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Street SmART: Perspectives & Approach - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "Street SmART: Perspectives & Approach" is about a visual arts exhibition focusing on graffiti, posters, and stencil art, aimed at educating the youth of Brisbane in specific and the wider public in general, about contemporary visual art forms. …
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Street SmART: Perspectives & Approach
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? _____________________________________________________________________________ Street smART: Perspectives & Approach 5 February Introduction Street smART will be a visual arts exhibition focusing on graffiti, poster and stencil art, aimed at educating the youth of Brisbane in specific and the wider public in general, about the contemporary visual art forms. Chalk Line Exhibits will collaborate with varied likeminded organizations like Gallery of Modern Art, Youth Arts Queensland (YQS) and Queensland Rail to enhance the awareness of the people of Brisbane regarding the emerging art form of graffiti, stencil and poster art. Chalk Lines Exhibits intends to plan and manage this exhibition in a thoroughly professional way. The services of the staff and volunteers will be solicited and optimally administered to achieve the exhibition objectives. Special arrangements will be made for people with disabilities. Efforts will be made to assure maximal attendance and participation of the people of Brisbane. The event will be one of the first, showcasing a range of international, national and local artists in this genre. 1.0 Business Structure The Street smART is intended to be an exhibition exclusively associated with the contemporary graffiti, stencil and poster art. This exhibition will be organized and coordinated by Chalk Line Exhibits, a non profit, and incorporated organization in Brisbane. The sole purpose of Street smART is to facilitate an engaging platform for both the people of Brisbane and the invited international, national and local artists, where they can perform and experience the varied facets of the contemporary graffiti, stencil and poster art. One essential aim of the organization is to educate the local youth about the showcased art form and to encourage them to actively participate in and visit art events, exhibitions and galleries. The administration and staff at Chalk Line Exhibits is dedicated to make this exhibition a big success in the context of the envisaged goals and objectives. 2.0 Macro Environment Varied macro features at Brisbane make it an ideal venue for an exhibition of such nature and content. 2.1 Demography Brisbane is one of the most populated cities of Australia, with a major chunk of the population being urban and young (the targeted segment) (ABS 2011: Online). Brisbane is also a female majority city, which is most suitable for Street smART, as women have been found to have a greater predilection for art exhibitions (ABS 4172.0 2007, p. 13). 2.2 Cultural and Social Environment Brisbane being a cosmopolitan and modern city with its quintessential diversity and openness is inherently more accepting of change and novel trends. Thus, the populace at Brisbane could positively be expected to be more interested in and receptive of relatively new visual art forms like graffiti, stencil and poster. The cultural and social makeup of Brisbane portends an impressive attendance and participation. 2.0 Art Attendee Chalk Line Exhibits well understands that the art scene in Australia is defined by a unique mix of traditional art forms and novel approaches and trends (Australian Government 2011: Online). So the organization is dedicated to invest the financial support extended by varied public and private bodies to support and promote the upcoming art form of graffiti, poster and stencil. Hence, Chalk Line Exhibits intends to be very professional, efficient and accountable in the context of the exhibition under consideration (The Courier-Mail 2007: Online) 2.1 General Population Profile of Brisbane In 2009, the population of Brisbane stood at 2,004,262, out of which 1, 009,923 were females and 9, 94,339 were males (ABS 2010: Online). Thus, Brisbane is a female majority city. This is good for the exhibition as studies have shown that urban women are more likely to attend art exhibitions (ABS 4172.0 2007). Also, people between 15 years to 24 years of age constituted 15.3 percent of the populace (ABS 2010: Online). As this exhibition is particularly targeted at the youth, this translates into a prospective attendee expectation of 3, 06,652 people. Also, 52.4 percent people of Brisbane have a post school education, which is good (ABS 2010: Online). According to the statistics provided by ABS, people with post school education harbour a higher predilection for art exhibitions (4172.0 2007). 