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Calcium and Osteoporosis in the Elderly - Essay Example

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The author of the following paper "Calcium and Osteoporosis in the Elderly" argues in a well-organized manner that generally, an osteoporosis patient is above 50 years of age. The number of women getting affected by this disease is more than men. …
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Calcium and Osteoporosis in the Elderly
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Thesis: Osteoporosis among elderly people is mainly caused due to the deficiency, excessiveness or inappropriate kind of calcium Introduction Osteoporosis is a disease that gradually reduces the bone density. It occurs in the body of a person without causing any kind of pain until the bones are severely damaged. There is a close association between the calcium level in the body and the occurrence of this disease. It affects skeletal structure of the body making it weak and fragile. Generally, an osteoporosis patient is above 50 years of age. The number of women getting affected by this disease is more than men. The bones remain strong till the age of 20 however as the age of a person increases the risk of osteoporosis also increases. The skeletal structure of the body is made up of protein and calcium. Calcium plays a vital role in maintaining the bone strength. Calcium deficiency or its presence in excess quantity can also lead to osteoporosis. Certain hormones also play a critical role in maintaining the calcium level in the bones. If the level of these hormones increases or decreases then a person is more prone to osteoporosis. There are various other factors too that attribute to this disease however all these causes are directly or indirectly associated with the level or the kind of calcium intake by the body. . Calcium is a mineral that is essential for various functions in the body however excessive calcium can also be harmful . Calcium can be consumed by the body through the diet or by calcium supplements. The symptoms of osteoporosis are not very prominent initially. There are certain methods by which it can be diagnosed and prevented from occurring in the old age. The treatment involves various therapies. In certain cases, it cannot be cured by direct intake of the right kind of calcium .In order to prevent this disease from occurring it is imperative to have adequate knowledge on the kind and the amount of calcium required by the body. Analysis "Osteoporosis is derived from two words. "Osteo" means bones and "porosis" means porous. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the fracture of the bones. It can affect various parts of the body. Above the age of 50 one in every three women suffer from osteoporosis "[Women's health,2000].As per a study done for five and a half years by the University of Aberdeen 5300 people above the age of 70 have suffered from fracture due to osteoporosis [Calcium Supplements unable to cure fractures, 2005]. "Osteoporosis is of two types-Type I or high turn over osteoporosis and Type II or senile osteoporosis. The first category generally affects the women between 50 to 75 years of age. It is caused due to the loss of calcium from bones as a result of decrease in estrogen level after menopause. This kind leads to the weakening bones at the hips, wrist, forearms and spinal cord. The second category affects both men and women. Due to the imbalance between bone loss and its formation senile osteoporosis is caused. Women with "dowagers hump" generally suffer from senile osteoporosis. Those women who undergo early menopause or have never given birth also suffer from type II osteoporosis. Men with reduced testosterone level also suffer from this kind of osteoporosis. It affects the legs and the spinal cord" [Lab tests online, 2004].Whatever may be the type of osteoporosis, it is directly associated with the level of calcium. "There are no prominent symptoms of osteoporosis at an early stage. A patient may not be aware of its existence in the body until the bone fractures at certain part of the body. For instance, the bones of a person may start weakening at the age of 30 and the fracture may appear at the age of 50. There are different kinds of symptoms that appear at a later stage depending on the part of the body that has been affected. Osteoporosis of the spine causes chronic back pain that radiates from back to both sides. It causes hunch back due to the loss of height and curving of spine. In certain parts of the body the fracture occurs while a person is performing his normal activity. This is called stress fracture. The symptoms of osteoporosis of the hip may appear due to the fracture of the hip after a fall. It is the worst kind because in most of the