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Drug Therapy In WHO Priority Areas - Essay Example

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The paper "Drug Therapy In WHO Priority Areas" tells us about antibacterial substances. It also leaves out a synthetic antibacterial group such as; sulfonamides. A lot of antibacterials are often small molecules with less than (<) 2000 atomic mass…
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Name : xxxxxxxxxxx Institution : xxxxxxxxxxx Course : xxxxxxxxxxx Title : Current problems of antibiotic drugs Tutor : xxxxxxxxxxx @ 2011 Abstract Antibiotic are basically chemicals which are designed purposely for killing microbes. At times, they are said to be toxic in nature. It often kills normal and non-pathogenic flora. This ultimately has several effects, which prevents pathogenic microbes from growing. This is the major reason as to why the use of antibiotic-drug use may be complicated. Both the risk and benefits of antibiotic therapy is often weighed by World Health Organization (WHO). According to the survey carried out by World Health Organization on drug therapy, it showed that antibiotic therapy includes the risks of allergic reaction, development of anti-biotic resistant infections; frequent blood draws used to monitor drug levels and the need for repeated placement of catheters. This paper will look into some of the current problems associated with antibiotic usage such as; diarrhea, renal failure, vomiting, bone marrow failure and seizure. The resistance may be due to modification of the antibiotic substance catalyzed by bacterial enzyme and making the therapy totally inactive. The impact of antibiotic is that the weaker, more susceptible bacteria are often killed while the hearty bacteria develop resistance mechanism. This paper is going to critically evaluate current problems associated with antibiotic usage. The paper will explain some of the reasons as to why antibiotic becomes resistance over a period of time. Excessive use of antibiotic makes the bacteria resistant to any type of treatment. WHO declared this as a major world issues that needs to be handled with the seriousness’ it deserve. Introduction Antibacterial refers to a substance/compound that kills or slows down the growth rate of bacteria. The idiom is usually used synonymously with the word antibiotic(s); currently, on the other hand, with increased knowledge and information of causative agents of infectious diseases, antibiotics has come to denote wider range of antimicrobial compound, including anti-fungal as well as other compounds. In the early 1942, Selman Waksman described the term antibiotic as any substance which is produced by microorganism which is antagonistic to the growth and development of other microorganism in high intensity. However, this definition excluded substances which kill bacteria but are not released by microorganism such as gastric juice as well as hydrogen peroxide (C. L. Jones, 2000). It also leave out synthetic antibacterial group such as; sulfonamides. A lot of antibacterial are often small molecules with less than ( 25 antibiotic prescriptions for more than five hundred days over a period of 17 years. Allergic Reactions Penicillin is one of the examples of antibiotic drug that leaves the body through various paths: sputum, urine and milk. The level of antibiotic that is present in milk from cows which have been treated with penicillin for mastitis is a major problem for human beings with penicillin allergies. Penicillin is not toxic in nature as compared to any other antibiotic drug. These allergies have developed in many people, possibly as a result of its widespread usage. All penicillin’s are said to be irritating to central nervous system and can potentially increase excitability (Jones, 2000). Abnormalities in potassium as well as sodium may also occur; this may in turn affect the muscles. Some penicillin may cause irritation to veins or muscles and accompanying pain, nerve degeneration and thrombophlebits. If an individual take large amount of penicillin, it can lead to the following allergies: - nausea and diarrhea. While this is not common, other allergic reaction on antibiotic usage occur frequently. Antibiotic does not only cause different reaction is human body but it also contain chemical substance in terms of sugar, colors and other additives which may trigger a reaction in the most sensitive way, thus causing an impact to a person’s life (Fishman, 2004). Development of Resistant Species of Micro-organisms Spectrum antibiotic kills a wide variety of bacteria. Even when a narrow spectrum is used, it is often said to be wrong one. Physicians are therefore recommended to study and identify the organism before issuing an antibiotic. Micro-biologist established a culture was used before prescribing antibiotic drug to an individual. Antibiotic usage also contributes to the overall problem of bacterial resistance. Antibiotic are not only found in animal feed but also in some crops. The use of antibiotic by farmers is mainly to keep their animals healthy, promote growth and development, and generating a better price at slaughter (Finch, 2003). A more convincing connection between antibiotic resistance in animals and in human beings has been reported. Different study shows that, antibiotic drug resistances are witnessed in cases of diarrhea following the approval and use of fluoroquinolones in the poultry production. In the late 1992, an article that was published started that, ‘Doctors in various hospitals as well as clinics around the country and the world at large are losing the fight against the new drug resistant bacterial infections, such as, staph, strep, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, dysentery