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Natural Sleep Aids as the Most Effective and Safest Method - Essay Example

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The paper "Natural Sleep Aids as the Most Effective and Safest Method" states that natural sleep aids are the most effective and safest method in reducing sleeping disorders, otherwise known as insomnia. There has been an increased rate of insomnia amongst contemporary individuals…
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Natural Sleep Aids as the Most Effective and Safest Method
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Natural sleep aids are better than Pills/Drugs in reducing Sleepless Nights Introduction Natural sleep aids are the mosteffective and safest method in reducing sleeping disorders otherwise known as insomnia (sleepless nights). There has been increased rate of insomnia amongst contemporary individuals. Increased insomnia is associated with high prevalence of psychological, emotional, and social problems. In addition, contemporary environment is highly characterized with stress arising from the difficulty experienced in meeting both professional and personal commitments. Amazingly, there have been creations and developments of various sleeping aids. Other than the natural sleeping aids, pills and drugs are contemporarily used in enhancing sleep amongst individuals troubled with insomnia. Despite inventions, creations, and developments of drugs or pills for enhancing sleep, natural aids are still the most effective and safest methods. Arguments for Pills/Drugs as Sleep Inducers Significantly, pills and drugs have had positive impact in reducing insomnia or sleepless nights. This is attributable to the many merits derived from using pills or drugs. Pills or drugs unlike natural aids are quick and easy solutions to sleepless nights. Insomnia is a disorder is brings people down especially in terms of productivity. Quicker and easier methods of solving such disorders are therefore highly appreciated in order to help individuals to get back to their normal productivity. Economic growth and development on the other hand highly depend on the activeness of the citizens (Best Natural Sleep Aids). The less sleepy a citizen is, the higher the productivity hence improved performance and productivity. In this perspective, it therefore confirms that with pills or drugs individuals are able to quickly and easily solve the problems of insomnia or sleepless night in a bid to improving efficiency and productivity. Unlike the classical period where there was fear of overdose and habitual effect of the pills or drugs for enhancing sleep, the contemporary society enjoys medication that is less habitual whilst reducing chances of overdose. Contemporary insomnia medication has been developed by qualified physicians and doctors that matches the problems or needs of an individuals suffering from the problem (Blaylock). Psychologists having identified the increased stress resulting from psychological, emotional, and social problems have also given a hand in making sure that right amounts of drugs or pills for enhancing sleep are prescribed. What’s more, prescriptions have been so advanced to the effect that there is consideration of the individuals’ lifestyle, weight, age, and duration of the sleepless problems (Edinger & Means, 539). If anyone would think therefore that the use of pills or drugs is likely to cause problems of overdose as well as being habitual then it is a misplaced through since that is not longer true within contemporary medications. Thirdly, contemporary medication has not only identified the varied needs of sleep aids amongst individuals but also the many choices that one with insomnia can pick from. The choices of drugs or medications for insomnia or sleepless nights include pills or drugs that just cause an individual to sleep, those that enhance sound sleep throughout the night, and those that are able to not only make individuals sleep but sleep soundly that is, variety of sleep aids pills or drugs that perform the two functions (Hair, McCormack & Curran 1415). From the array of medications to insomnia, individuals are sure of finding the right one that suits their problems. Physicians and other medical practitioners who prescribe such drugs or pills will always ensure that patients do not experience unwanted side effects even though it is some times difficult to prevent them (side effects). In this perspective, there is no doubt that pills and drugs are an effective way of enhancing sleep. Another important concept that makes contemporary pills or drugs effective in enhancing sleep is the idea that unlike the classical medications that caused drowsiness during the day, contemporary medications for aiding sleeping do not cause drowsiness (Sateia & Nowell, 1960). The idea behind this concept is that medical practitioners that include physicians and psychologists have identified the problems experienced by patients suffering from insomnia hence developing drugs that match their problems whilst