2.2 Art Workers and Cultural Organizations at Brisbane The exhibition will be held at the Gallery of Modern Arts (GOA), in Brisbane. GOA is one of the most important and leading institutions supporting and showcasing modern art in Australia. The city has a potential pool of local art students. One major objective of Street smART is to encourage and nurture these young artists through extending appropriate exposure and mentoring. Youth Arts Queensland (YAQ) will be collaborating with Chalk Line Exhibits in this worthy endeavour. This exhibition will definitely go a long way in promoting the stock of commercially successful professional artists and the associated public and corporate organizations in Brisbane, which would certainly make a significant contribution to the local economy in the times to come. 2.3 Cultural Assets at Brisbane As already mentioned, the primary venue will be the Gallery of Modern Arts, a recognized custodian and mentor of modern art forms in the city. Besides, Brisbane has a sprawling urban landscape, ideally suited for the street art forms like graffiti, poster and stencil. Street smART intends to collaborate with organizations like YAQ and Queensland Rail to provide the upcoming artists with appropriate urban canvasses on key areas of public transport, where they can paint murals. Besides, Brisbane Powerhouse and Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts are always open to helping such public endeavours (Phelan 2000). Though Brisbane has its fair share of cultural events and festivals, promoted and organized by cultural institutions like Queensland Performing Arts Centre, Queensland Theatre Company, Queensland Conservatorium, Opera Queensland and Queensland Ballet, Street smART being an exhibition that is the first of its kind, will unroll between March 2011 to July 2011, a period sans any other exhibitions or performances like Ekka, Riverfestival, Warana, Brisbane International Film Festival, Paniyiri and the Valley Fiesta that could steal the attention of the local youth (Phelan 2000). The main venue that is Gallery of Modern Arts is centrally placed. So the activities planned by Street smART could easily be extended into the surrounding urban venues and locations. The ever present market stalls and the abundant local restaurants specializing in local and exotic cuisine are bound to add to the charm and appeal of Street smART (Experience Brisbane 2011). 3.0 Marketing Planning It goes without saying that in the contemporary art scenario; it is imperative for the art related organizations and endeavours to approach their events with the same dedication and professionalism as exhibited by corporate bodies (Australian Government 2007: Online). Only by doing so, they can assure viability and sustenance of art in the modern society. 3.1 Positioning of the Event There is no denying the fact that Brisbane has its fare share of cultural and art events all the year around. So, Street smART intends to differentiate itself by positioning itself as a first of its kind event, showcasing a very contemporary art form that has a scope and relevance both within the art galleries as well as in the streets and public places (Ries & Trout 2000. The exhibition intends to present street art to the youth of Brisbane in a new and exclusive scope and format. 3.2 Marketing Mix 3.2.1 Product To make Street smART a success, it is imperative to get into the minds of the prospective audience and understand what they need and desire (Bowman & Gatignon 2010). The USP of Street smART will be its novelty and its effort to introduce people to an art form that is very contemporary, devoid of any snobbery and utterly cosmopolitan in its approach and perspective (Australia Council for the Arts 2011). Street smART will showcase an art form in a new format, which was hitherto associated with aspersions of rebellion, grossness and nuisance. Strange to say, but the traditionally negative connotations tagged to the street art is bound to attract the youth and the wider public to this exhibition. 3.2.2 Price Street smART will be a non profit exhibition aimed at creating a unique and never before platform that allows the youth and the people of Brisbane to participate in and cherish the works of reputed international, national and local artists specializing in the street art forms like graffiti, stencil and poster. Though the participation and attendance in this exhibition will be free, yet it will do its best to exploit the much coveted ‘WOW’ factor associated with visual art to attract optimal attendance ()Bowman & Gatignon 2010). 3.2.3 Promotion Since the one main objective of Street smART is to attract the Brisbane youth towards visual art forms, it will solicit the help of reputed academic institutions in Brisbane, like Queensland University of Technology, University of Queensland and Griffith University for advertisement and promotion purposes. Besides, Street smART will exploit varied media outlets and social networking platforms like local radio stations, Face book and Twitter to disseminate information and for promotion. Not to say that it being a street art exhibition, so creative posters pertaining to the exhibition will be displayed in newspapers, magazines and popular public places. 