and other diseases are majorly costly and difficult to treat’. Bacteria have the ability to mutate over a certain period of time. Antibiotic kills or slows down the rate of bacteria that are susceptible to their reactions; however this paves way for mutation to take place even more than it can be imagined. It is potentially survival for the fittest. The use of antibiotic encourages on the development of the mutant, drug-resistance super-bacteria (Company, 2004). Destruction of Beneficial Bowel Flora Just like pesticides, antibiotic drugs kill both good and bad bugs. Spectrum antibiotic are commonly known for this. An individual intestine has delicate ecology which bugs helps in digesting food, maintain balance with different organism and produce certain vitamins in the body that prevents harmful yeast as well as bacteria from multiplying. Spectrum antibiotic unhinge the normal ecology of an individual intestine in the body. This can in turn lead to parasitic infection, loss of minerals often through diarrhea, inflammation of the gut, defects in intestinal function, malabsorption syndromes and vitamins deficiencies. Bacteria flourish in our bodies. Bacteria in a person body are said to be more as compared to the cell. When some bacteria dominate, its associated problems include diarrhea, intestinal toxicity, malabsorption of nutrients, bloating as well as pain that results from pathogens such as E. coli and Salmonella. Doctor Michael Murray argues out that “The intestinal flora is closely involved in the host’s nutritional class and it affects the immune system function, carcinogenesis, cholesterol, metabolism and aging.” Someone’s health is mostly affected by both friendly and unfriendly bacteria in the digestive system. Killing colon flora is not the only (-ve) negative impacts of antibiotic drug usage (Dougherty & Projan at el, 2003). There are different tetracycline’s, for example, democlocycline, minocycline, oxytetracycline and doxycycline. This tetracycline damages the growth and development of bones as well as the teeth of children below the age of 7 years, including the fetuses. This reaction takes place since tetracyclines unite to calcium phosphate, allowing the antibiotic drug to be absorbed by teeth as well as bones. This in turn affects the dental enamel causing yellow or brown discoloration of one’s teeth thus increases dental cavity. Tetracyclines are well known in their ability to decrease the level of vitamin B in someone body through disturbing their Bowel Flora. They can agitate the bacteria flora of bowel. Additionally, tetracyclines may cause diarrhea more than ever, if it has been used for a long period of time. Less commonly, antibiotic can increase pressure around the brain called benign hypertension. Tetracyclines are quite damaging in antibiotic. They are usually prescribed for long term treatment of acne and are used for a total of 3-6 months, while in other cases; it may last up to 12 months. TB is a common example of disease that, once exterminated, it is again revealed in antibiotic-resistant forms. When certain bacteria become resistant to a particular drug, they often become more potent. The resistant of antibiotic drug usage may lead to death as well as plague, however stronger antibiotics increases problems in human and may lead to stronger damage to harmful bacteria. Those individuals who experience failure of colon flora can also have some allergic reactions, virginal yeast infections, diarrhea and discomfort while using antibiotic drugs. Survey shows that some of these allergic reactions have led to death as well as prolonged illness. The long term problems associated with the use of antibiotic drugs results in leaky Gut Syndrome, yeast, diarrhea and candida infection. The excessive use of antibiotics by someone may result in ‘super’ bacterium which leads to death (Pommerville, 2009). Immune Suppression The main purpose of antibiotic is to help the immune response. On the other hand, evidence shows that individual treated with antibiotic are at a higher risk as compared to those who have not taken any antibiotic drug or treatment. This is clearly evident in young children whose ears infections are actually treated with antibiotic drugs. It should be noted that antibiotic does not, at any time aid a person immune system, but instead they substitute one of its function. Most of these antibiotics act mainly by inhibiting particular enzymes of bacteria, and through changing minerals balances. Normal cells, nevertheless, are also affected (Kamienski & Keogh, 2005). This is certainly one of the reasons as to why antibiotic weakens response has increased over the past years. A research carried out on AIDS victims indicates that the risk factor for AIDS is basically an impaired immune response. This may be due to history of antibiotic usage. possibly it is not an accident that the same group with the highest level of AIDS are among the homosexual male, it is also a group that is mainly concerned with uses of more antibiotic in United kingdom. The relationship between antibiotic use as well as increased cancer rates can be established and explained this way (Goodsell, 2009). Antibiotic drugs may also have a brutal effect to the human immune system. Antibiotics such as, tetracycline and sulfonamides, inhibits the function of red blood cell, that is commonly known for engulfing and destroying different bacteria in the body. Other antibiotic drugs are commonly known for inhibiting antibody, thus lowering an individual immune system. Survey show that, children who receive antibiotics in the first days are likely to develop a persistent ear problem as compared to those children who placebo was prescribed. In medical circles, it has been accepted that doctors must delay