One’s interests should not, however, be more or less important than the interests of others. In this regard, therefore, one’s actions benefit self, but they should not harm others. Drawing on the principles of ethical egoism, it can be concluded that human trafficking is wrong because the interests of the subject surpass others’ interests and it causes harm to others. The decision of the subject to hold other beings in captivity enables him to gain profits, but it lands the lives of the victims in jeopardy.
Ethical issues in human trafficking Human trafficking is an unethical behavior which should be combated at all means. The following ethical issues arise from this morally wrong practice. Trading human beings for profit-making motive Human beings have inestimable worth, and no amount can equate their worth (Shelley, 2010). Trading human beings lower their dignity as it equates them to any other commodity for trade. The harm inflicted on the victims by human trafficking cannot be compensated by any material thing.
Human trafficking is, therefore, unopposed to evil. Commoditization of human beings devalues them and makes the victim feel unworthy, inferior and unwanted (Campbell & Zimmerman, 2014, p. 153). Victims of human trafficking find it hard to associate with other members of the society. For instance, a woman who is sold into commercial sex work might feel useless and cheap for being treated as a sexual object which can be purchased by another person at own convenience. Inhuman conditions subjected to the victims Victims of human trafficking are being subjected to physical and emotional torture.
The victims are usually beaten for refusing to conform to the commands of their perpetrators (Shelley & Lee, 2007, p. 118). Victims are left with injuries, yet no care is being given to help them recover from the injuries. The perpetrators even deny the victims their basic rights, for instance making the victims go hungry for days. Human trafficking has been very rampant in West Bengal, India and pictures taken by various human rights activities show children below the age of 18 sleeping on the bare floor.
Human beings are regarded as superior beings of all creation and should be given fair treatment. Subjecting them to inhuman conditions lowers their dignity and being. Human rights issue Every individual has the right and the freedom to exercise their civil rights. Human trafficking limits an individual from enjoying their basic rights, and this is a grave ethical issue of concern (Shelley, 2010). When the victims are held in bondage, they do not have the freedom of movement or association. For instance, the victims who are subjected to forced labor have to stay in the workplaces and are not allowed to take any break away from the places of work.
Every person also deserves a right to privacy. Victims of human trafficking have been forced to strip naked in front of other individuals. The same victims also share same rooms regardless of the gender and age. Most societies do not allow adults to share private rooms with children as this is considered taboo. Human trafficking violates the societal norms as well as undermines the basic rights of an individual. Selfishness of human trafficking Utilitarianism emphasizes on the action that results in the happiness of the greatest number of persons.
Human trafficking, however, is motivated by individual gain and this result in pain and suffering of the greatest numbers. A person of virtuous character would make a sound decision but is this is not the case in human trafficking. The decisions that human traffickers make is considered irrational and against the ethical principles outlined by the various ethical theories and perspectives. Human trafficking satisfies the interests of the individual which in turn cause pain and suffering to the entire society.
Breaches of ethical behavior Human trafficking violates ethical behavior since it is inconsistent with what individuals and societies consider being morally right (Lee, 2013).
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