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Theories of Ethics Management - Essay Example

The paper "Theories of Ethics Management" underlines that cover a number of important issues related to humanity. A life experience in a working environment which may be actualized by the theoretical assumptions made in class. The paper includes the author's personal job experience…
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Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Section A Utilitarianism In this commentary, “Human experimentation and ethics at Essen don Football Club”, utilitarianism nature of human ethics has been neglected by the Club’s Management. Young football club members are prescribed to use drugs they do not know what they cure. This is against the freedom of choice for humanity. This action is against the normative theory. The intentions of the officials were not clear since they did it with their own self-interest and not to bring normalcy nor help the young footballers. This was a wrong action since the young footballers were exposed to further hazards of health that could be as a result of the drugs forcefully prescribed. Kantian deontology According to Kant, the officials are justified to do their work as long as they are bound by the limits of the regulations governing the operation of the work. The business of the company is not to experiment, analyse and come up with conclusions on the best drugs to be administered. The company is not mandated to experiment and do research. Furthermore, research cannot be done on a human being. It is against the law even doctors don’t do that. The main point of emphasis here is the motive behind the result. The motive is clear; experimentation and a negative result should not be used to judge the actions. Kant suggested three formulations of the categorical imperative. The first one is universal stable; it must be possible for the action to be made consistently. The second imperative is respected; the actions should give attention to rational human beings. The last factor; every action too should respect the autonomy of rational beings. Rawlsian Justice According to this principle, the officials of the club went against the law of justice. The officials considered their interests alone and did not bother to take into consideration the aftermath effect of their actions on the other parties. The young footballers might be affected by other ailments or be vulnerable to other forms of diseases. The administered disease might cause other health issues in their body systems. It might be worse if any one of them lost their lives in the process of experimentation. This is against the law of justice that is based on liberty and equity. Rights The fact that the drugs was administered at the backs of the footballers; they were not informed the right purpose for it is an infringement in the rights of the footballers. According to the regulations of the company, they had been turned into puppets, and they had the highest respect for the authorities. This situation subjugated them, and it is a polite enforcement technique the group used to administer the drugs. This is against their rights as citizens. Ethical Relativism This theory supports the action of the officials of the club. Their motives towards their actions and the circumstances surrounding the same were clear. Experimentation is not their job; it belongs to the medical doctors and not employees in a restaurant. Their actions should not be criticised since this is what they do, and it is motivated correctly. Corporate Responsibility The group has failed because it is not its responsibility to test and administer the drugs to the footballers. They have not been certified to do that, so it ethically immoral and against the law for the business to administer deliberately a drug they have little information about to young footballers. The responsibility of the club is confined to the operations of the club and offering recreational facilities and doing first aid to injured players. This was against the moral standards of operation. Section B Briefly identifying the dilemma faced by Mr St George Mr.George, a former G4S and compliance manager goes to the media and blows that a number of the Asylum seekers have been sexually abused and assaulted by other asylum seekers. He further explains the conditions how it is and opens up to the public without the knowledge of the relevant chains of command. Mr George has the truth yes but with no evidence of what happened according to the information given to the media. He is torn between two difficult loyalties. He is to face legal justice for making allegations that are baseless. Further he is convinced the allegations are true but he does not have the evidence for his allegations. Both situations are taught, and this leaves George in a state of jeopardy and indecisive. Discussing De George’s guidelines for whistleblowing Whistleblowing is a condition within an organization whereby a person sounds an alarm from within the organization in which they work, aim to spotlight neglect or abuses that threaten the public interest. The blowers believe that the public interest overrides organizational interest. Though loyalty to the firm is not always the employee’s highest obligation, whistleblowing is not always permissible. The right of free speech, like all rights is a limited one to the rules within the organization and outside as long as it touches on the interests of the company. Mr George, the former consultant manager at the G4S mistakenly reported the matter of high sensitivity to the media without observing proper channels of information. This was a breach of contract with the G4S Company and; therefore, he faced legal action for the misconduct. In such like an incidence, he would have informed the department first to carry out an intensive research on the bone of contention in the issues raised. The department is marked with all the responsibilities of having the information of everything that is happening in the detention. It is the department that should thereafter notify the senior management who will inform the ministry of immigration. It is the ministry that now should give a report to the media houses for the processing of information to the public. This is the legalised channel of information that is proper and moral. James’ criticism Gene James emphasizes the widespread fear for whistle blowing. This issue has grown and gotten root in organizations and has further proved difficult to uproot. Employees also lack access to documentation of the organization. This leaves them with very scanty information about the company hence find themselves in such states. The G4S security group is mandated with the responsibilities of taking care of the properties of the company, and keeping them safe. It is also mandated with another key responsibility of maintaining peace and order in the Island. This has to be upheld whether it is at night or during the day. Lives have to be safe, and properties secured properly. This is not the case in our setting. Some asylum seekers have been raped by their fellow asylums. This is not what is expected in this setting with the security guards all over, the whole company. This scenario leaves many questions unanswered. The entire organization has failed if their primary role is to protect the lives they are meant to protect. In this case then there is no need for the existence of the security organization. The immediate people to face the blame are the G4S officers. How comes they did not detect the happening of the sexual harassment? Where were they when the unfortunate incident occurred? All these questions surround the G4S, and it leaves a mark on their ability to handle crimes that might occur. This incidence has prompted a number of questions to emanate from within and without the security system. It can be said that during that day the guards never reported to work and if they reported then they must have left their stations of work before the incidence happened. Additionally, there must be a major problem with the top management. Proper co-ordination of duties between the top management, middle level managers and the junior workers is absent. Information breaks down along the way before reaching the intended group. There also lack of proper communication among the workers in the company. This is the reason to the whistleblowing experienced where one of the former members of the organization decides to