ensuring that very little negative side effects arise. The current prescription for sleep aids is very effective and essential in faster and easier inducing of the sleep. It is for this reason that many individuals suffering from insomnia or sleepless nights have opted for pills or drugs in order to enhance or aid their sleep (Milner and Kathryn 237). Unlike the classical medication, the current medication of insomnia has proved very effective and efficient. Arguments against Pill/Dugs as Sleep Inducers Despite the advantages of the pills or drugs aid in sleeping, there are demerits that arise from the same hence discouraging individuals from the same. The first demerit is side effects. Even though the contemporary medications try as much as possible to overcome the issues of side effects, there has been severe and prolonged drowsiness resulting from the use of pills or drugs in aiding sleep (Edinger & Means, 539). What’s more, usage of pills or drugs has also resulted into confusion, dry mouth, as well as forgetfulness amongst the users. These are side effects that medical fraternities who prescribe and develop such pills or drugs to aid sleep have failed to reduce. Consequently, physicians have always prescribed other drugs besides sleep pills or drugs to help in reducing side effects (Best Natural Sleep Aids). Therefore, despite developing less risky sleeping pills in the current environment, there are not doubts on the serious dangers that today’s pills pose on individuals. Thus, sleep pills are not an effective way of aiding or enhancing sleep within an individual. Another disadvantage that is associated with pills or drugs used in enhancing sleep is drug tolerance. Unlike the natural sleep aid, an individual suffering from insomnia may sometimes have to take the pills or drugs repeatedly in order to induce sleep ( Taking of the pills or drugs more and more is likely to cause more side effects on the patients (Hair, McCormack & Curran 1418). Drug tolerance is a disadvantage that discourages insomnia patients from using pills and drugs that induce sleep. What’s more, repeated usage of the pills or drugs is likely to render an individual ineffective before consumption of the inducer. Consequently, such patients or individuals are likely to have more problems than when they had not engaged in using the inducers. Drug dependence is another demerit that is associated with usage of dugs or pills that induce sleep. As mentioned earlier, using the inducers more and more will definitely cause drug dependence. With such dependence an individual is likely to rely so much on the same such that he or she cannot sleep without the drugs. On the other hand, it reaches a point where individuals using pills or drugs to induce sleep may end up with worse sleep especially when they are not taken as usual. Drug overdependence is not a pleasing feature that an individual suffering from insomnia should have or display (Blaylock). In any case, medial practitioners as well as psychologists and physicians advice negatively on drug dependency. In this perspective, usage of pills or drugs to induce sleep may be ineffective. From the concept of drug dependency sprouts the effects of withdrawal. Any individual who is used to pills and drugs for inducing sleep is likely to display withdrawal symptoms in the event that he or she stops using the same. Stopping medication abruptly is likely to causes various symptoms and effects such as nausea, shaking, and sweating (Milner and Kathryn 239). Consequently, this will make an individual to continue using the drugs or pills in order to induce sleep. Notably, this will cause more troubles and future sleeping problems to an individual suffering from insomnia (Hair, McCormack & Curran 1423). Therefore, despite the fact that pills or drugs are a faster and easier way of inducing sleep caution has to be taken especially in respect to drug dependency and associated effects of abrupt withdrawal. Drug interactions are common amongst patients taking pills or drugs to induce sleep. When such insomnia patients are under other medications, there is a possibility that the pills or drugs will interact thereby causing more problems within the body (Vukovic 72). Drug interactions therefore make the side effects from drugs or pills for inducing sleep to be worse than expected. In most cases, physicians and other medical practitioners advice the consumption of sleep inducing pills or drugs together with some painkillers. The reason is always to take charge of the side effects in the event that they arise (Edinger & Means, 543). Hence, such painkillers may interact with sleep inducing pills or drugs thereby causing more problems or side effects within the patient’s body. Drug interactions have been identified as causal factors to ineffective physiological processes in the body. There is possibility of patients using sleep inducing pills or drugs to have rebound insomnia or sleepless nights. In this regard, an individual who is used to taking sleep pills or drugs may have serious and severe insomnia in