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Champions of Gender Equality - Annotated Bibliography Example

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The paper "Champions of Gender Equality" focuses on the fact that Female and Male executives as leaders of gender change are an article authored by De Vries Anne with the aim of examining how male and female executives champion gender change interventions…
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Annotated Bibliography, Gender & Sexual Studies Gender leadership style in the workforce. Who is more respected Eisner, S. (2013). Leadership: Gender and executive style. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 78(1), 26. The article was written by Eisner Susan and is qualified owing to the depth of her learning and the use of laboratory and field experiment studies in the article. Eisner provides an exposition on the role of gender in the leadership style of business executives. The purpose of the article entailed the determination of the role of gender in determining the leadership style. The study begins with an analysis of four questions relating to the derivation of power, emphasis on relationships or results, executive traits on delegation and empowerment, and transformational of transactional approach to leadership. The study made use of eighty weekly interviews of top business executives conducted by Adam Bryan between 2010 and 2011 and consisted of 40 men and 40 women for the Corner Office series of the New York Times Sunday, business section. The study results include the use of personal power, emphasis on relationships by women (85%), encouragement and participation by both genders but not sharing influence and power, and the use of transformational leadership. The information is relevant to the research since it deals with gender and leadership at the workplace. The article will form part of the literature review through providing a basis for comparing gender roles in leadership. The article is focused on the leadership of business executives and is consistent with gender requirements using a representative sample and provides for depth and clear content analysis. 2. De Vries, J. A. (2015). Champions of gender equality: Female and male executives as leaders of the gender change. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: An International Journal, 34(1), 21-36. Champions of gender equality: Female and Male executives as leaders of the gender change is an article authored by De Vries Anne with the aim of examining how male and female executives champion for gender change interventions. The article begins by examining the developments that have been witnessed on the gender front and the fight for equality among the different sexes. The role of business and organizations through its leaders is the other facet examined in the paper. The study achieves its aim using a feminist qualitative research methodology making gender central to the discussion and is conducted in a policing organization and Australian University. The study makes use of four interviews of senior personnel in the two organizations for data collection. The results of the study include the better positioning of men to champion for gender change, increased the burden on women fighting for gender change, but in gender change men are more effective compared to women. The information is relevant to the research in that it captures the role of leadership and its role in gender fight for equality, and the article will provide the information relating to gender in leadership. The research is focused on the role of executives in the achievement of gender equality but uses a limited sample of four interviewees reducing the ability of generalization. The source fits in the topic in terms of bringing into a perspective executive leadership role in gender championing making the source helpful for the study. The research provides in-depth analysis of the issue and generates a framework for future research. 3. Jan V., Herman L., & Werner H. (2011). Leadership competencies for managing diversity. Managing Global Transitions, 9(3), 225. The study provides a comprehensive definition and exploration of diversity with the aim being the determination of the leadership style effective for organization managers in developing and establishing diversity management positive experience. The research reviews leadership styles of managing diversity and uses interactive leadership styles theory and competency models among other styles to allow for a positive diversity experience. The study makes use of 2669 respondents from 11 workstations nationally, and 440 leaders using a questionnaire to collect the data for analysis and discussion. The results include the influence of dominant leadership style in the diversity management experience at the workplace with engaging leadership a contributor for positive diversity management experience. The article provides different theories on leadership that will be beneficial for the proposed research and is comprehensiveness in its analysis of the influence of leadership on diversity. The source is beneficial and fits the proposed research by providing an avenue to understanding the impact of diversity on leadership. The research is broad and covers a wide range of leadership theories and styles that will prove beneficial to the proposed research. 4. Henry E. (2014). Men and women in leadership positions in the public sector: Who are the best-qualified candidates? Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 11(3), 36. The author begins by stating the disparity that exists in the current world in the workplace and managerial positions between males and females. The article reviews four areas; women in leadership positions, the perception of leadership, managerial behaviors and values, and competencies to explain the success of public sector managers. The research aimed at finding out if significant differences exist in terms of public manager’s behaviors and competencies that could limit their ability to succeed in their duties. A total of 696 respondents participated in the study with 347 female and 349 male. The research concludes that gender biases exist, and discrimination against women is also present at the workplace. Other conclusions are that the main behaviors for success from the research include flexibility and adaptability for managers, and more manly characteristics are preferred. Gender superiority is prevalent and forms part of the conclusion in the research. The article will be helpful in explaining the gender diversity at the workplace and the leadership traits that are considered beneficial for successful managers. The research will form part of the literature to augment the understanding of gender, leadership, and diversity. The research is comprehensive and uses a representative sample to meet its aims. However, the research makes use of only public sector employees decreasing generalization to all types of organizations. 5. Shelley Reciniello. (2011). Is the woman the future of man? an exploration of the potential of women in the knowledge economy and of the problem of gender inequality in the workplace. Organisational and Social Dynamics, 11(2), 151. The article comprehensively reviews the gender inequality in organizations reducing women’s ability to make a huge impact. The research makes use of financial institutions research to check on the participation of women in the economy depicting the high levels of gender disparity in the workplace. The research makes emphasis on the psychology nature of gender using psychoanalytic theories allowing for depth of the research. The research concludes by stating the need to have more support for women to augment their contribution to work and society for the benefit of all through providing knowledge and perspective. The article will be used in the proposed research to check on the value of gender equality at the workplace and provide a platform to understand the measures to augment equality. The research is broad, comprehensive and touches on gender equality for the benefit of the proposed research and also offers solutions from a real-life situation. The source is helpful and fits for the research and its focus on women in the workplace is effective allowing the proposed research to meet its aims. 6. Sandler, C. (2014). Developing female leaders: Helping women reach the top. Industrial and Commercial Training, 46(2), 61-67. doi:10.1108/ICT-11-2013-0077 The article was authored by Catherine Sandler aimed at exploring the reasons behind the limited number of women leading top UK businesses. The research begins by providing reasoning for the low number of women leaders in top UK businesses and the need for a different approach to address the problem because women lead differently. The Impact Programme for talented and senior women stated in 2008 is used in the research together with experience, data, and analysis in the research. Leadership difference and behavior among male and female are well demonstrated in the research. The findings include presence of barriers to women leadership, male and female difference in leadership playing a role, women behaviors inhibiting promotion to leadership positions, and the need for women to take concerted effort to augment their leadership position in businesses. The author is a leader and is well involved in women leadership and development of women in the leadership platform making her authoritative in women leadership issues. The author provides comprehensive reasons for low women leaders in top UK businesses and provides objective achievable mechanisms to change the situation. The research is an added addition to the literature for the proposed research on gender issues in leadership and will be beneficial in explaining disparity in male to female leaders. The source is helpful and broad on the women leadership platform and will fit well in the research to enhance achievement of the aim of the proposed research. 7. Of the top 200 universities in the world, 28 have women leaders. (2015). Women in Academia Report. The article was undertaken to explore university leadership globally in terms of gender differences. The research uses 200 top universities globally with the outcome depicting only 28 of these universities are headed by women. Seven universities in the top 50 are led by women with 46% of the women leaders being social scientists. In the United States, 13 of the 74 universities in the top 200 are led by women, according to the research. With the other astonishing finding being 19 out of 28 nations with universities represented in the top 200 global university rankings having no women as leaders. The research provides the facts in the gender disparity in leadership and the differences between men and women in university leadership globally further providing literature on gender and leadership. The source fits in the research owing to gender relation to leadership and despite being limited in terms of depth it has the representative facts that will augment the depiction of gender disparity in leadership. 8. Bosak, J., & Sczesny, S. (2011). Exploring the dynamics of incongruent beliefs about women and leaders. British Journal of Management, 22(2), 254-269. The research emanated from the limited women in managerial positions globally with the aim of finding the dynamics of perceived incongruity in leader and female stereotype. The research begins by stating the facts on the state of female in managerial positions and captures the changing roles of men and female and changes in a leadership role in the community. A hundred and sixty management students consisting of 83 men, 76 women, and one unreported sex were involved in the study on the basis of having similar views as corporate managers. The study concludes on the presence of perceived incongruity of views on women and leaders and the stereotypes on women, leaders, and men of the past. The other conclusion is the convergence of women and leaders roles and traits in 100 years owing to masculine traits ascribed to women recently. Changes in beliefs about women roles and beliefs augment social change and acceptance of female leaders. The authors are university lecturers in the department of psychology and business having an understanding of the leadership and gender in the society. The article provides for leadership and gender relation for the proposed study and allows for more depth of the research in terms of the women leaders and the social reasons they lack equal representation in managerial positions. The research is broad and perfect fit for the research since it deals with gender and leadership. 