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HP Finanical Analysis - Essay Example

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The company is engaged in the information technology market segment. The office headquarters is in Palo Alto, California. The company delivers high quality hardware as well as software supplies to the valued global customers…
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HP Finanical Analysis
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Hewlett Packard is the United States’ 8th largest corporation. The company s is within the top 20 corporations in the world (House, 2009). In 2013, the company was able to improve its global business operations. The 2013 accounting period generated an estimated $12 billion cash inflow. The year also reduced it net debt amount to the favorably lower zero debt amount. The company allocated and estimated $3 billion for research and development of new company products. The 2013 period included the giving of $ 2.

6 billion dividends and capital returns to the company’s stockholders. Further, the HP leadership entered into new market segments to boost it global revenues and profits. The company’s 2013 operations included introducing new innovative products to the current and future global market segments. The segments include the Moonshot Server market, global data and security segment. Initially, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard created the garage-based company with $538 investment during 1938. Using United States as base, the company is one of the top manufacturers and sellers of personal computers.

In the computing business, the company delivers the global customers’ needs, which includes data storage, personal computing, hardware networking, software creation, servers, scanners, digital cameras, notebooks, printers, and several related services (Pham, 2013). The three year financial report clearly shows the company performed financially better in 2013, compared to the prior 2012 year, as shown in Exhibit A in the appendix of this paper (Hewlett Packard, 2014). HP generated high earnings from operations during 2013, $7,752 million.

This is definitely higher than the prior 2012 loss, -$10,181. Consequently, the company’s net earnings for 2013 is $9,149. This is higher than the prior 2012 year’s dismal $10,181 million net loss (Noreen, 2008). The three year financial analysis shows the company fared financially

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