church was not a source of support for the client. Substance Use The client’s problems are evidently a result of alcohol consumption. There is a high possibility that the client is already addicted to alcohol. Her kinfolk have no account of alcoholism; in fact, her mother and father are quite spiritual. The level of consumptions has alarmed family members, close relatives and friends. However, she has not pursued cure for substance abuse. Financial/Education/Employment The client did not attain a college diploma after her high school education. She moved away from home shortly after. She is, however, she pursuing a certification in pastry. Most of her life she had never been employed as she remained home looking after her offspring. She is currently working part-time as a retail store attendant. She earns enough for the family’s upkeep, but she would have a financial problem taking his eldest son to college. Loss Two years ago, the client lost her life partner in a road accident. The loss devastated her life leading to the present problems. She did not cope well with the loss, and she slipped into alcoholism. This made her lose control of her family’s affairs. Her eldest son does not listen to her, and they argue a lot. 5.0 Summary The client is in the preparation/determination stage. She is determined to change after contemplating what her behaviors are influencing her life and surroundings. However, she has not entered the action stage (Hepworth D. H, et al. 2010, pp. 527). The client, however, thinks that her son’s behavior increases her chances of abusing alcohol. Her son’s truancy and association with a rock band of questionable character resulted from her initial drinking problems. The client needs to gain control of her life and adapt the duties she one shared with her husband. She has to learn to establish authority, provide for her children and discipline them fairly and effectively. The client is motivated by her desire to see her children through college. She also desires to unite her family as it was before. 5.1 Goals / Plan The social worker and the client agreed on two goals. First, the client agreed to seek substance abuse management in two works time. However, before then, she is supposed to dispose all alcohol in her house. After the start of the treatment, she promised to remain focused and committed to the treatment. The second goal concerned to commit more time with her children. She agreed to spend to spend a minimum of 3 hours with her children every day. Additionally, she would try to use all means possible to ensure that she initiates amiable communication with her son. This includes speaking to him slowly and without anger, being mindful of his needs and showing a general change of disposition. 6.0 Signature Name Social Work Student 29 March, 2012. 7.0 Reflection (Place at the end of Assessment – separate page) The interview occurred one week after the preliminary interaction with the client. I had never met the client before the first time we met in the mall where the interview happened. A friend recommended her to me. When I first heard about the problems she had my initial reaction was to see how much was from her own doing. However, after the interaction with the client, it was easier to understand her problem. The opening conversation was full of restrain, since the client felt she had failed in her primary duty and gone against convection. She was also worried about the confidentiality of the interview. After my assurance of the confidentiality of the assessment, she relaxed, and the interview proceeded well. The second day of the interview was the most productive since she was more open and relaxed. Prior interviews, other students influenced the way I conducted the interview. I had to alter the arrangement of question when I encountered questions that would interrupt the flow of the interview. 8.0 Appendices ECO-MAP   References Strained relationship GENOGRAM E- Christopher- Father to the client’s husband F- Janet- mother in-law to the client G- Griffins- the client’s father H- Josephine, the client’s mother K-The client’s sister in-law j- The client’s brother References Hepworth D. H, et al. (2010). Direct social work practice: theory and skills. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning. Read More
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