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AIDS Prevention and Prevalence - Research Paper Example

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The paper "AIDS Prevention and Prevalence" states that there is a need to sensitize communities on the issue of circumcision. This is a procedure that reduced the vulnerability of a person. Similarly, teaching communities about the importance of condoms is a prudent approach…
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AIDS Prevention and Prevalence
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? HIV/AIDS Prevention and Prevalence HIV/AIDS Prevention and Prevalence Human immunodeficiency virus attacks the immune system and has no stated cure. Though many scientists have been looking for a cure, they have not been successful. The only remedy they have is limiting the activities of the viruses while in the body. This is by using anti-retrieval drugs and anti-HIV drugs. These drugs help the body to fight against the viruses that are in the body. Apparently, the virus attacks the CD4 cells that help in protecting the body from pathogens (Johanson, 2007). When the CD4 cells are few, the body is vulnerable to opportunistic diseases and infections. As such, the health of a person is not guaranteed. Therefore, the situation of people that are affected by HIV is wanting and needs protection and constant medication. However, there are various avenues that could be used in ensuring this situation does not catch up with a human being. The most prudent approach is prevention of such instances. When a person is attacked by the viruses, the situation is irreversible. Therefore, all people must strive to alienate any instances that put them in a vulnerable situation that could lead to infection. The main behavioral focus in this particular project will be sensitizing people on circumcision and protective sexual behaviors. In many instances, people are not sensitized about this issue and they end up contracting the scourge. In the recent past, many organizations have come up to sensitize the population on protective behavior in regard to prevention of HIV and AIDS. Some of these sensitizing projects have been successful since they have recorded a positive results from the research conducted in these areas. For instance, the prevalence of HIV and AIDS has reduced in many regions. For instance, Africa is one of the places that HIV and AIDS infections have been on the rise (Dyk, 2008). The scourge has been rife in this region which prompted reaction from many health organizations. This has recorded positive results as many of the deaths that occur from HIV and AIDS infection have reduced substantially. Apparently, the first objective, which is circumcision, is a tested way of preventing HIV and AIDS infection. According to research, it is considered that circumcised males reduce the chances of infection by 60%. Therefore, more than half of the people that are vulnerable to contracting the infection will be safe. On the other hand, protection using condoms is a prevalent issue that has reduced the number of infections. It is considered that using a condom in the right procedure protects a person up to 90%. Therefore, using condoms is another objective that will record positive results as far as HIV and AIDS infections are concerned. This has led to distribution of condoms by many organizations and governments to populations that are vulnerable. This states the reason why HIV and AIDS infections have significantly reduced. Therefore, insisting on use of protection, which are condoms will have a positive attribute towards prevention of HIV and AIDS in the world. There are many communities that do not consider circumcision as a way of staying healthy and hygienic. Therefore, the rationale that will be used is approaching such communities to instill circumcision especially to the male gender. As previously stated, circumcision will help reduce the chances of infection by 60% (Stine, 2003). Therefore approaching such communities will reduce the prevalence of the scourge to unsuspecting people. This could be done by setting up circumcision centers in these communities. Some of these communities are ignorant and they will need tangible sensitization on this issue. For instance, setting up a circumcision centre is not the ultimate solution to such ignorance. There will be a need to approach these communities and talking to individuals to convince the stated individuals about circumcision. There is a need to convince the individuals that circumcision is a simple procedure that takes a maximum of five minutes. The procedure is simple in that it is a simple surgery that involves removal of the foreskin. Though some people think it is a painful procedure, it is indeed a procedure that comes with minute pain. Since medics are to conduct this procedure, they will use the possible precautions in ensuring there is little pain inflicted to the people that show up for this procedure. After removal of the foreskin, the people that are circumcised will be given medication in preventing any other infection. This will be done by use of anesthetics that prevent infection through germs and other bacteria. A successful procedure will be a protective measure that safeguards the people from infection and contracting the virus. However, this is not a guarantee that the people will not contract the virus when they are circumcised, especially when they are exposed to unprotected sexual intercourse. It is a precautionary measure of reducing the chances of contracting the virus when a person has unprotected sex. Technically, people will mind the time taken to heal after circumcision. According to research, circumcised grown up males will take more time to heal than children. Children heal faster due to the active tissues in their bodies as compared to grownups. As such, grownups will take an arguably longer time to heal. However, this should not be a reason to object to circumcision. Medics state that the maximum time for a grown up male to heal after circumcision is two weeks. Therefore, people will only restrain from strenuous activities after circumcision for two weeks. This is not a long time, especially when a person has to consider the risks of contracting the virus, which has no cure. The same will apply to using condoms. However, there will be a different approach in sensitizing the communities about the use of condoms. This will involve teaching the communities on how best to use condoms and in the right way (Matthews, 2003). First, there will be sensitization on checking whether a condom is still in the best condition. This will teach the communities on the condoms that are in condition for use. Secondly, there will be need to teach the communities on how best to wear condoms. This is a sensitive procedure that will need illustration. Using illustration dummies is the best approach in teaching the communities on using and wearing condoms. Lastly, there will be need to teach the communities on safe disposal of condoms. This is also a sensitive issue since some people use condoms according to directions but end up contracting the virus due to incorrect disposal. With these two objectives in mind, the prevalence of HIV and AIDS will be reduced. In conclusion, there is need to sensitize communities on the issue of circumcision. This is a procedure that reduced the vulnerability of a person. Similarly, teaching communities on the importance of condoms is a prudent approach. The communities will not only maintain good health but will also prevent infection of HIV and AIDS and other infections that could occur. References Dyk A. C. V. (2008). HIVAIDS Care & Counseling. New York: Pearson. Johanson, P. (2007). HIV and AIDS. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. Matthews, D. D. (2003). AIDS sourcebook: basic consumer health information about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, including facts about transmission, prevention, diagnosis, treatment, opportunistic infections, and other complications, with a section for women. California: Omnigraphics. Stine, G. J. (2003). AIDS update, 2003: An annual overview of acquired immune deficiency syndrome. New York: Prentice Hall. 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