9. Cook, A., & Glass, C. (2014). Women and top leadership positions: Towards an institutional analysis. Gender, Work & Organization, 21(1), 91-103. The research states the presence of a glass ceiling effect barring women from achieving high positions of leadership with the suggestions for the case including discrimination, implicit bias, lack of quality mentoring, and exclusion from informational networks. The research begins with a review of the previous literature on women leadership and reasoning behind the low numbers of top women leaders. Glass cliffs, savior effect, and institutional diversity are the main points of emphasis in the research to explain the place of women leaders in the society. A comprehensive sample comprised of CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies transition from 1990 to 2011 to capture the different parts taken by men and women with data collected and analyzed using varied methods. The conclusions include the need for diversity in the decision-making panel to allow more women leaders and organizations focused on gender equality improve chances of appointing women leaders. The article provides for the role of diversity in women leadership and the presence of barriers inhibiting the success of women in leadership. The research is comprehensive and will be a good addition to a literature review on gender and leadership. That the research is comprehensive and fitting in terms of the topic is an added benefit for the proposed research. 10. Kenneth S Rhee, & Tracey H Sigler. (2015). Untangling the relationship between gender and leadership. Gender in Management, 30(2), 109. The article makes use of empirical analysis to examine the relation between gender and leadership in terms of leadership preference and effectiveness perceptions. The article provides research on leadership and the influence of gender on the effectiveness and success of a leader. The main areas tackled by the literature in the study include changing leadership styles, leader’s sex, and gender-role congruency, and ratter sex. The study sample consisted of 16,000 students with most of them (90%) being undergraduate students. The study concludes that the need to make a change in leadership style is a requirement in the dynamic world and that the perceptions of people on female leaders do not reflect the actual situation. Another conclusion is that the need to change and incorporate more women in leadership is affected by unconscious bias. The article will aid in understanding the impact of sex, gender disparity, and perception of women on leadership and allow the proposed research to consider previous literature. The research undertakes a comprehensive discussion that will be beneficial to understanding the state of women leadership and the conscious and unconscious influences. The research is broad and provides for a clear fit for the research making the article very helpful for the completion of the proposed research. 11. Ghulam Abbas, Javed Iqbal, Ajmal Waheed, & M Naveed Riaz. (2012). Relationship between transformational leadership style and innovative work behavior in educational institutions. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 22(3), 18. The study examined the relation that exists between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior in educational institutions employees. The articles begin by explaining different leadership types and reasons for the effectiveness of transformative leadership in education institutions. The research then reviews the literature on transformational leadership in education and its relation to innovation. The study makes use of 200 Pakistani educational institutions employees for the collection of the data for the research selected using purposive sampling. Innovative work behavior was measured using Innovative Work Behavior Scale and the descriptive data analysis provided followed by discussion. The research conclusions include positive correlation between transformational leadership and innovative work behavior in Pakistan educations institutions. The authors Ghulam, Ajmal, and Naveed are lecturers in International Islamic University, Quaid-i-Azam University, and the University of Sargodha respectively allowing for the high quality of the research. The information is relevant to the research owing to the leadership in institutions in captures in the study and will be an important addition to the literature in terms of the leadership facet of the research. The research is broad and captures large leadership types that will prove beneficial to the proposed research. 12. Choi, S. (2013). Demographic diversity of managers and employee job satisfaction: Empirical analysis of the federal case. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 33(3), 275-298. The research is developed on the basis of the increased percentage of employees from ethnic and racial minority groups (0.22) including women (0.41) in the workforce resulting in the need to have an understanding of the impact it has on job satisfaction. The article reviews a wide range of literature related to workplace diversity allowing for depth and comprehensiveness of the research. The research tests the hypothesis that diversity in terms of racial/ethnic and women in managerial positions is positively related to job satisfaction. The other hypothesis is that women and minority race/ethnic groups are more satisfied compared to white males in an organization with diverse leadership. Other hypotheses relate diversity to job satisfaction, justice, and diversity climate at the organization. The 2008 Federal Human Capital Survey and 2008 Central Personnel Data File form the main sources of information for the research with Multi-level modeling used to test management diversity in the federal organizations. The research conclusions included the negative relation between job satisfaction and increased the proportion of women and minority racial and ethnic groups in managerial positions. Diversity allows for a better relation between diverse groups at the workplace, and racial/ethnic groups report higher satisfaction with augmented diversity. The article fits the research in terms of gender, diversity, and leadership captured in the research, and its depth and use of a large variety of literature is an added advantage. The research is broad and will fit in the research through providing a perspective of gender in leadership and its influence in an organization. The source is helpful despite the emphasis on only public organizations in the research affecting the ability to generalize the research to private and other types of organizations. 13. Qin, J., Muenjohn, N., & Chhetri, P. (2014). A review of diversity conceptualizations: Variety, trends, and a framework. Human Resource Development Review, 13(2), 133-157. The authors Qin, Muenjohn, and Chhetri have a large knowledge and experience in business and human resource making the study authoritative and qualifying them to allow the research credibility. The aim of the research was the development of a unifying understanding of diversity among researchers. The purpose of the study is achieved through a review of different diversity conceptualization approaches and then discusses three common aspects of diversity as evidenced in the literature. The paper provides chronological development of diversity to the present day noting the different diversity conceptualization over the years. The article concludes that the literature contains a variety of diversity conceptualizations with the reason provided by the inability of researchers to reach consensus on diversity conceptualization. The research is relevant and informative to the research in that it provides an in-depth insight on diversity conceptualization, which is a facet of the research. The article will be utilized to provide a clear understanding of diversity in the literature review. The article tackles diversity conceptualization broadly and talks into consideration different perspectives making the research an important fit for the development of diversity in the research. 14. Billing, Y. D. (2011). Are women in management victims of the phantom of the male norm? Gender, Work & Organization, 18(3), 298-317. The research aims at providing a comprehensive argument that questions the wisdom of considering male managers as the norm and using it as an argument to explain difficulties faced by women in managerial positions. The study aims at providing a platform for the consideration of women as equals and not deviants in leadership and management of organizations. The article begins by reviewing the literature on the male as the norm and explains the inability of the literature to explain the complexity of management and leadership faced by women. Congruency to assigned roles for men and women and the abilities of women in managerial and leadership roles is well tackled in the research. The study uses the experiences of 20 Swedish and Danish women managers aged between 35-60 years to achieve the aim of the study. The research concludes on the presence of a high gender inequality and constructions. Other conclusions are that management is not a congruent job, and there is a need to question men dominance. The author is a member of the department of sociology, the University of Copenhagen allowing for quality research and understanding of gender issues. The article I s an important addition to the literature owing to the importance of gender in leadership tackled and will be added to the literature to add depth and comprehensiveness. The article provides a clear gender equality exposition and provides a large discussion on the matter providing for a broad analysis that will greatly benefit the proposed research. 15. Sobiraj, S., Korek, S., Weseler, D., & Mohr, G. (2011). When male norms dont fit: Do traditional attitudes of female colleagues challenge men in non-traditional occupations?. New York: Springer. The research investigates the negative impact of traditional attitudes of women of German men working in non-traditional occupations and if these relationships emerge from social stressors. These traditional attitudes include toughness, anti-femininity, and status providing a three-fold outlook for the study. The research develops the hypothesis from previous literature and provides a background for the research from a large literature. The study made use of questionnaires to collect data from 174 women working in the education and healthcare sectors. The study results include the direct relation between anti-femininity women attitude to low job satisfaction and high depression, no relation between traditional attitudes to male toughness, and impact of social stressors on job performance. The authors are socialists with a high-level qualification and have a deep understanding of social issues including gender that forms the main basis of the research. The rich literature on gender-related attitudes to males by females at the workplace is the main reason for the addition to the research allowing for better understanding and depth. The research is also wide in terms of issue analysis and brings in another perspective on the issue of gender disparity at the workplace. The source is helpful and fits in the research through providing more comprehension and depth to the proposed research. Read More
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