The ethical responsibilities are with social expectations that go beyond the laws such as fairness. The company’s annual sustainability reports indicate the company’s commitment to its social responsibility role and its commitment to achieving its goals. 1.1. Sources of information. 1.1.1. My experience of the organization. Working in one of the bottling centers in Australia exposed me to the culture and philosophy of the company and its social responsibility commitment in the society. The company is committed to social responsibility from the production to the final distribution of its products.
I worked as the head of supply to the metropolitan, and this was paramount in understanding the company’s ethics and culture. I managed the products flow to the metropolitan, and all the distributors reported to me. The company embraces team work, welfare its workers through schemes such as healthcare and conducive working environment as well as their safety. The company takes part in the welfare of the society economically, environmentally and a healthy population. The company believes the epicenter role played by a healthy and economically able population living in a sustainable environment to its business. 1.1.2. Secondary sources of information.
Working in one of the bottling centers in Australia exposed me to the culture and philosophy of the company and its social responsibility commitment in the society. The company is committed to social responsibility from throughout the processes of production to the final retail distribution. The sources of this information have been researched on the internet sources. Articles, Newspapers, Coca-Cola, BlogSpot and periodicals. Academics journals have significantly provided the sources of this information such as the The official website has contributed to a larger extent to the findings of this report.
Coca-Cola Company is multinational, and its activities can be investigated from any corner of the world. The annual general reports give company’s achievement in the social roles. 1.3 Standard to use in evaluating ethics programme. 1.3.1. Details of the UN global compact standard. The UN global compact standard will be used to estimate the corporate social programme of the Coca-Cola Company. The Ten principles covers the areas of human rights, labor, anticorruption and the environment. (, 2014).
The human right principles encourage the businesses to support and respect the human rights and also they are abusing human rights. The labor policies are several and create an open, conducive working environment to the workers. Business are expected to uphold the freedom of association and recognition of collective bargaining, freedom from forced labour and underage employment, The sixth principle stipulates elimination of discrimination of any occupation or employment. The environmental policies are aimed at responsible use and exploitation of natural resources and promotion of environmental responsibility.
( 2014). All businesses are supposed to support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges. The businesses are expected to promote greater and more inclusive environmental responsibility as they encourage development ant diffusion of technologies with less environmental impact. Businesses should enact corruption-free policies that are against any form of extortion or bribery. ( 2014). These ten principles should be held by any organization at all cost at any given time as a corporate social responsibility.
The declaration of human rights has four components that address the human rights. Recognition of human equality is paramount in promotion of human rights. All human rights are born free and equal in respect and rights. People have a right to life, security, liberty, and free from servitude, torture and degrading treatment.
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