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Healthy Living - Research Paper Example

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Healthy living Name University Course Instructor Date Physical activity benefits Physical exercise is increasingly significance in maintain a healthy living because human body requires exercise to remain strong. Physical strength is crucial to for human heart that needs to me maintained strong for proper functioning and healthy weight management practice…
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Healthy Living
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Physical activity also enhances mental well being of a person and fosters health function of musculoskeletal organs in one’s life. Physical activity improves an individual’s mood as it stimulates some brain chemicals that help a person to feel happier and increasingly relaxed. Similarly, people who participate in physical exercise gains self-esteem and self-acceptance – appreciate their appearance – which boosts their confidence and self-concept. Moderate physical activity is not strenuous and is beneficial as it improves peoples healthy and prolongs the ones live.

It lowers the changes of developing health and weight related diseases such obesity, arthritis and stroke. In diabetic people and people with high blood pressure problems, moderate physical activity helps in reducing blood pressure and boosting their mood. It promotes psychological well being of patients and minimizes anxiety and depression, and aids in controlling weigh and promoting healthy joints, muscles, and bones. It differs from formal physical activity in that it is a daily exercise that is not strenuous and includes any activities that increase heartbeats such as brisk walking and should be done thirty minutes or so every day, at least five times in a week, for about ten minutes.

Routine activities that are moderate include garden work like farming, lawn moving and hole drilling. Others such as housework – mopping the floors, washing clothes – and outdoor activities like hiking, swimming and waxing the care are moderate activities. Formal physical activities are strenuous exercise such as sweaty gymnasium activities, aerobics, fast swimming and cycling, (Edlin, Golanty & Brown, 2008). They require high efforts amounts and cause increased breath rates. Federal guidelines for Physical Activity Physical activeness is crucial for all Americans irrespective of ages and the physical activity guidelines was developed to provide guidance to aid young, expectant women and old people enhance their health through exercise.

Policy makers and experts of healthy are the key experts behind the federal guidelines. It was developed as a diatery guidelines complementary plan for Americans and the two guidelines offers insights on the benefits of physical activity and healthy eating habits as a way of promoting health and reducing risks of lifestyle diseases, (United States, 2008). Children, adults, postpartum women should engage in various physical activities such as aerobics, muscle and bone strengthening activities and moderate physical activities for adults and people with chronic diseases for healthy benefits.

National Physical Activity Plan represents some form of policies, strategies, and programs that are geared towards enhancing physical exercise in every aspect of the people of America. The public and private sectors work in collaboration to change the American community to ensure that people are physically active. It correlates to the 2020 national health objective in that like the objectives it aims to establish a national culture that promote a lifestyle of physically active population. It aims to improve and foster healthy living through exercise to ensure life quality and prevent disabilities and diseases.

Its vision is to

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“Healthy Living Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words”, n.d.
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