3.2.4 Placement It is not a surprise that Chalk Line Exhibits has selected Brisbane to host Street smART. Street art is a very contemporary art form that is exclusively youthful, urban and cosmopolitan in its approach. So the quintessential spirit of this art form is essentially in tandem with the social and cultural landscape of Brisbane. (Google Maps: Gallery of Modern Art 2011) Besides the selection of the Gallery of Modern Art as the launch venue is ideally suitable to extend the essentially street approach of the showcased art form in the surrounding landscape. 3.2.5 Physical Evidence One major reason for launching Street smART at the Brisbane Gallery of Modern Arts is to claim the artistic credentials for the art form being showcased. The chosen venue will help establish street art as a valid art form in the minds of the viewers and will claim their seriousness and respect. However, eventually the exhibition will be extended to the streets and public places of Brisbane, which stand to be just the right environment for the creation and appreciation of street art. This will help the young people develop a realistic and understanding approach towards visual art. 3.2.6 Processes The processes associated with the management and execution of the exhibition under consideration could be summarized in three words that are promotion, engagement and feedback. Varied interested organizations and institutions will be collaborated with to take care of the processes like putting up of visiting artists, supply of the requisite art stuff, advertisement and promotion, law and order maintenance, etc. A nodal agency comprising of an individual experienced in event management and the attached assistants will be constituted to assure proper coordination and cooperation between the varied processes associated with Street smART. A competent crisis management team comprising of individuals with diverse capabilities will keep an eye over the exhibition. 4.0 Human Resources 4.1 Staff and Volunteers The management and delivery team will comprise of; Kate Redgen- Kate has been associated with Art Queensland for the past 5 years and has ample experience in hosting exhibitions showcasing young and upcoming artists. Kate hales from an art loving family and graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management, majoring in Hotel and Event management. Ming Sun Ryan Keung – Ryan graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Finance. He has been associated with the Arts Queensland for the last 2 years and is an avid street art fan. Siuhang Wong – Siuhang holds a double Bachelor’s degree in Education and Graphic Design from the University of Queensland. From the year 2007 to 2010, Siuhang helped in coordinating and managing many well received art related programs. Besides, Chalk Line Exhibits has a dedicated pool of staff and volunteers trained in exhibition setup and processes to be carried on before and after an art event. 4.2 Managing Capacity and Demand During weekdays, when the turnout is expected to be thin, Street smART will house in gallery exhibitions. However, during weekends when the turnout is expected to be thick, the organizers will host many associated events scattered around the city. This will not only allow the participants to select an event as per their taste and inclination, but will restrain the rush in the galleries and indoor facilities hosting the events. During lean days, promotion and advertising activities will be intensified to attract more people towards the exhibition and events. 4.3 Visitor Flow Chart Visitors Exhibition GOMA ASSOCIATED EVENTS (OUTDDOR VENUES) The organization in no way intends to restrain the flow of visitors and artists attending the exhibition and the associated events by contriving a very tight schedule. The exhibition will be free and open in its management and accessibility, as it goes with the spirit of street art and visual art. The participants will be allowed to shuffle between events as per their sweet will and inclination. However, the density of events on weekdays will be thin, considering the constrained availability of law and order personnel and volunteers. The weekends will be marked by a series of indoor and outdoor events, considering the abundance of visitors and greater cooperation on the part of volunteers and the law and order machinery. Weekly meetings will be held to discuss the rate of attendance, effectiveness of marketing strategies and the feedback from public. Appropriate adjustments will be made in the light of the insights and information so gathered. Volunteers will gather feedback from the visitors on a regular basis to gauge their expectations and levels of satisfaction from the exhibition. Opinion of the participating artists will be gathered to understand their needs, requirements and grievances. 5.1 Disability Assurance The Chalk Line Exhibits believes that the elderly, people with disabilities and the physically challenged people do have as much right to access and enjoy art as anybody else. So the administration has come out with a special strategy to accommodate the aged and the people with disabilities. During weekdays, when the crowd is expected to be thin, it will make special arrangements for the aged and the physically challenged people. For the regular public, the exhibition will start at 10: 00 am. The time gap between 9:00 to 10:00 am will be especially reserved for the aged and the people with disabilities. During this time, the regular public will not be allowed to enter the gallery. Between 9:00 to 10:00 am, on the weekdays, the administration will conduct special guided tours for the elderly and the people with disabilities. Special guides, proficient in the nuances of visual art will conduct these tours for the disabled people. These groups will be assisted and helped by sensitive and caring volunteers during the guided tour. The administration will also make arrangements for the aged and the people with disabilities to interact with and meet the participating artists under one roof on certain days, as per the availability and schedule of the artists. 