cases it cannot be cured" [Crandall, 2002]. "Some other symptoms include osteopenia, which is reduced bone mass due to which the bones break easily. This can be identified during x ray. Most of the women above the age of fifty have weakened periodontal bones and tooth loss which are also the symptoms of osteoporosis" [Women's health, 2000] "Osteoporosis can be diagnosed by x ray, laboratory tests and bone density measurement. Bone density measurement is suggested for all woman after the age of thirty especially those men and women who have a family history of osteoporosis. This helps in the early diagnosis and preventive measures can be adopted. There are no specific physical findings that attribute to its diagnosis. In case of spinal osteoporosis the patient has kyposis, protruding abdomen and height loss. In case of hip osteoporosis gait speed and grip strength is reduced" [Diagnosis of osteoporosis, 2004].All these diagnosis are aimed to check the level of calcium in the bones. There are certain risk factors that lead to osteoporosis. "Some of the factors are lighter and thinner bones in women than in men, menopause in women, history of osteoporosis in the family, race factor ,small build of a woman ,certain diseases such as diabetes, kidney or liver disease ,anorexia , smoking and alcohol consumption, childlessness, calcium deficiency and its presence in excess ,sedentary lifestyle, low weight ,broken bones from minor injury ,certain medicines and steroids" [Women's health,2000]. All the above risk factors lead to the decrease in the level of calcium in the bones due to which the bones become weak. This in turn leads to osteoporosis. The causes of osteoporosis and the level of calcium present in the bones are directly or indirectly associated with each other. In order to prevent osteoporosis from occurring it is imperative to know more about various types of calcium, its sources and quantity of calcium required by the body. It is also important to know the symptoms of calcium deficiency so that appropriate measures can be taken to avoid further complications. This is important because prevention of osteoporosis only depends on the right kind and the level of calcium present in the body. [ This is my view so it has not been referenced] "There are various causes of osteoporosis. 99 percent of the calcium present in the body is in the bones while the remaining 1 percent is in the soft tissues and blood. Calcium in the bones is in the form of a crystalline structure with protein framework Calcium is preset in the form of calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate." [Calcium (Ca) general discussion, 2003]. "Calcium carbonate is an organic form of calcium and calcium phosphate is the inorganic form of calcium. As a person grows old, the occurrence of osteoporosis in the body increases. This is because the bone growth factor reduces bringing down the calcium level. The older a person gets, the capacity to replenish the lost bone cells decreases" [Calcium and Magnesium -Essential knowledge in nutrition, n. d]. Deficiency of estrogen in women can also cause osteoporosis. "This occurs in women generally after menopause. The hormone estrogen secreted during the menstrual periods in women help in the absorption of calcium. Since estrogen is not secreted after menopause the calcium absorption into the body reduces. This may also appear due to the absence of menstrual periods in woman. Due to severe underweight, under nutrition problems and eating disorders menstrual periods is absent in many women. This causes deficiency of estrogen in the body which in turn results in osteoporosis during the old age. There is a direct link between the estrogen secretion and calcium absorption into the bones. As a result many elderly women suffer from osteoporosis" [Brown University-Health education, 2004] "Sometimes parathyroid gland secretes excess hormones which reduces the calcium level so the bone density also reduces. Once the excess hormones are removed, the body regains the lost calcium level and tries to restore the bone density. It is a gradual process however body may never attain the original calcium level or bone density in spite of the removal of excess hormones." [Endocrine, 2005] Excessive presence of calcium in our body can also lead to osteoporosis. This causes ageing of bone cells that form new bone cells. Since the new bone cells are not formed, it leads to weak and brittle bones. [Excessive Calcium causes osteoporosis, n. d]. 