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Individual Care: Different Care Contexts and Identify Whether They Are Formal or Informal - Essay Example

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This essay "Individual Care: Different Care Contexts and Identify Whether They Are Formal or Informal" is about a broader perspective that medical services and consultants took from professionals rather than family members as well as friends can be termed as informal care…
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Individual Care: Different Care Contexts and Identify Whether They Are Formal or Informal
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?INDIVIDUAL CARE Table of Contents Task 3 Describe Different Care Contexts and Identify Whether They Are Formal or Informal, Relating Example Rolesto Each Context and Example 3 Discuss How Carers Are Recognised Formally and the Eligibility Criteria Associated With Formal Recognition 4 Discuss the Importance of Collaborative Communication within Care Contexts and Identify a Range Of Strategies, Skills and Processes That Care Practitioners Used To Delivery Effective Communication 4 Explain Service User Communication Strategies Related To Care Contexts, Identifying Barriers to Effective Communication and Resolutions 6 Task 2 9 Explain Care Values and Associated Practices 9 Discuss Legislation Related To Practitioner Professionalism and Comment on How Legislative Process Influences Communication within Care Contexts 9 Discuss How Care Value Systems Affect Service User Experience, And Use Examples For Negative And Positive Impacts 11 References 13 Bibliography 16 Task 1 Describe Different Care Contexts and Identify Whether They Are Formal or Informal, Relating Example Roles to Each Context and Example Care can be two types namely formal and informal care. It is worth mentioning that both formal and informal care possesses two different contexts, but they are quite similar to each other. This can be justified with reference to the fact that both are related to the well-being of the individuals along with different groups of people that may include families, friends and relatives among others. With this concern, informal care can be termed as those types of activities in which personal care is given to people in different ways based on their requirements. For example, a sick person is attended by his family members, friends and close acquaintances. Another example would be, if a person requires acquiring relevant information regarding certain kinds of products related to medicines along with other healthcare and individual care products, the person would rather go for the advice and suggestions provided by his or her family members and friends rather than any other professionals. In case of formal care, personal care is taken by hired professionals relating to any medical condition (Argyle, 1967). For example, medical help obtained from hospital and medical clinics. In case of information gathering, a patient may require obtaining information regarding accessing top healthcare units but his condition may not allow him to extract information accordingly. In such cases, the patient can seek professional help where he or she can be assisted with proper consultations from medical professionals. Thus, on the basis of the above discussion, it can be affirmed from a broader perspective that medical services and consultants taken from professionals rather than family members as well as friends can be termed as informal care (Committee on Population, National Research Council, 1994). Discuss How Carers Are Recognised Formally and the Eligibility Criteria Associated With Formal Recognition It can be stated that serving the overall society and its people is not an easy task. In order to serve someone in terms of medical and hospital care, the carer must be eligible enough to serve the patient by delivering every required output. For example, if a patient requires professional help at home relating to skin problems, then he or she needs to be assisted by medical consultants or any other similar medical chain which are fully certified. Similarly, a patient with typical medical conditions requires medical help assisted by certified doctors and surgeons possessing proper medical degrees. This will help in serving the overall society and the people of the society can avail effective medical checkups without any worry. The main motive of medical experts should be serving the patients with high and effective medical treatments so that the health and social care services can be improved by a greater level (Regulations for the philosophic doctor degree (PhD) at the Norwegian university of science and technology (ntnu), 2009). Discuss the Importance of Collaborative Communication within Care Contexts and Identify a Range Of Strategies, Skills and Processes That Care Practitioners Used To Delivery Effective Communication For delivering services relating to care, specific qualities are required for collaboratively communicating messages to the patients as well as the mass audiences. Both verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication should be framed in such a way so that the message becomes much clear and precise and most importantly understandable to the audiences( Cadogan & 1999).The messages should consist proper images and graphics for making full awareness about the types of services that are offered to the patients. The main priority should be laid upon generating maximum awareness among large groups of people so that the message integrates maximum knowledge delivery. In order to channelise the message to large group of audiences, all kinds of latest technologies can be used such as internet and its components. As social networking sites are much in use, it would be a great measure if the information is sent through those sites. Apart from that, while delivering verbal messages the main importance is needed to be laid upon the body language of the sender of the information (Miller, 2011). For example, in case of a doctor, a bit of casual body language is needed to be used for comforting a patient. He or she should use friendly gestures towards his patient. Also, the interaction should be done in such a way so that the communication start flowing smoothly from both the directions i.e. doctor to patient. The patient should be given proper chance to express about his/her problems and the problems need to be assisted accordingly (Micheal, 1972). While communicating with the patient, full eye contact is needed to be maintained that might include touch and positive facial gestures. These activities will