According to Kant: “Better the whole people should perish than that injustice be done” (Kant 1965, p.21). A strictly deontological approach causes problems in law enforcement. For instance, torture is proscribed around the world, as it goes against human reason, which deontologists consider to be a universal moral law. However, if vital information, that can potentially save lives, can be obtained through the use of torture, should torture be allowed under such circumstances? In contrast to deontology, teleological philosophy concentrates on ‘good’ or ‘end’ as opposed to ‘right,’ ‘duty’ or ‘obligation.
’ It is less concerned with objective standards of what is the right thing to do. Instead, teleological philosophers emphasize the practical consequences of actions in terms of benefit or detriment to the common good. According to this line of reasoning, a "right” action is one that produces more benefits than disadvantages, while a "wrong" action is one whose consequences are more negative than positive (White 1993). The foremost proponents of teleological philosophies are the British philosophers Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.
Bentham argued that human life is governed by opposing extremes of pleasure and pain, which make life better and worse, respectively. Therefore, all conceptions of what is right and wrong depend on our actions and their consequences. Bentham proposed that the goal of all human activity is the prolongation of pleasure and the eradication of pain, and that morally good actions produce the most pleasure and the least pain for the most people (Bentham 1948). Bentham developed the hedonistic calculus to measure the pain and pleasure produced by any action.
It has seven criteria, namely the intensity of pleasure or pain, the duration of these feelings, the probability that an action will produce them, the proximity or remoteness of painful or pleasurable feelings, the future consequences of these feelings, and their extent, in terms of the number of people they affect (Bentham 1948). Bentham’s teleological approach is more objective than deontological theories, as the pleasure and pain that result from any action can be seen and assessed, and no individual’s pleasure supersedes that of any other individual.
For example, an armed robber derives pleasure from the proceeds of his robbery, but his happiness is tempered by the unstable income from robbery, and the constant threat of being apprehended. Therefore, the robber’s pleasure will be less than the victim’s pain, so the robber’s actions produce more pain than pleasure, and are morally wrong, according to teleological philosophy. The main problem with Bentham’s hedonistic calculus is that it can be used to justify armed robbery, as long as the pleasure produced by armed robbery can be shown to exceed the pain that it causes.
If someone forges cheques, it could be argued that the pain felt by his victims would not be as acute as that felt by victims of armed robbery. Furthermore, if proceeds from the forged cheques are invested in providing healthcare to a large number of people, it could be argued that the pleasure produced by his generosity outweighs the pain felt by the victims of forgery. Therefore, on the hedonistic calculus, forging cheques to provide healthcare could be seen as morally correct. John Stuart Mill amended the faults of Bentham’s teleology by stating that the pleasure and pain from any action could be classified in terms of quality as well as quantity.
He did not believe in all pleasures being equal. Mill stated that a few high quality pleasures could outweigh many low quality ones, and that a person’s experience enabled him to measure the quality of pleasure or pain (Lyons 1965). Mill also rejected Bentham’s idea that all actions could be justified by their consequences. For example, although lying was justifiable in Bentham’s hedonistic calculus, it was wrong because its pervasive social consequences would eventually outweigh its short term benefits to individuals.
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