30 to 70 percent of the calcium consumed by the body is absorbed however excessive consumption leads to lesser absorption of calcium in the body [Boning up on calcium and osteoporosis, n. d].Therefore in certain countries such as Switzerland, Scandinavia and Netherlands where the dairy products are high osteoporosis is most prevalent. The bone mass of the people may be high in these countries due to the consumption of diary products [Excessive calcium causes osteoporosis, n. d]. In most of the Asian countries were the calcium intake is much lower the people suffering from osteoporosis are much lower in comparison to the above countries. [Osteoporosis cause and picture, n. d] "As much as excess calcium can lead to osteoporosis, its deficiency can also attribute to this disease. Calcium deficiency is one of the major causes of osteoporosis. Malfunctioning of parathyroid gland, deficiency or excessive production of Vitamin D, imbalance of vitamins and minerals, intake of inorganic calcium, and stress are the various causes of calcium deficiency" [Smith, n. d]. "If the dietary intake of calcium is reduced then it causes calcium deficiency. Maximum amount of the calcium is present in bones while a small amount is present in the soft tissues and blood. The calcium present in soft tissues and blood is essential to carry out various functions of the body. In the absence of this intake of calcium through the diet and calcium supplements the body absorbs calcium from the bones. Since the immediate requirement of the body is to carry out these functions rather than retaining the bone density, calcium is absorbed from the bones. If the diet that is consumed lacks calcium for a long period of times then the process of absorption of calcium from the bones continuous. This in turn leads to the gradual wear and tear of the bones, making them weak and fragile" [A-Nutritional supplements. Com, 2005]. Calcium deficiency can also be caused due to the failure of the metabolism of calcium. Sometimes the kind of calcium consumed by the body cannot be absorbed during metabolism. This generally happens in case of the consumption of inorganic calcium [Calcium info. com, 2004]. "The requirement of calcium varies with age. The amount of calcium required by infants and children are between 210 to 800 mg per day. Teenagers require 1300 mg of calcium per day while the pregnant and lactating mothers between the age group 14 to 18 and 19-50 years require 1000mg and 1300 mg per day. It is essential for both men and women above the age of 51 to consume 1200 mg of calcium per day" [Dietary Supplement fact sheet: Calcium, n. d]."The required amount of calcium can be maintained in the body mainly through the diet. The main sources of calcium are milk and milk products. Research has proved that this source of attaining calcium is not the best form of calcium for the body in case of osteoporosis. Green vegetables, mustard seeds, dried coconuts, almonds, finger millets and fish are also good sources of calcium. "[Calcium for strong bones-information on absorption benefits, deficiency and food source, 2005]. It is more appropriate to have these sources of calcium in the diet. "Some researchers performing intensive study on osteoporosis and its relation with calcium have revealed that it is not calcium deficiency that causes osteoporosis. They have proved that it is caused due to the lack of right kind of calcium consumed by the body in our diet. Calcium can be broadly classified into two types-Organic and Inorganic Calcium. Organic calcium is required by the human body to maintain strong bones . This kind of calcium is available in citrus fruits, grains and vegetables. It is the only kind of calcium that the body requires for its efficient functioning. Inorganic Calcium is present in dairy products .It cannot be absorbed by the body because this kind of calcium cannot be recognized by the body. Its consumption reduces the organic calcium considerably in the body. Such kind of calcium has no utility and it leads to osteoporosis." [Occiphinti, n. d]. Organic calcium can be easily absorbed by the body .To prevent osteoporosis from occurring, a person should consume organic calcium. "Calcium intake in our diet is important however excessive calcium does not have much impact on maintaining the bone density. Low calcium intake can lead to deformities in bones however excess intake of calcium does not lead to stronger bones." [Calcium and osteoporosis, n. d]. A diet having adequate amount of calcium and active physical life reduces the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly people. [Center J.R, Eisman J.A, Nguyen T.V, 2000] "Osteoporosis can be treated by a general physician, endocrinologist, gynecologist, hematologist and orthopedic surgeon .There are three types of therapies used to treat osteoporosis. They are consumption of antiresorptive drugs, bone building agents and non pharmacological interventions. Antiresorptive drugs help reduction of thinning of bones. These drugs include Bisphosphonates, Estrogen analogs, Tibolone, Calcitonin and Hormone replacement therapy. Bone building agents help