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Tsunami Emergency Management Systems - Article Example

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The paper "Tsunami Emergency Management Systems " is a great example of a finance and accounting article. Disaster is the occurrence of a state of extreme misfortune and ruin. It can as well be called calamity or catastrophe. It is usually an event with consequences that are disastrous. Disaster can be a natural or man-made hazard that poses a threat to life, property, or the environment…
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Running Header: Tsunami Emergency Management Systems Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Code & Name: Date of Submission: Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Tsunami Emergency Management Systems 3 Introduction 3 Objectives of crises management 4 Purpose of crisis Management 4 Tsunami Emergency Management 4 Phases of emergency Management 5 Crisis Management Programs 7 Post Recovery Strategies 10 Tsunami Emergency Management Systems Introduction Disaster is the occurrence of state of extreme misfortune and ruin. It can as well be called calamity or catastrophe. It is usually an event with consequences which are disastrous. Disaster can be natural or man made hazard that poses a threat to life, property, or environment. Disasters can also be referred as an overwhelming disruption of ecology that occurs on a large scale hence demanding assistance from outside world. Tsunami is one such natural disaster that occurred in 2004 killing a lot of people in Indonesia and other neighboring countries. Tsunami refers to as a series of water waves that are caused by large volume of water body’s displacement like a large lake or an ocean. Tsunamis usually devastate coastal regions with causalities being high due to the higher speed of the waves compared to the speed of human beings. Crisis is any event that is unplanned which in most situations cause injuries or death to public or even cause the damage of the environment and physical facilities as well as threatening (Gustin 345). Tsunami is usually generated by underwater explosions, earthquakes, landslides, mass movements, volcanic eruptions, and bolide impacts. In 2004, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake near Aceh, Indonesia under the sea generated the biggest tsunami in the world ever experienced for the last 40 years. The water wall fanned out across the Indian Ocean at a high speed and slammed into coastal areas where thousands of people were killed with intensive damage of properties and infrastructures. Indonesia is one of the country that was greatly affected by the earthquake and tsunami that was generated by Indian Ocean earthquake that took place on 26 December 2004. It swamped northern and western Sumatra’s coastal areas with most of the causalities taking place at Aceh Province. It was estimated that approximately 167,736 people died although 130,736 people were confirmed to be dead, while 37,063 were missing according to Indonesia’s National Disaster Relief Coordination Agency. Over 500,000 people were displaced by tsunami. In 2009, the death toll due to tsunami was estimated at 225,000 people (Eddie and Allan Ronald 235). Objectives of crises management The main role of crises management is to coordinate exchange of information within any organization or several organizations with the main purpose of preventing occurrence of crisis. Crisis management also aims at establishing a management structure that is effective towards responding to actual or threatened crises. It also ensures full cooperation of appropriate contributor s in crisis management areas (Moore and Lakha 1995). Purpose of crisis Management The main purpose is to avert impending crisis from taking place or becoming actual crisis. Crisis management has also a purpose of bringing into control any form of crisis. Crisis management has a role of enabling crisis managers to shape crisis future through their actions thereby bringing a solution which is acceptable (Moore and Lakha 1995). Tsunami Emergency Management Disaster preparedness is of great importance in ensuring life’s and properties are not lost when disasters like tsunami occurs. The main aim of disaster preparedness is to ensure that appropriate procedures, resources, and systems are in place towards providing quick and effective assistance to the victims of the disaster. This will also help in facilitating relief measures and other rehabilitation services to the affected people. Indonesia among several other countries affected by Tsunami has improved their efforts towards ensuring they prepare effectively against such disasters like tsunami. Disaster preparedness ensures standards and regulations are adopted towards preparing for disaster. It also ensures communication, information and warning systems are well organized. It also ensures good development of public education programs to ensure that society becomes aware of the ways of preparing themselves against such disasters. Disaster preparedness will also coordinate information sessions with news media informing and updating society about the awaiting disasters and how to avoid and evade them. Disaster management or emergency is the planned steps which are adopted so as to minimize disaster effects and be able to continue with business activities or operation s without stopping irrespective of events or circumstances. Disaster management is the discipline of dealing with risks avoidance and prevention. Emergency management is usually the continuous process whereby all groups, individuals, and community handle hazards in an effort to ameliorate or avoid disaster impacts resulting from the hazards. Such measures are being put in place to ensure the occurrence of Tsunami will not have diverse and devastating effects to the population or society if it occurs again (Damon 342; Heath 54). Phases of emergency Management Nature of Management depends on social and local economic conditions. Emergency management process involves four stages including Mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. Mitigation efforts involve attempts to avert hazards from mounting to disasters. It also reduces disaster effects when they take place or occur. Mitigation is the method that is most cost-efficient in reduction of hazard impacts although it is not suitable. Mitigation does not provide regulations that regards to evaluation or sanctions regarding those who decline to obey law like mandatory evacuations. Mitigation mainly involves knowing and avoiding risks that are unnecessary. Preparedness is the cycle that is continuous and which involves planning, training, equipping, organizing, evaluation, exercising and improvement activities in ensuring coordination that is effective as well as enhancement of preventing and protecting capabilities against natural disasters. It also involves