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29 August, Why do I want to go to medical school? I want to go to the medical schoolbecause I understand the importance of the role of the physician in a hospital. A physician assumes a main position in the hierarchy of organization structure of a hospital. He/he happens to be the fundamental source of knowledge and guidance for all the staff around. It takes a lot of hard work, love and dedication to help others with the complex operations, which impart hope and motivation to the suffering individuals.
I come from a remote region with very limited facilities and lack of good health care organizations. There was very little awareness, owing to which a lot of people kept suffering from illnesses and diseases from time to time. In that remote area, one had to travel several miles to reach a doctor, who also would not be adequately equipped for the necessary treatments and operations. I was raised by my grandmother in that town. For the most of her life, my grandmother remained sick. I so wanted to help her but it felt so bad when I couldn’t.
My grandmother’s death shook me totally and I decided that I would go to any length in my life to be able to take best care of people. Therefore, after her death, I resolved to become a doctor and have a clinic of my own. I intend having my clinic in my own homeland, Combodia. I would keep the necessary staff there and would keep visiting at least once a year to help the people in need.
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