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Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care - Essay Example

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In the paper “Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care” the author facilitates an understanding from a holistic perspective towards disability and care for the disabled persons. The conceived problem of disability entails understanding the strategies available to cater for these cases…
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Understanding Specific Needs in Health and Social Care Introduction From the description within the legal confines of the equality act regarding disability, it defines disability as the possession of existence of physical or mental impairment that causes a long-term and substantial negative effect on the ability of the individual to do normal daily activities. In this construction, there are vast conceptions of the types of disabilities existent among the patients. Thus, as a social worker, it is essential to have insight regarding the various observant characters that relate to disability to be in a position to successfully meet the patient needs (Barnes & Mercer, 2009, p 41). These factors necessitate the need to evaluate oneself with respect to their understating of disability, the various issues related to the subject, its confines within the legal frameworks such as laws and policies as well as, rights of the disabled persons. Therefore, this realization forms the course of this dissertation as it facilitates an understanding from a holistic perspective towards disability and care for the disabled persons. The conceived problem in this topic of disability as regards social care entails understanding the strategies and interventions available to cater for these cases of special need persons (Reid & Parsons, 2012, p 57). Further, it also entails evaluating the impacts of these strategies and interventions in the industry on the cause of action as well as, the past, present and future of these interventions and strategies as they relate to social care for the disabled persons. Health as a personal state entails not just the absence of disease or infirmity but also the complete physical, mental and social-wellbeing of the person. Poor health results in challenging behaviours, which entail such culturally abnormal behaviour, which have varying intensity, frequency, and duration that risks the safety of the person and or those around the person (Reid & Parsons, 2012, p 62). This results in the need for special treatment to facilitate the care for the individual to receive care that meets their needs. Thus, there is a drive to understand the specific needs in health and social care for the disabled persons. LO 1 1.1 Concepts of disability, illness and behaviour in relation to Health and Social Care service users The conceptualisation of the factors relating to the topic of disability and its perceptions entails a vast continuum of reception from the care users, the receivers and givers. The index of understanding these concepts entails all perspectives that address the subject as relates to human behaviour regarding illness, disability and behaviour (Fisher & Robinson, 2010, p 207). There are several concepts of consideration in this course and they all entail the primary and secondary issues related to the issue in consideration. In these, understanding of the various issues as relates to care givers entails the elements describing the concepts as perceived in the field of care for the disabled persons as well as those with challenging behaviour. These concepts include the primary and secondary deviance as relates to the patients, the community and the caregivers of the social care services (Üstün, 2010, p 43). These concepts include deviance, stigma and how to address the issue of stigma. In these three concepts, the factors of stigma are of key concerns as regards the caregivers and users (Fisher & Robinson, 2010, p 209). The element of consideration in stigmatization in understanding disability and challenging behaviours entails the perceptions of the community within which this individual with the special needs lives. Further, the processes of tackling the stigmatization issue as a concept is also of key concern in understanding and addressing the issues of special needs care. Another concept in this factor is handicap and understanding the issues relating to handicapped persons, as well as, addressing the needs for such special needs person. Additionally, this understanding also entails the concepts regarding social and structural iatrogenesis. This social and structural iatrogenesis entails the perception and behaviour of the society as receivers of care within the special needs issues. Further, the role of medicine in the society also entails key concept of consideration within this element to understand the behaviour and disability existent among the people concerned. It is essential since it facilitates the interventions entailed in caring and understanding these special needs regarding disability, illness and behaviour (Jacobs & Skocpol, 2010, p 71). Further, another concept in consideration is the consideration of various social patterns and experiences regarding the subject of illness and disability. These factors also incorporate issues relating to gender, ethnicity, employment status and social stratifications as they apply in the context of care and understanding towards the care users. The social, cultural, psychological and family relations also contain a key role of concern in conceptualising the subjects regarding disability, illness and behaviour. Social capital factors several elements of consideration in understanding care users. The concepts in these issues develop respectively from the sociological perspectives to the conceptualisation of the medical knowledge and power of the users of the special needs care. Further, the need to lay the health beliefs and illness behaviour relates accordingly to the subject of user needs. It is essential to consider the factors of consideration in developing strategies as relates to the interventions for the special needs and challenging behaviour. The social support and social integration relate conspicuously to the conditions factoring the special needs with respect to the cultural behaviours and beliefs, as well as, the understanding among the people within the society (Mather & Goldstein, 2008, p 121). The social experience of the living with respect to the disability and illness issues with the special needs are essential to understanding the patterns of ill health and disability as they affect the user needs and care givers understanding of the subject of concern. These are the essential concepts regarding to the issue of disability, illness and behaviour as regards to the user needs to the specific care needs of the persons with the health condition. 