help in developing a feeling of oneness among the doctor and the patient which will give a positive boost to the medical treatment (Burns, 1980). There are numerous ways for which collaborative communication can help to improve its flow and most significantly to share valuable information between the patients and the care practitioners in a very effective manner. For care practitioners, the information flow and sharing information plays an imperative part in order to build an effectual communication (Quesada, 1967). Care practitioners generally start to make interactions especially through making one-to-one interactions with friendly gestures and in a very relaxed manner. They usually focus on their goal and end the process of interaction in a very positive and supportive manner. They even reassure the users of their services i.e. patients and assess the future needs of them by maintaining regular contact. They keep strong contact with their service users as well as the relatives of the patients. They also organize support sessions for their patients to help them and assessing their needs. They share updates about their patients with their colleagues in order to maintain transparency in their reports (Harper, 1974). Explain Service User Communication Strategies Related To Care Contexts, Identifying Barriers to Effective Communication and Resolutions Care practitioners usually intend to help the service users for assessing their needs. They maintain good communication and interaction with patients and enable them to open up so that they can be treated accordingly. However, if there lay any kind of issue that is faced by the patients while communicating with the care practitioners, then they can assist their relatives and share about their problem or the same information can be transferred to the care practitioners by the relatives of the patients. This process will lead to transparency resulting in better output linked with individual care. There may be elderly patients who may face difficulties in communicating with care practitioners. They can use gestures and signs of communication for communicating with the care practitioners. Then can also exchange information in writing style which is also regarded as a better source of information sharing. It has been ascertained that the patients possesses their respective relatives and family members through whom they can sort out any sort of communication problem with the care practitioners. Patients can state about their levels of comfort with their care practitioners. If the patient does not find himself/ herself comfortable while being assisted by a particular care practitioner, then he/she can ask for assistance from another care practitioner with whom he/she can remain comfortable. These types of initiatives from the part of the patients will eventually lead towards increased transparency between the care practitioners and the patients by a greater level (Sachter, 1973). There are different types of barriers that may arise in the flow of effective collaborative communication both in the patient’s as well as the care practitioner’s perspective. If the information shared gets misinterpreted, then it will give birth to occur various weak or difficult situations. Lack of listening from the part of the care practitioners as well as the patients may also prove to be a major barrier in the communication flow (Felson, 1980). Apart from this, problems related to the psychological aspects of the patients as well as the care practitioners may lead to improper information flow. If a patient is not able to like his care practitioner due to various reasons, then there will be lack of interest for communication between the patient and the care practitioners. Similarly, a care practitioner may not like a patient also which can provide a major breakdown in the communication flow. Along with that, cultural differences between the patients and the care practitioners may also prove to be a source of discomfort for both the parties which can hamper the flow of communication by a greater level. It is worth mentioning that another major factor that can stimulate communication barriers to a large extent is ‘Touch’. ‘Touch’ may impulse sense of friendliness and commonness between the patients and the care practitioners. But, certain patients may not like to get touched. It may make them feel that their ‘personal space’ is being occupied. It may arouse the discomfort levels of the patients which will prove to be a major breakdown in communication flow (Rietved & Jenseen., 1990). There are many reasons for which collaborative communication barrier between the patients and the care practitioners arise. In this similar context, cultural and language issues can be regarded as the critical reasons for communication barrier. It has been apparently observed that there are certain people who bears different sorts of psychologies and mindsets. Similarly, patients as well as care practitioners may have conservative and complex mindsets. A patient may not like the cultural background of the care practitioners and he or she may not like the cultures and values of them which may pose serious issues in communication. Additionally, another issue concerning ‘language’ can also be regarded as an effective barriers for service user communication resulting in causing problems related to information sharing between the patients and the care practitioners. If they do not possess the idea regarding each other’s languages, then it will lead to all kinds of misinterpretations. In such cases, strong assistance from language translations will be required the most (Zola, 1981). There are various ways through which the collaborative communication process can be improved. The care practitioners need to devote more time to their patients so as to understand their problems in a better form. With improved amount of dedication and time, the communication process can be improved. The care practitioners should make sure that the medical environment is free of unwanted sounds and noises which distract the communication flow. Apart from that, while assisting the patients about their problems, proper seating arrangements along with proper lighting facilities should be made so that everyone feels comfortable and can share their problems accordingly. Proper lighting is necessary so that all the gestures and expressions can be seen. The seating facilities should be made in such a way so that proper eye contact can be maintained between all the members i.e. patients and the care practitioners. As cultural differences pose serious threats to the process of communication, it should