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Anger Management - Research Paper Example

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This paper 'Anger Management' tells us that human beings all experience different emotions through life whether as a response to a certain situation. These emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience. People often behave in certain ways as a result of their emotional state…
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Anger Management
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Anger Management Human beings all experience different emotions through life whether as a response to a certain situation or circumstance. These emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors and conscious experience. People often behave in certain ways as a result of their emotional state, such as crying, fleeing, fighting, and getting angry. If one can have the emotion without the corresponding behavior, we may consider the behavior not to be essential to the emotion. One of the common and inevitable emotions that can be felt by humans is anger which can either be fleeting annoyance or full-fledged rage. Although it is normal it is often perceived as a negative emotion. Many people are not comfortable expressing their anger directly. Nevertheless, it can be normal and healthy reaction when situations are unfair or unjust, personal rights are not respected or realistic expectations are not met. It becomes negative when the person denies it, suppresses it or expresses it inappropriately. When it is expressed inappropriately it can lead to hostility and aggression which can cause physical or emotional problems or interfere with relationships. Anger is a normal human emotion, a strong uncomfortable, emotional response to a real or perceived provocation (Videbeck 193). It can be experienced when a person is frustrated, hurt or afraid. It energizes the body physically for self-defense, when needed, by activating the “fight-or-flight” response mechanism of the nervous system (Videbeck 193). Anger is “an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage”, according to Charles Spielberg, a psychologist that specializes in the study of anger (American Psychological Association). Experts say anger is a primary, natural emotion with functional survival value, which we all experience from time to time. The raised heart rate, blood pressure, and release of hormones prepare us physically for remedial action. No single theory can explain the complex emotion of anger. Most likely, an intertwining of biological, psychological and cultural factors creates each individual’s unique response (Gorman, Sultan, Raines 86). Biologic theories are related to hormones such as testosterone and estrogen and other neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Psychological theories look at the various dynamics and learn responses that cause anger. It can be sometimes be a normal response to fear and help the person gain control of a perceive threat or can be a part of the adaptive process in adjusting to a loss. Socio-cultural factors also play an important role in the way the individual expresses anger. Social groups, including families, often display common patterns in the degree of acceptance of expressed anger. Common factors including the following (Nordqvist): grief, hunger, pain, humiliation, embarrassment, rudeness, sexual frustration, infidelity, disappointment, failure, and financial problems. One is grief of losing a loved one. Most of us have experienced this in one way or another; whether it is death or just physical distance of someone dear to us. Tragic and violent death of a close relative can bring about rage as to why it happened as well as wanting to have justice to the bereaved (Nordqvist). Another factor is hunger. Extreme hunger can bring about sudden emotional changes that may seem unusual to a person’s personality. It is not surprising when people get a little grumpy when they are hungry. Pain is another factor. When a person is in tremendous amounts of pain, being angry is almost always present. They are so consumed with the pain sensation that they unintentionally narrow their minds and treat others harshly, especially in terms of alleviating the pain (Nordqvist). Humiliation is one thing that brings about anger. Esteem need is the second highest need according to Abraham Maslow. Humiliation can severely compromise this need. There is a saying that physical wounds heal faster than emotional wounds, humiliation is in this form, and feeling angry after a humiliating incident is nothing but common. Embarrassment is a milder form of humiliation, yet can bring about anger just the same. People usually possess a strong concept of self-worth, and damaging this severely hurts the ego integrity. Rudeness coming from others can also bring about anger. Nobody wanted to be treated harshly. And being treated rudely makes that person feels less important (Nordqvist). Sex is one of the physiologic needs according to Abraham Maslow. Sexual frustration therefore equates to this uneasy feeling and may result to anger. Frustration in terms of sex is like saying that you cannot be man or woman enough for your partner. Infidelity can bring about anger in the sense that you question your partner’s acts. The main urge can be rooted in the need to find answers to questions such as: Why do you have to do it? Where did I go wrong? What else do you want me to do? These are the common queries in such situation (Nordqvist). Anger can be brought about also by disappointment. Such feeling can be caused by disappointment to oneself on to other people. Failure is more serious feeling than disappointment. Anger caused