the event that he or she stops using the drugs or pills as inducers. In most cases, individuals who frequently use pills or drugs to induce sleep always end up with underlying medical problem that is linked to mental disorder. This is usually after withdrawal from using such inducers ( When such underlying problems arise, it becomes difficult to treat the insomnia due to differing degrees of complications within the body. Therefore, despite being advantageous to use pills or drugs in inducing sleep, there are demerits associated with such inducers, which make them unfavorable for individuals. Lastly, taking insomnia medication through sleep inducing pills or drugs is usually ineffective especially in the long run. It is true that sleep inducing pills or drugs may assist individuals in getting rid of sleepless nights but in essence they do not treat the actual cause of the sleepless nights (Blaylock). In this regards therefore, treating insomnia through sleep inducing pills and drugs is considered unfavorable especially in as far as the root cause of such sleepless nights is concerned. There is need to identify the root cause of sleepless nights, which will determine the right method to treat the disorder. Natural Sleep Aids Enough of the pills or drugs that induce sleep amongst insomnia patients. Other than pills or drugs for inducing sleep, the most effective and safest method is natural aid. Natural aids induce sleep through relaxation of the mind hence keeping an insomnia patient from various psychological, emotional, and social thoughts that cause stress, which is the reason behind their sleepless nights (Best Natural Sleep Aids). Natural aids in sleeping involve changing sleeping environment as well as bedtime behaviors. Combating insomnia or sleepless nights is attained effectively through such natural aids. Natural aids unlike pills or drugs that induce sleep are effective for both short and long term especially considering the merits and demerits of the two sides. Amongst the natural aids applicable in inducing sleep include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), relaxation, and exercise. Insomnia patients usually confirm frustrations, negative thoughts as well as worries as some of the main causes of sleepless nights. Such causal factors are directly linked to psychological, social, and emotional relations of the patient in question. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a psychotherapy that attempts to alter the destructive or dysfunctional worries, thoughts, and frustrations within an individual. Through changing the behavior of an individual, CBT is an effective method that has been applied in inducing sleep. Another commonly applied method is the relaxation technique. Through application of relaxation techniques, insomnia patients are able to get rid of their stresses hence inducing sleep. Relaxation technique is attained by yoga, muscle relaxation procedures, and use of the deep breathing in and out to relax body, mind, and soul ( Exercises on the other hand have also proved to be very effective in enhancing and inducing sleep within an individual. Natural sleep aids are considered the most effective and safest method of inducing sleep given the numerous and health merits associated with the same concept. One of the major advantages of using natural sleep aids is the fact that they help in muscle relaxation thereby alleviating pain. Exercising and relaxation techniques of inducing sleep within an individual have been proved to be effective in keeping the body fit (Edinger & Means, 549). Body fitness is essential for health living amongst individuals hence the need to engage in serious exercises and relaxation. Fatigue resulting from contraction of muscles can also be reduced through natural aids to sleep. Therefore, unlike their pills and drugs natural aids in inducing sleep are very effective and efficient in keeping the body fit thereby alleviating associated pains. Notably, natural aids that induce sleep are known to be effective in improving concentration as well as brain functioning. Relaxation and exercises help in triggering the movement or flow of blood throughout the body ( With such blood flow or movement brain concentration is highly improved while enhancing its functionality. Most physiological processes within the body are determined and controlled by the brain. With enhance functioning and improved concentration of the brain, body physiological processes are likely to be effective and efficient. In this regards, insomnia patients are likely to feel better hence getting rid of sleepless nights (Blaylock). What’s more, improvement within brain concentration as well as enhancement of brain functionality is effective in causing relaxed minds hence alleviating from the mind all associated stresses. Removal of such stresses is effective in enhancing sleep amongst insomnia patients. In this perspective natural sleep aids are essential in establishing balance in the bodily functions. Once the brain’s concentration and functionality is improved and