1.2 How perceptions of specific needs have changed over time Disability and disabled people over the past years continues to evolve remarkably with respect to its exposure in the context of the social reception towards the topic. Initially, in the early years, the disabled persons received minimal care in addition to increased stigmatization from the community s well as the health care givers. These factors affected the development of the needy persons within the community as they had little or no platform for addressing their needs (Morrow, 2010, p 653). The community and the families of the persons with special needs often faced difficult moments in acknowledging the health conditions as they developed among the people they cared and maintained close relations. These issues of stigmatization and lack of advocacy affected the growth and establishment of success for the special needs people remarkably. However, the consequential developments within the human rights perceptions and activism among the people reflected accordingly contributed significantly to changes in addressing the disability and disabled persons needs. The development of the field of social welfare and social health care, commonly referred to as social workers remarkably involved the understanding of the persons with disability, illnesses and challenging behaviours (Conroy, Dunlap, Clarke & Alter, 2005, p 159). The advocacy in the field of social care remarkably improved the quality of care and perception of the people with challenging behaviour within the society. Recent developments in the field of for special needs remarkably improved with the conceptualisation of the human rights activists that changed the course of understating social welfare of the society. The community increasingly began to accept the concepts regarding the unit of disability as a social issue affecting the entire community rather than as was before where it only affected the family of the affected person. The understanding into special care needs also incorporated the development of activities relating to social needs such as games and other facilities that factor the persons with special needs. The factorial development of these services and social amenities is one of the various areas in which the special care perceptions have changed over time. Additionally, another area of concern in which the perceptions of the people towards disability, illness and behaviour as regards special care givers is the development of legal aspects such as the act on human rights which defines the treatment and rights of special needs persons (Conroy, Dunlap, Clarke & Alter, 2005, p 159). These elements in the concept of development within the perceptions of the community towards special needs people are some of the developments within the care for special needs persons. Additionally, the establishment of special needs institutions dedicated to cater for only the people with special needs such as care homes and schools for the disabled persons. 1.3 The impact of legislation, social policy, society and culture on ways of availing for services to individuals with specific needs There is significant progress with respect to the need to protect and promote disability rights and the rights to independent living within the United Kingdom. This allows the UK to participate accordingly in the leading roles of negotiating the UNCRPD and ratifying the negotiations as reflects in the briefs regarding the issues of disability. In the recent years, the factors of development in legislation and polices continue to evolve, considering the acts of establishment in the human rights factors. For instance, the legislation and policies affecting the fields of disability and special needs includes the rights to protect the disabled and ill people from discrimination in connection with social elements such as employment, provision of goods, services, and access to facilities and management of premises (Lane, 2011, p 87). The act introduced the duty to certify the providers of care to the disabled in factoring reasonable adjustments to allow the disabled get advantage care in the various areas of service and access to care. Further, another statute in the consideration for the polices is the regulation relating to establishment of special educational needs and disability act, which ensured the access to education for the disabled persons and people with challenging behaviour. Further, the disability act also introduced duty to oblige the public authorities to initiate a proactive role in promoting the equality and inclusion of these persons those suffers challenges of disability, illness and behaviour (Talbot, Astbury & Mason, 2010, p 156). Additionally, the human rights act also requires the authorities and care givers to act in a manner that facilitates compatibility with the rights of the healthy persons. The caregivers have obligation to ensure the care for the disabled is essential for the successful development of the quality care for the disabled persons. These factors include the establishment of the national health trusts and involvement of local and national authorities in providing care for the special needs people. Thus, from these establishments, it is easier and less costly to access special needs care for the users of the services. Further, in the social policies and social considerations for care of the disabled and challenged behaviour persons, there are elemental establishments to facilitate user needs. The establishment involves the establishment of independent living strategies among other social welfare facilitations to foster care for disability issues. For instance, such developments incorporate the leading social regulations regarding understanding the principles and practice of independent living. These create the existence of evidence-driven basis and policy development to redeploy resources and share the consequential support towards the regional and local initiates that affect the special needs care (Talbot, Astbury & Mason, 2010, p 158). The society and community develop programs that facilitate working towards the provision of quality care and support to the special needs persons for the success of the local initiatives to foster care towards the special needs persons. The