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Book Reviews From the folks who brought you the weekend: A short, illustrated history of labor in the United s”.(Murolo and Chitty, 2003).PurposeThis book written by Priscilla Murolo and A.B. Chitty was published in 2003. The book intends to provide the readers with concise details American labor history. The main purpose of this book is to illustrate how the working class in the United States has been treated by capitalists throughout the country’s history. FocusThe book focuses on the people, places, events, and social conditions that caused the evolution of organized labor in contemporary Silicon Valley.
The authors try to depict the workers’ struggles over the past centuries and the contributions of women, African Americans, Native Americans, immigrants, and minorities. Perspective Throughout the book, the authors express their strong protest against the evils of slavery and extreme capitalistic notions. They hold the view that managements’ dream of cheap labor has greatly contributed to the emergence of slavery. In the words of Murolo and Chitty, management had wider options to apply power over the employees (176).
In short, the book argues for labor’s wellbeing or condemns managements’ inhumane financial interests. 2. “Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant women workers take on the global factory”. (Ching and Louie. 2001). PurposeThis book written by Miriam Ching and Yoon Louie was published in 2001 by South End Press. According to the authors, the purpose of this book is to give voice to “the immigrant women workers who are barred from board rooms where deals get cut; whose stories end up on cutting room floors; who get punished for telling the truth; who are asked to speak only as victims, not as the trail blazers they truly are” (Ching and Louie, 3).
FocusIn this book, the authors give major focus on the struggle of immigrant women workers during the growth and spread of capitalism. The authors try to cover the events related to immigrant women’s confrontations in a stiffly competitive labor market. PerspectiveThe writers strongly argue that self organization is the key policy to successfully vie with exploitation and abuse faced by those at the bottom of the economic ladder. The authors express their disinterest toward management perception that suppresses immigrant workers’ basic requirements.3. “State of the unions: How labor can strengthen the middle class, improve our economy, and regain political influence”.
(Dine, 2007). PurposeThe 2007 published Philip M. Dine’s book analyzes the intensity of the influence of labor in the economic as well as political spectrum of a country. FocusThe book reflects the experiences of the author from his riveting journey through America’s cities and back roads. In this book, the author precisely illustrates how the political, economical, and social trends are impacted by the contributions of labors. The author also says that the union members strive to make their voices heard in a political spectrum which has been structured by corporate interests.
PerspectiveThis book supports the traditional economic view that labor is the basis for an economy. Dine strongly argues that labors must get better working conditions and living standards as they determine the future of an economy (55). The writer also holds the view that excessive labor abuse would impede the nation’s overall economic growth. Works CitedChing, Miriam and Louie, Yoon. Sweatshop Warriors: Immigrant women workers take on the global factory. South End Press, 2001 South End Press, 2001.
Dine, Philip M. State of the unions: How labor can strengthen the middle class, improve our economy, and regain political influence. McGraw Hill, 2007. Murolo, Priscilla and Chitty, A.B. From the folks who brought you the weekend: A short, illustrated history of labor in the United States. New Press, 2003.
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