in rebuilding the skeletal structure. These drugs that help in bone building are Parathyroid hormones and Strontium Ranelate. Non pharmacological treatments are mainly through diet and exercise. Sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D, exercise, psychological and practical support can also help in the treatment of this disease." [National Osteoporosis Foundation, 2005].Osteoporosis cannot be directly treated by consuming calcium after a person is adversely affected by this disease. However all these treatments involve increase in the level of calcium in the bones. Summary and Conclusion Calcium is the most important mineral that should be present adequately to carry out various function of our body. Calcium forms the backbone of the skeletal structure. Due to the lack of right kind of calcium osteoporosis is caused. Deficiency or excessive calcium can also lead to this disease. A person generally suffers from osteoporosis after the age of fifty. Although the process of wear and tear of bones begins at the age of thirty its occurrence is prominent only in the old age. Osteoporosis can be categorized into two types based on various causes and the part of the body that gets affected by it. Osteoporosis does not have any prominent symptoms in the earlier stage. However at a later stage the symptom varies depending on the part of the body where the bones have been affected. There are various risk factors that attribute to reduced calcium level in the bones which in turn leads to this disease. The hormonal changes, kind of calcium intake and the quantity of calcium are the main causes of osteoporosis. Early diagnosis of osteoporosis is difficult since it does not have prominent symptoms. Bone density measurement is the best technique to identify its existence in the initial stage. It is mandatory especially for all those men and women who have family history of osteoporosis. There are various other techniques as well to diagnose the existence of osteoporosis. These diagnosis help to a large extend in checking the calcium level in the bones. There are various treatments available to cure this silent disease. All these treatments ensure that the calcium levels in the bones increase in order to repair the lost bone density. A thorough understanding of the kind of calcium and the amount required by the body can prevent this disease from occurring in the elderly people. It is imperative to take appropriate measures to curb this disease from occurring in the old age. Hence calcium is a vital mineral which should be taken in the right quantity to prevent osteoporosis occurring in the elderly people. It can also be restated as the right kind of calcium in the right quantity can prevent osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the disease of the elderly people and all preventive measures can be taken to avoid this deadly disease from occurring. References 1)Carolyn Janet Crandall, 2002, Osteoporosis, Medicine viewed 30 June,2005 2)Centre J.R, Eisman J.A, Nguyen T.V, 2000, Osteoporosis in elderly men and women: effects of dietary calcium, physical activity, and body mass index, National library of medicine viewed 30 June,2005 3)Donna F. Smith, n. d, Taking a calcium supplement may not be enough, viewed 30 June,2005 4)Mark J. Occhipinti, n. d, The Importance of Organic Calcium vs. Inorganic Calcium: The Women's Body's Ability to Recognize and Utilize Calcium ,Afpafitness viewed 30 June,2005 5)Dietary supplement fact sheet, n .d ,Office of dietary supplementary, viewed 30 June,2005 6)Calcium - For Strong Bones - Information on absorption, benefits, deficiency & food sources, 2005,Vitamin viewed 30 June,2005 7)Osteoporosis, 2004, Lab tests online viewed 30 June,2005 8)Women's health, 2000,, viewed 30 June,2005 9)Diagnosis of osteoporosis, 2004, Osteoporosis and bone physiology viewed 30 June,2005 10)Osteoporosis cause and picture, n. d, Osteoporosis treatment viewed 30 June,2005 11)Excessive Calcium Causes Osteoporosis, n. d , viewed 30 June,2005 12)Osteoporosis, 2004, Brown university health education viewed 30 June,2005 13)Calcium and osteoporosis, n. d, New Zealand vegetarian society, Wellington Branch viewed 30 June,2005 14)Osteoporosis, 2005 ,Endocrine, viewed 30 June,2005 15)Boning up on Calcium and Osteoporosis, n. d , Animal concerns .org viewed 30 June,2005 16)Calcium deficiency causes osteoporosis, 2005 viewed 30 June,2005 17)Calcium Deficiency, 2004 ,Calcium, viewed 30 June,2005 18)Calcium & Magnesium-Essential knowledge in nutrition, n. d, Alpha Nutrition's Nutrition Center, Minerals, viewed 30 June,2005 19)Calcium Supplements Unable to Prevent Fractures,2005,rxpgnews viewed 30 June,2005 20)Calcium (Ca) - General Discussion, 2003, DC Nutrition, viewed 30 June,2005 Read More
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