community establishes the care perceptions as well as, introduces key understanding and creates awareness on the subject of concern of special needs people. These developments of creating awareness programs and educating the community with respect to disability, illness and challenging behaviour is key social development towards care for the special needs persons. Thus, these are the elemental care procedures entailed in caring for the special need persons by the caregivers, the society and family of these persons. LO 2 2.1 Care needs of individuals with specific needs The essentials for care among the persons with specific needs entail the general principles to apply in facilitating care. The persons with special needs need equal opportunity and accessibility to resources and care essentials. The special need range relatively from psychological to biological needs. They also have safety and security needs, social and esteem needs. Thus, understating these specific needs is essential to developing strategic interventions for addressing the cases of disability and challenging behaviour. Typically, helping the special needs persons to meet their needs facilitates their recovery process and successful integration into the society. The case of Bournewood is an illustration of the specific care needs of such an individual with disability. 2.2 The systems available to support such individuals In the course of development of special needs institutions, laws, and policies regarding their treatment, there are several intervention strategies established to cater for the needy persons. The interventions include the strategic understanding of the issue in consideration; hence, the establishment of the rights of the persons with special needs. The course of the activity entailed the development of specific regulations to address the needs of such people. For instance, the case of HL required isolation, care, and understanding in relating with the individual. Therefore, to address such concerns, the intervention in place incorporates, specifying the service available to the providers and users of the care. This includes publicly availing a detailed description of the intervention policies to ensure that there is public emancipation in the issue of concern (Mustard, Kalcevich, Steenstra, Smith & Amick, 2010, p 483). Further, the consequent element of description also incorporates correlating accurate and standardized routine care data on the behaviours of the person that affect their health and consequently developing personalized care that caters for the person. This intervention strategy; thus, incorporates the participation of the firsthand carers of the special needs persons, such as the immediate family as well as those who closely interact with the person. Such establishments are key interventions in fostering care for the person in the care unit. 2.3 Evaluating the services available in chosen locality to support individuals with specific needs The Bournewood Case HL is a case of the concept of stigmatization and unfair treatment dye to possession of a disability. The cause of Mr. And Mrs. E was of a noble cause. They understood the care that HL required, hence the reason they decided to send him to the special needs care centre. However, the cause of the developments whereby the driver had to pass across various places picking other people might have been a key contributor to the development of the case towards the issue of the relapse which forced HL to go and be admitted in Bournewood (The Bournewood Case). However, within the care centre, the Bournewood care centre failed to observe the essentials of quality care required by persons with disability. They failed to observe the polices regarding successful health care service to the special needs persons, which contributed remarkably to the eventual case. The case further revealed the course of treatment that HL received in the care centre. These were issues that existed n the past due to absence of care regulations with respect to persons with disability. However, the rule of law prevailed in defining the case accordingly as it reflected in the court case. Thus, such treatment towards the needy persons creates the need to understand the specific needs of the persons with disability and to develop the structural and social confines to address the issues of the persons. The case of HL illustrates the milestones made in addressing the user needs within the care institutions with respect to special needs persons. LO 3 3.1 The approaches and interventions available to support individuals with specific needs There are various approaches and interventions available to cater for the persons with special needs and which support them accordingly. For instance, in developing care for persons with special needs such as vision, speech or hearing problems among others, the education sector incorporated this in the development of the curriculum to factor in educational needs of these people (Mustard, Kalcevich, Steenstra, Smith & Amick, 2010, p 484). Thus, in caring for these persons with special care issues, the first invention and support strategies incorporate allowing them access to the education facilities that cater for their needs to ensure they develop at an equal capacity as the normal beings (Brozová and Vancura, 2010, p 23). Another strategic development in supporting these persons within the care givers institutions is establishment of specialised units that cater solely for the disability issues. For instance, the institutions gained support from national trust funds to establish specialised care units and support the education of nurses to specifically cater for these special needs persons. These developments are key in facilitating support to the persons with special care needs. Further, another strategy incorporated in the care of these persons with needs is the establishment of community emancipation towards the subject of disability and challenging behaviour (Wadham, 2010, p 67). This entails creation of awareness platforms to educate the community about the special needs persons and encourage them accordingly to support the persons with the special needs, such developments are key in factoring the care towards the persons with special needs. 3.2 The effectiveness of the interventions strategies use In evaluating their success, these care interventions remain remarkably successful, as the persons continually understand the need to care for all persons irrespective of their physical, social or mental capacity. The success of these interventions coupled with the acceptance from the community. Thus, in view of these developments, the factor remains successful in implementing the strategies and the caregivers are key in implementing these support strategies and interventions. 