by this is more severe. Financial problems would be another factor. One might perceive that they have all the problems in the world and start questioning why they have this present situation. Anger has been identified as a stage in the grieving process. Individuals who become fixed in this stage may become depressed. In this instance, the anger is turned inward as a way for the individual to maintain control over the pent-up anger (Townsend 169). It can be associated with a number of typical behaviors, including (but not limited to) the following (Townsend 169): Frowning facial expression Clenched fist Low-pitched verbalizations forced through clenched teeth Yelling and shouting Intense eye contact or avoidance of eye contact Easily offended Defensive response to criticism Passive-aggressive behaviors Emotional over control with flushing of the face Intense discomfort; conscious state of tension A study published last year by Kassinove, Tafrate and Dundin in the Journal of Clinical Psychology (Vol. 58, No. 12) found that people with high trait anger have anger reactions that are more frequent, intense and enduring. They also tend to be reported more for physical aggression, negative verbal responses, drug use and negative consequences of their anger. In general, their anger negatively affects their relationships, their health and their jobs. In one of the studies present in the April issue of the Psychological Science (Association for Psychological Science.), where the author wanted to examine whether individuals are motivated to increase the level of anger when they complete a confrontational task and if anger may enhance performance, the results showed that participants preferred activities that were more likely to make them angry (listening to anger-inducing music, recalling angry experiences) when they were expected to perform confrontational task. In times of anger, the body releases stress hormones, such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. The heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and breathing rate increase, (Nordqvist). Regular episodes of anger can eventually make people ill. Uncontrolled and unresolved anger can result to the following health problems: backache, headache, hypertension, irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, skin disorders, heart attack, stroke, lower pain threshold, weakened immune system. It can also lead to emotional and mental problems which include depression, eating disorders, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, self-injury, moodiness, low self-esteem (Videbeck, 2004). Depression is a state of lack of energy or drive, to do something purposeful that may affect personal, social and occupational functions. Eating disorders can be an avenue to release anger. One might tend to eat a lot, or eat nothing at all in an attempt to relieve him or her of that anger. Alcohol abuse is another condition considered common in relation to anger. Alcohol being the most abused substance is readily available almost anywhere to anyone. Drug abuse is also common. Intake of these substance causes temporary relief to the emotion, and when the effect wears of, the person seeks this good feeling more which causes the onset of a vicious cycle. Self-injury can also be done especially by persons with low self-esteem with the misguided notion that the said action cannot affect anyone and that it can make the situation better. Being moody is also a common avenue to vent out feelings of anger. Sometimes a person is unable to appropriately show anger, and in this sudden change in mood, their anger can be vent out (Videbeck, 2004). Anger is a sign that we need to take constructive action. It is a source of energy to get things done and to solve problems. Therefore, it is important to manage anger to minimize negative consequences and maximize positive ones. Controlling anger before it controls you is a way to minimize negative behaviors or reactions towards a certain situation. But is it good to “let it all hang out”? Psychologists say this is a dangerous myth because some people use this theory as a license to hurt others. Research found out that “letting it rip” with anger actually worsens the anger and aggression and does nothing to help resolve the situation (American Psychological Association). Anger management is a procedure of acquiring skill that helps recognize signs that you are becoming angry and taking action to resolve the situation in a positive way. The goal of which is to reduce emotional reactions and physiological arousal that anger causes. A person cannot get rid or avoid things and the people that can cause rage but a person can learn to control reactions. The said concept is about problem-solving, understanding the effects of anger and building skills to control anger. Anger management teaches people to recognize frustrations early on and settle them in a way that allows expression of needs, while remaining calm and in control. Coping with anger is an acquired skill which involves unlearning some of the bad behaviors that result from frustration. Sometimes we feel angry or may say or do things that we regret but this is a normal part of life and may not necessarily mean that we need anger management help. But if anger is making detrimental effects on relationships, making you unhappy and leading to a violent and dangerous behavior, you probably need help. According to Howells, the narrative reviews of the effectiveness of anger management have concluded that this therapeutic approach is effective. There have been two published meta-analyses of anger management, which have come to similar conclusions; namely, that this form of treatment has a moderate to large effect in