6.1 Insurance As Street smART will be a not for profit exhibition with no entry fee, it is difficult to exactly predict as to how many people will attend this exhibition. Though every exhibition of this nature require specific arrangements to manage crowd and assure safety and a smooth flow of people, in the absence of a definitely predictable data, it cannot be said as to how many volunteers and law and order personnel will be required to manage the crowd. Also, irrespective of the volunteers associated with Chalk Line Exhibits being previously trained and experienced at managing and conducting art events, it is difficult to guess and chalk out a fool proof list of eventualities that may occur in this event. Things seem more uncertain considering the fact that this exhibition is going to be the first of its kind in Brisbane. There will always be a possibility for mishaps like stampedes or violent crime. Considering the expected presence of large numbers of young people, things seem a bit more precarious. The administration has already developed a tentative plan, keeping in mind such eventualities. The management of Street smART will seek the active help and assistance of the law and order machinery at Brisbane. Already, the events have been planned in the light of the information and data extended by the Brisbane police. The appointed volunteers have discussed and conducted in advance the mock drills in coordination with the Brisbane police and law and order personnel, keeping in mind varied crowd densities and possibilities. Close circuit cameras will be placed at important locations to keep an eye on the movement of the crowd. Important events are placed on weekends, when the police can dedicate more than average number of personnel for Street smART. Still, one cannot rule out the possibility of mishaps in exhibitions of this scale and magnitude, which may danger the integrity of the precious and rare exhibits. So, the management of Chalk Line Exhibits intends to provide an insurance cover for this event through Australian Government International Exhibitions Insurance (AGIEI). An application for soliciting the requisite funding for purchasing an insurance cover for this exhibition has already been submitted to the concerned authorities. 7.1 Conclusion Street smART is going to be the first event of its kind, aimed at showcasing and popularizing the contemporary visual art forms like graffiti, stencil and poster. One primary objective of this exhibition is to educate the local youth about the contemporary visual art. Varied environmental factors in Brisbane make it an ideally suitable venue for an exhibition of this nature. The heritage, culture and the urban landscape of Brisbane is in tandem with the spirit of modern visual arts. Though this exhibition is going to be not for profit, Chalk Line Exhibits intends to plan and market this event in a thoroughly professional and transparent way. Special arrangements will be made for the aged and disabled people. The management and volunteers will work in close coordination with the local law and order machinery to assure a smooth conduct of this art event. Reference List Australian Bureau of Statistics 2007, Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 4172.0, Australian Bureau of Statistics. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010, National Regional Profile: Brisbane, Australian Bureau of Statistics, viewed 5 February 2011, . Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011, Population by Age and Sex, Queensland, Australian Bureau of Statistics, viewed 4 February 2011, . Australian Council for the Arts 2011, The Arts, Australian Government, viewed 7 February 2011, . Australian Government 2011, Australia in Brief: Culture and the Arts, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, viewed 4 February 2011, . Australian Government 2011, Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet Office for the Arts, viewed 6 February 2011, . Bowman, Douglas & Gatignon, Hubert 2010, Market Response and Marketing Mix Models, Now Publishers Inc, New York. Experience Brisbane: A Travel Guide 2011, Dolphin Books, Sydney. Google Maps, Gallery of Modern Art: Brisbane, Google Maps, viewed 6 February 2011, . Phelan, Paul 2000, Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Langenscheidt Publishers, Sydney. Ries, Al & Trout, Jack 2000, Positioning: The Battle for your Mind, McGraw-Hill, New York. The Courier Mail 2007, Arts Council must be Held Accountable, Couriermail, viewed 5 February 2011, . Read More
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