enhancement and coordination of capabilities to recover and prevent against disasters like tsunami. Several countries like Indonesia and China have developed action plans to manage and even counter the risks of those disasters. They have built essential capabilities required in implementing the intended plans. In Indonesia and other countries like Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand among others, proper maintenance and training emergency services like community emergency response teams have been set up in order to inform local communities on ways towards preparing against such disasters. Those countries are developing trained volunteers organizations among the civilian populations who are organized and equipped with enough knowledge on how to handle such emergencies if they arise. Response phase or stage is the third phase. Response phase includes necessary emergency services response and first responders’ mobilization in the areas of disasters. This includes first wave of main or key emergency services like ambulance crews, police and firefighters. This phase also includes mobilization and support by secondary emergency services like specialist rescue teams. Several countries like China, Indonesia, and Thailand among others have developed a well rehearsed plan for emergency as part of enabling rescue coordination. Recovery is another phase that assists the affected areas to recover and go back to their previous state. Efforts are made to ensure the life and the situation is put back to normal as well as reducing inherent of pre-disaster risks in both the community and infrastructure. Grameen Foundation and other microfinance programs have been initiated in trying to lay strategies for long term recovery of the economy in Indonesia as part of recovery process. Grameen foundation is being used to support, rebuild and create new opportunities for the poor in areas of Aceh that were greatly affected by Tsunami. Crisis Management Programs Tsunami disaster and event led to several countries in the world to analyze in depth on the ways towards preparing for such kind of large scale tsunami. Several programmes have since been developed so as to improve the safety of the public in case such event takes place or occurs. If measureable strategies can be laid out, then this can ensure such disasters will not cause and bring around such damages and losses in form of property damage and deaths. Tsunami like any other natural disaster creates human tragedy while crippling economy of countries hence hampering economic development in those countries. Therefore, in order to reduce such impacts of natural disasters like tsunami, well balanced management before, during and even after disasters must be practiced in multi-disciplinary ways. Professional disaster techniques and policies need to be exercised while in the process raising awareness in the communities so as to reduce the effects of such disasters. Disaster risk management strategy has been developed in ensuring that tsunami events occurrence will not have such diverse events in future or even cause the loss of life’s and properties (George 235; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Indonesia has a strong government as well as bureaucracy and financial resources to successfully implement disaster management. Even though structures on disaster management have been in place for over 30 years in Indonesia, a new disaster management law was passed in 2007 also known as 24/2007. This law had three crucial aspects which included focusing not only on emergency response, but disaster management as well. It represented all risk management aspects and specifically disaster prevention. Second aspect emphasizes on the need for the government to provide protection against threats of disaster as a human right basic requirement. The third aspect emphasizes that disaster management responsibility does not rely with government alone but with the entire society as a whole. The new disaster law overhauled the existing management structures and goes on restructuring BAKORNAS. This is a body of government accountable of managing disaster although it is poorly performing. It was given more operational role and stronger role when directing response to the disasters. Such law will make a significance difference towards disaster management in Indonesia if implemented successfully (Perry 35). Several government agencies have spent millions of dollars in trying to keep safe the communities with several emergency systems of alert. These agencies issue warnings to people and warn them on taking necessary steps so as to remain safe. People are informed on taking quick actions by those authorities and agencies. They inform people living and vacationing around coastal areas on the importance of being prepared all the time. All over the world, agencies usually post survival guidelines on the websites; such agencies include CNMI (Coastal Northern Marina Islands Homeland Security). They give instructions that include teaching people on tsunami preparedness before its occurrence. In the process of managing emergency and disasters, Australian government has come up with a Tsunami warning system aimed at reducing the effects of Tsunami in the community and society in general. Australian Warning System (ATWS) is a project that was jointly being managed by Geosciences Australia, department of Attorney-General and Meteorology Bureau. Australian Government has funding that is used to upgrade and develop sea-level as well as networks for seismic monitoring. Other programs developed include Sahana FOSS Disaster Management System by Sri Lankan government’s CNO (Center of National Operations). It was developed after Sri Lanka’s Tsunami during 2004. This system was made to help in managing the disaster. Sahana project intend to provide an integrated web based management applications which are providing or giving out solutions to problems or relief phased of disaster. Tsunami emergency management systems have been set up to respond to the Tsunami disaster that took place in 2004. The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program has been set up to respond to the disasters like Tsunami mainly through educating and preparing community for such disasters. Tsunami-Ready is another organization that has been established to assist communities at risk of Tsunami to move to better grounds or areas. Tsunami-Ready Program has been developed by the National weather Service to assist counties and towns in areas around coastal to reduce consequences related to Tsunami disaster. Tsunami-Ready assists leaders in community and emergency leaders to strengthen operations locally on disaster preparedness. Tsunami-Ready communities are well prepared to save lives through community awareness, education, and planning. Tsunami-Ready ensures reduced fatalities and property damage before tsunami arrives. Tsunami-Ready