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Negative Effects of Coal Usage - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Negative Effects of Coal Usage" states that coal is naturally present inside Earth; it is usually black in colour and sometimes brownish-black. Records show that coal started to form more than 300 million years ago through the buried plant fossils, especially trees near the lakes…
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Negative Effects of Coal Usage
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? [Submitted to] Negative Impacts of Coal and Clean Coal Technology Coal is naturally present inside Earth, it is usually black in color and sometimes brownish black (Merriam-Webster). Records show that coal started to form more than 300 million years ago through the burried plant fossils especially trees located near the lakes. With the time sea level rised and engulfed the vagetation forming layers over it. The plant fossils were then covered by mud and sand through the process of sedimentary. As the burried tress got suitable temperature and protection from air they slowly and gradually transformed in to coal. Different types of coal are found inside the Earth in collective form which are then extracted and used for different purposes (The formation of Coal: Planete Energies ). CLASSIFICATION Classification of coal is done on the basis of transformation of the plants. The more transformed plant material the better is the form of coal. The type of coal is determined by a process known as Proximate Analysis. In this process the constituents of coal are analyzed for classification. Various constituents of coal are water, volatile substance, carbon and dust. Coal is mainly classified on the basis of carbon present in it and the relative heat energy it can produce. There are two ranks of coal; lower rank consists of lignite and sub-bitunimous and the higher rank consists of bitunimous and anthracite. Lower rank coal has low carbon and energy levels. They are soft and friable in nature with somewhat brownish appreance. The higher rank coal has high carbon and energy level. They are hard and strong in nature with complete black apprence. However, along with coal, peat is also present with is not classified as coal because of its characteristics yet it plays a very important role in the formation of coal (The Energy Library: Types of coal). Peat It is not coal but it is related to the process of formation of coal. It has a soft apprence and it consists of deposited plant substances along with other chemicals. They are present in the wetland areas of Northern Hemisphere. Lignite It is also known as brown coal because of its apprence. It contains upto 60% carbon and 50% volatile substance. It can not produce high level of energy and therefore it is not traded in the market. It is usually used in power stations and industry boilers which are close to the coal mines. Since it has a soft texture therefore it is easily converted into gas or petrolem. Sub-bitunimous Next layer after lignite is of Sub-bitunimous coal which is formed by the plant fossils that are burried deeper in the soil. It is hard and dark in color as compared to lignite and it can produre high level of clean energy as it has lower sulphur composition. Bitunimous It has upto 80% carbon and produces higher level of energy. It is also known as sedimentary rock because it possess deeper plant fossils and minerals. It generates smoke and dust when burned. The appearance of the coal is either dark brown or black with fine texture. It is significantly used in electric producing plants and industries and it is very appropriate for steel making. Anthracite It is ranked as the highest type of coal because it contains higher level of carbon. It is very hard and completely balck in color. It produces less smoke and lower flame. Anthracite is also known as blue coal, stone coal, black diamond, etc. It is found usually in the mountain ranges. USES Coal is substantially required to fulfil the present and future energy demands. Following are the most important uses of coal (World Coal Association: uses of coal): It is used as liquid fuel in production of steel, cement and electricity. Coal plays a major role in paper manufacturing, chemical industry, pharmaceutical sector and in rifnery of aluminia. The coal by-products are also used in production of certain chemicals. Coke ovens produces Amonia gas which is then used to produce ammonia salts, ferilizers and acids. Products of daily usage such as soap also contains coal. Plastics and dyes are produced by the coal or coal by-products. Aspirins and fibres including rayon and nylon are made by the help of coal. Products such as Activated Carbon which is used in water filters and dialysis machines is made up of coal. Carbon Fibre which is used in bikes, rackets and for constuction purposes has ingredients including coal. Silicon Metal used in shampoos, toothpastes, cosmetics, etc. is also made by the help of coal. NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF COAL USAGE Coal is a valuable substance for mankind because of its characteristics and usages. It has great importance in production of chemicals, medicines, petroleum, plastics, steel, etc. yet it imposes unavoidable negative effects on human health and environment. These negative impacts can occur in the process of extraction, prcessing for determining coal type, transportation, dangers for workers of coal mines, effects of burning coal and waste dumping (WaterPenny). Health Effects The power plants which