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Management and Administration - Case Study Example

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The case study analysis is mostly used during the study of management and administration. In each case study, an administrative problem will be identified in order to be analyzed and interpreted. …
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Management and Administration
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This essay will also elaborate more on the possible solutions available to solve each problem identified. Thorough explanations accompanying my recommendations will also be provided. Lack of trust within the management The Red Cross management and the subordinate staff relationship never had a strong foundation (Meyers & Young, 1996). This was due to the lack of communication and understanding among the entire staff. Consequently, every member of the staff was criticizing the management while the management criticized the junior staff.

In addition to this, there were severe consequences for example some junior staff members were suspended without pay while others were relieved of their duties. Considering the factors that led to the management problem, there are various theories that different staff members have stated. The C.E.O of Red Cross known as Harold J. Becker was very uncomfortable at her position despite it being a prestigious position within the organization. Apparently, she had decided to call it quits after she was attacked by critics within Red Cross.

During the day in question, she was showing the jittery strain of the previous two months. She recalls the first time that she had commanded a huge disaster relief effort only to endure humiliation and rejection of every order she gave by the Red Cross’s 50 member board of governors. . During these staff meetings, there should be an open forum where the people air their grievances, complaints and dissatisfaction. Afterwards, the board should hold a meeting for the purposes of sorting out the major problems aired out.

Individually, the most damaging aspect as a result of mistrust is the psychological impact that produces paranoid thoughts. Recommendations The strategies recommended are several for instance developing other relationships hence gaining self empowerment. Other relationships to be developed are between the junior staff and senior staff for example the C.E.O did not have a working relationship with her junior staff hence the major reason why they were all criticizing her authority and leadership.

Another recommendation is the creation of alternatives where individuals employ the principles of GRIT (Graduated and Reciprocated initiatives in Tension Reduction) (Fells, 2009). This is a strategy meant to reduce dysfunctional distrust in various levels of authority. Basically, GRIT consists of a series of steps meant to correct biased and distorted views, reduce tension cultivating an atmosphere of mutual trust. Resultively, this will enable a more co-operative approach enhancing effectiveness.

GRIT framework once established distrust will subside as parties involved in arguments achieve a neutral ground. However, it is important to retain some retaliatory capacity. This is the ability to mount a defense should it become necessary and also build a reputation of trustworthiness through self defense by stating facts. Incompetency within the organization In a confidential memo sent to the board of governors by Healy, she had complained about the irregularities within Red Cross. She ultimately laid out the

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