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Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination in Workplace - Essay Example

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The paper "Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination in Workplace" argues that even though the world has crossed the threshold of the 21century with major scientific and technological advancements, discrimination, based on gender is one of the grave issues that still subsist in the social order…
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Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination in Workplace
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?Running Head: Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination in Workplace Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination in Workplace [Institute’s ] Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Literature Review 4 Discussion and Analysis 8 Conclusion and Implications 10 References 12 Introduction Even though the world has crossed the threshold of twenty first century with major scientific and technological advancements, discrimination, predominately based on gender is one of the grave issues that still subsist in the social order. Gender discrimination in the corporate world is also one of the widespread concerns that has remained since centuries and comes under witness as an escalating dilemma, rather than an eliminating one. However, as the different fields such as political, social, economic, and business are undergoing numerous changes, it has shed some radiance to the role of women in society and in the business community to some positive amount (Cleveland, Stockdale and Murphy, 2000, pp. 3-6). People of either gender have come under common discrimination factor in areas of not only jobs but also trainings and wages or salaries are also the universal aspects of discrimination, regardless of their capabilities, competence, or skills. This practice is not only limited to underdeveloped countries but urbanized nations also practice the same to great extent (Cleveland, Stockdale and Murphy, 2000, pp. 3-6). Until the twenty first century, the subject matter of gender discrimination with reference to diversity management has not come under limelight by the researches and very little information came under provision. In fact, the diversity management only came under reference to elucidate how the employees would come under administration and management to the organizational culture on an international and local basis. However, as time passed by, this matter came into numerous discussions and studies (Klarsfeld, 2010, pp. 101-102). Diversity Management" is one of the tactics and approaches that can promote and uphold the opinions, acceptance, and execution of diversity or multiplicity within organisations. Diversity is a method that emerge the creativity and innovation amongst people as every individual belongs to different social, national, and ethnic background with different skills. Indeed, diversity management has come under perception as a primary source of development and growth in the today's competitive world (Wrench, 2007, pp. 18-19). The following theses paper would include how diversity management pertaining to gender discrimination help to make the workplace a better environment for all, a wide range of theories defining the gender discrimination at workplace. In addition, the report would also state how men and woman are different in the workplace, the characteristics of gender, and types of sexism in the workplace. Based on the empirical studies, recommendations for HR managers and employees would also take account into the report. Literature Review Discrimination is one of leading unfair conduct that demoralizes the person to great extent that might even devastate his or her personality. However, it has come under observation that females are the majority coming under the adverse impacts of discrimination in every facet of life. This might be because the men have always come under reflection as the breadwinners of the families and women only comes under supposition to take care of all the matters related to household like cooking, taking care of children and many other. Gender discrimination at workplace can have several forms, which includes sexual harassment, wages, or salaries inequality, unfairness based on job descriptions, and a plentiful of others (Gregory, 2003, pp. 1-5). On a general perception, employers look for people who can best match with the job descriptions, for instance, a male person comes as a first choice when technical, manual or production work is the primary requirement, however, employers seek for female staff for the job of public relations or marketing of products. This segregation of male and female towards the types of jobs increase the likelihood that can lead to the factor of gender discrimination (Tom and Adrian, 2009, pp.350-352). However, the gender discrimination factor also emerges from the perceptions of various people. This is because some people believe that if women come under recruitment the cost associated would be more in comparison to the male counterpart. Moreover, their productivity towards their output is lower in comparison due to various reasons that incorporate curtailed breaks that they would take for child liberation and nurturing. Since females are the primary responsible for their families look after and fostering, therefore, they even come under questioning with reference to their competence at the workplace (Gregory, 2003, pp. 5-8). Income equalities in another leading aspect of gender discrimination witnessed commonly at the workplaces. The statistical records provide with evidence that despite of enforcement of the law of EEO (equal employment opportunity) the salaries and wages of the female staff is at a much lower percentage in contrast to the male equivalent. This decreased percentage in wages even embraces the overtime and bonus amounts (United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007, pp. 97-98). With reference to gender discrimination, several theories have come under explanation that enlightens various aspects of prejudice at workplace. The theories include human capital theory, dual labor market theory, gender segregation, and feminist theories. Since the human resource is the most valuable resource for any enterprise and the success or failure profoundly depends upon them. Human capital theory is one of the theories that practice the strategy