reducing anger problems. In a research-based anger management strategies research, Thomas said that the cardinal principles of anger management are (a) taking constructive action on the precipitants of anger whenever possible, and (b) finding healthy ways to discharge the strong physiologic arousal of anger through exercise, laughter, or calming techniques such as meditation when no constructive action is possible (Medscape News Today). The research also showed that there are notable health benefits of simply taking over an anger incidence with a supportive listener. There are three stages in anger management (Raghunatan): (1) managing anger before it even shows, (2) managing anger when a person is already angry, and (3) managing anger after. I. Managing anger before it even shows It is good to identify stress factors that underlie anger and how to reduce stress before it turns out to anger. The “prevention is better than cure” approach can be undertaken through stress releasing techniques such as meditation and relaxation. Relaxation techniques may include deep breathing and relaxing imagery. Cognitive restructuring is also involved which means changing the way you think. When we are angry we tend to exaggerate and be overly dramatic. Reminding oneself that getting angry is not going to fix anything and will not create a good feeling can be considered as one of the basic methods. Strategies that can help are avoiding the words “never” or “always” when talking about oneself and others. These statements can humiliate other people who might be willing to help you to find a solution. Focusing on goals, using logic and translating expectations into desires can help (Raghunatan). Before managing a person can manage anger, it is important to understand it by determining the causes, the level of anger and the situations that can usually trigger anger. It is essential to recognizing rage of one’s anger, from mild irritation to extreme fury or rage. On that case, one may know how to use effective anger management techniques. Being aware of these and other factors may help develop logical thinking which can lead to the control of anger in the most positive way (Raghunatan). II. Managing anger when angry Probably the most difficult stage to manage anger is when a person is angry. Anger management enables a person to respond rather than to react when triggered by stress/anger. After rating your anger, having an anger management plan makes it easier to manage the situation which depends on certain aspects of the person as well as the circumstances (Nordqvist). It is like problem solving, making sure that a person’s response to angry feelings is directed towards solving the problem. An anger management plan may include the following: 1. Taking time out. It means a person should remove himself or herself from a certain situation that triggers angry feeling to achieve calmness and have clarity in the situation. A person should stop what he or she is doing or walk around and sit calmly for a few minutes. One must be aware of the angry emotion and observe his or her own self (Nordqvist). 2. Change the subject. Start talking about something else. Try to recognize and modify one’s inner conversations. A person must divert attention to something else that can bring about relaxation like humorous films, going to the beach or mall, and being in the company of loved ones who understand (Nordqvist). 3. Relaxation techniques. It can help soothe angry feelings but it needs to be properly done. Just as anger increases heart rate and breathing increase. The person should tense the muscles and breathe deeply from the diaphragm because breathing from the chest will not bring about relaxation. He or she should repeat a calming word or phrase while breathing deeply. The use imagery and visualization of relaxing experiences are also recommended. Non-strenuous, slow exercise like yoga and other similar activities are also considered helpful in relaxing the muscles and being able to calm down (Nordqvist). 4. Delay responses. Sometimes it helps to slow the pace of a conversation. It gives time for a person to recover logical thought process. It is important to consider the timing so the conversations or confrontations do not turn to arguments. Changing the times when important matters are discussed can also help in managing anger. Slowing things down helps visualize and think logically. It is essential to plan what a person wants to say prior to saying to prevent being carried away at the height of emotion. And it is very important to focus on the ways to resolve the problem (Nordqvist). A person must try to express your anger when relaxed in an assertive but non-aggressive way. It depends on how one communicates to attain goals and at the same time maintaining self-respect and respect of others, communicating your feelings and understanding others honestly. In that way you communicate your needs without hurting others. The combination of these techniques helps to achieve a more effective and positive solution. According to the several studies done by Deffenbacher with angry college students, using a cognitive-relaxation method, results showed that anger was lowered on most participants- with effect sizes of 1.0 generally, which is statistically significant (Nordqvist). III. After the anger incident This stage involves two things: analyzing and finding the root cause of the anger and repairing and restoring the person, others and the environment involved in the anger incident. Finding and analyzing the root cause makes the person reflect on what triggers the reaction, how one reacts and responds to the situation and modifies the variables involved in the angry emotion. It is suggested that the person