use coal for energy production discharge several pollutants in the environment which have adverse effects on human health and growth. These pollutants get in contact with the human body through inhalation, water and soil usage, consumption of contaminated fish, meat or vegetation or through skin exposure. Sulphur dioxide which is a pollutant causes lung diseases and asthema which lead to premature deaths and it is a basic reason for low weight birth of infants. Another gas, hydrogen chloride causes coughing and chest pain in addition to other respiratory tract diseases. Arsenic affects the working of intestines and nervous system. Inhaling chromium leads to hemorrhage. Hydrogen floride damages the respiratory system and cause pulmonary edema (Cradle to Grave: the environmental impacts from coal). Environmental Effects Coal usage affects the environment in many ways. It causes acid rain and formation of ozone fog. Coal mining is detrimental for land, farms, underground water, forests and air which ultimately gives rise to adverse impacts on the inhabitants of that location (Cradle to Grave: the environmental impacts from coal). In preparation of coal the extracted impurities are then piled up somewhere near the mine. When it rains, the water flows all the impurities with itself along with some of the metal pieces causing dangerous environmental effects. Coal is transported either through rail and trucks or through the pipelines. Whatever the transportation method is applied it directly or indirectly affects the environment. Combustion of coal is a major reason of air polution as coal releases many chemicals and elements in the air during this process which then lead to climatic and atmospheric changes. The chemical structure of mercury and dioxin is a threat to the environment. When fossil fuel is burned it leaves some gases and leftovers in the environment which affect the water and other natural resources. CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY Considering the increasing negative effects of coal extraction, combustion and usage in power plants encouraged technological advancements which ultimately resulted in the form of Clean Coal Technology(CCT). Under the administration of the U.S Department of energy, Clean Coal technology aims to make the coal combustion process more efficient while reducing the amount of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide released in the air. Within CCT other technologies have emerged to reduce the operational cost and increase the efficiency of steel mills, cement and electricity production and other industries (World nuclear association: Clean coal technology). CCL has proved to be of great importance when it comes to utilize the lower rank coal. Lignite and Sub-bitunimous have high level of moisture which makes it inefficient for buring in factories in order to produce energy. By the help of Clean Coal Technologies Pristine-M excessive moisture in the lower rank coal is easily and cost effectively removed which make the coal easy to be transported and ensures that it will not reabsorb the moisture. This process is also useful in removing the volatile substance from coal and reducing its toxicity (Technology: why clean coal?). Importance The Clean Coal Technology has provided many environmental benefits which increases its importance for the power plants, industries and mining. Following are the most significant features of Clean Coal Technology (National Mining Association:CCT). Efficiency improvement: it improves the efficiency of lower rank coal and make it utilizable. It reduces the emission of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide and other toxic gasses which enhances the productivity level of coal and at the same time it saves the environment from the adverse effects of these gasses. High- efficiency fuel cells: the CCL provides high efficiency fuel cells with emission-free and unmatched performance. Advanced high-efficiency combustion: now coal combustion process is conducted by the help of computerized system, superior burner designs and better performaing turbines. Hydrogen production: Clean Coal Technology ensure an uncontaminated energy transporter through the process of gastification. Carbon capture and storage: this technology captures the carbon in the air or inside the water which is then stored to be used in other useful purposes. PROS AND CONS OF CCL: There are various pros and cons attached to the use of Clean Coal Technology. Some of them are discussed below (Siegel): Pros It utilizes the lower rank coal such as lignite by removing its excessive water and volatile substance. It has increased the supply of coal in the industrialized countries which have resulted in economic development. It produces energy on continuous basis in addition to the reduced effects of contaminated gasses. It has become an important part of the industries operating in today’s world as it has increased the efficiency level of power production. The polutants have a reduced level of carbon which can be futher purified with the CSS technology. By the use of Cean Coal Technology, coal can be easily converted into liquid or gas for better and cleaner burning. It is a cost effective way of producing energy and requires very little investment at the initial stage. The existing coal reserves can be used for longer period of time as CCL puts all the carbon underground released during different processes. The coal miners can enjoy a healthy and better working environment in presence of CCL. Cons Despite of the fact that the coal reserves can