the treatment of earaches. It is therefore true to say that one of the problems of antibiotic is that it suppresses the natural immune system to an infection and it can set up a condition in which infection reappear. Most of these endangered species using antibiotic drugs are basically the HIV/AIDS victims. This antibiotic reduces or lowers the immune system of patients. Someone who has a direct contact with the food animals is at a higher risk because of their increased contact with animals, excrement and carcasses, for example. Pathogens transfer from animals to humans and then from one human to the other (National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Agriculture Panel on Animal Health, 1999). Overgrowth of Candida Albicans and Other More Dangerous Intestinal Infections On the whole, candida Albicans is common yeast that lives in an individual intestine. It is used in harmonizing flora which keeps the yeast in check. Through suppressing the flora, candida takes over and the problem begins. In its serene form, the results are yeast infection. It is a key iatrogenic illness today, and a debilitating and fatal condition. One of the major risk factors for chronic infections is repeated antibiotic use. Even more hazardous is that antibiotic use unlocks the intestine to different infections by other species or disease leading to bugs, yeast, parasites and other types of organism ranging from amebas to toxic ones that causes all types of damage and intestinal lining (Levy, 2002). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Another health plague is chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) refers to a disorder that causes persistent, debilitating and unexplained fatigue to a person. CFS shortens a person life and it has a propounding effect on ones quality life. The metabolic events associated with chronic pain are relatively different from those that are associated with chronic fatigue. (G, W and H 1990) Chronic fatigue syndrome is often associated with chronic viral illness in immune system. While the precise origin is not very clear, one of the major antibiotic risks is repeated use of antibiotic drug. One of the problems of chronic fatigue is that it causes pain due to reduction f serum Sodium, output of amino acid, increases in makers of tissues damage (ATL) changes in urinary volume, and increase in the tyrosine. The volume of urine is often associated with pain as well as fatigue, and this has the ability to reduce blood pressure and volume, articulated with loss of metabolites. Nutrient Loss and Resulting Deficiency States Nutrients loss basically from antibiotic drugs is due to diarrhea, which results in loss of vital mineral in the body. The damage of friendly bacteria in the intestine also weakens the synthesis of particular vitamins in the intestine. The major cause of malnutrition is due to antibiotic usage that contributes to poor nutrition thus weakening the body mechanism. The antibiotic helps in wiping out both hazardous and beneficial bacteria in one’s body. Treating effects and not Causes Antibiotic address the end-stage results of a destabilized body mechanism – of bacteria invasion. The bacteria can only exist in order to "mop up" the debris that exists as a result of the body being too weak to do away with the poisons. Fever is one factor that helps in burning up toxic chemicals or substance in the body. Provided it works hand in hand with the established rules, thus the infectious procedure can serve a major purpose. Eliminating the procedure with antibiotic terminates the cleansing role of a fever and damages long term health. This may supposedly be considered as untrue. On the other hand, evidence has proven this fact to be true, where a test was carried out on tissue mineral, the results of the test showed clear indicators of high susceptibility to infections. Examples of these indicators are: (1) low Zinc, (2) toxic level of cadmium, copper or mercury, (3) low level of energy formation and last but not least is (4) a low potassium and sodium ratio. In most cases, when these possible imbalances are corrected, it helps to reduce the propensity for infectious disease caused as a result of antibiotic usage. In short, healthy people are at lower risk of being infectious as compared to those individuals who uses antibiotic drugs. These infections do not strike the population randomly. There is a specific logic for a person to become infectious, and the fundamental cause may be addressed. There have been several discussions between Pasteur and Beauchamp. Doctor Pasteur argued out that germs are not the cause of disease in human body. However, just before he kicked the bucket (on his death bed), he declared that Beauchamp was precise and correct- "the host is everything, the germs are nothing". Orthodox medicine embraced more on Pasteur suggestion, and ignored that of Beauchamp. High Cost The cost of singe antibiotic drug prescription may not be high. However, new antibiotic drug are said to be much more expensive as compared to older antibiotic drugs. These drugs are said to be expensive where its prescription as well as problems associated with antibiotic usage are considered, along with the absolute number of instructions that are written all around the world each and every day, month as well as years. Millions and millions of physician visits makes the prescription of these drugs to be more expensive. Penicillin is considered as one of the antibiotic that is less costly as compared to other antibiotic drugs all over the country and the world at large. The development of new antibiotic has increased its usage today as a result of the presence of penicillin-resistance sprains of bacteria. It should be noted that the cost of antibiotic drugs