think of the damages and losses the condition had brought about to his or her own life which can lead to the road to realization and improvement. Effects include better control of one’s self in stressful situations, calmness and improvement in the capacity to manage stress. The main focus should be the determination of the things that trigger anger because repeated exposure to these images, thoughts and situations can only intensify emotional response (Nordqvist). Repair and restore one’s self by practicing relaxation, and releasing techniques that will lessen stress without disturbing other people in the surroundings. It is also important to repair relationship with other people. The person should apologize if appropriate to restore the relationship since he or she must improve communication with others. Being aware and conscious of the words spoken is also another point that can be considered essential, since wrong words can result to anger, thus, one must speak and listen carefully. If the above strategies do not work for, it can be concluded that the person lacks the capability to control his or her own anger. In such cases, it is recommended to attend anger management seminar that offers anger management therapy or choose to consult a psychologist and other licensed mental health professionals that can help control your anger. They use evidence-based therapy to help people improve their lives. Kassinove and Tafrate, co-authors of "Anger Management: The Complete Treatment Guidebook for Practitioners" (Impact, 2002), envision similar combinations of interventions in a model that incorporates four stages of change (Association for Psychological Science): Preparing for change. It is often overlooked but is the key to success. This helps to increase the motivation and awareness of the anger. Changing. Includes assertiveness training, avoiding and escaping anger-provoking situations and a “barb exposure technique” that triggers anger and teaches them to relax. Accepting and adjusting. Patients are thought to reconceptualise their anger triggers, forgive others and avoid carrying any grudge against other people. Maintaining change. A long-term plan that includes relapse prevention training. Other Useful Tips These include the following: Slowing things down- helps visualize relaxing or pleasant experience Expressing your anger- do this in a calm manner, an assertive but not aggressive way Regular exercise- it uses chemical and hormones that help regulate the adrenaline and cortisol levels to become fitter and have better level of endorphins. Focusing on the situation not the problem- focus on ways to resolve the problem The word “I” is more constructive than the word “You”- when giving praise “You” is great. But when you are angry “I” tends to achieve better result. Don’t hold on to resentment-it only fuels your anger and makes it harder to control Humor- it can remove anger and resentment faster than anything else. You can get more balance perspective. Sleep- having a quality sleep at least 8 hours a day helps provide good mental and physical health. Sleep deprivation has been linked to mental, physical and emotional problems including anger. Effective management of anger emotion can help improve oneself and relationship towards other people. It takes time to learn these techniques but it can be easily done as long as one is able to think positively and logically when faced with a stressful situation. Accepting discomfort and dealing with it calmly and assertively can help improve a person’s personality and the way one handle things. Controlling emotions, accepting criticism and faults, being assertive and maintaining a good sense of responsibility in all actions are essential in managing. One must always consider other people’s feelings and situation and always think first of what he or she have to say and develop good and effective communication to improve one’s self. Develop and maintain physical, mental and emotional health to help live a productive life not for the person but for other people. In addition, anger management can help improve the person’s capability to handle stressful situations. Anger is not always easy to control, however, if a person is willing to be honest with himself or herself and dedicated in engaging in the process of change, success is inevitable. Works Cited: American Psychological Association. March. 2003. “Controlling Anger Before it Controls You”. 22 November. 2011. Association for Psychological Science. "Anger Has An Upside, Study Suggests." 26 March. 2008. ScienceDaily. 22 November. 2011. Becourtney, Lyle. 2006-2011. “Anger Management Skills and Techniques”. Anger Management Groups. 22 November. 2011. Gorman, Sultan and Renis. Psychosocial Nursing for General Patient Care. Ohio: Lexi Company Inc., 2000. Holloway, Jennifer Daw. “Advances in Anger Management”. March. 2003. American Psychological Association. 22 November. 2011. Linaman, Todd. “Getting Control of Your Anger”. 22 November. 2011. Medscape News Today. 2003. “Anger: The Mismanaged Emotion: Research-Based Anger Management Strategies”. 22 November. 2011. Nordqvist, Christian. "What Is Anger? What Is Anger Management?." Medical News Today. 27 August. 2009. MediLexicon, Intl., 22 November. 2011. Raghunatan, Ajan. Anger Management. 22 September. 2011. Palo Alto University. 22 November. 2011. <> Townsend, Mary. Essentials of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: Concepts of Care in Evidence-based Practice. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2008. Videbeck, Sheila. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 2nd Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004. Read More
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