of spending time and money on the employees for the training of the employees with high skills is the potential prospects for the organization. This is because education and financial growth and development are the two factors that have a strong association with each other, which has demonstrate unprecedented growth rate on several occasions. However, the records reveal the information that gender discrimination in this perspective have come under findings noticeably, and the males come under preference over women. According to some schools of thoughts, enterprises spend on men more because they tend to be more loyal than females and do not have any sort of responsibilities of nurturing the families (Cohn, 2000, pp. 80-82). The dual labour market is a notion that has come under division in two segments: primary and secondary. The primary segment of the labour market provides the people with high pay jobs with a comparatively good working environment. The employees have a good chance of promotions, and thus providing the individuals with job security. While looking at the other end of the continuum, the secondary market provides the employees with poor working conditions that are of minimal wages. In addition, they have negligible opportunities of growth or appraisals with little job security. Nonetheless, it has come under notice that women are one of the primary applicants who get the jobs within the secondary segment, which depicts clear ideas about discrimination (Andersen and Taylor, 2007, pp. 318-319). Gender segregation theory also articulates that two kinds of segregation exists that women come commonly in labour market, known as vertical and horizontal segregation. The women normally come under segregation with regard to their job levels and pay rates against their skills and competence level. Again, the fundamental reason provided by theorists and sociologists is the economic dependency of women over men; and to maintain the patriarchy women come under segregation at workplace (Reeves, 2010, pp. 15-19). One of the theories related to gender discrimination is the feminist theory that embraces Liberal, Social, Marxist, and Radical feminism. The radical feminist theories reveal the piece of information that women come under exploitation in every facet of life, whether it be public sector such as work environment or private sector such as home. This also comes under reference as dual form of exploitation that only the women have to undergo (Butler, 2003, pp. 2-5). However, according to the socialist viewpoint of the theory, the status of women in both workplace and socially is peripheral, due to which they comes under exploitation at the workplace by earning a relatively low salary and wages. The leading and principal reason behind this exploitation and low status explained by feminist is the financial dependency of women on their opponent associate (Butler, 2003, pp. 2-5). All the theories discussed above undoubtedly and evidently depicted the gender discrimination, taking place at a large spectrum and are in continuous process that is rising at a gradual speed. Nevertheless, numerous examples are present that gender discrimination still exists in organizations in every part of the world, however, talking about UK, following are the examples that portray the gender discrimination factor is still in practice. A woman of middle age employed at the investment bank worked on regular basis for more than ten hours on daily basis from home after conceiving a baby. However, she made a request to have a computer installed at her place so that she can make her timings flexible and work for more hours while taking care of the babies. However, she was not granted with her need and came under termination. She alleged that her termination came under an inequitable basis that was gender discrimination; although when she presented the case in court, she won the claim of getting termination on unjust but did not win the discrimination claim (emplaw ONLINE, 2007). While looking at another case of gender discrimination, which has been the highlight of news under the British region for the largest gender discrimination case. The woman had the job duty to employ former nurses. However, she stated that male members dominated the boardroom and treated her in a humiliating and undignified way, and hence collapsed. As an outcome of it, she left the company and claimed for sexual discrimination. She elucidated her claim that she get kissed on forehead during presentations, the executives even giggle on her remarks at the meetings and various other aspects came under explication. However, she won the case for being discriminated treatment (emplaw ONLINE, 2007). Discussion and Analysis From the above literature review, one thing has come under enlightenment that although over the past couple of decades the women and her role in the society has come under significant improvement, yet they do not possess the same equality position as the men, and they are still far above the females. However, a constructive workplace environment can come under promotion and sustainability with the practicing of the diversity management within organizations. Diversity management helps and persuades the employees to develop an acceptance and understanding that people have diverse interests, cultural values, and physical attributes amongst the various employees of the organization. Furthermore, this acceptance amongst the employees leads them to focus on a shared vision set by the organization and achievement of the goals and objectives becomes a piece of cake. Another aspect of diversity management that leads to elimination of the gender discrimination exhibits that people develop a feeling that the enterprise and other members value their stand in the organization, which boost their skill set and they become a worthwhile part of the organization on whole. With this enhancement of expertise, the employees with diverse backgrounds also bring an understanding to the enterprise, which becomes a great source to have their operations on a global platform. This is because the diverse background employees facilitate them to serve the customers in a much better way with reference to their needs and demands, thus allowing them to have a more competitive position in the global marketplace (Sharron and Maeve, 2007, pp.156-158). Extensive research provides with substantiation that the approach used with women in the workplace have a significant and strong relationship to the societal gender stereotypes. This