be addressed effectually by providing training to the care practitioners as well as the patients. Stress should be laid upon to develop oneness and equality between different culture and religion. Thus, by following these simple steps, a lot of improvement in the overall communication process will be possible. Task 2 Explain Care Values and Associated Practices Care is fundamentally regarded as a very strong as well as an influential aspect which every human being craves for. In the context of health sciences and medicines, the perception concerning care values holds much importance as it is related to care and support that is provided to the patients. Caring for someone helps in building a person’s psychological level by a greater level. Most significantly, it helps in motivating a patient and helps in overcoming hurdles related to health and medical conditions. Thus, ‘care’ is a very important aspect for overall development of human values (Chitode, 2009). Discuss Legislation Related To Practitioner Professionalism and Comment on How Legislative Process Influences Communication within Care Contexts The roles of informal and formal care are broadly categorized with many factors that are needed to be considered before delivering formal as well as informal care. Firstly, the information that is to be delivered to the public regarding health, social and personal care need to be clearly interpreted to them. The information should be accurate and precise and must reach the mass for generating maximum awareness relating to personal, social and health care. The channels through which the information will be delivered needs to be carefully analysed based upon the principles of individual care. The principles of delivering exact and timely information need to be followed. Most importantly, the information should be made available to the mass audiences by way of conducting or establishing any sort of communication with the audiences. For example, telephonic communication can be taken into concern through which both the receivers as well as the senders of the information can communicate with each other at the same time (Chitode, 2009). However, while delivering messages to the audiences there may generate certain barriers that may disrupt the process of communication. The barriers may include lack of listening to the feedback that appears from the receivers, wrong assumptions about the receiver’s knowledge, cultural differences between the sender and receiver complexities or insensitivities in languages used by the sender and receiver and lack of interest in the subject matter among others. While delivering information for personal care, discrimination relating to caste, creed, color, age and gender should be avoided at all levels, otherwise it will prove to be a chief basis of barrier in the overall communication procedure (Fielding, 2006). There are many laws that are enacted for care practitioners in order to maintain care values and professionalism taking care of the service users or the patients. Different laws have been enacted by various governments belonging to different nations intending towards to serving superior quality healthcare services and maintaining proper medical environment as well. However, one of the broad laws that enacted to support vulnerable adults has been viewed to be National Health Service Act 2006. This particular law has been enacted to support the adults and the law ensured health care services to a basic standard which met with all the basic parameters of health care services. Another law that has been enacted namely “Clinical governance and safeguarding of the adults” aiming towards incorporating the process of health care for delivering quality services. This law was passed for identification of serious unpleasant incidents from the part of the care practitioners and reporting the same in case of abuse or neglect. The law intended to raise safeguarding alerts in such cases. This law is applicable for all the staffs and members and they are needed to adhere to the rules at all levels. Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 is a law which can be noted to serve similar functions like that of the above law. This law has been passed to ensure proper working environment in the health care units and the managers as well as the staffs are required to report to all types of incidents that occurs in the health care units. Mental Health Act 1983 is also enacted to make sure that any patient with serious mental condition do not get mistreated or abused by any of the care practitioner. Any kind of abuse from the part of the care practitioners will lead to prosecution (Mandelstam, 2011). Discuss How Care Value Systems Affect Service User Experience, And Use Examples For Negative And Positive Impacts A care value system includes all kinds of health related activities that are meant for the patients. A care value system encompasses itself with trained nurses for delivering proper services to the patients along with other facilities that includes the process of total service delivery to the patients. It has been ascertained that if a patient is able to adopt a proper care value system, then it will prove to be quite beneficial for the patient or any service user. However, there lay certain issues that may arise while adopting the particular system. Moreover, there may raise certain barriers for the patients while getting accustomed with the system. The patient may not feel comfortable to be assisted by the care practitioners because of different problems that are discussed in the above parts of this research. For example, if a patient can adopt himself to be assisted by the care practitioners then, it will entitle him or her to get assisted by dedicated professionals like doctors, nurses and different staffs that are meant to complete the medical process which is a positive impact towards individual care (Leibler & Connel., 2011). References Argyle, M., 1967. The Psychology of Interpersonal Behavior.Penguin Psychology. Burns, R. B., 1980. Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication. Springer Link, pp. 237-248. Committee on Population, National Research Council, 1994. Demography of Aging. National Academies Press. Chitode, J, S., 2009. Principles of Communication. Technical Publications. Cadogan &, 1999. Barriers To Effective Communication In Skilled Nursing Facilities: Differences In Perception Between Nurses And Physicians. Europe Pub Med Central. Vol. 47. No. 1. pp. 71-75. Fielding, M., 2006. Effective Communication in Organisations. Juta and Company Ltd. Felson, 1980. 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