of allergic reactions, repeated infections, immune suppression, development of resistant species and candida Albicans infections have increased dramatically. These high costs are justifiable if a person health or life is at stake or in danger, and antibiotic drugs are considered as the” savior” at that time or moment. World Health Organization has tried to reduce the cost of some of the antibiotic drugs. Reducing the cost will not only eliminate waste as well as inefficiency but also build up a person health thus reduces the mortality rate across the country and the entire world at large. It affects pregnant women Tetracycline is a type of antibiotic that damages growth and development of bone in fetuses. In addition, Tetracycline is usually not advisable during pregnancy except where there is no other suitable antibiotic. This drug is secreted into the mother’s breast milk. Since tetracycline can damage the growth and development of bone in fetus, tetracycline is therefore not recommended to pregnant women. When tetracycline is used, it may cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, abdominal pain and dizziness may also occur (Omudhome, 2007). Conclusion Antibiotic refers to any chemical or substances of natural origins which kills or destroy specific harmful pathogens. Antibiotic is often released by living organism inhabiting in the soil. Penicillin is said to be less costly as compared to other antibiotic drugs. It was first initiated due to antibiotic resistance. Penicillin was used in treating dental infection, respiratory tract infections, gonorrhea, and ear infection. The most problems associated with antibiotic drug use may leads to allergic reaction in the body. Some of the common signs of allergic reaction are, wheezing and itching. Most illness, disease as well as problems often begin at the intestinal tract. And as a result, Antibiotic drugs create serious illness. A person’s body must at least have up to 80% of friendly bacteria and the remaining 20% of bad bacteria in the intestinal tract. Immediately after using antibiotic drug, the body will not have more than 20% of friendly bacteria and 80% of harmful or bad bacteria. Since antibiotic are substances that kills the growth and development of bacteria, it is However very important to keep two factors in mind. First, antibiotic drugs do not only destroy bad bacteria but also good bacteria. Second, antibiotics are effective against bacteria, and not viruses. Therefore, before getting the prescription of antibiotic drug for an infection, it is important to make sure that it is bacterial infection and not viral. There is a direct correlation between antibiotic resistance and usage. They both lead to different problems in the body When susceptible species compete in order to colonize the host, the use of antibiotic has greater effect on transmission of bacteria as compared to the resistant ones. Excessive use of antibiotic may result to an increase in frequency of species resistant on a specific drug. Antimicrobial use and its transmission from one patient to the other does not follow an independent pathways in promoting antimicrobial resistance, on the other hand, they are strongly correlated. Different survey shows that the effects of antimicrobial use largely reflect on the adverse pathways of both direct and indirect effects. It is therefore ideal to say that, antibiotic have created major problems in animals as well as in human beings. References Aronson, Jeffrey K, 2008, Side Effects of Drugs Annual 30: A Worldwide Yearly Survey of New Data and Trends in Adverse Drug Reactions, Elsevier, Chacago. Company, 2004,Impacts of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria,DIANE Publishing, New York. Dougherty, Thomas John, and Steve Projan, 2003,Microbial genomics and drug discovery, CRC Press, Australia. Doyle, Derek, Geoffrey Hanks, and Nathan I. Cherny,2005, Oxford textbook of palliative medicine, Oxford University Press,New York. Finch, Roger G, 2003, Antibiotic and chemotherapy: anti-infective agents and their use in therapy, Elsevier Health Sciences,New York. Fishman, Mark C, 2004, Medicine, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,New York. Goodsell, Simon, Daniell W, and Stockbridge H, 1990, High frequency of fibromyalgia in patients with chronic fatigue seen in a primary care practice, Arthritis Rheum, United Kingdom. Goodsell, David S, 2009, The machinery of life, Springer, United States Of America. Jones, Cindy L. A, 2000, The antibiotic alternative: the natural guide to fighting infection and maintaining a healthy immune system, Inner Traditions / Bear & Company, New York. Jones, Cindy, 2000, The antibiotic alternative: the natural guide to fighting infection and maintaining a healthy immune system, Inner Traditions / Bear & Company United Kingdom. Kamienski, Mary, and James Edward Keogh, 2005, Pharmacology demystified Demystified series McGraw-Hill "Demystified" series, McGraw-Hill Professional, United states of America. Levy, Stuart B, 2002, The antibiotic paradox: how the misuse of antibiotics destroys their curative power ,Da Capo Press,United Kingdom. National Research Council (U.S.). Board on Agriculture. Panel on Animal Health, Food Safety, and Public Health. Committee on Drug Use in Food Animals,1999, The use of drugs in food animals: benefits and risks, National Academies Press, United Kingdom. Omudhome Ogbru, PharmD, 2007, tetracycline, Sumycin, MedicineNet Inc., United Kingdom. Pommerville, Jeffrey C, 2009, Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology: Body Systems, Jones & Bartlett Learning, New York. Wilson, Lawrence, December 2009, BEYOND ANTIBIOTICS ,The Center For Development, United Kingdom. Read More
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