enhanced, insomnia patients find it easy for all the bodily functions to be in balance (Milner and Kathryn 241). Balancing bodily functions is an important aspect of healthy living that is only attainable through natural sleep aids. It is therefore advisable that in order for individuals to attain balance bodily functions, there is need to have adequate exercises and relaxations (Blaylock). Natural sleep aids help in creating body balances in addition to invoking responsible bodily hormones that enhance the well being of an individual. This is one way through which individuals are able to have a healthy life; invocation of responsible hormones in enhancing well being of individuals. Therefore, natural aids help in improving and enhancing brain concentration and functioning. Relaxation and exercises have been applied by psychologists in reducing problems that are associated with depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are treated through therapies that involve relaxation and exercises ( Once depression and anxiety amongst individuals are greatly reduced then the main or root causes of sleepless nights are identified and solved effectively. Sleepless nights or insomnia is highly defined by the problems associated with the brain or mind such as anxiety and depression. By getting rid of depression and anxiety, individuals diagnosed with insomnia find it easy to have adequate sleep. In this perspective, insomnia or sleepless nights can be significantly reduced through natural aids that aim at identifying the root causes of the problems. Apart from the long term effects of enhancing well being of an individual, natural sleep aids are effective and safe given that they do not cause addiction and the accompanying effects. Addiction in the case of pills or drugs as sleep aids comes with numerous adverse effects, which does not apply to natural sleep aids (Milner and Kathryn 244). In addition, natural sleep aids in their natural state have very minimal bodily damage especially when used for a long time. However, their natural states do not cause any body poisoning as in the case of pills and drugs. Therefore, natural sleep aids are so far the most effective and safest method that can be used in treating or reducing adverse effects of insomnia (Edinger & Means, 551). On top of having minimal damage or non-poisonous, natural sleep aids do not have any side effects unlike the pills or drugs. Instead of insomnia patients applying natural sleep aids to report side effects they report a state of well being and healthiness, which promote the sleeping of such individuals. Lastly, natural sleep aids are very effective and mild on children. Individuals of any age can apply the natural sleep aids without any problems or fear of having side effects. Consequently, children facing serious insomnia disorders may be subjected to natural sleep aids, which will help them have the best sleep without fear of side effects or any problems whatsoever ( It should be noted that natural sleep aids enhances health habits amongst patients of insomnia hence should be advocated for ( In a nut shell, natural sleeping aids are the most effective and safest in inducing sleep since instead of causing bodily harm and destruction, such aids enhance healthy habits, bodily balance, as well as improvement and enhancement of brain concentration and functionality. Common Grounds From the above discussion various common grounds between natural and pills or drug sleep aid arise. For instance, both methods help in inducing sleep whatsoever the case. From this perspective it is true to argue that one of the common grounds between natural and pills or drugs sleep aids is that they all induce sleep amongst insomnia patients. However, the rate at which they induce such sleep differs significantly (Best Natural Sleep Aids). Whereas pills or drugs induce sleep quicker and easier, natural sleep aids on the other hand tend to take a longer time. On the other hand, the long term effects of the two grounds also differ significantly despite the fact that they all induce sleep. Both natural and pills or drugs sleep aids have long term effects that may be positive of negative ( While natural sleep aids display significantly large portions of positive long term effects, pills or drugs have significantly large portion of negative long term effects. Another common ground between the two aspects of inducing sleep is the withdrawal effects. Both natural and pills or drugs sleep aids have negative withdrawal effects or impacts on insomnia patients. After getting used to either natural or pills sleep aids there are effects associated with withdrawals (Hair, McCormack & Curran 1433). However, the effects of withdrawals are more adverse in pills or drugs sleep aids than in the natural sleep aids. Moreover, for natural sleep aids, the withdrawal effects are determined by the type of natural aid employed to induce sleep. For instance, when the method employed is relaxation there is very unlikely that withdrawing from the same is likely to cause some adverse effects (Blaylock). On a different perspective, if exercises are involved in inducing sleep, there is a possibility of having negative withdrawal effects. Lastly, the other common ground between natural and pills or drugs sleep aids is the fact that they need proper prescription especially on insomnia patients. Patients suffering from sleepless disorder should obtain prescription of the right method to be employed in reducing such disorders ( From psychological therapies insomnia individuals are always advised on the various forms of natural sleep aids to employ in order to induce sleep. In the same perspective, insomnia individuals who wish to use pills or drugs as sleep aids or inducers need to obtain prescription from physicians or other medical practitioners (Linardakis and Dixon 172). Nonetheless, it should be noted that prescription in usage of pills or drugs as sleep inducers or aids is more serious, thorough, and considered highly professional as compared to prescription regarding the applications of natural sleep aids to induce sleep amongst insomnia patients. Conclusion It is evident from the contemporary environment that there has been increased rate of insomnia due to high prevalence of psychological, emotional, and social problems. Such problems result into stress. In addition, stress is associated with difficulties in meeting both professional and personal commitments. Nevertheless, different methods have been proposed in dealing with such difficulties. The two main techniques used by individuals in reducing insomnia include natural sleep aids and pills or drugs sleep aids. Pills or drugs unlike natural aids are quick and easy solutions to sleepless nights. In addition, the contemporary society enjoys medication that is less habitual whilst reducing chances of overdose. Another advantage of using pills or drugs as sleep inducers is that fact that medication has not only identified the varied needs of sleep aids amongst individuals but also the many choices that one with insomnia can pick from. Lastly, in respect to pills or drugs sleep inducers contemporary medications for aiding sleeping do not cause drowsiness. Nonetheless, use of pills or drugs has serious effects on the insomnia patients. For instance, there are side effects associated with pills or drugs as sleep inducers. What’s more, pills or drugs sleep aids causes drug tolerance, drug dependence, adverse effects upon withdrawal, may lead to drug interactions, have the possibility of rebound insomnia or sleepless nights, and are usually ineffective especially in the long run. These demerits have so far discouraged many insomnia patients from using pills or drugs to induce sleep. On a different perspective, natural sleep aids attract numerous merits. Natural sleep aids are the most effective and safest method is natural aid. In addition, they help in muscle relaxation thereby alleviating pain and improving concentration as well as brain functioning. Through natural sleep, insomnia patients have been able to acquire body balances in addition to invoking responsible bodily hormones that enhance the well being of an individual. What’s more, natural sleep aids have been applied by psychologists in reducing problems that are associated with depression and anxiety. Natural sleep aids on a different perspective are effective and safe given that they do not cause addiction and the accompanying effects in addition to being mild on children. Therefore, natural sleep aid applicable in inducing sleep is the effective way to go. There is no doubt therefore that natural sleep aids are the most effective and safest method in reducing sleeping disorders otherwise known as insomnia (sleepless nights). Works Cited Best Natural Sleep Aids. Information about the Best Natural Sleeping Aids. Web. April 3, 2012 <> Blaylock, Russell. Discover the Real Truth about Getting a Good Night's Sleep: Don't Be Conned Another Day by those Glitzy Pill-Pushing Ads . . . Web. April 3, 2012 < > Edinger, James., & Means, Mintam. “Cognitive-behavioral therapy for primary insomnia”. Clinical Psychology Review, 25, 2005: 539-558. Hair, Patrind., McCormack, Lowding & Curran, McMailan. “Eszopiclone: A review of its use in the treatment of insomnia”. Drugs, 68, 2006: 1415-1434. Sleeping Pills, Natural Sleep Aids & Medications: What’s Best for You? Web. April 3, 2012 <> Linardakis, Nikos and Dixon, Carli. Ten Natural Ways to a Good Night's Sleep. Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith, 2007. Print. Milner, Catherine and Kathryn, Belicki. "Assessment and Treatment of Insomnia in Adults: A Guide for Clinicians." Journal of Counseling and Development 88.2 (2010): 236-44. Natural Sleep Aids to Get Deep Restful Sleep: “15 Tips to Cure Insomnia and Fall Asleep Fast” Web. April 3, 2012 < > Sateia, Majories & Nowell, Paul. Insomnia. The Lancet, 364, 2004: 1959-1973. Vukovic, Laurel . Overcoming Sleep Disorders Naturally: Easy read Super Large 18pt Edition. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2005. Print. Read More
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