3.3 The potential impact of emerging developments on support for people with specific needs The growing trends in technology and social welfare development are some of the leading factors to consider in defining the consequential impact of the strategies and interventions available to cater for persons with special needs. The increased developments in technology and social community awareness are making easier the future trends in the care for person with special needs. For instance, with respect to application of technological developments, it is notable that the increased computational power is causing a significant decrease in the costs of implementing the strategies and interventions available to support the persons with special needs (Brozová and Vancura, 2010, p 26). Further, the users of the various care aspects incorporated find it easier to accept the developments and interventions therein to guide the care process. For instance, communication is effective through technology, facilitating the availability of information to the public and other concerned persons; hence, ensuring more acceptances toward the persons with special needs and consequently gaining more support towards their needs. Further, the consequent emancipation also facilitates better coverage of grounds towards care for special needs persons. Further, the interventions also facilitate better grounds for social workers and other professionals to execute their roles in caring for the persons with epical needs. These aspects positively influence the care and support towards special needs persons. LO 4 4.1 Concepts of challenging behaviour The conventions existent universally define the need to promote, protect and facilitate full and equal enjoyment of the human rights and promoting dignity for all persons with disability. The concepts entailing the challenging behaviour describe these cases as having long-term physical, intellectual, mental or sensory system impairment (Brozová and Vancura, 2010, p 19). The interaction of these barriers to wellbeing hinders full and effective participation of all the people in the society o equal basis. Thus, understanding these concepts initiates the cause for reasonable accommodation appropriate for modifications and adjustments without imposing undue burden to the persons within the social care facilities. The health department factors these concepts in understanding the challenging behaviour and developing the interventions relating to the cases to address. Further, the concepts also incorporate the legislation and polices in place to address the issues related to challenging behaviour. 4.2 The potential impact of challenging behaviour on health and social care organizations Challenging behaviour within the various contexts of health and social institutions brings various impacts. In this understanding, the personnel may face challenges addressing the special care needs; hence, they forgo their positions leading to shortage of staff. Thus, it is essential to facilitate understanding for the staff as not to cause shortage in the care institutions (Morrow, 2010, p 653). Father, aspects of neglect and demotivation in addressing the social care needs also result from existence of challenging behaviour within the institutions. Additionally, aspects of work related stress could result from challenging behaviour, which will lead to devastation on careers of the persons. These factors influence the health and social care institutions remarkably. Moreover, the aspects of resultant physical damages on facility and property from the challenging behaviour characters impacts the progress within the health and social care institutions. 4.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviours and their impacts The challenging behaviours facilitate opportune moments for the challenged persons to access care and develop accordingly towards recovery. Further, it enables the persons to develop positive attitude towards recovery; thus, the need to keep fostering the positive trends towards improving the attitude towards the persons with challenging behaviours. The trends in this course entail a positive support such as the establishment of laws and policies regarding challenging behaviours and treatment of such persons (Morrow, 2010, p 653). Further, the understanding in the issues of persons with challenging behaviours also facilitates the intervention strategies accordingly, causing them to remain remarkably effective. Therefore, in conclusion, the care strategies for the persons with special needs and challenging behaviours are effective in addressing the needs of the care users. References Barnes, C., & Mercer, G. (2009). Exploring disability. Cambridge, Polity. Brozová, G. and Vancura, J., 2010. percepce prícin agresivního jednání v domovech pro osoby s mentálním postizením/Perceptions of challenging behavior in institutions for people with intellectual disability. Ceskoslovenska Psychologie, 54(1), pp. 17-30. Conroy, M.A., Dunlap, G., Clarke, S. and Alter, P.J., 2005. A Descriptive Analysis of Positive Behavioral Intervention Research With Young Children With Challenging Behavior. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 25(3), pp. 157-166. Fisher, K.R. and Robinson, S., 2010. Will Policy Makers Hear My Disability Experience? How Participatory Research Contributes to Managing Interest Conflict in Policy Implementation. Social Policy and Society, 9(2), pp. 207-220. Jacobs, L. 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Morganton, N.C., Habilitative Management Consultants. Talbot, P., Astbury, G., & Mason, T. (2010). Key concepts in learning disabilities. Los Angeles, SAGE. Üstün, T. B. (2010). Measuring health and disability: manual for WHO Disability Assessment Schedule WHODAS 2.0. Geneva, World Health Organization. Wadham, J. (2010). Blackstone's guide to the Equality Act 2010. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Addison, M., Community Learning Disability Team, Somerset Partnership NHS and Social Care Trust. Challenging Behaviour-Supporting Change: Using a functional assessment to understand challenging behaviour and identify ways of supporting behaviour change. The Challenging Behaviour Foundation. Registered charity no. 1060714. Registered office: The Old Courthouse, New Road Avenue, Chatham. The Bournewood Case: Read More
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