be used for longer by carbon storage yet it is a reality that coal is a nonrenewable natural resource. Coal contains many other substances, gasses and materials which are causing global warming even after the use of Clean Coal Technology. Transportation cost for coal is very high. The dust that remains after the burning coal also known as coal ash is highly feeble for human health and the environment as a whole. Power plants using coal as an energy producer releases harmful radiations in the air which are more devastating than the nuclear radiations. Clean Coal Technology do not provide 100% carbon free atmosphere. Even after its use there is some amount of carbon released in air by the power plants. CCL is successful in controling the emission of sulphur dioxied and nitrogen oxide but still there are gasses like arsenic and selenium which are released during coal combustion and extraction processes which have negative effects on human health and the environment. Clean Coal Technology requires lot of investment in the research and development of coal related technologies because it is still left with many areas to cover and to solve other problems associated with the extraction, processing, combustion and use of coal. FUTURE OF COAL Coal has a very bright future in terms of usage. Previously it was considered a black dirty material which causes environmental polution but now the things are changing with the advancemnet in technology. It is now easier to remove the toxic and harmful subtances from coal prior to their effects on human health or the environment. Power plants are using Precipatators presently to reduce the emission of fly ash. These precipatators are basically devices and filters. Now flue gas scrubbers are used to remove the sulphur dioxide from champers. These have proved to be very beneficial in controlling the negative impacts of different gasses on the environment (Coal: Ancient gift serving modern man). There are significant steps taken in order to make the use of coal more environment friendly which is predicting bright and successful future of coal mines and all the other aspects related to it. Coal has become useful in maintaining the green house effect which incorporates better and sufficient life on earth. Additionally coal will prove to the most effective and efficient way of producing energy for industries and power plants. FUTURE OF CCL Currently China is leading the future of Clean Coal Technology which was previously a dream. Significant efforts are shown by China to reduce the harmful effects of the emitted gasses in the process of coal combustion or coal extraction (Fallows). The CCL is expected to make drastic changes in the world climate and atmosphere as well as in the world economy because it is easy and cost effective to install and use Clean Coal Technology despite of the fact that it incurs huge investments in research and development. The world energy demands are rising unstoppably and to meet these demands the industrialists, businessmen and scientists have come up with the Clean Coal Technology (World nuclear association: Clean coal technology). By using CCL carbon is stored inside the earth which will result in huge carbon reservoirs in future. Under the CCL other technologies aimed at providing better coal combustion are also under development by the scientists which will ultimately result in huge energy supply to the power plants and industries. The process of mining will also become easier with reduced health hazards for the miners. CONCLUSION Coal is a type of fossil fuel. It is a non-renewable natual resource which was formed by the burried trees and plants millions of years ago. It is a basic source of energy production. Coal is used in steel mills, cement production, plastics, fibers, soaps, cosmetics, etc. However, coal has a lot of negative impacts on human health and environment. It causes lung diseases and intestinal disorders which at times become fatal. On environmental basis coal combustion is a major source of acid rain and global warming. Considering all these negative effects of coal and its intense need as a fuel and energy producer the scientists have developed Clean Coal Technology which reduces the emission of toxic gasses such as sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. CCT is very helpful in utilizing the lower rank coal such as lignite by removing its excessive water and volatile substances. It is making the energy production more efficient and less harmful. CCT ensures cost effective and safe coal combustion. While on the other hand future research and development processes requires huge investments in the area of CCT. In the recent times China is the market leader of Clean Coal Technology. Works Cited Coal: Ancient gift serving modern man. 15 12 2005. Web. 21 11 2012. Cradle to Grave: the environmental impacts from coal. 6 2001. Web. 21 11 2012. Fallows, James. Atlantic Magazine: dirty coal, clean future. 12 2010. Web. 21 11 2012. Merriam-Webster. 2012. Web. 20 11 2012. National Mining Association:CCT. Web. 21 11 2012. Siegel, R.P. clean coal: pros and cons. 9 4 2012. Web. 21 11 2012. Technology: why clean coal? 2012. Web. 21 11 2012. The Energy Library: Types of coal. 2009. Web. 2012 11 2012. The formation of Coal: Planete Energies . 10 12 2010. Web.20 11 2012. WaterPenny, Dana -. Negative impacts from coal. 26 6 2008. Web. 21 11 2012. World Coal Association: uses of coal. Web. 21 11 2012. World nuclear association: Clean coal technology. 8 2012. Web. 21 11 2012. Read More
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