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Informed Consent for Participation in Health Services Research - Essay Example

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The researcher states that Cassell and Young point out that “Ethics committees now require that individuals give informed consent to health services research.” However, they argue that this is “misguided” because “existing ethical guidelines do not help us decide how to seek consent…
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Informed Consent for Participation in Health Services Research
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 The main reason for this is that most HSR involves the reshuffling of entire organizational structures, which is obviously something that one particular person cannot really opt out of if they don't like the way the trial is proceeding. This is different from clinical research, where the Helsinki Declaration requires that a patient can leave the trial at any time. Cassell and Young use the example of midwifery practice in rural England, and point out that patients “will not be able to opt-out of the intervention … if it becomes the standard local model of care.

” (2002) That is, they will have to keep using the modified version afterward if the organization decides they will since that is their only option. It is clear that some alternative method of consent that reflects the realities of Health Services Research should be pursued.

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