has enabled development of community-based programs that enables communities to set up a 24-hour warning point. These community programs have developed ways to receive alerts and warnings to the public. The program will also ensure development of a tsunami hazard plan as well as conducting emergency exercises. Tsunami-Ready will also promote public readiness through education to the community. Tsunami disaster has posed a great threat to the population around the coastal areas as well as inland seas. International cooperation is required as population around the coastal areas increases with time hence increasing people’s vulnerability to that disaster. United Nations has passed resolution to enhance cooperation towards natural disaster mitigation. Tsunami disaster has received a lot of attention in mitigating its effects to the population due to its adverse effects on the population. Development of systems like Tsunami Warning System in the pacific is a good example of how Tsunami can be mitigated through international cooperation. It can also be mitigated through concerted research as well as sharing knowledge and information on Tsunami control ways. Tsunami has been dealt with effectively internationally in the recent past mainly due to generosity of the member nations who contribute their resources as well as sharing information and knowledge in their efforts to mitigate and manage Tsunami. The international efforts has enabled the development of proper coastal management policies mainly through the use standardized engineering criteria and appropriate numerical modeling (Anil). Post Recovery Strategies Cuba, Mongolia, and Bangladesh although being less developed countries have also developed successful institutions of disaster management. Bangladesh in its efforts to mange disasters has started a ministry of Disaster Management and Relief with its organizational structure going as far as local and district levels committees. India has as well set up a centralized disaster management agency authority through Union Home Ministry. It worked in coordination with three wings of defense including Army, Navy, and Air Force. India has established an efficient machinery of disaster management which moves down to the district and taluk level in quick prone areas as well as areas worst hit by Tsunami. This will ensure effective coping with Tsunami calamities by moving people to safer grounds while providing relief quickly. The management system has ensured a reliable and fast communication system that responds with as least time possible (Haddow and Bullock 412). Several technologies like GIS require being used and implemented so as to be early warnings to the disasters before disaster hits. Coastal zone management, structural improvements and land planning use require to be applied to ensure such Tsunami disasters are as disastrous as they occur. GIS is being used around Indian Ocean and pacific seas so as to integrate socioeconomic, natural and disaster information towards developing preparedness strategies (Virtanen 355). Comments and Conclusion Governments and local communities should ensure they have strong Disaster Management Information system in every district level to assist and create awareness among the local community. Every effort should be put in place to ensure that the government has a strong system of managing disasters through educating local society on how to prepare and handle Tsunami. Government and local communities should encourage society towards formation of national disaster volunteers who require extensive training so as to assist local communities during the moments of disasters. Governments in areas affected by Tsunami are supposed to utilize news and media stations towards informing and enlightening public on how to get ready for the disasters. Communities should be informed on how to respond quickly to the disasters through the media and other informative ways possible and available. Governments should collaborate to ensure development of Pacific and Regional warning systems. Pacific Tsunami warning system together with other technological systems should be utilized. This will assist informing public when the Tsunami is about to struck and will assist evacuating people in prone areas to safer grounds. Efficient recovery processes should be put in place to ensure recovery process is quick and effective through development of emergency and operational preparedness. Government should set up agencies with effective operational and emergency preparedness plan in ensuring warnings are disseminated to the public effectively and rapidly to the public. Governments especially in most affected countries like Indonesia should develop a planning and zoning criteria especially along the coastline for proper and effective population evacuation especially during Tsunami warnings. Public awareness and education should be the first priorities by the government in ensuring they are reduced Tsunami hazards (George). Community or people around Tsunami prone areas should be reminded constantly on the potential hazards of Tsunami. Government authorities should sponsor public informational activities on continuous and regular basis in ensuring effective awareness and quick public response in case Tsunami warnings are issued. This can be through the media, brochures, pamphlets and other educational materials. Work Cited Anil, G. Learning to cope with disasters: We can certainly do better. 16 Oct. 2007. 22 May 2010. Damon, P. Introduction to international disaster management. New York, US: Butterworth- Heinemann, 2007. Eddie and Allan Ronald. Tsunamis. London, UK: Harvard University Press, 2009. George, P. “Risk Assessment of the Tsunami Hazard.” Natural and Man-made Hazards 23.3 (2007): 234-241. George, P. International cooperation in the field of Tsunami Research and Warning. 17 Feb. 2005. 12 May 22, 2010 Gustin, JF. Disaster and Recovery Planning: A guide for Facility Managers. Lilburn (Georgia): Fairmont Press Inc, 2007. Haddow, GD. and Bullock, J. Introduction to Emergency Management 3rd edn. London, Butterworth Heinemann, 2007. Heath, R. Crisis Management for managers and executives. London: Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 1998. Moore, T and Lakha, R. Tolly’s Handbook of Disaster and Emergency Management: Principles and practice, 3rd ed, London, Heinemann Butterworth, 2006. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Preparedness and Tsunami Resilient community. 8 March 2006. 6 Oct. 2009. Perry, R. “Fundamental of Emergency Management.” Journal of Homeland security and Emergency Management 24.5 (2006): 34-56. Virtanen, J. 2004. “Surviving the Tsunami.” Coastal engineering Journal 48.4 (2004): 355-370. WS Atkins Consultants Ltd. Risk Implications in site characterization and analysis for offshore engineering and design. 15 July 2004. 22 May 2010. Read More
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