speak information that is sensitive to the public without first informing the company. Again, the management does not carry out proper supervision on the workers. Such a big and unfortunate incident happening without the knowledge of the management calls for deep investigations. Senior management wants to spend most of their time sitting in offices and having trips instead going to the ground and confirming the well-being of the workers and the island at large. The managers must be “sleeping on their jobs.” They got the rumours that of such an event was to happen but nothing was done by the management in return. Probably this may behave been the situation as they neglect the information they get from the officers. This negligence is what has cost the organization. Its name has lost value and trust from the public scene. Regaining public confidence again is not simple and requires much more again to be made. The management has also failed in bringing workers together and making them part and parcel of the company. Top managers ought to organize for frequent meetings and discussions with the workers. They express what they think should be corrected. Frequent meetings have to be organized both at the departmental meeting and the top managerial level. These meeting help workers to know one another and interact together. They serve to promote oneness and harmony among the different department in the company. Comment on how corporate ethics programs can help to decrease the need for Whistleblowing Organization and corporate societies work under rules and regulations governing their existence. They have formal standard operating procedure that should be strictly followed by the members of the group. Whistleblowing within the companies can be minimised and halted completely by first, making the organizational goals and objectives clear to workers. They have to be reminded every time and so that the regulations become part of their lifestyle. One of the remedies to curb whistleblowing, companies, can impose heavy fines for those who go against the regulations laid down by the company. This will scare many and hence learn the right channels for communication in case any matter arises within the company. Individuals should also be held liable for their actions. Managers and senior officials of the company should work very closely to the junior workers with regular supervision over their work. This aids in creating good rapport and unison between the managers and the workers. It also removes the barriers to information flow between the junior staff and the senior staff. 2B. Comment on consumer product safety issues raised in the report from the perspective of contract theory Contract theory involves businesses where people involved in business constructs and develop legal agreements. This theory analyses how parties in a contract make decisions under certain conditions. From the realization of the high percentiles of fat content and cholesterol in the food products, companies and organizations have decided to devise methods that will see the fat content in the products on the market is reduced to a negligible amount. Although it would be very expensive to repackage already packaged food, it is spending the millions and saving lives and also minimising treatment of such ailments. The treatment is very expensive, and therefore it would help in reducing their effects on the body. Repackaging would involve extra cost for the business. Much more will be spent hence unprofitable in the long run. This would involve signing of another contract with another company or the same country but at the same time much will be incurred on production. This eventually affects the growth rate of the business. Companies also go into contacts with businesses and instead of providing better and high standard services, they offer shoddy services that end up in packaging products with little consideration on the contents of the product. Products like those with high cholesterol content, fat content and other ingredients that are above the required standards. Comment on consumer product safety issues raised in the report from the perspective of Due Care theory This theory argues that manufacturers have specialised knowledge and skills and are in a better position to appraise risk than consumers of goods and services. The role of the manufacturers, therefore, is to ensure adequate steps in ensuring that the consumers are safe. They also determine whether the design of a product contains any inherent risks that are unacceptable. It is the primary role of the manufacturer to ensure the product being delivered to the business is safe and good for consumption. The product must have met certain criterion and standards that are the threshold for their appropriateness. For instance, constituent percentages for different ingredients have to be determined to ensure the right amount that should be consumed by the customer. Manufacturers, therefore, should not watch and mess the lives of people but have to tread on carefully to ensure products are of high standards and do not affect the health of the other people. A small mistake or miscalculations can bring down the whole group. Section C In this section, we are going to cover a number of important issues related to humanity. A life experience in a working environment so that we may actualize the theoretical assumptions we make in class. While working an organization referred to as PDEC, I got discouraged working with the company. One day during an interview, my boss wanted me to use my position to help her daughter secure a chance in the company. I had to fight between several loyalties whether to respect the phone, and the storage devices. My boss called me I and had a long conversation with her just discussing how life is taking me. (Bolton& Patrick, p623). To begin it unethically correct for someone to have an advantage they are still there. She had convinced me beyond any reasonable doubt why I should use my position is close to the water. I thought about my actions’ Nairobi. I, therefore, declined. I further and explained to tell her the consequences of my actions over her daughter. My boss could not believe that I had gone against her. She started treating me in a style I didn’t like from any other styled only because of a very small issue of being diligent in my working and making my stand clear to her. I committed myself and refused to take bribes. I did my work perfectly as my job description. I became a little busier and continued being reserved. I decided not take the bribes because I valued ethics and the basic of honesty and trust in business. This is a virtue that developed and if it has not yet to developed you have to allow it grow as you experience daily happening as you meet people who help you grow. This was an unfortunate mishap as she never trusted anyone as her worker and treated every worker as a potential thief to of her business properties.(DiMatteo, p341). Later on, things grow worse when she continues holding the grudge against me because of my stand as an organizational member of the company. If anything, her daughter had not qualified for the job she wanted there are other a thousand more who had applied for the same job. If I had accepted her plea, it would be a serious breach of contract and favouritism. These are some of the vice in our society that have caused us a great deal. There have been no developments in terms of economic growth and literacy levels because of the rampant favouritism and corruption that is harboured in the government ministries. According to utilitarianism, the outcome for the action would be bad. The motive behind the action is equally bad. The moral standard behind the action is bad and unfair. Therefore, this would be against the theory. Kant theory, on the other hand, would have been breached by my action if I would have given into my boss’ demands. The presupposed action is not part of the regulations governing the operations of the companies. The companies would want to be diverse and ethnically spread and not embracing tribalism and ethnicity. It was unfortunate that she expected such favours from me. I could not dare because I upheld ethical morality. Works Cited DiMatteo, Larry A. Contract Theory: The Evolution of Contractual Intent. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1998. Bolton, Patrick, and Mathias Dewatripont. Contract Theory. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press, 2005. Print Read More