indicates the aspect of discrimination that the women face during their time of recruitment, and even at the time of their evaluations against their performances for appraisals. While taking into considering the feminist approach, it has come under limelight that the society on whole is a male dominant society and this practice comes under exercise principally at the workplace as well. In other words, the workplace at majority imitates the values and culture that has put into practice by the masculine counterpart. This even strengthens and emphasizes the status and grade that the males possess within the work environment. This signifies that the culture of the organization that symbolizes the organizational environment is not only occupied by the male members, but the values, norms and ways of functioning the procedures are also directed and dominated by them. One of the means that can bring a shift in trend towards discrimination with reference to the approach, perspective, and actions of an individual is the legislation of laws against discrimination, particularly the sexual discrimination. This can come enlightenment that UK has been serious towards bringing the equality amongst all people due to which several laws has come under implementation since the latter half of the twentieth century. Conclusion and Implications While looking at the corporate world, it has come to notice that it has come under transformation to a progressively more dynamic and competitive raised arena. Additionally, team working has become an essential component to attain the strategic objectives and goals, which the organizations are accentuating and employing. This has also led to improvement in the individual capabilities and skill sets, thus escalated efficiency is the major consequence. However, the above theories and empirical studies have made crystal clear that this competitive working environment attributes discrimination and an unfair attitude on gender basis as one of the debilitating elements. This is creating the discriminated people to suffer from inferiority complex, thus distressing their personalities on whole. There are quite a few theories that demonstrate various aspects of discrimination, especially with the female counterparts of the society, which is in continuation, regardless of the legal acts presents that lay emphasis on equal opportunities for all (Dipboye and Colella, 2005, pp. 147-149). Equality an imperative aspect that leads the enterprises to have financial gains and revenues to a much greater extent, as it engage equal and shared participation and efforts by all the employees in accomplishing the tasks as well as in decision making process. Therefore, it is pivotal to put equality and diversity management into practice, which would lead the organization to understand and manage the employees (Cornelius, 2002, pp. 26-27). It is highly recommended to the HR managers to follow and practice strictly the guidelines of the legal acts of equal employment opportunity. This means that HR managers ought to give empowerment exclusively based on their qualities, capabilities, and competence, rather only focus on recruiting men. In addition, the women must also have equitable sharing of responsibilities in relationship to men. This approach would ensure that women also share similar duties, tasks, and contribution to the effectiveness of the organization. Another practice that HR managers can adopt in order to prevent gender discriminations is to carry out gender audits from time to time. Besides, the functioning of gender policy must come under direction and support by an HR specialist, hired by the organization. This approach would make certain that the departments are giving proportionate occasions to both the genders. Another recommendation that can help in preventing the gender discrimination entails reformation and streamlining the place of work that has the reflection of feminine traits of negotiations and conflict resolution that take account of their needs and objectives. Furthermore, the organizations and enterprises should permit the female individuals to have their choice of selection in the work environment that can come under consideration as a valuable contribution by the female staff of the employees. The gender discrimination in the workplace atmosphere constitutes the necessity to have a restructured and reorganized customs and practices of the teams within the organization. The creative and innovative values of the teams include flexibility, collaboration, and productive problem solving methods. This has become an essential need, as the approaches used by both the genders are very different from one another, hence, it comes under high suggestion that equal contribution within this structure must come under implementation. References Andersen, M. L and Taylor, H. F. 2007. Sociology: understanding a diverse society. Cengage Learning. Butler, J. E. 2003. New perspectives on women entrepreneurs. IAP. Cleveland, J., Stockdale, M. S., and Murphy, K. R. (2000). Women and men in organizations: sex and gender issues at work. Routledge. Cohn. S. 2000. Race and gender discrimination at work. Westview Press. Cornelius, N. 2002. Building workplace equality: ethics, diversity, and inclusion. Cengage Learning EMEA. Dipboye, R. L. and Colella, A. 2005. Discrimination at work: the psychological and organizational bases. Routledge. emplaw ONLINE. 2007. "Sex discrimination / recent examples". emplaw ONLINE. Retrieved on April 03, 2012: Gregory, R. F. 2003. Women and workplace discrimination: overcoming barriers to gender equality. Rutgers University Press. Klarsfeld, A. 2010. International handbook on diversity management at work: country perspectives on diversity and equal treatment. Edward Elgar Publishing. Reeves, M. E. 1020. Women in Business: Theory, Case Studies, and Legal Challenges. Taylor and Francis. Sharon C., Bolton, and Maeve Houlihan. 2007. Management work and Organisation: Searching for the human in human resource management: Theory, practice and workplace. Palgrave Macmillan Tom, R, and Adrian, W. 2009. Public Relations, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Limited. United Nations. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs. 2007. The employment imperative: report on the world social situation 2007. United Nations Publications. Wrench, J. 2007. Diversity management and discrimination: immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Read More
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