Moreover, the mere desire to do what is the right thing is not a good motive. If somebody does something because he believes it to be right, it means that the person believed in what he did and wanted to do what is right. But if he does it because he believes it to be his duty, then he has not acted from a morally good motive but from the motive of duty. Hence, the desire to execute one’s duty, even though it is the right is different from doing what is right. Brandt (2001) has noted that any action can be evaluated from two different perspectives.
When actions are evaluated from the moral perspectives, they can be considered as morally right or morally wrong. Philosophers think that the two evaluations are independent of each other and that the distinction between morally good and bad things can help remove the perplexities of what motives are morally acceptable. Essentially, the debate on the morality of motives has been met with stiff opposition between deontologists and teleologists (consequentialism). Teleologists argue that the right-making attributes of a motive are its results and consequences on other people.
This view is strongly opposed by deontologists who argue that motives can be good or bad in themselves. For instance, if a doctor tells a patient about the bitter truth of his terminal diseases, a teleologist will judge the morality (rightness or wrongness) of the doctor’s motive by referring to the effects of the disclosure on the patient. However, a deontologist will judge the motive to be right because telling the truth is intrinsically right. Nevertheless, doctor may have different reasons for telling the truth.
For instance, if the doctor acts out of malice, he may want to plunge the patient into a state of despair, but he may also do so out of good intentions or benevolence (may be to give the patient and his family a chance to prepare for the worst). Despite the apparent disagreement about the rightness of a motive, teleology and deontology do agree that actions are morally wrong if they are motivated by ill intentions and vice versa (John & Gosling, 2000). It is the case that most philosophers consider motives to be an important factor that makes a person’s action morally right or wrong.
Apparently, most of these philosophers consider that motives are the main factor that defines an action’s moral worth. Obviously, motives are an essential determinant for the moral goodness or badness of an action. If somebody spends his wealth to help war victims, the motive makes the act to be morally good. But if he dose so with the intention of gaining some profit, the action may still be prudent although it may not be morally praiseworthy. If somebody turns his radio loud with the intention of disturbing his neighbor, he will be blamed for doing something which is not right.
However, if he likes loud music, the action will attract less blame although not without moral flaws. John and Gosling (2000) have argued that an action can be morally bad even though its motives are right. For instance, suppose that X does something with the intention of making Y happy. But if X is aware that his action will hurt Z, the act is not morally good even though it is motivated by a good intention. Hence it is plausible to state that motives make an action morally bad or good. The fact that the morality of a motive is not shown only by the intention shows that motives include sensitivity to moral reasons.
Sensitivity to moral reasons discerns features and qualities of actions that are relevant to sizing the action morally. This is to say that moral considerations need the backing of certain general principles since situations will always present issues with multiple moral considerations. In addition, moral reasons present information on how to handle situations that require moral consideration. In any account, the fundamental aim of embracing moral reasons in actions is to distinguish relevant considerations from irrelevant ones.
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