Ethical Relativism This theory supports the action of the officials of the club. Their motives towards their actions and the circumstances surrounding the same were clear. Experimentation is not their job; it belongs to the medical doctors and not employees in a restaurant. Their actions should not be criticised since this is what they do, and it is motivated correctly. Corporate Responsibility The group has failed because it is not its responsibility to test and administer the drugs to the footballers.

They have not been certified to do that, so it ethically immoral and against the law for the business to administer deliberately a drug they have little information about to young footballers. The responsibility of the club is confined to the operations of the club and offering recreational facilities and doing first aid to injured players. This was against the moral standards of operation. Section B Briefly identifying the dilemma faced by Mr St George Mr.George, a former G4S and compliance manager goes to the media and blows that a number of the Asylum seekers have been sexually abused and assaulted by other asylum seekers.

He further explains the conditions how it is and opens up to the public without the knowledge of the relevant chains of command. Mr George has the truth yes but with no evidence of what happened according to the information given to the media. He is torn between two difficult loyalties. He is to face legal justice for making allegations that are baseless. Further he is convinced the allegations are true but he does not have the evidence for his allegations. Both situations are taught, and this leaves George in a state of jeopardy and indecisive.

Discussing De George’s guidelines for whistleblowing Whistleblowing is a condition within an organization whereby a person sounds an alarm from within the organization in which they work, aim to spotlight neglect or abuses that threaten the public interest. The blowers believe that the public interest overrides organizational interest. Though loyalty to the firm is not always the employee’s highest obligation, whistleblowing is not always permissible. The right of free speech, like all rights is a limited one to the rules within the organization and outside as long as it touches on the interests of the company.

Mr George, the former consultant manager at the G4S mistakenly reported the matter of high sensitivity to the media without observing proper channels of information. This was a breach of contract with the G4S Company and; therefore, he faced legal action for the misconduct. In such like an incidence, he would have informed the department first to carry out an intensive research on the bone of contention in the issues raised. The department is marked with all the responsibilities of having the information of everything that is happening in the detention.

It is the department that should thereafter notify the senior management who will inform the ministry of immigration. It is the ministry that now should give a report to the media houses for the processing of information to the public. This is the legalised channel of information that is proper and moral. James’ criticism Gene James emphasizes the widespread fear for whistle blowing. This issue has grown and gotten root in organizations and has further proved difficult to uproot. Employees also lack access to documentation of the organization.

This leaves them with very scanty information about the company hence find themselves in such states. The G4S security group is mandated with the responsibilities of taking care of the properties of the company, and keeping them safe. It is also mandated with another key responsibility of maintaining peace and order in the Island. This has to be upheld whether it is at night or during the day. Lives have to be safe, and properties secured properly. This is not the case in our setting. Some asylum seekers have been raped by their fellow asylums.

This is not what is expected in this setting with the security guards all over, the whole company.

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